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Errikos Tsiamis

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  1. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    What happened Eric, dog ate your yellow marker?

    Commentators, whoever “they” are, know what are hard facts and what is agenda driven opinion.  
    If not immediately clear THEY have a printer and a yellow highlighter to separate what is fact from what is fiction.
    It is very easy to do, and painfully obvious.
    That is why you will not do it.
  2. Downvote
  3. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Srecko Sostar in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    The reasoning presented here nicely shows that GB's claim that they are led by HS has nothing to do with reality, but is a fantasy of GB and JW members.
  4. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    If you read the above post, line by line, and Word by Word, you will see the ambiguity and hopelessness of the argument that they’re overlapping generations as promoted by BROTHER Splaine.
    What is actually stated does not support the argument at all.
    It’s just smoke and mirrors to distract and confuse with bluster and massive “word fatigue” from reading all that buzz word crap. Most of it is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.
    Want to prove it?
     Print it out and get a yellow highlighter and go through the post and highlight all the ambiguities and qualifying statements. 
    Highlight the irrelevant, too.
    Be a sport … actually do it.
    Then post the rest as several sentences and bullet points … if that.
    But the bottom line is … when it gets down to the nitty gritty, when all the extraneous crap is filtered out, where the rubber meets the road, the bird’s eye low down on this caper this issue is very, very straightfoward and extremely simple.
    And it is this:
    Jesus Christ DID NOT teach his Apostles about any “Overlapping Generations”.
    It is a pathetic and transparent attempt to cover up failures of prophesy as interpreted badly by the Watchtower Bible an Tract Society.

    If you have the ability to “connect the dots” … connect the above 16.
  5. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Srecko Sostar in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. (The Watchtower February 2017 study edition pg. 26 par. 12)
    This could mean;
    - that Jesus does not send perfect spiritual food from his heavenly throne
    - that GB improvises his interpretations and instructions relying on his own intelligence
    What does this mean for JW members? It means that they are led by blind leaders. This in turn means that Jesus' conclusion about blind religious leaders leading their sheep is being fulfilled. In this way, we arrive at the result that the JW sheep may not be the sheep of Jesus but are under the rule of the GB. So they are not in Jesus' fold but Watchtower's.
  6. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    …. there is a third explanation, which I believe in, is that Jehovah God allows a great deal of crap in human interactions, and he realizes that’s the best we can do.
    I cite  as an example what Jehovah tolerated in ancient Israel before it reached a certain threshold and he clouded up and rained all over everybody, so to speak.
    Much in the same way if we had an aquarium full of pet hamsters running on the little wheels, and climbing the ladders, and running through the toilet paper tubes and chewing on them, as long as they’re going in the right direction, he pretty much doesn’t care what they believe.
    The reason he insists on pure theology is it’s almost impossible to be good little hamsters, and happy, if we believe the wrong things.
  7. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    A picture is worth a thousand words.
    Please consider these as a two thousand word reply.

  8. Confused
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Srecko Sostar in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    I notice a possible problem. You are stating that Jesus had no knowledge of future events, while Jesus is making a claim about the generation in which he says what will happen to it.
    Furthermore, Jesus nowhere claims that the future is not unknown to him, he only stated that he knows nothing about "the day and the hour".
    But from the further text you wrote about scholars and theologians and "generation", they seem to know more than Jesus, so they are ready to harass their members with spiritual interpretations.
  9. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Can JW Television (digital news) be trusted?   
    Everything else is garbage.
  10. Downvote
  11. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Matthew9969 in Who will call?   
    It is a fact that dogs cannot be wascist!
  12. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Matthew9969 in Who will call?   
    Now I realize what talking to an A.I. bot reminds me of...talking to a jehovahs witness.
  13. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Who will call?   
    It is useless for a normal rational person to have a text conversation with you, because it is quite obvious you have no reading comprehension skills.
    You have no idea what I’m talking about. You’re thinking is completely driven by a single minded agenda and is impervious.
    Apparently explaining the basis of humor is useless on a totally humorous person who cannot mentally connect the dots.
  14. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Who will call?   
    You folks are just too ignorant to understand the joke …. or even have a conversation with.
    All humor has to have a basis in truth, that’s why you didn’t “get” the nested inference.
    “The “universal” plea for help, SOS”, which was instituted in 1905, was changed because the Japanese during WWII were luring American soldiers into ambushes with fake radio “SOS” pleas for help, and it was changed in various theaters of war to “Mullins” because the Japanese had trouble pronouncing the letter “L”, and it was obvious when they made a fake call for help to lure Americans into an ambush, they would use the word “Mullins”, which they would typically mispronounce as “MURRINS”, which was usually discerned to be a fake distress call and a lure to ambush.
    In other war theaters and battlefields other distress calls such as “Pan Pan Pan”, and “Mayday Mayday Mayday”, or “TTT” was used.
  15. Sad
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Who will call?   
    American made film cameras used to go “click”, and Greek and Japanese film cameras used to go “crick”.
    The Japanese cameras had  "JCII" stickers on the bottom,  which stands for "Japan Camera Inspection and Testing Institute." It was a small oval sticker that some Japanese camera manufacturers used to put on their cameras to indicate that the product had passed the quality standards set by the JCII. The JCII ensured that the cameras met certain criteria and were approved for sale in Japan.
    The new digital smartphone cameras, all made in China, go “Good job … nice composition”, and send your metadata to Peking.
  16. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Who will call?   

  17. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    Oh rats!
    oh rats!
    I was going to ask CHATGPT to take some of your previous post and make a mashup of insane absurd meaningless gobbledygook, but alas, you beat me to it.
  18. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Will the Real Scripture Please Stand Up.   
    I think your evaluation of the “aha!”courtroom moment is a delusional fantasy on your part …. like walking down the main concourse of Disneyland, with the fountains, paying $140  for a ticket, seeing in your mind “The Happiest Place on Earth”, and with so much invested, your quiet unhappiness is supressed.
  19. Thanks
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to BroRando in Will the Real Scripture Please Stand Up.   
    @Errikos Tsiamis that was an excellent example of a conversation reading just one scripture can give insight.... even to those with no Biblical knowledge can come to the accurate conclusion:
    I have uploaded the adobe form of what was written since this site does not allow a readable form. However the WordPress does and the readable adobe form can be read online without downloading at all. It's well worth the read.
    In regards to some of the information that you are referring to and your pointed question: 
    The Answer is a Resounding YES!
    For some time I have contemplated on starting up a Publishing Company.  My aim would be to Publish a Bible that had the most accurate scripture to the closest of the Hebrew and Greek Inspired Writings. Of course I was in a conundrum, thinking the closest and most accurate is the New World Translation. So I decided to copy the scriptures of two chapters, Isaiah 9 and Matthew 28. This way JW.org would get the credit but I would add my findings to their work in adding Isaiah 9:6-7 and Matthew 28:19 in the best light possible. AS close to the Inspired Writings as possible since we no longer have access to them since 325 CE. 
    It’s my hope that LXX Isaiah 9:6-7 and the Hebrew Scripture of Matthew 28:19 not only brings you closer to Jehovah and Jesus, but also give you the Peace of Mind that you so richly deserve in this God Forsaken World. Once you read these verses, it will add immensely to your knowledge about Jehovah’s Divine Will.  They will give wisdom to those who seek, comfort for those who ache, and strength to the tired one. It takes a lot of effort, but once you find the truth, the truth will set you free, and Nobody can steal that from you. Yes, keep storing up treasures in heaven, where moth and thief cannot steal. 
    Keep putting up with one another until the day is firmly established,
    In Researching for Biblical Truths of Scripture that adheres as close as possible to Jehovah’s “Divine WIll” I have come across several scriptures that point to God’s “Divine WIll” regarding His Only-Begotten Son’s Assignment to bring the many to righteousness. Ever since the 90’s of the first century, the Inspired Writings that were copied by Opposers have been introducing their own choice of indoctrination of deceiving the many away from the Personal Teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles which have produced propaganda unfettered until the Last Days. By 325 CE the Inspired Writings was no longer available to the Public. If you dared to read or publish them, the Opposers would burn your work, then tie you to a stauros and light it on fire with you on it.

    Since we no longer have access to the Original Inspired Writings, we only have copies of copies that have been tampered with through manipulation. Even though the Deceptions are broad and 
    spacious that lead many off into destruction, the message of God’s Kingdom/Government and the person chosen to Rule that Government has remained unblemished. 
    In reviewing such scripture that seemed out of place and hindered the flow by the choppiness through the use of many titles, the Best Method in rendering what the scripture meant is to use the Bible itself to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture. So I searched thoroughly to find the scripture that would come closest to the Inspired Writings themselves.
    When they were found, the Scriptures as a whole seemed to be enhanced with Spiritual Enlightenment and were followed with joy and appreciation. These Scriptures gave me such a deeper understanding of them as if I was coming closer to the One I was seeking, Jehovah and His Only-Begotten Son Jesus Christ. 
    The first two scriptures at LXX Isaiah 9:6-7 were found in the Greek Septuagint which is a transliteration from the Original Inspired Hebrew Scriptures that we no longer have access to. 
    You can experience the same realization or epiphany I am experiencing as the Knowledge of Jehovah becomes Abundant. First, read the entire Chapter of Isaiah 9 and see for yourselves how the scripture continues as it calmly allows you to gain deeper knowledge of Jehovah’s “Divine Will”.  Once you know the truth, the truth will set you free. Any other translation I read from now on when it comes to Isaiah 9:6-7 I personally know the truth and it is as if the Holy Spirit inserts the true meaning everytime!  So study those two verses intently and Jehovah will bless those seeking to do His Divine Will.

    9  However, the gloom will not be as when the land had distress, as in former times when the land of Zebʹu·lun and the land of Naphʹta·li were treated with contempt.a But at a later time He will cause it to be honored—the way by the sea, in the region of the Jordan, Galʹi·lee of the nations.
     2  The people who were walking in the darkness
    Have seen a great light.
    As for those dwelling in the land of deep shadow,
    Light has shone on them.b
    3  You have made the nation populous;
    You have made its rejoicing great.
    They rejoice before you
    As people rejoice in the harvesttime,
    As those who joyfully divide up the spoil.
     4  For you have shattered to pieces the yoke of their load,
    The rod on their shoulders, the staff of the taskmaster,
    As in the day of Midʹi·an.c
     5  Every boot that shakes the earth as it marches
    And every garment soaked in blood
    Will become fuel for the fire.
     6 For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder: and his Name is called the Angel of Great Counsel: for I will bring peace upon the princes, and health to him.
               7  His government shall be great, and of his peace there is no end: upon the throne of David, and his kingdom, to establish it, and to support with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth and forever. The seal of Jehovah of hosts shall perform this.
     8  Jehovah sent a word against Jacob,
    And it has come against Israel.m
     9  And all the people will know it
    —Eʹphra·im and the inhabitants of Sa·marʹi·a—
    Who say in their haughtiness and in their insolence of heart:
    10  “Bricks have fallen,
    But we will build with hewn stone.n
    Sycamore trees have been cut down,
    But we will replace them with cedars.”
    11  Jehovah will raise up Reʹzin’s adversaries against him
    And will stir his enemies to action,
    12  Syria from the east and the Phi·lisʹtines from the west,*o
    They will devour Israel with open mouths.p
    In view of all this, his anger has not turned back,
    But his hand is still stretched out to strike.q
    13  For the people have not returned to the One who strikes them;
    They have not sought Jehovah of armies.r
    14  Jehovah will cut off from Israel
    Head and tail, shoot and rush,* in one day.s
    15  The elder and highly respected one is the head,
    And the prophet giving false instruction is the tail.t
    16  Those leading this people are causing them to wander,
    And those who are being led are confused.
    17  That is why Jehovah will not rejoice over their young men,
    And he will have no mercy on their fatherless children* and their widows
    Because all of them are apostates and evildoersu
    And every mouth is speaking senselessness.
    In view of all this, his anger has not turned back,
    But his hand is still stretched out to strike.v
    18  For wickedness burns like a fire,
    Consuming thornbushes and weeds.
    It will set fire to the thickets of the forest,
    And they will go up in clouds of smoke.
    19  In the fury of Jehovah of armies
    The land has been set on fire,
    And the people will become fuel for the fire.
    No one will spare even his brother.
    20  One will cut down on the right
    But still be hungry;
    And one will eat on the left
    But will not be satisfied.
    Each will devour the flesh of his own arm,

    21  Ma·nasʹseh will devour Eʹphra·im,
    And Eʹphra·im Ma·nasʹseh.
    Together they will be against Judah.w
    In view of all this, his anger has not turned back,
    But his hand is still stretched out to strike.x

    I recalled the moment that Jesus Christ stated to his followers, that the First will be Last, and the Last will be First. You can apply that thought to scriptures also, those changed First will be Last to be Discovered and the Last scripture changed will be Discovered First. 
    One of the latest false rendition of scripture was one of the first discovered is the Johannine Comma in (1 John 5:7).  It was easy and simple to find, it stuck out with No Other Scripture to Support it. The rendering of the Holy Ghost is traceable to Catholic Dogma Liturgy. 
    However, the First scripture early on would be more daunting to find. It would be smuggled deep into scripture. However, Matthew 28:19 also represents Catholic Dogma Liturgy using the rendering of the Holy Ghost which is also traceable to the culprit with No Other Scripture to Support it. 
    Catholic Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger makes this confession as to the origin of the chief Trinity text of Matthew 28:19. “The basic form of our (Matthew 28:19 Trinitarian) profession of faith took shape during the course of the second and third centuries in connection with the ceremony of baptism. So far as its place of origin is concerned, the text (Matthew 28:19) came from the city of Rome.” — Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) Introduction to Christianity: 1968 edition, pp. 82, 83.
    Finding this information greatly disturbed and agitated the spirit within me. But then, I heard others referring to the spurious text over and over, I realized that Jehovah reveals his “Divine Will” to whomever he pleases. It is not necessarily to the wise and intellectual and I was thinking it’s not for me to judge. Afterall, if Jehovah’s Will is not revealed to others then I am being used for His Purpose. With that, I knew the truth that the Great Commision was a hoax set up by the Church Fathers of Chrisendom. I could not accept the audacity that Opposers of Christ would put falsehoods in his mouth to speak something he never stated. Since I found the scripture that states, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism”  then seeing two baptisms is spurious. I received a spiritual clarity beyond belief and was overwhelmed by Jehovah’s Awesomeness! 
    Read the Chapter of Matthew 28 in its’ entirety and see how the pieces of the puzzle finally fit together without coercion. When searching how the first century Christians baptized, it was always in the manner of using “Jesus’ in some form.  Never was one single person baptized in the current spurious state of Matthew 28:19 it is in today. The Hebrew Book of Matthew was the only Inspired Writing that was seen by Chrisitans of the first century, along with the Church Fathers of Christendom in the second, third, and fourth centuries. The Inspired Scripture was even referred to by Eyewitnesses after its’ alteration. The eyewitnesses were all in agreement that the scripture they read from the Hebrew Book of Matthew was “in My Name”.

    28  After the Sabbath, when it was growing light on the first day of the week, Mary Magʹda·lene and the other Marya came to view the grave.b
    2  And look! a great earthquake had taken place, for Jehovah’s angel had descended from heaven and had come and rolled away the stone, and he was sitting on it.c 3  His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow.d 4  Yes, out of their fear of him, the watchmen trembled and became as dead men.
    5  But the angel said to the women: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was executed on the stake.e 6  He is not here, for he was raised up, just as he said.f Come, see the place where he was lying. 7  Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he was raised up from the dead, for look! he is going ahead of you into Galʹi·lee.g You will see him there. Look! I have told you.”h
    8  So, quickly leaving the memorial tomb, with fear and great joy, they ran to report to his disciples.i 9  And look! Jesus met them and said: “Good day!” They approached and took hold of his feet and did obeisance to him. 10  Then Jesus said to them: “Have no fear! Go, report to my brothers so that they may go to Galʹi·lee, and there they will see me.”
    11  While they were on their way, some of the guardsj went into the city and reported to the chief priests all the things that had happened. 12  And after these had gathered with the elders and had consulted together, they gave a considerable number of silver pieces to the soldiers 13  and said: “Say, ‘His disciples came in the night and stole him while we were sleeping.’k 14  And if this gets to the governor’s ears, we will explain the matter to* him and you will not need to worry.” 15  So they took the silver pieces and did as they were instructed, and this story has been spread abroad among the Jews up to this very day.
    16  However, the 11 disciples went to Galʹi·leel to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them to meet.m 17  When they saw him, they did obeisance, but some doubted. 18  Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.n 19  Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations in My Name, 20  teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.q And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”r

    Now you know the truth, don’t let man or beast devour this truth from you. Fight for it, live by it. Holy Spirit itself will recall these things of what you learn today. Even when spurious scriptures are promoted or you read a Christendom Bible. You know the truth and the truth will bear witness to you bringing what was taught to be true. The Holy Spirit does not lie. Go in Peace and Prepare for what is to come. Focus on the Reward, endure the pains of this life for it is temporary. Be kind to one another, the angels are watching and taking note. Praise Jehovah with every breath you have, show appreciation and gratitude. Be Happy for Jehovah is the Happy God!
  20. Downvote
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Why no VBS for the jw's?   
    A "word salad" is a term used to describe a type of language or speech that is incoherent and lacks meaningful or logical connections between words and phrases. It refers to a jumble of words, often random and disorganized, which do not form coherent sentences or convey any comprehensible message.
    Word salads are typically associated with certain medical conditions and psychiatric disorders, most notably with schizophrenia, where they can be a symptom of disorganized thought processes. People experiencing a word salad may produce speech that appears nonsensical, with words and phrases thrown together without clear syntactic or semantic structure.
    It is important to note that word salads can be distressing and challenging to understand for both the affected individual and those around them. When encountered, it is essential to approach the situation with empathy and seek appropriate medical attention if it is indicative of an underlying medical or mental health condition.
  21. Confused
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in Why no VBS for the jw's?   
    … Perfect example of a “Word Salad”.
    What does that even mean?
  22. Sad
    Errikos Tsiamis reacted to Pudgy in This is funny   
    Also want him to explain December 7, 1941 to you ET?
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