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Everything posted by BTK59

  1. Consider this, Tom. The individual who was disfellowshipped claimed that he pressured the Elders to address his atrocious crime, which he is still being pursued for under secular law. This is a case of CSA at its worst, and you are suggesting that James/Pudgy had to pressure the Elders to take action? If those Elders were racist like he is, any other group of Elders would have acted appropriately and purged him from that congregation without hesitation upon learning of the charges. That is not a baseless and dismissive allegation as you people here are trying to downplay it. However, "thinking" is defending a person who is accused of CSA as a Jehovah's Witness. We could argue the same thing for apostate Srecko, who defended James, but at least he had a motive as an apostate. So, she thinks I'm crazy? I'm not the one who fled from the mental institution with that mindset, lol! If he was found "not guilty" of the state charge despite strong evidence with electronic surveillance, it is important to emphasize that his age and medical condition should not cause the jury to overlook that evidence in a trial for that charge. It is highly doubtful that he will be acquitted of the 2 remaining charges out of the initial 8. It is very likely that he has already been placed under house arrest or on probation due to his condition. If he has been placed under house arrest, he will not be allowed to have any visitors other than family, including members of his congregation. Additionally, he will not have access to electronic devices with internet connection, as this would contradict the purpose of the felony charges against him. So, unless he has wealth like "Weinstein," he won't be getting out of that one. I am truly perplexed as to why JWI, who purportedly has an attorney in his family, has not clarified that concept to that person "thinking."
  2. Your behavior seems to be in line with the very behavior you criticize. It is hypocritical to speak out against others while failing to recognize your own abusive conduct and resorting to personal insults. Your actions contradict your outspokenness. Perhaps it is time to reflect on the inconsistency of your behavior, "thinking." You still claim to be a witness, even as you persist in defending yourself with your own deceitful words against scripture. It's ironic and amusing.
  3. It is not unusual for adults who behave like children, particularly in a spiritual sense, to lack knowledge in many areas. It is important to rely on professionals and those who genuinely appreciate God's laws. Christianity is not meant for conformists who are attached to other unrepentant sinners and then claim to be Christian. Tom, what has become of the Israelites and Jews? If your commentary implies that I should allow my brothers to be destroyed on judgment day due to their current foolishness, then so be it. However, that wish of yours should not be forced upon others.
  4. What's another correction to add to the extensive list of errors spanning over a decade? It's ironic how even a six-year-old can possess greater knowledge than the people here, don't you think? Lol!
  5. Studying different forms of worship helps us gain a deeper understanding of diverse religious practices. When adhering to scriptural laws that allow for the expulsion of wrongdoers or those who refuse to repent, any faith that abides by such laws is in alignment with the teachings of scripture. Now, with the Holy See making an effort to summon a Bishop to the Vatican due to his slanderous remarks about the Pope, we must reflect on whether this Bishop could potentially face excommunication for simply criticizing the Pope, or if his actions involve publicizing severe accusations and allegations are to blame.
  6. Isn't there a noticeable distinction? The Elders hold the authority, while the congregation witnesses the genuine repentance and profound transformation. I can't recall a moment when Paul sought a vote.
  7. Check out your abusive behavior first, then we'll talk. So, true. When have you stopped the truth from being told? I don't need to project on a false premise. It masks his mental state, especially when he should already know that the lifeboat he thinks isn't there is actually supplied by God. The Captain of God's boat knows where and when to steer that ship to safety.
  8. There is ample evidence of other spiritual perspectives being shared in this forum. Are you suggesting that these witnesses should halt their efforts so that only this propaganda can persist? Perles spirituelles - Semaine du 23 Juin 2024 - Psaumes 54 - 56 Although you keep insisting, you still associate with and defend Pudgy and JWI sometimes, so I wouldn't go as far as to say never. I am grateful to God for sparing me from being involved with those who dismiss scripture as worthless advice. I wouldn't even acknowledge such a person. Do you mean to say that you're engaging in the same behavior that you're criticizing? It seems that you are getting upset as well. I'll be sure to look out for you with your new account. I doubt that with or without they are the same. Meantime, I forgot to post how the public is being misled before you ban me. HOW SHOULD PUBLISHERS TREAT A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE CONGREGATION? 18. When a person has been removed from the congregation, we “stop keeping company” with that person, “not even eating with such a man.” (1 Cor. 5:11) However, as explained and demonstrated in the 2024 Governing Body Update #2, if the person attends congregation meetings, a publisher can use his Bible-trained conscience to decide if he will give a simple greeting and welcome the disfellowshipped person to the meeting or not. 19. A Christian may also choose to invite a disfellowshipped person—perhaps a relative, a former Bible student, or someone he was close to in the past—to attend a congregation meeting. Do not attempt to coerce me into embracing your brand of Christianity.
  9. Under the guidelines provided by the Governing Body updates, it is important to address a misconception that has been presented as truth in this forum. It is essential to clarify this misinformation for other members of the congregation. Contrary to what was previously thought, it is still the responsibility of the Elders to maintain communication with disfellowshipped individuals. The previous instruction for the congregation to not even give a greeting to a disfellowshipped individual may have had a negative impact. However, the recent update now allows the congregation to have a positive impact by offering a simple greeting. Update number #2 does not designate a specific place where the congregation can socialize with a disfellowshipped individual. However, it does rely on the conscience of each individual if they wish to give a simple greeting to a disfellowshipped person. The congregation as a whole is not authorized to reinstate an individual. That responsibility belongs to the elders. The second update from the governing body is intended for "repentant" individuals—those with genuine remorse in their hearts, not superficial regret used to deceive others into believing they have changed. 1. The 2024 Governing Body Update #2 announced adjustments in the way serious wrong-doing will be addressed by the elders. This document outlines those adjustments, which should be implemented immediately. The body of elders should meet within one week following the release of this document to review this direction. In addition, the circuit overseer will review this material with the elders during his next visit to the congregation following the release of this document. If the body of elders has questions about a specific case, please write to the Service Department, providing complete details. In due course, the Shepherd and Organized books will be revised to reflect these adjustments. JEHOVAH “DESIRES ALL TO ATTAIN TO REPENTANCE” 3. In the 2024 Governing Body Update #2, we received clarification on three scriptures. (1) In harmony with 2 Timothy 2:24, 25, a committee of elders will lovingly correct and instruct a wrongdoer with the goal of leading him to repentance. (2) As outlined at 1 Corinthians 5:13, a person who refuses to repent must be removed from the congregation. However, the committee will still try to help him see the need to return and will arrange for a follow-up meeting in a few months. (3) We also clarified our understanding of 2 John 9-11, which we learned applies specifically to apostates and others who actively promote wrong conduct, not to all those who have been removed from the congregation. 4. Let us consider in more detail how these clarifications relate to how wrongdoers should be dealt with in the congregation. HOW CAN ELDERS COOPERATE WITH JEHOVAH IN ‘LEADING A SINNER TO REPENTANCE’? Therefore, it is the Elders who will make the determination of whether a person has truly repented. This decision will be based on their perception of the individual's ongoing adherence to the spirit and guidance of the Bible, rather than simply accepting the person's claims made in an open forum. So, witnesses are encouraged to review the Governing Body updates to verify any misinformation given in this platform.
  10. You are correct in noting that I will not change my beliefs by accepting language that does not align with the principles of a Jehovah's Witness. Instead of displaying hypocrisy and behaving contrary to God's will, it is important to present ourselves as true Christians. Rather than being vocal, let us seek to understand the truth in the proper manner. It's important to remember that according to God's assurance, there will come a time when his followers will be separated into sheep and goats, and then there will be a judgment that no proud person can deny. Therefore, misplaced loyalties do not hold favor with God.
  11. Is there specific guidance in their updated beliefs regarding how to interact with disfellowshipped individuals beyond offering a positive greeting? It seems that you and Tom have already expressed a differing opinion from the GB, suggesting that you may need to reassess your own understanding before sharing misinformation. The article on false stories highlights the importance of verifying information from untrustworthy sources for genuine witnesses.
  12. Your presentation lacks meaning if you choose to deceive with false claims. Your words should not be taken seriously. I cannot recall that in 1977, the Watchtower, under the guidance of Jehovah's Witnesses, endorsed the Great Pyramid, as you falsely accuse. Similarly, Pastor Russell did not endorse the Great Pyramid, as you falsely claim, along with others who looked into its mystical powers. However, you persist in promoting two untrue assertions: that you are not a person who insults others and that you are a credible witness.
  13. I believe there has been a breakthrough in understanding how a "few" entrenched witnesses can manipulate facts to fit their narratives, despite secular history and biblical accounts offering a different perspective on time and dating systems. These determined dissenters will stop at nothing to convince their spiritual brothers that there is a conflict with these historical structures, even though they themselves are the cause of it. No one should ever be prevented from conducting their own independent research. It is recommended that extensive and factual research be carried out without restricting it to seeking only what they claim to be facts, especially when historical facts contradict the mistaken facts being presented as their conclusions. Such a remarkable undertaking has taken place in the past, where a single disenchanted individual such as Carl Olof Jonsson delved into extensive research without conducting a thorough investigation. He believed he had found indisputable evidence, unaware that his claims had already been refuted a decade earlier. This led many members of the brotherhood to stumble, including a governing body member who fell into disgrace, much like what is happening today. However, even after 47 years, it seems that God has not deemed it necessary to rectify the interpretation of the "Gentile Times" as described in scripture. There are individuals who, due to their lack of understanding of history or the Bible, simply choose to see and believe only what aligns with their personal beliefs. When these individuals then bring up their views in a public forum, their actions and behavior can be classified as driven by apostasy. Their actions go against the language found in scripture, and these "few hardened" individuals are compromising its teachings. 1 Timothy 4-6 New Living Translation Warnings against False Teachers 4 Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.[a] True Jehovah's Witnesses should be cautious when visiting this website and not be misled into believing information that contradicts historical facts or the language of scripture. It is important to remain steadfast in the understanding of the scriptures, and should be swayed by its numbers and language mentioned in scripture. Therefore, when Luke 21:24 is mentioned, it carries both present and future significance. The warning to the Jews about the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE was not the complete prophetic fulfillment, as they continued to be subject to the gentiles. The fulfillment of that prophecy could only be realized when the Jews were liberated from the dominance of the gentiles. This domination came to an end in 1914, as history unmistakably shows. When a small group, who can only be labeled as "skeptics," refuses to acknowledge the evidence presented by the Bible and human history, their credibility is diminished. Therefore, such critics cannot be relied upon to provide an unbiased perspective, much like apostates who have always distorted this topic. Therefore, Scripture is clear on how to handle those who have come to know God's truth and then distort His teachings to align themselves with the world. 2 Peter 2 covers this very well, along with other citations of Scripture. It's not simply a question of believing in 607 or 1914. The real issue lies in the dissemination of a distorted message to the public, which contradicts the true teachings of scripture. What should be emphasized is a thorough understanding of scripture, rather than personal interpretations. It is precisely because the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses adheres to this correct approach in applying God's word that they have not been "removed" by God. Indeed, God has deemed it necessary to eliminate those who questioned His word through skepticism and instigated conflict within the brotherhood. This unmistakably demonstrates that those who are truly equipped to comprehend these matters are not the ones indulging in skeptical independent research, which only leads to discord and division. There is absolutely no excuse or justification for questioning God's word, whether it's done publicly or privately. If a believer is genuinely experiencing conflict, it is important to address it respectfully by seeking guidance from their Elders. The Watchtower article titled "false stories" can serve as a helpful guide for any sincere witness. However, it's also crucial for these witnesses to understand the purpose behind this forum: to provide a platform for both disenchanted witnesses and apostates to express their concerns along with their criticism as "revilers" against the Watchtower and its members.
  14. I will not conform to apostasy, unlike you, Tom. My allegiance lies with God, for His opinion holds true significance, not yours. They find it quite insightful, just like those from any branch office or the Watchtower itself. So, what can they say about you, Tom? I've never believed that you, along with your friends like JWI and anyone else opposing God, are real witnesses. That's what you are demonstrating to the public here, aren't you proud? I must reluctantly side with Srecko on this matter of failing to discern between pretenders and apostates. It is no surprise that his heart has become hardened when you individuals continue to behave as though you are still a part of this world.
  15. It seems that you have misunderstood the Watchtower article regarding false stories, Tom. While it is true that James was insistent that the Elders were reluctant, and he demanded to be disfellowshipped, I highly doubt that this is the truth. Particularly for the crime he was accused of. No Elder would hesitate to pass judgment on a baptized member according to God's will. The optics alone are harmful. Therefore, your speculation is unfounded and unverified. You would need to personally advocate against the civil treatment stipulated by secular law through the state's legislation. I am not involved in determining how laws treat criminals and their intent as per the laws. Let's make that perfectly clear. I did not instruct James to commit the crime he was charged with. It appears that you are trying to hold me responsible for that, Tom, just as James holds the Watchtower responsible for following scriptural guidelines on disfellowshipping. His behavior should serve as a clear indication that he didn't initiate it as you suggest. Since God's laws are not respected here, why should secular laws be any different? That's the impression you're giving the public. Try defying secular law and see what happens—other than being excommunicated.
  16. Do you trust James, who openly stated that he was disfellowshipped, which contradicts your previous statement? It was you who initiated the altercation, so the responsibility to maintain self-control lies with you, not me. Henceforth, I have no intention of wasting any more of my time with you.
  17. One thing I must assert is that I am not defending a mere earthly entity. No, I am defending the profound truth that God and his earthly organization ardently bring to light for all to behold. This truth is of paramount importance. Jesus made it clear where the focus should be by bringing God's true words to the people as the ultimate truth. He emphatically declared that his kingdom was not of this world. As I prepared to rest, I was struck by a simple truth revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. It seems that delivering this truth to you all is perceived as ad-hominem or sarcasm, given that your morals do not align with God's standards as in Romans 8:5. For 10 years, I remained unaware that some of you, despite holding "responsible" positions such as serving as an Elder or Ministerial servant after being at Bethel, should have led to a more profound spiritual experience. Instead, it appears that the mind has weakened the heart. I was unaware that there are individuals among us who are spiritually impaired. Despite engaging in bible study and learning about Christ, they have failed to truly comprehend what they believed they had learned. Personally, I had been operating under this assumption, but now I am enlightened to the fact that this is not the reality. We may have a personal understanding of scripture, but do we truly grasp its full meaning? When scripture is conveniently used to simply affirm our belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and in the God of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but then discarded for our own interpretations, the essence of being a Christian is compromised. Should we really be showcasing our lack of respect for God in hopes of attracting attention from others? It is simply unimaginable for a properly cultivated conscience to even entertain such an idea, and yet, here we find ourselves. What truly saddens me is the absence of a solid foundation of Bible knowledge that should be established after embracing the truth. The considerable time it takes for individuals to fully acknowledge the truth and desire to share it with others, especially after being baptized, should be rewarded, as it ensures that we do not remain in darkness. Since I do not share that understanding, I can see that some people here have never really understood the Bible in its proper context. The main concern here is the distinction between "REBUKE" and "JUDGING." This particular aspect appears to be the central challenge in understanding the Bible, and it continues to receive significant attention, particularly in these open-opeds. The truth is, there is a significant difference. When Christians openly criticize, especially with unfounded accusations and slander, it goes against the clear instruction in scripture on how to correct a fellow Christian should apply. As one individual mentioned, do we not have the right to have our own opinions? In essence, as believers who are not to be shaped by the standards of this world, the worldly concept of free speech does not apply in a Christian setting. Therefore, the answer is no, we do not have the right to criticize our brothers. If a brother is veering away from the teachings of Christ, then that brother needs to be corrected. God judges the people of the world, but we are called to rise above worldly ways. Our guidance comes from within, and we are bound by a set of rules that shape a righteous Christian life, setting us apart from the world. This understanding is driven by scripture. This is the moment for the Christian conscience to discern between "rebuke" and "judgment." Many Christian denominations understand these differences, so why do some Jehovah's Witnesses here not? Are they incapable of comprehending, or did they become witnesses for the "wrong" reason? If this distinction cannot be seen, then the latter applies. It is unfortunate that some individuals develop an unhealthy obsession with negativity and worldly matters. One example In particular, there are sisters who may mistakenly equate the man-made concept of "equality" with the biblical principle of being treated as equals. However, it is essential to acknowledge that these two ideas are not synonymous. It is our duty as brothers to guide and support our sisters, and by promoting such ideology, we are doing them a disservice. How can we differentiate the ideology of criticism and opinion if it is not properly understood and is being incorporated into scripture without any basis? Now when scripture explicitly states such admonition as: NIV Leviticus 19:17 "'Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. (Lev. 19:17 NIV) NIV Proverbs 24:25 But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them. (Prov. 24:25 NIV) NIV Ecclesiastes 7:5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person than to listen to the song of fools. (Eccl. 7:5 NIV) NIV Luke 17:3 So watch yourselves. "If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. (Lk. 17:3 NIV) NAS 1 Timothy 5:20 Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also may be fearful of sinning. (1 Tim. 5:20 NAS) YLT 2 Timothy 4:2 preach the word; be earnest in season, out of season, convict, rebuke, exhort, in all long-suffering and teaching, (2 Tim. 4:2 YLT) NIV Titus 1:13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith (Tit. 1:13 NIV) NIV Titus 2:15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you. (Tit. 2:15 NIV) This is in no way a judgment of others, as it is being claimed here. True Christians can truly appreciate what God deems essential when a fellow believer deviates from the right path by distorting scripture to support the idea of loving one's enemy. There are clear limitations set for Christians to adhere to, ensuring they do not conform to the ways of the world. When someone who claims to be a brother or sister in Christ conducts themselves in a manner that aligns with worldly values, distorting the fundamental truths of Christianity, and does so openly, then the teachings of scripture are applicable to those individuals who consider themselves members of the body of Christ. Understanding the true essence of unity within the Body of Christ is absolutely crucial. It is Christ's vision for his body to exemplify "purity." Therefore, if a Christian manipulates the concept of godly devotion to suit their own desires and subsequently uses it as an excuse or justification, they have already compromised that purity and consequently do not merit to be a part of the Body of Christ. Once again, I find it disappointing that those identifying as Jehovah's Witnesses here seem to lack a full understanding of the Bible, despite claiming otherwise for the past 10 years. There is a clear distinction between rebuke and judgement. Once again, let us examine the difference. rebuke: to express disapproval of; reprove. Rebuking concerns the reproof, correction, and proper instruction of a matter. Judge: to make up one’s mind about; form an opinion about. To think; suppose; conclude; criticize; blame. To govern, impose, punish. Judging entails prosecuting, extracting justice, or imposing some kind of punishment. When individuals openly criticize others based on their personal opinions, they are, in essence, passing judgment. Similarly, when these individuals openly accuse and defame the organization, its Elder arrangement, and the governing body, they too are engaging in judgment. When dissenters openly express their opinions, they provide an opportunity for receiving corrective feedback, which is accepted according to the standards of the Bible. This is known as rebuke. It is irrelevant whether a person believes in 607 or not. However, it becomes significant when an individual openly criticizes without possessing the necessary skills to comprehend the subject, merely driven by a desire to criticize and slander. In such a case, that Christian individual becomes vulnerable to rebuke, particularly in an open setting. The Apostle Paul, led by the Holy Spirit of God, also established other measures to address Christian misconduct that some may consider indefensible in terms of judgment. This raises the important question: Are we exempt from God's laws? Who has the authority to determine what is deemed acceptable to God for us imperfect human beings? The word of God that's who. Understand the words of God completely. We are not in a position to negotiate with God. We are either Christians driven by Christian values as part of our oath and vows Matthew 5:37, or we continue to defy God by being part of this world, in which case, God's judgment awaits us either way. Romans 1: God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, zGod gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know cGod’s decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. There is indeed a significant distinction between rebuke and judgement. The judgement that certain individuals have brought upon themselves by becoming impure in the sight of God is undeniable. Yet, here we have just received a fine example from "thinking" to prove my assertion correct.
  18. You are engaged in a pointless battle, stubbornly claiming superiority, while continuously proving me right and yourself wrong. I refuse to engage in a futile argument with an overly opinionated individual who defies all logic to defend someone who has openly admitted their wrongdoing. It's time to let it go.
  19. Is James's word not sufficient for you? Haha! I am confident that if you were to visit his congregation, they would offer you guidance. There's no need for me to prove anything to you. Are you denying the conclusion reached by secular law that his egregious act against children is a disfellowshipping offense?
  20. If James himself has explicitly stated something as a certainty, then your personal opinion is irrelevant. Therefore, we must decide whether to believe you, a nonconformist, or James. It seems that you are being held responsible for not sharing the message of Jesus and the Christian faith with someone. Now, you are attempting to rationalize James' expulsion by comparing it to the actions of the apostles. This appears to be unchristian behavior and thinking.
  21. Do you view my statement as an accusation, similar to the baseless claims you've made before? Or are you highlighting your support for an excommunicated person, which contradicts the principles established by Paul? Are you talking about the accusation James faced in court? Can you provide more details about your accusation?
  22. I believe it is essential for people to question how Tom perceives himself as a witness, particularly considering all his questionable and multiple accounts. Is it not a grim thought that God might consider you to be superior to Him?
  23. You may attempt to shift the blame for your own bad behavior onto me in this situation, but rest assured, it will be in vain. God sees and understands the true intentions of every individual's heart. Thus, this passage is applicable to some people here in this context. James 1:26-2:13 New International Version 26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Proverbs 26:24-26 Proverbs 26:24-26 24 Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. 25 Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. 26 Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. Why did you quote proverbs if you are not following the advice? Is there a similarity between what you are doing and the actions of the Pharisees during Jesus' time? 1 Peter 2:1 1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Keep in mind the purpose: the Bible does not silence those who speak the truth. It seems that some individuals here are attempting to suppress it.
  24. Why not take this opportunity to reflect on your own conduct, particularly as a professed Jehovah's Witness, instead of shifting the focus from your failure in history to defending someone whose actions seem deceptive despite their claims of remorse? Let's delve into this topic further and discuss your own adherence (Ad Nauseum) to Christian principles.
  25. By whose standards do you judge? You cannot grant forgiveness to an unrepentant person. Therefore, your brand of remorse holds no weight. What truly matters is whether he persists in attacking the Watchtower, the Elders, and the Governing Body in a slanderous manner by accusing them of following God's laws. He is the one who committed a heinous act against children, not the Watchtower. Therefore, what justification could he possibly have for attempting to shift the blame onto the actions of the Watchtower? What excuse do you have for defending a disfellowshipped individual as a former bethelite? You have no excuse whatsoever. You are projecting the same ignorance that you accuse me of, as you are also attempting to justify your own unchristian behavior. Indeed, you, Tom, and the others in your closed club all belong to the category of "revilers," who do not hesitate to criticize your brother. It is important not to misuse scripture to justify your actions without proper understanding. But, in this case, who is truly worse: you, Tom, the others in your closed club, or me? I am simply defending God's truth, while it seems like you are only bringing disgrace to His name and distorting the very essence of what a true Christian should be.
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