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Fausto Hoover

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  1. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Here's some proof Christ didn't take the throne in 1914: he didn't get rid of the false teachings in the congregations yet. If he was king, he'd throw out those nasty "Jezebel" guy liars who keep making up stuff at headquarters and trying to pass it off as "truth".
    (I just scanned through the broadcast for the month. The GB worship makes me so sick... Instead of telling the flock to follow Jesus and Jehovah, the GB is continuing to encourage apostasy and idolatry by means of their horrid "Faithful Discreet Slave" label. They mix it in and say worshipping the GB is how to worship Jehovah. They are such liars. Here are some screenshots... I can't wait until Jesus removes the "weeds" and the "leaven"...)
    from the June 2023 Broadcast, 153rd Gilead Graduation

  2. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Well, I didn't have the patience to listen to it, so I am thankful you were willing to summarize for us!
    The fact that he would make up all those stories when the scriptures clearly say "no one knows the day or the hour" the Kingdom would begin...I don't understand why they keep saying it was 1914 or 1975 or that they know since Jesus said they wouldn't know.
    The scriptures do have a ton to say about the time the UN rules as a dominant world power and how long the great tribulation lasts. It's amazing the GB don't have anything to say about that. They are asleep.
    Jehovah has made clear that we are not yet in the time of Jesus' rule. We also are not at the feet of the dream image yet. The UN isn't the dominant world power yet. Satan hasn't been cast down yet. Religion hasn't been attacked and destroyed yet. God's Word shows that we are not at the end of the end of the "toes" yet. The great tribulation hasn't started yet, and once it does start the Bible says it will last 3 1/2 years.

  3. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    I'm not a native English or American English speaker, but his whole narration, emphasizing parts of sentences, certain words are overemphasized . Each sentence has its own boring rhythm in which two or three words are constantly given a prominent place, only for the next two or three to be reduced in importance, and over again. And so for more than an hour. In my opinion he is a weak speaker, but because he thinks he is an important person who has terribly important things to say, things that are the Revelation of the 20th century, his speech seems pompous and as if it is the ultimate truth that will never change again, like those explanations given by his predecessors, especially Rutherford..
  4. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    I think we need to have a new rule for this open club…… And that is if you give an  up vote or down vote  … if you are challenged on it you have to give a full explanation suitable to be understood by the average five year old.
    Just a passing thought, no more.
    it’s just that I see when someone presents hard facts that are irrefutable, and also supply the references by which can be checked by anybody that cares to do so some idiot will give it a down vote.
    How can a rational sane person down vote a hard fact that is easily proven?
    Reality is what it is, well, except in the case of people who’s thinking it’s driven by their agenda that the fantasy is real and must be defended somehow, even if they can’t defend it.
    it’s become a running gag here like the “Myth Myth “ running gag in a Muppet movie of spasm reflex down voting.
    Never mind, it’s become so pernicious that it’s become funny.
    … it’s like what Adolf Hitler said in his bunker, after he had shot the Eva Braun Hitler, the wife he just married, to death with a Luger and was about to end his own life, “You know, those Allied Forces just CANNOT take a joke!”
  5. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    "However, the inspired word clearly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons,  by means of the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, whose conscience is seared as with a branding iron.  They forbid marriage..."
    (1 Timothy 4:1-3)
    "In fact, when we were with you, we used to give you this order: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.”  For we hear that some are walking disorderly among you, not working at all, but meddling with what does not concern them.  To such people we give the order and exhortation in the Lord Jesus Christ that they should work quietly and eat food they themselves earn. For your part, brothers, do not give up in doing good.  But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked and stop associating with him, so that he may become ashamed.  And yet do not consider him an enemy, but continue admonishing him as a brother."
    (2 Thessalonians 3:10-15)
    "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father."
    (Mark 13:32)
    "So when they had assembled, they asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”  He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction."
    (Acts 1:6,7)
    It's interesting how many talks, presentations, videos, and books have been made about a make-believe topic! 1914 1975 etc etc...And also how the entire "Bethel" arrangement is an apostasy from what Jesus taught as regards the Christian congregation. Paul said to "mark" anyone who doesn't want to get a job and instead wants to live off others to do a "ministry" and to not associate with them. By that counsel, all of those at Bethel and all the COs should be "disfellowshipped" in the manner described by Paul. What a big mess!
    @Srecko Sostar, thank you for taking the time to listen to and summarize that talk - F.W. Franz's talk is clearly all a form of a "performance" or like a comedy act! "Clowns" indeed!
    "Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying:  “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.  Therefore, all the things they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but they do not practice what they say.  They bind up heavy loads and put them on the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.  All the works they do, they do to be seen by men, for they broaden the scripture-containing cases that they wear as safeguards and lengthen the fringes of their garments.  They like the most prominent place at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues  and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called Rabbi by men.  But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers.  Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One.  Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ.  But the greatest one among you must be your minister.  Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
    (Matthew 23:1-12)
    Jesus is going to humble them in time. Hopefully they repent.
    "The GB has no clothes." Their self-exaltation as some kind of "FDS" clergy class thing is make-believe.

  6. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    In his speech, F. Franz continues with a dazzling presentation about unwritten things in Bible, but his imagination works well. So he says that God could have created another man with whom Adam could talk, so it would not be boring and difficult for him. Because he would be just as perfect as him. But, in that case, they would not be able to reproduce, so God would have to create countless men to fill the Earth. This would again cause a further problem, because if these men rebelled against God, then one sacrifice of Jesus Christ would not be enough. it would take as many sacrifices as the number of these men is. But, since God is economical, (he literally said that, God is economical, so he alludes that he could have known it, he predicted, in other words, that people would sin) then instead of creating a large number of men, he solved it by creating one female unit.
    It's all a product of meditating on the things of God in the Bible, isn't it?
  7. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    F. Franz puts forward some theses in his speech. Well, he says it's important to know how long it took Adam to name the animals. Then that it is important to know how much time passed from the creation of Adam to the creation of Eve. Because such information is very important in order to be able to understand when the 6000 years of human existence ends and when the last thousand years begin (from the seventh day), the 7th day on which God rests.
    He says that Adam only gave names to specimens of a species, not to every animal. This means, he says, that he was able to complete the task quickly. And that the speed of that work depended on how fast God brought him animals. Imagine that.  And how quickly God could do that, he concluded from the record that God brought the animals to Noah, before the Flood, in just one week, because again, he brought only the main representatives of the animals. So, concludes F.F., Adam named the animals in a one week and found that it became difficult for him after that. So God put him to sleep and created Eve.
    A really speculative interpretation.
  8. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    You know what’s the difference between “eccentric” … and “bat-crap crazy”?
    3 million dollars.
  9. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Franz uttered some interesting nonsense and it was instructive to listen to the way in which he presented his argumentation, which is the fiction of an inquisitive mind. His mind that has fed millions of similar minds around the world with his confused application of prophecy and plain non-prophetic biblical statements with the historical experience of WTJWorg and his predecessors.
    Therefore. September 5th 1975 is the turning point in which or after which, but it is a month, two, three months or a short number of years in which Armageddon will come.
    He, together with other like-minded people, subjugated and fueled the anticipation that was to come immediately. He said don't get married, don't look for a good job, don't plan for children, don't plan for education, because that Day is coming quickly.
    Clowns are still in charge, sadly.
  10. Confused
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    I skipped ahead to those chapters you mentioned, @TrueTomHarley, about "Brainwashing", "Discipline", and "Governing Body".
    (I won't say anything more about "brainwashing" and "discipline" because I already did share my own personal experience on this thread regarding the organization and the type of "brainwashing" and "discipline" I came in contact with. You can judge for yourself if it's cult-like or not.)
    I will comment on this selection from your book on the Governing Body...
    (Excerpt From I Don't Know Why We Persecute Jehovah's Witnesses: Searching for the Why, Tom Harley
    This material may be protected by copyright.)
    “Governing Body
    "The first institution of higher learning in the Western World, the Academy of Athens, was founded by Plato in 387 B.C E. Much of what is bedrock to Western civilization traces back to him. Plato recorded his concept of ideal government in which he advocated rule by “philosopher-kings.” He favored monarchy, but not hereditary monarchy. Instead, his rulers were to be selected, by already-existing rulers, on the basis of merit. This would follow a lengthy period of education designed to separate the wheat from the chaff, so lengthy as to preclude anyone under age fifty or so from consideration. Consider an excerpt from The 100, a book by Michael Hart, which undertakes to rate the one hundred most influential persons throughout history (Plato is #40): 
    “Only those persons who show that they can apply their book learning to the real world should be admitted into the guardian class. Moreover, only those persons who clearly demonstrate that they are primarily interested in the public welfare are to become guardians. Membership in the guardian class would not appeal to all persons. The guardians are not to be wealthy. They should be permitted only a minimal amount of personal property, and no land or private homes. They are to receive a fixed (and not very large) salary and may not own either gold or silver. Members of the guardian class should not be permitted to have separate families, but are to eat together and are to have mates in common. The compensation of these philosopher-kings should not be material wealth, but rather the satisfaction of public service.”
    "Anyone familiar with Jehovah’s Witnesses will recognize at once that these words almost exactly describe their Governing Body. Only the “mates in common” does not apply. It is too ironic—the group that, without fuss, and no doubt unknowingly, actually applies the words of the philosopher Plato is a relatively uneducated group beneath the notice of today’s thinkers—Jehovah’s Witnesses. Imagine! A standard-bearer of modern intellectuals devises a system of government that they admire but cannot reproduce and then the Governing Body stumbles along and says, “Hey, we’ll try some of that,” and implements it without sweat! One may object that Plato’s recommendation is for the government of nations, whereas Jehovah’s Witnesses are a religion. But the similarities are more striking than the differences. Worldwide, Jehovah’s Witnesses number over eight million, midway on the scale of nations, with about the same population as Switzerland. The Bible speaks of God’s people as “a great nation.” It shouts, “Open up the gates that a righteous nation may enter, one that keeps faith.” It warns religious opponents that, “the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people (translations vary about 50/50, some opting for people, others nation) that will produce its fruit.” 
    "Scripturally, Jehovah’s Witnesses are a nation as real as any nation on the world’s roster of nations today. They better fulfill the goal of most nations in being more united. Their universal reputation of being a moral, decent, and law-abiding people is no accident, nor is it explained solely by their belief in the Bible as the source of divine instruction. It is also the result of effective administration—governing. Many groups that claim to follow the Bible are populated by members whose lifestyles belie the claim, as Sider points out in the previous chapter. Jehovah’s Witnesses are unified in a common goal and purpose. They practice what they preach. It is all a result of effective governing. They are Plato’s dream come true.”
    It's a nice bedtime story, Tom. 
    "Once upon a time..." "...and they lived happily ever after." 
    I enjoy your writing style. But it's not the truth you're writing. You're writing an "ideal" or an "imagined reality". 
    Plato was a Greek philosopher. Jesus came to get rid of the Greek philosophy influence. The very fact that you describe the current Governing Body arrangement in such terms is evidence that they are an apostasy from what is written in the Bible.
    The first century Christians in Jerusalem were not there to make extra decrees. They were not there to judge as a judiciary or an act in an executive manner or to make legislation. That was what the elders did in ancient Israel back when they had their own government. Jesus told the Christians to be subject to the governments of the nations, not to make up a new government. The Jewish disciples thought that Jesus was going to restore the Kingdom at that time, but Jesus told them that was not the way.
    The older brothers in the congregation in Jerusalem were to act like older brothers in a family arrangement. The only record we have of them sending a "decree" was when the other family members couldn't figure it out with the circumcision issue. That's the only time. And it was as a congregation they met, not as some board of directors for all of Christianity. The older brothers of the congregation in Jerusalem were the ones involved. It wasn't because they were the board of directors or some separate entity. They were the elders in that congregation, where it all started. The rest of the time, the letters to the congregations came from individual Christians like Paul or John who were not hanging around in Jerusalem doing so-called "Governing Body stuff".  
    The purpose of them having that meeting about the circumcision issue was to help the family stick to Jehovah's Word. By means of His holy spirit, Jehovah helped them to see that Jesus had fulfilled the Law, so there was no need to continue parts of it. Since Noah had been under restriction from the blood and that took place prior to the Mosaic Law and since immorality had always been frowned upon, holy spirit made it clear through the scriptures that Jehovah had not changed. The apostles and other older men in Jerusalem were not making up "New Light" or new decrees. They already had that information in God's Word. They just repeated it, reiterating it for those in the other congregations who had been confused.
    Today, the Governing Body sets itself up like a government rather than older brothers in a family. Today, the Governing Body makes up new decrees, in opposition to the example set in the first century. Today, the Governing Body acts like the Sanhedrin, an unscriptural appendage that makes commentaries on commentaries and then holds them up as equal to or higher in authority than the Word of God. 
    The Kingdom did not start ruling in 1914. There is no godly authority backing the Governing Body to rule the way they do at present. They are not representing the Kingdom, because the Kingdom isn't even in place yet. They are making stuff up and ruling as kings now, something that Paul said was very bad. When Jesus was tempted to hold power over the kingdoms of the earth, he rejected that offer. Who do you think would be the one right now offering control over a kingdom that spans the whole earth?
    How do you think Jesus will react when he is enthroned in the heavens? Do you really think he's going to reward these Governing Body guys who have been lying? You yourself said it in your book that they have a nation they govern now. How can they say they are "no part of the world" when they have set up a kingdom in the manner of Greek Platonic theory and begun ruling during the time Jesus said we must be "no part of the world" which means not setting up a government now in Satan's system of things? Why do you think there are so many false doctrines? Remember that movie quote "if you want to be a star in Satan's world, what do you think he will require of you?"
    Lording it over the flock as a king now is a form of apostasy.
    "You are all brothers."
    What did it say in Acts 15? Who did they go to for help for the circumcision issue? To a board of directors type GB?
    "On arriving in Jerusalem, they were kindly received by the congregation and the apostles and the elders..."
    "Then the apostles and the elders, together with the whole congregation..."
    The current model for FDS/GB is an unscriptural, unholy arrangement that has led to false worship and reproach on Jehovah's holy name.
    You will see for yourself very soon how Jesus feels about those guys. Your writing style is fun, and I know you believe the things you wrote about because you've been indoctrinated by all the publications of the FDS, but Jesus doesn't approve of the way you are exalting them in that make-believe chapter, Tom. We are not supposed to be "Governing Body Witnesses". We're supposed to be Jehovah's witnesses. Praise Jehovah.
  11. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Just recently, last week, I heard from a JW brother that many years ago he preached in the countryside, about 1 hour away from Zagreb (approx. 45 km). Many people, whose doors he knocked on, very quickly said when they understood what he was preaching, oh you are the ones who went to the hill in 1975.
    Since he was younger at the time, he did not immediately understand what kind of hill and 1975 the people in the village were talking about. Only much later did he connect what it was all about. 
    So the JW brothers of that time went/climbed to the hill to wait for Armageddon. It's smart that they didn't sell their houses so they had somewhere to go back to and of course they stopped being JWs.
  12. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    At WTJWorg, all theological issues are tied into one single issue, problem.
  13. Haha
    Fausto Hoover reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Who can respond to lunacy like this, being tagged 3 times in as many hours by a perfect stranger over a point of complete common sense? How can a guy who wants to keep his senses not resort to blocking in such instances?
  14. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    I would like to qualify that above statement by Srecko Sostar.   I think that 65% of the Societies problems are that they completely ignore the clear instructions in Matthew 18 about how to Justly disfellowship, why, and when and how.
    …. and 30% of the problems are tied to being wrong on 1975, and trying to cover it up and shift blame since then.
  15. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    You mean like King of the North, Gog of Magog and the classic kazoo club wazoo wow-wow … Nebuchadnezzer’s toes?

  16. Confused
  17. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    The GB has taught most of Jehovah's Witnesses to act like the Prince in the movie "Ever After", who said the following in the dialogue that takes place after the above clip...
    "PRINCE: I confess, the plight of the everyday rustic bores me.
    DANIELLE: I gather you do not converse with many peasants.
    PRINCE: (chuckles) Certainly not, no! Naturally.
    DANIELLE: Excuse me, Sire, but there is nothing natural about it.
    A country's character is defined by its everyday rustics, as you call them.
    They are the legs you stand on. That position demands respect, not...
    PRINCE: Am I to understand that you find me arrogant?
    DANIELLE: Well, you gave one man back his life...
    ...but did you even glance at the others?"
    "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time. For the purpose of this witness I was appointed a preacher and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—a teacher of nations in the matter of faith and truth."
    (1 Timothy 2:5-7)
    "That is why the Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a king who wanted to settle accounts with his slaves.  When he started to settle them, a man was brought in who owed him 10,000 talents.  But because he did not have the means to pay it back, his master ordered him and his wife and his children and all the things he owned to be sold and payment to be made.   So the slave fell down and did obeisance to him, saying, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay back everything to you.’  Moved with pity at this, the master of that slave let him off and canceled his debt.  But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves, who owed him 100 de·narʹi·i, and grabbed him and began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay back whatever you owe.’  So his fellow slave fell down and began to beg him, saying, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’  However, he was not willing, but he went and had him thrown into prison until he could pay back what he owed.  When his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they became greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all the things that had happened.  Then his master summoned him and said to him: ‘Wicked slave, I canceled all that debt for you when you pleaded with me.  Should you not also have shown mercy to your fellow slave as I showed mercy to you?’  With that his master, provoked to wrath, handed him over to the jailers until he repaid all that he owed.  My heavenly Father will also deal with you in the same way if each of you does not forgive your brother from your heart."
    There is no "committee" that stands between you and who you choose to shun. Jesus ransom is enough to show mercy. He is the King, not the GB or a body of elders. Jesus already paid. It is not proper to treat those who have been "freed" by the King as if they are still slaves.
    "Nevertheless, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those who are not really gods.  But now that you have come to know God or, rather, have come to be known by God, how is it that you are turning back again to the weak and beggarly elementary things and want to slave for them over again?"
    Whoever you obey as a slave is your master. "Slave for the master, Christ."
    Love is the Kingly Law of the Christ.
  18. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    @TrueTomHarley I know you have love. 
    How much time did you spend writing letters to Russia? How much time did you spend doing research so as to properly understand what our brothers there were going through? Why did you do that? 
    I already know why - you told me - it was a labor of love.
    If you are willing to go through so much effort to help those who are wrongly imprisoned overseas, why are you not willing to consider that there are some who have been wrongly "imprisoned"  by means of a false doctrine from within the organization who also are deserving of your affection and love? 
    The GB is the same as Putin in that regard, of mislabeling people and then treating them as "criminals" when it is not appropriate.
    You can see that when it comes to what is going on in Russia, but why can't you see that with the disfellowshipping doctrine? Is it because of the prejudice that comes from listening to the GB? That's what it was for some of the Christians who followed Pharisaical Christians. They made divisions where divisions didn't belong, and rules where rules didn't belong, because they were prejudiced against people who they perceived as different, or who had a label. They made commentaries about the Bible and then commentaries about the commentaries. It's the same thing the Pharisaical Jews did with the Hebrew Scriptures...eventually they followed the "commentaries" more than the Word of God. It's the same today. People follow the "commentaries of the commentaries", namely, the elder book, the Watchtower, the Insight book, more than they follow the Word of God.
    "You have made the Word of God invalid by your traditions."
    "Go, then, and learn what this means: ‘I want mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners."
    "Stop calling defiled the things God has cleansed."
    The GB teaches like the Pharisees. They have made the Word of God invalid by their traditions. They call people who have been redeemed by the ransom "too defiled to eat with and talk to." Jesus is not pleased with the sacrifices of such Pharisaical ones.
    The ransom is enough for repentant sinners. There is no scriptural precedent for a three person judicial committee, or extended "shunning" beyond the time a person makes a change in their behavior, or "disfellowshipping" someone who tells the truth and keeps their integrity.
    "You are much mistaken."
    I know you have love, and faith. But it's time to "widen out" in your brotherly affections. The Lord is near.
  19. Confused
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    Goodness and truth...Some types of dancing are not "good". There was inappropriate dancing at the feast of the golden calf. Obviously that's not the kind of dancing Jehovah approves of. But there are so many other times in the Bible dancing is mentioned and associated with goodness, true worship and love of God and good clean joy and happiness...
    "Finally Jephʹthah came to his home in Mizʹpah, and look! his daughter was coming out to meet him, playing the tambourine and dancing!"
    (Judges 11:34)
    "But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quick! bring out a robe, the best one, and clothe him with it, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet.  Also bring the fattened calf, slaughter it, and let us eat and celebrate, for this son of mine was dead but has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.’ And they started to enjoy themselves. “Now his older son was in the field, and as he returned and got near the house, he heard music and dancing...Then his father came out and began to plead with him....But we just had to celebrate and rejoice, for your brother was dead but has come to life; he was lost and has been found.’”
    (Luke 15:22-32)
    "David was dancing around before Jehovah with all his might...King David leaping and dancing around before Jehovah..."
    (2 Samuel 6:14-16)
    "Praise Jah! Sing to Jehovah a new song; Praise him in the congregation of the loyal ones.  Let Israel rejoice in its Grand Maker; Let the sons of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name with dancing And sing praises to him, accompanied by the tambourine and the harp."
    (Psalm 149:1-3)
    "From far away Jehovah appeared to me and said: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have drawn you to me with loyal love. Yet again I will rebuild you and you will be rebuilt. O virgin of Israel, you will again take up your tambourines And go forth dancing joyfully."
    (Jeremiah 31:3,4)
    "O Jehovah, become my helper. You have changed my mourning into dancing; You have removed my sackcloth, and you clothe me with rejoicing, So that I may sing your praise and not keep silent.  O Jehovah my God, I will praise you forever."
    (Psalm 30:10-12)
    There are Christian denominations that include "good" dancing as part of their worship of God.
    Honestly, don't you think the Kingdom Halls would be more fun if there was sometimes dancing like this at the meetings for worship of Jehovah? 😃
  20. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    @Fausto Hoover I didn't know that @redHarmonioussparrow was Ukrainian? Are you sure?
    (If you are a 66-year-old married brother, @Fausto Hoover, that is nice for you and your wife. I haven't seen any flirting in this forum, except quotes from religious organizations flirting with weird Greek philosophies, so you don't have to worry, nobody is going to give you a hard time about whether your conduct in that regard is acceptable or unacceptable. You're all good.😎)
  21. Haha
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    Hmmmm …good question. How DOES a person get married over the Internet?
    I am positive that the Brother you are trying to make yourself appear more righteous than, by attempting to disparage is someone that you are insanely jealous of …. Probably because you are so like Wally McNasty of Archive fame, and terminally single, or in such a miserable marriage that his happiness in finding someone is driving you crazy.
    I am also positive that the Brother was legally divorced at the time, and would not look for a mate other than a Jehovah’s Witness, and has been very happily married for over almost a decade.
    For your own good mental health you need to give up this obsession, because this has only resulted in your being branded as a proven liar, and slanderer, by your own words.
    What’s worse is that you have become, by whatever mask pops up out of the corn hole, Wally McNasty.

  22. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    "“With whom will I compare this generation? It is like young children sitting in the marketplaces who call out to their playmates,  saying: ‘We played the flute for you, but you did not dance; we wailed, but you did not beat yourselves in grief.’  Likewise, John came neither eating nor drinking, but people say, ‘He has a demon.’  The Son of man did come eating and drinking, but people say, ‘Look! A man who is a glutton and is given to drinking wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ All the same, wisdom is proved righteous by its works." (Matthew 11:16-19)

  23. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    Oh, well Jesus was definitely not insubordinate, he always obeyed Jehovah's orders. Jesus was the least insubordinate person ever to walk the earth. Maybe the Pharisees labeled him as "insubordinate" because Jesus didn't bow to their will when it was opposed to Jehovah's will, but Jesus' was the most obedient person ever. 
    Today when we do our best to obey Jehovah regardless of what other authorities think, sometimes they mislabel us "insubordinate" too. But that's because they misunderstand our motivations. 
  24. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to Pudgy in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    At one time, circa 1973 or so, the Society got a bee in it’s bonnet to try and forbid “bedroom gymnastics” between husbands and wives which resulted in thousands of broken marriages and disfellowshippings and destroyed marriages.
    There was a general rebellion about that for about six more years, resulting in more disfellowshippings and destroyed marriages.
    Then they shut up as creepy bedroom police, and I don’t remember hearing a peep about that since the early 1980’s.
    Apparently they “learned their lesson”, but the damage was immense.
    I cannot remember the timeline that for several years it was official policy, published in the Watchtower on several occasions that if a husband had a homosexual sex life, a Sister could NOT consider that as grounds for divorce, and many were doomed to have to just endure it.
    After several years there was “NEW LIGHT” (click SPOING!), and they changed the policy.
    THEY paid no price whatsoever for the massive ruination of peoples’ lives.
    Not even an apology.
    And things like that, dear audience is WHY you are forbidden to talk to disfellowshipped one’s.
    That is the reason “shunning” is a requirement.
    If this was any government that wanted to keep secrets secret, it is called “compartmentalization”.
  25. Downvote
    Fausto Hoover reacted to John 12.24to28 in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    God's law has not changed. The governing body has misled the people into "eating things sacrificed to idols", namely, the idols of the medical system. Because of fear of man and feeling the need to compromise, or because of outright disobedience, or maybe some other reason, I don't know, the GB has told the people lies, that somehow "blood fractions" are not blood. 🤔🙄🤨?
    Jehovah has not changed, and He's mad at them for misleading the people.
    Jehovah didn't ask for tithes from the Christian congregation. He didn't require pioneers or elder schools or a Bethel or movie studios or publications. He said "don't commit immorality" and "don't take blood."
    "For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things:  to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” (Acts 15:28,29)
    What part of "no" don't they understand?
    Because of teaching the flock to accept blood fractions, the GB has led the congregation into spiritual adultery, a form of spiritual fornication and unfaithfulness. It's not a "conscience matter" to disregard the blood of the Christ. Accepting even a fraction of human blood is disobedient to Jehovah's command to "pour out the blood on the ground", and is like having "a one night stand" with an idol, a false god that cannot save a life. There is no medical treatment on earth that will save a person's life forever. There is no medical treatment on earth that will keep someone from ever dying. Only Jesus' blood can do that. But it has to be at Jehovah's appointed time. Sometimes we just have to wait. Jesus had to wait. He doesn't ask anything more of us than he was willing to do. He can help us wait.
    "“‘Nevertheless, I have a few things against you, that you have there those adhering to the teaching of Baʹlaam, who taught Baʹlak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality.  In the same way, you also have those adhering to the teaching of the sect of Nic·o·laʹus.  So repent. If you do not, I am coming to you quickly, and I will war against them with the long sword of my mouth." (Revelation 2:14-16)
    "‘Nevertheless, I do hold this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezʹe·bel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and misleads my slaves to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols.  And I gave her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her sexual immorality.  Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds.  And I will kill her children with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am the one who searches the innermost thoughts and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds." (Revelation 2:20-23)
    The GB is like Balaam and like Jezebel. They have misled the people into spiritual fornication. Jesus said he's going to clear things up. You know what happened to Balaam and to Jezebel.
    (Hopefully they repent before Jesus gets here, those Balaam/Jezebel types. They won't all repent. The Bible says so.)
    "And I will kill her children with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am the one who searches the innermost thoughts and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds."
    These plagues are figurative. They are the plagues of Revelation. This "kill" is figurative. It has to do with repentance. When they are "killed" it just means they "die" as to their former bad ways and do good instead.
    "But the rest of the people who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands; they did not stop worshipping the demons and the idols of gold and silver and copper and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk.  And they did not repent of their murders nor of their spiritistic practices nor of their sexual immorality nor of their thefts." (Revelation 9:20,21)
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