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  1. While the observations presented above are valid, along with numerous other points, the ultimate purpose of the tribulation and Judgment Day is to acknowledge God's sovereignty as the supreme authority over all creation. Jesus acts as the intermediary for humanity, not as a replacement but as a means to enhance God's governance over us. A period of 1,000 years will establish the groundwork for humanity to attain enduring perfection leading up to the final judgment. (Colossians 1:16; Revelation 4:11) There is no greater emphasis than in Isaiah 46:9.
  2. In the realm of Christianity, there always seems to be a more fulfilling path to pursue—such as truly embodying Christian values. However, that ideal doesn't always materialize in practice here.
  3. Should Christians place greater trust in human-created philosophies or should a genuine Christian ground their desires from the scriptural perspective on the frailties of the mind and body? Psychology often falls short when it clashes with personal beliefs, regardless of the intentions behind it. James 1:14, Romans 12: 2 It also acts as a guide to clarify misconceptions, such as labeling "shunning" as an evil act rather than recognizing it as a corrective measure or a personal choice. This suggests a misunderstanding on the part of experts, more so than scholars, regarding psychological matters. The forum is structured around Christian ethics.
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