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Everything posted by BTK59

  1. For a decade, you have opposed the Watchtower's chronology, and now you bear the responsibility for the lives you have misled. The accuracy of the Watchtower's chronological order, supported by secular history, is undeniable and not influenced by apostate perspectives or corruption.
  2. Historical events unequivocally support this. What aspect is still unclear to you, such as 607 BC, when the answer is obvious but obscured by the devil as not to see the evidence? The devil tends to deceive people in this way. So, if you're going to challenge the release of the Jews from Palestine by the British in 1914 and dispute WW1, I'm eager to hear it.
  3. Focus on managing your own multiple accounts and refrain from Ad hominem attacks, rather than attempting to portray yourselves as virtuous.
  4. I can post other Bible Student Chronolgy. To me, you just wasted a page, since they show other conclusions. "We may remember that when Nebuchadnezzar took all of Israel to Babylon for forced labor they remained in this servitude for 70 years or until King Cyrus released them in 536 B.C. So we have two periods of Israel's history that God brought upon them that would later be repaid. We have the 19 years just prior to 606 B.C. and the 70 years. Now notice the chart, the middle portion. Here we have some remarkable time events that are now all history. Not one of us can change a date on the charts--we cannot improve upon them, nor can we disregard them as they are all history. We may affect what we do today, but we cannot even change a personal event in our life that occurred yesterday, not alone decades or centuries ago. No wonder we sing, "How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in His excellent word." "It specifies a full 70 years for both the captivity and the desolation of the land, which are considered contemporaneous events. On the other hand, proponents of the civil historian view (based on the Neo-Babylonian chronology) shorten the length of the desolation to only 50 years; they find an earlier starting point for the captivity, then bring both periods to a simultaneous close. Under this reckoning, it is not readily possible to find a starting point that pertains directly to Judah. Hence the 70 year period is applied to the period of Babylon's supremacy over surrounding nations, from 609 B.C. to 539 B.C. This covers the period from the year it is thought Assyria (Babylon's chief rival) first began losing power to Babylon, to the eventual collapse of the Babylonian empire. This reckoning shifts the emphasis from a Babylon "The author acknowledges that in this book (B) he presents the thought that the Lord’s saints might expect to be with Him in glory at the ending of the Gentile Times. This was a natural mistake to fall into, but the lord overruled it for the blessing of His people. The thought that the Church would all be gathered to glory before October, 1914, certainly did have a very stimulating and sanctifying effect upon thousands, all of whom accordingly can praise the Lord—even for the mistake. Many, indeed, can express themselves as being thankful to the Lord that the culmination of the Church’s hopes was not reached at the time we expected; and that we, as the Lord’s people, have further opportunities of perfecting holiness and of being participators with our Master in the further presentation of His Message to His people. "Our mistake was evidently not in respect to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles; we drew a false conclusion, however, not authorized by the Word of the Lord. We saw in the Bible certain parallels between the Jewish Age and the Gospel Age. We should have noted that these parallels follow the nominal systems to destruction in both cases, and do not indicate the time of the glorification of the New Creation." B.1916 Foreword pages iii, iv." Like I said, even the Bible Students have their own apostates they need to expose.
  5. Everything you post appears to be a projection. People who fail to comprehend the significance of the times they are living in should not emulate your indifference towards their spiritual well-being. As far as I can discern, this contradicts the teachings of the Bible.
  6. Yet, the list should be: Tom. JWI, Anna, Thinking, Comfortmypeople, Juan Rivera, etc. So, telling the truth only seems corrupt to those causing it.
  7. I highly doubt that your ally would have supported Adam Rutherford. You're trying to convince people that he would, but considering COJ's misuse of the babylonian chronicles and your endorsement of his conclusions, it's clear why you are now so vehement about it. What are the differences between the modern-day Bible Student approach to studying the Bible and the ideology of Pastor Russell, as well as our understanding of chronology? There seems to be a lot of confusion. It's important to acknowledge and learn from your mistakes. There are other Bible Student Associations that have transitioned from old to new understandings. However, the Bible Students also have their own apostates, but that is their issue to address. It appears that you are rejecting the term "association" as you decline to recognize its autonomy.
  8. You attempted to force an unrealistic argument by using a false narrative on grammar. It's worth noting that, despite your numerous grammar mistakes, I don't excessively dwell on them as you do. So, this post is meaningless.
  9. Your argument was completely erroneous. You seem to imply that we shouldn't concern ourselves with thieves invading people's homes, and that we need not be vigilant or proactive in detecting early warning signs. However, this careless attitude is unacceptable. Before you start using your nonsensical counterarguments to refute my statement, allow me to use my words to accurately represent your ultimate perspective on the matter you were attempting to convey. Absolutely! Scripture clearly outlines how God's people should be vigilant and attentive to His signs. The people of God should not be led astray as is happening here.
  10. You seem to enjoy twisting and distorting facts to suit your narrative. You rely on astronomical evidence to support your claim of 587 BC, but it's clear that the confusion lies with you. Your misleading statements about 587 BC, VAT 4956, 539 BC, and the Watchtower's position only serve to confuse the public further. The truth is, the Watchtower supports the dates of 607 BC and AD 1914.
  11. Your presentation is false since you are speaking about secular facts, and it does not rely solely on the Watchtower Chronology, which is based on historical data. It seems like you are trying to have the best of both worlds but using unrelated facts to support your flawed assumptions. Under the historical context, it is October-November, as it falls within the latter part of those months. The Watchtowers employ specific details, as everyone else does, for the sake of simplicity. Therefore, please refrain from making nonsensical arguments solely to impress your audience. Your delay is evident. History itself makes the case. If you wish to disprove your own conclusions, then disprove history. Question your own misleading tactics instead of those of the Watchtowers. There is no delay, and historical facts demand no delay. Your falsehood lies in asserting a 1 or 2-year discrepancy. That misinterpretation is yours. At most, you might argue for "months" – a considerable difference from 1 or 2 years. Instead of trying to conceal your distorted perspective by inundating the comments section with irrelevant remarks, consider presenting your views more accurately. You need to have a thorough and accurate understanding of the "historical" facts being presented. It's important to address any misinterpretations and provide compelling reasons for your arguments. Additionally, considering the preparation and journey of the Jews themselves is crucial. Simply mentioning the date of 539 BC is not enough; you must provide a well-founded and factual conclusion to justify its significance. This is exactly what I'm referring to when I mention your distortion tactics. You consistently blend biblical texts with historical facts. It becomes a question of whether you choose to believe the Watchtower or accept secular history. It is a well-established historical fact that Cyrus issued the decree in 538 BC, and you yourself have previously acknowledged this. However, you then present a misleading narrative that implies the Bible does not mention it. I am genuinely curious, which viewpoint are you advocating for? What aspect of your reasoning supports this position? I find it perplexing why you persist in confusing the general public with such contradictory information. I was unaware that some individuals were present at the specific event, rather than providing a rough estimation. It appears that by attempting to vindicate your beliefs through the Watchtower, you are only making yourself appear more foolish. According to secular estimates, the time spent on the journey alone could have been as long as five months. As for the Jews' preparation time, only they are aware of the specifics. It seems that you want people to believe that this was a "second" exodus from Egypt by the Jews, but that is not the case. Some Jews chose to remain while others ventured to different parts of the land. Therefore, there was no coercion or urgency involved. Despite this argument, you actually acknowledge a mere "months" discrepancy between 538-537 BC, rather than the 1 or 2 years you previously suggested. It's time to make a clear decision. TYour feeble attempt only highlights your desperation. The real apostate here, contradicts scripture - and that is you. Quit trying to shift the blame onto others. The historical facts I share align with scripture, while your apostate views do not. It is clear to the public who is deflecting in this situation.
  12. The distortion that you observed is actually an antidote to your tendency of fixating on a specific, less relevant date – in this case, 539 BC. Firstly, let's put an end to this absurd discussion about the so-called "ad hominem" nonsense. It is important to acknowledge that both parties are guilty of this behavior, so it's time to move on from it. Secondly, it is clear that you are the one distorting words and attempting to portray yourself as a victim. However, people have already caught onto your tactics, and they are not as effective as you may think. It seems clear that the "gentile times" persist as they always have. What specific failure are you alluding to? Also, it's noticeable that you often interject your own opinions alongside shared articles to create a certain effect, potentially as a distortion tactic. Please be more precise about the sources of your quotes. It seems to me that Russell's prophecy was fulfilled with the liberation of the Jews in Palestine and the beginning of World War 1. Do you disagree with this interpretation of historical events? If so, how will you show the public how those events didn't happen?
  13. This is nothing but your and Tom's falsehood, isn't it? However, you are nobody. Your ignorance is evident once again, as you continue to be unpleasant, divisive, and judgmental towards the Elders, the Governing Body, and the Watchtower as a whole. What position does it leave you in before God, being a false witness? If you don't like it, simply leave. They won't alter facts to please individuals like you. You have consistently perpetuated falsehoods for a decade, and individuals such as "comformypeople" continue to support these lies out of ignorance. Even your current statement is deceitful. Speaking the truth and presenting evidence is not an act of hostility. Calling you a liar, suggesting that you are an apostate posing as a witness, and using biblical terms such as ignorance and foolishness are not acts of hostility. If Tom uses profanity, and you acknowledge it, that indicates compliance and a lack of respect, especially when you support derogatory comments like you did with Xero. You are the one in the wrong, especially in the eyes of God. Although you may believe that, your refusal to acknowledge facts and your utilization of distorted interpretations to perpetuate falsehoods render you untrustworthy. I will demonstrate this to the public, allowing them to make an informed judgment based on verifiable truths rather than your deceitful claims. Your perception seems to be clouded by an inability to see the truth, rather than interpreting things as being nasty. You are mistaken. It's not I who has mental issues, it's you. Your personal judgments of me are irrelevant. What you perceive as an attack is simply telling the truth. That conclusion is yours, not mine. Do you rely on "Pudgy" to fight your battles with sheer nastiness because you keep losing your arguments? Is that what's bothering you? There are very few people like you in the organization. However, I am constantly receiving emails speculating about your disfellowshipment, if it hasn't already happened. It seems that you are using this platform to create conflict, division, and discord among God's people, much like an apostate. At least they comprehend. I am confident that you will manipulate the information to suit your agenda, but what I have said still stands – the public can delve into the book series and form their own opinions, rather than relying on misleading descriptions of others' work. I will caution the public against your tendency to misrepresent information, as you often do with Watchtower publications by taking things out of context.
  14. Your argument is flawed and riddled with inconsistencies as you desperately try to focus on 539 BC, even after acknowledging that the Bible doesn't mention BCE dates. This only serves to reinforce the distortions you are intent on perpetuating. The falsehood lies in the fact that Russell used 606 BC instead of 607 BC. Moreover, the major distortion here is the belief of 539 BC rather than what Pastor Russell and His own Bible Students thought the 70 years ended in 536 BC. There were other considerations regarding 539 BC, but someone is misrepresenting Russell's ideas to create a nonsensical argument. "The chronological prophecy, which we will consider first, is the one associated with what is termed in the Scriptures, "the times of the Gentiles!' This prediction covers the long period in which the Jewish nation, God's ancient people have been under the dominion of earth's nations. The period began with the overthrow of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah. This is referred to in Ezekiel 22:25-27, as follows, "And thou profane, wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord God: Remove the diadem, and take off the crown . . . I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him." The period ends with the overthrow of the Gentile nations, which will occur at the end of the forty year harvest period, at the close of the present Gospel Age. Gentile times began then with the beginning of the seventy-years' desolation of the land of Israel, by the Kingdom of Babylon. The seventy years ended in 536 B. C., with the decree of Cyrus, king of Persia, permitting the Jewish people to go back to their land. It will therefore be seen that the overthrow of Zedekiah occurred just seventy years before this, in 606 B. C., which" The ongoing obsession with distorting the era when Pastor Russell led the Bible Student movement defies rational thought and seems to reflect more on the mental state of the individuals perpetuating it. This has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's Witness. It is evident that this person lacks in-depth knowledge of the Bible Students, the People's Pulpit, and the IBSA under Russell's guidance. They seem to rely on fragmented and distorted information to undermine the early teachings of those who were open to rediscovering Christianity from its foundations, just as the Early Christians did with Judaism. This kind of behavior is characteristic of someone who manipulates written information to serve nefarious purposes. Another aspect of failure lies in the fact that while we may consider the assumption of the historical date of 539 BC within that context, it is equally true that we are referring to the genuine history that pertains to the "END" of that year, specifically in November-December or potentially even October-November. What this false presentation fails to mention is that a dear friend and governor of Cyrus tragically passed away shortly after his conquest of Babylon. Additionally, Cyrus's beloved wife also passed away, leading to a period of mourning. Thus, the notion that the year 539 BC should be applied in any other context is unequivocally false. That's why historical records indicate that Cyrus issued his decree to the Jews in and around March-April of 538 BC if we follow that timeline. Cyrus did not immediately command the Jews to leave his land in 539 BC as one individual would want to claim, thus giving a false impression. Then you have the preparation and the long journey the Jews would have to deal with. The Jews didn't simply snap their figures like magicans in mid 538 BC to arrive in their land. The journey took many months in itself. The idea of a false narrative about 1 or 2 years is simply unfounded. The year 537 BC can be fully substantiated based solely on historical facts. These apostates and one incorrigible individual tirelessly engaged in a relentless battle of discord and division was shown a month by month explanation. That information, however, has conveniently been wiped away to prevent the public from grasping the undeniable truth, thus perpetuating a state of ignorance.
  15. If you think about it, that could also be God's perspective on false witnesses. Lol! However, what sets Paul apart is that, being inspired by God, he took an additional step by urging us to have nothing to do with them. This is a profound expression of Christian love, as it serves to protect the purity of the congregation by preventing the influence and corruption of dissenters.
  16. Neither is 587 BC, 586 BC, or 585 BC. It appears that Manuel is concerned about the time being wasted, and you persist in leading others astray, despite the historical evidence from 539 BC and Cyrus's decree in 538 BC. The Jews' arrival in Jerusalem aligns with scripture, indicating thorough preparation for the journey. Your claims lack historical support, and it's essential to acknowledge this, no matter your personal beliefs. Your opinions should be based on factual evidence. Proving the occurrence of an event in 587 BC is much more compelling than relying on the unreliable VAT 4956, which can be open to multiple interpretations.
  17. Your argument lacks coherence, as you are suggesting that people should not bother being prepared. Therefore, based on your standpoint, it seems that nobody should value their Christian life simply because you do not embrace it. I sincerely hope that others will not be influenced by your example and advice. Personally, I have no intention of following it. I value my relationship with God, which allows me to encourage others to study scripture in the correct manner without any hindrance.
  18. The understanding of "Keep Watch" among Christians in the past should not be underestimated. Just as no one can predict when a thief will enter a home, it does not imply that we should not take precautions and remain vigilant for any signs of neighborhood thefts. Only an unbalanced person would teach otherwise. So, Matthew would have to be understood correctly along with Mark. Mark 13:5-37 Common English Bible Keep watch! 5 Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. 6 Many people will come in my name, saying, ‘I’m the one!’ They will deceive many people. 7 When you hear of wars and reports of wars, don’t be alarmed. These things must happen, but this isn’t the end yet. 8 Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other, and there will be earthquakes and famines in all sorts of places. These things are just the beginning of the sufferings associated with the end. 9 “Watch out for yourselves. People will hand you over to the councils. You will be beaten in the synagogues. You will stand before governors and kings because of me so that you can testify before them. 10 First, the good news must be proclaimed to all the nations. 11 When they haul you in and hand you over, don’t worry ahead of time about what to answer or say. Instead, say whatever is given to you at that moment, for you aren’t doing the speaking but the Holy Spirit is. 12 Brothers and sisters will hand each other over to death. A father will turn in his children. Children will rise up against their parents and have them executed. 13 Everyone will hate you because of my name. But whoever stands firm until the end will be saved. 14 “When you see the disgusting and destructive thing standing where it shouldn’t be (the reader should understand this), then those in Judea must escape to the mountains. 15 Those on the roof shouldn’t come down or enter their houses to grab anything. 16 Those in the field shouldn’t come back to grab their clothes. 17 How terrible it will be at that time for women who are pregnant and for women who are nursing their children. 18 Pray that it doesn’t happen in winter. 19 In those days there will be great suffering such as the world has never before seen and will never again see. 20 If the Lord hadn’t shortened that time, no one would be rescued. But for the sake of the chosen ones, the ones whom God chose, he has cut short the time. 21 “Then if someone says to you, ‘Look, here’s the Christ,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. 22 False christs and false prophets will appear, and they will offer signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, those whom God has chosen. 23 But you, watch out! I’ve told you everything ahead of time. We are currently witnessing a phenomenon of apostasy in the world, and it is also present here. Those who disagree should provide solid evidence to challenge scripture, rather than making baseless accusations. Comparing Russell's early teachings, which have been manipulated and distorted, to the present doctrines of the Watchtower is not only ignorant but also perpetuates a path built on deception and falsehoods.
  19. You express a profound truth that has unfortunately been overshadowed by a dogmatic mindset that persists to this day. The glaring reality about COJs lies is that he was unable to counter the evidence against the year 587 BC, which has already been refuted here for almost a decade now. It is perplexing that COJs and his fellow biased individuals, including one situated in the USA, did not take the time to examine Adam Rutherford's discoveries. Such an examination could have led them to a different and more substantiated position, rather than obstinately clinging to their unsupported arguments. The unequivocal conclusion remains that 587 BC, and not 607 BC, is the accurate date for the destruction of Jerusalem, as their reliance on misinterpreted historical data reveals by opposers. Carl Olof Jonsson, even though he referred to himself in the third person, was resolute in his claim. When it was rejected by the Watchtower, he was driven to publish that distorted treatise. The only ones keeping that apostate lie alive are opposers. They have relentlessly pursued this quest for a decade here, and I highly doubt they will ever cease. That is also a simple truth.
  20. I fail to understand why JWI persists in this pattern of falsehood and deception, unless he had a personal connection with that Swedish apostate. It is imperative to highlight the exact position of the apostate in relation to the Watchtower and why his hands are stained with blood, as documented in his correspondence to the organization in 1977. While JWI is now well-informed about this correspondence, it's uncertain whether he was aware of it during his time at Bethel. Considering the prevalence of rumors and gossip, it's unlikely that such significant information would have remained completely unknown. Yet, he persists in this venture of defending. It is worth noting that these events occurred a decade after Brother Adam Rutherford had already published his book. The audacity here lies in Carl Olof Jonsson's claim that a so-called brother had conducted a comprehensive study of the Neo-Babylonian period, which was clearly fabricated and a blatant lie. He unequivocally stated that 587 BC was the accurate date for the destruction of Jerusalem. This deceit is being vehemently defended by JWI, who is relying solely on his own judgment. COJ unequivocally rejects the notion of 607 BC, and unequivocally refutes the conclusion of 1914. In fact, he goes as far as to deem it "profound" to verify such claims. COJ's own statements stand as indisputable evidence, while JWI attempts to manipulate them to deny, undermine, or divert attention from the undeniable truth. Carl Olof Jonsson Sweden May 20, 1977 "Dear Brothers, A brother has done a thorough study of the Neo-Babylonian period in relation to our present understanding of the "appointed times of the nations". His "treatise", which is written in all honesty and sincere love for truth, has been carefully and critically examined by some able brothers, but it has not been possible to refute the arguments and the conclusion that 587 BCE, not 607, is the correct date for the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. If this conclusion is correct - and it really seems very hard to avoid all the facts presented - the consequences will be far-reaching as re, all things we attach to 1914: Christ's parousia, the establishment of God's Kingdom, the ousting out of Satan, eta." His book is founded on deception, as he persistently perpetuates falsehoods. If he and others with apostate inclinations had genuinely conducted a "thorough study" of the Neo-Babylonian period, they would have encountered Adam Rutherford's works and comprehended how to accurately place the Babylonian Chronicles in their chronological order, thereby establishing the correct starting point of 607 BC, without relying on the erroneous date of 587 BC. Such corrections should have been reflected in COJ's book if he possessed any semblance of conscience. However, much like Satan blinds these apostates, he continues to obstruct those who seek victory, rather than embracing the truth. Another important point to highlight is JWI's persistent manipulation, resorting to deflecting tactics in order to insinuate that someone is not stating something directly and redirecting the discussion towards a nonsensical argument. This is a clear example of employing wordplay at its lowest level.
  21. Prove how scripture is wrong with: 2 Kings 24 New International Version 24 During Jehoiakim’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded the land, and Jehoiakim became his vassal for three years. But then he turned against Nebuchadnezzar and rebelled. 2 The Lord sent Babylonian,[a] Aramean, Moabite and Ammonite raiders against him to destroy Judah, in accordance with the word of the Lord proclaimed by his servants the prophets. 3 Surely these things happened to Judah according to the Lord’s command, in order to remove them from his presence because of the sins of Manasseh and all he had done, 4 including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the Lord was not willing to forgive. How God sent devastating forces to destroy Judah in either 587 BC, 586 BC, or 585 BC. However, historical records do not depict any significant devastation in Judah during that particular time period. The Babylonian Chronicles, which end in 594 BC, do not provide any conclusive evidence of Judah's destruction. Instead, history shows that there were military campaigns against other nations, such as Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Egypt, which were believed to be God's judgments. Even though there is a Babylonian chronicle mentioning a siege on Jerusalem in 598 BC, there is no further mention of Judah's destruction in 587 BC. So, in order to demonstrate how you, as an ex-Bethelite, will prove God wrong and assert that 2 Kings 24 occurred in 587 BC, you must enlighten the public by using your expertise in biblical interpretation and your magical wand to conjure non-existent historical facts. Present the complete devastation of "Judah" in 587 BC, as that is the necessary evidence to challenge the notion that 2 Kings 24 refers to the same year. The city of Babylon existed in the region as early as 610 - 607 BC. Now, shed some light on why they chose to postpone their actions for two decades, employing historical facts and a respectful approach to interpreting biblical texts, as it's important to maintain humility when discussing matters concerning God, which is evident you lack.
  22. Exactly. I mentioned Adam Rutherford to expose the falsehoods that you and COJ persistently propagate regarding the Babylonian chronicles. Moreover, your attempt to bring up Pyramidology only worsened the situation, as it was clear that you were grasping at straws in order to divert attention from your weak arguments, just like you consistently do. There's no need for you to continue in your childish game. For one, "especially an uneducated person like Carl Olof Jonsson, whom you have supported in the past. As an ex-Bethelite Just because I placed a period on the sentence doesn't mean anything, if I had placed a comma: whom you have supported in the past, as an ex-Bethelite is referring to you. So, you continue to look foolish. I don't need to explain anything to a grown man acting like a 6-year-old. You're once again displaying your arrogance through your comments on grammar. Take a moment to reflect upon your own grammar mistakes and perhaps consider maturing. Why do you persist in defending COJ when he clearly contradicted 607 BC in favor of 587 BC and dismissed the 2520-year prophecy ending in AD 1914, just like you? Stop denying that you are defending him. It is clear you lack compjrehension skills. It's obvserious you haven't read Adam rutherfords volume three in its proper context. You just want to mamipulate words to comeo ut ahead, your just a loser that can't being wrong. "With the defeat of the Egyptians and Assyrians in 607 B.c., the domination of the peoples of Syria and Palestine passed from Egypt to Babylon. This assumption of Babylonian authority over all western Asia is confirmed by Jeremiah as dating from the accession of Jehoiakim (who was placed on the throne by Pharaoh Necho, but soon transferred his allegiance under the pressure of Babylonian authority). This explains the otherwise mysterious intrusion in Jeremiah 27,1, of the words, “ in the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim ” into a prophecy given in the reign of Zedekiah (verse 3) concerning the period of servitude to Babylon. " According to Rutherford, the year 607 BC held great significance as it marked the end of military campaigns in the region and the beginning of the destruction of Judah, including Jerusalem. In his view, this date played a crucial role in pinpointing the end of the gentile times in AD 1914. It is important to note that Rutherford's viewpoint remains valid, regardless of whether he mistakenly believed that the final blow to Jerusalem occurred in 585 BC. It's hard to believe that people in a sound state of mind would accept the notion that God would make the Babylonians wait for 20 years to destroy Jerusalem in 587/6/5 BC, considering that they already held control over the entire region by 607 BC. The account in 2 Kings 24 clearly points to that specific period of destruction. Could you clarify whether you are suggesting that 2 Kings 24 should be dated to 587 BC or 585 BC? Furthermore, I would be interested in seeing concrete evidence to support your claim, especially regarding the VAT 4956 tablet. Can you provide any conclusive proof that the astronomical tablet states that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BC, as you and other dissenters claim? Show me the evidence you rely on. I have clearly presented evidence from the Babylonian Chronicles that details the military campaigns of the Babylonians in 607 BC and the parties involved. What specific aspects of this historical record are you dismissing without reason in order to defend an inaccurate date? Rather than challenging me with meaningless arguments, focus on refuting the campaigns as I have asked you to and providing concrete evidence, rather than baseless challenges that only serve to undermine your position. You should do the same for WW1. So, come on! Get serious for a change and stop making irrelevant arguments. Adam Rutherford used 607 BC as the starting point for his chronology, not 585 BC. He combined the reigns of 3 Judean Kings in 607 BC. By refusing to acknowledge 607 BC, you are willfully challenging it out of ignorance to support an untenable argument. You have a serious problem with 607 BC, and I'm glad people have contacted me showcasing your apostasy. They aren't wrong, just like the "Proverbs" you quoted isn't wrong, just like your personal judgement by God won't be wrong for leading people astray for that apostasy.
  23. Why do you keep insisting on 587 BC when even Rutherford placed it in 585 BC? By continuing to argue for this date, you may be inadvertently undermining your own credibility. This could give people the impression that there is something amiss with your mental balance. Rutherford supports the belief in 607 BC over your fixation on 587 BC, as if your entire existence hinged on it. He firmly upholds the notion of AD1914, while you argue that it was intended for the end of the world. However, according to you, when this apostate viewpoint failed to materialize, Russell shifted the date to 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, or any other distorted interpretation that suits your fancy.
  24. Of course, you claim to understand and persist in your actions. However, if that feeble attempt to manipulate my words is the best you can come up with, it is clear that I am not the one appearing foolish. Even when presented with COJ's own words, you still choose to turn a blind eye. It is no surprise that you rely on others like Pudgy for support. A humorous situation indeed. LOL! Listen to my words. The phrase Bethelite was intended specifically for you, so cease dwelling on a juvenile excuse. You're becoming a joke at this point. Is this how you conduct yourself in the closed club, like a child? LOL! JWinsider has been the epitome of deceit for a whole decade, promoting nothing but falsehoods through manipulation, distortion, lies, and deception, rendering his credibility null and void. Do you need assistance in understanding the profound connection linking Pyramidographia, numerology, and philosophy, which has elevated Pyramidology to the realm of mysticism? Allow me to guide you in your quest for genuine knowledge by conducting thorough research. If you often find yourself in perplexity, seek assistance from one of the members within the exclusive club. I am not inclined to offer aid to individuals who have abandoned their beliefs.
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