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Everything posted by BTK59

  1. Clearly, they are already demanding your exile. Yes! It's unfortunate that Pudgy spoiled a great discussion about science. I hope the discussion can continue without any more nonsensical interruptions. Just a suggestion since they are on your heels. Wow! You speak! It seems you have a lot to say! Now they are going to treat like, who do you think you are, mister big stuff! Are those aliens now going to imply that anyone who speaks out against the five or six key contributors to this site will be treated as though it is George just because those in opposition speak the language they hate to hear, the TRUTH? They are seeking individuals who will embrace their nonconformist values and appreciate what they can offer in shaping public opinion contrary to the established agenda of God and Christ. Their goal is to enhance their writing abilities and avoid squandering time on frivolous pursuits, mainly arguing about the truth they don't care for. They see it all as a mere game, even when leading people astray. They believe they have every right to and will face no biblical repercussions, or so they believe. They just want to have fun just like that Cyndi Lauper song. Be prepared to be belittled and ridiculed, all the while they claim to be angels. Haha! By the way, please refrain from using the same language as George. They appear to believe that when others use the same words, it means they are the same person, and they emphasize this as if no one else is allowed to use similar grammar. It seems they think only they have the right to use the same or similar writing styles. Quite amusing, isn't it? See, what I just placed in bold, now I'm George, lol! Now, let's leave this nice science thread for people that want to know more about science. I believe George left it at "Zero Distance."
  2. I would say, until something is confirmed, it can't be considered new light out of gossip.
  3. Just to be clear JWI, TOM, Librarian, that sick individual @Miracle Pete It's unacceptable that someone would use such offensive language on your forum, violating your bylaws. It's even more outrageous that the individual is allowed to continue while you consider banning me for simply speaking the truth. I just wanted to point out your hypocrisy here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nob#:~:text=Derogatory term for a man's,in the UK and Ireland Derogatory term for a man's penis, typically used as an insult in the UK and Ireland Your mentally ill @Miracle Pete, and I hope you're not a witness, just a sadistic animal.
  4. I agree @Miracle Pete You and @Pudgy, are a nob. However, you have the potential to become even more, as unrepentant fools have the ability to do and say anything.
  5. Since this list is mostly false and contrived. What distinguishes present spiritual leaders from those in the past, when Jesus is the head of the congregation? Do you imply that Jesus made a mistake by trusting others, including the apostles, with that responsibility? Have you ever truly comprehended scripture, or do you simply enjoy improvising your own interpretations? Also, I don't know who feeds you that nonsense about the GB overriding other members. If the source is a weak Bethelite from the writing department, then he is mistaken. No one overrides anyone. In the absence of the Holy Spirit, the Governing Body patiently seeks complete harmony, eagerly awaiting the divine guidance that will unite them with a single purpose. Similar to the events of the past, it is important to note that the Holy Spirit was not received by all the apostles simultaneously. They performed various tasks united by a single cause. To glorify God. The apostles were bestowed with the extraordinary power to perform miracles by God, leading them to comprehend the indomitable force of God through Christ. Now we have the Bible, but it works in the same manner. How does Scripture offer guidance on dealing with the absence of the Holy Spirit among the apostles? Experience the profound teachings of the book of Mark. That goes for Elders. The Holy Spirit's gift from God manifests in various ways in people. The only rule here is the person's acceptance by God. If someone who has received the Holy Spirit commits sacrilege due to their bad behavior, they will be unable to comprehend the mysteries of scripture, as Satan has blinded them, leading them towards evil intentions. This means that these individuals will begin to interpret scripture according to their own misconceptions. Where on earth did you acquire such a profound ability to misinterpret scripture to such an extreme extent?
  6. Not at all, you twist the narrative as usual. God is the ultimate judge, so a rational person doesn't have to search for hidden meanings. However, scripture teaches that the responsibility of decision-making lies with responsible individuals, just as Jesus entrusted that responsibility to the apostles, who in turn delegated it to the Elders and successors thereafter. The lack of spiritual maturity from former members is futile. Hence, it is the scripture that ultimately decides who deserves assistance once they have demonstrated remorse. When hardcore apostates persist in their harmful ways, there is also a biblical perspective that sheds light on this phenomenon. Who does God entrust to take action as his earthly representatives? You lack the credibility or justification to believe that God hears apostates or those who disrespect his sovereignty by using his name. How is that a contradiction if God knows every movement in thought? Apostates don't hide who they are. You're a vocal apostate and blasphemer, how are you hiding your actions? Make sense. God knows those who conceal their true intentions and pretend to be righteous witnesses. However, they also expose their façade of dishonesty. It's not invisible here. Their reluctance to show themselves at a gathering is a sign of cowardice, but God sees through that facade even if humanity cannot. They are not deceiving God, but rather themselves, and that is the crucial distinction you are overlooking. If people are attentive to the actions and behavior of others, the observer, entrusted by God to take earthly action through scripture, should rely solely on that understanding. The instructions from the Governing Body do not have to be comprehensible to apostates; rather, they should serve to validate the beliefs of genuine witnesses and expose any imposters.
  7. Your opinion, Pete, holds no significance for me, as you are speaking as a sock puppet for either Tom or James. If you believe that ignorance on the part of one person represents the mindset of thousands, then it's futile for you to make a foolish argument when trying to generalize about a group of people, given the fact you generate aliases to defend your indefensible behavior. Feel free to criticize and form your own thoughts. It's not surprising that your opinion, much like Pudge's old sock puppet that became known as "pimple head," was obnoxious, just like you, Pete. If you believe you are superior, you have already lost.
  8. James, instead of twisting my words. I simply stated that you were accused and arrested for a despicable crime, regardless of whether those charges were or will be dismissed. Your arrest record, that is a public record, will forever cast a shadow over your life. The consequences of those felony charges are permanent, leaving an indelible mark. Once again, you insist that I share those charges, which I am more than willing to provide, in order to expose you as an inconsistent liar. When it comes to these types of issues, you lack credibility and should be the last person people should seek advice from. Therefore, inform your friend and defender JWI that it's you demanding your personal information to be publicly disclosed here before he proceeds with any further threats by your insistence. Remember, your sorted history cannot be erased, nor the arrest or those felony charges included therein. IT'S YOU DEMANDING IT! If anything, JWI should be reprimanding you for insisting that your sorted history be posted at your whim, and he should warn you that demanding it may result in your ban, instead of him defending the indefensible.
  9. The authority to judge lies with God, not the GB. While God has the ability to see into the hearts and minds of people, the Governing Body lacks this capability. Repentance can be found in the genuine willingness of an individual to demonstrate it through their actions and behavior. Nevertheless, there is no assurance, as the human heart is capable of deceit. This depends on who is making the observation. If this mindset originates from an apostate perspective, it is futile. Apostasy is the conscious denial of something valuable, a value that profoundly reflects on God. Believing that one's former religion holds no value to God renders apostasy meaningless. The crucial point here is true worship, not false religion. This is a sad commentary that actually reflects poorly on you. Nevertheless, true worship is highly esteemed by God and will ultimately lead to rewards. Who are you to judge God as a blasphemer of God's Holy Spirit? That's what you need to ask yourself.
  10. Wow! Can you believe that person? They have the audacity to use such offensive language as "bad forum etiquette" when they engage in slanderous behavior, completely disregarding proper forum etiquette. Not only that, but they have the nerve to insult and degrade the Watchtower in their post, clearly violating their own set of rules. It's as if they're saying that we are the only ones allowed to have bad manners and that no one can dare to challenge us. We are the ones in control here, not the visitor. In that case, perhaps it's time to shut down this forum, since it seems like it's becoming an open platform for disrespectful behavior from apostates and Jehovah's Witnesses, or at least that's what these people here call themselves, lol!
  11. Well, this depends on how you view repentance. Why would anyone want to associate with such a negative person who is a hardcore apostate with evil intentions and no chance of redemption? Indeed, there is no thesis involved, only the application of common sense. God's people need to understand the scheme of things, but apostates do not.
  12. I'm not bothered by being singled out, as you seem to be accustomed to defending and protecting yourselves, but it's a good idea to keep your dog on a leash. Speaking of which, in a different thread, TTH mentioned that it would be great if everyone here shared their life stories. As both of you are the librarians here, I kindly ask you to minimize any signs of intimidation or insincerity. It is you people who need to be "banned" here. It is quite evident that you hold a negative influence, which God recognizes, therefore you are banned from your own conscience in His eyes. Can you tell me about Allen Smith and why you added that person? Were you responsible for ejecting that individual from the forum, as a biased hypocrite? Do not pretend to be sympathetic when you are aware that God sees your actions and behavior, JWI So, when I get kicked out, delete all my posts, Tom, JWI.
  13. Was I referring to your plea deal that was ultimately dismissed or will be dismissed, considering that the date of February 2023 is not four years ago, but rather a recent no bill? It's important to note that this dismissal does not erase your record or the charges that were brought against you. A dismissal does not automatically expunge your arrest record, especially on felony charges. If your lawyer told you, he/she could, you were taken for a ride. Felony records stay with you forever. If you want people to believe that you are innocent of the crime, the dismissal alone does not prove it. It simply indicates that you managed to persuade a lawyer to argue that you are an elderly person with health issues, and the court took that into consideration. Therefore, the information still stands as an indictment of your behavior. Who cares if you're confidently at home? "True No Bill" is simply another way of expressing superseding charges. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your focus on these matters. I wouldn't be surprised if this type of content about children was forbidden to you with certain conditions. Why would a blogger ignore it? That is a choice. Your credibility is nonexistent.
  14. Cease your childish complaints. I have informed you previously: simply state your desired action, and I will proceed to publish your arrest record, mugshot, and the associated terms for your arrest, James Thomes Rook Jr, also known as Pudgy. I grant you at least that respect solely because I am aware that committing such an atrocious crime requires a disturbed state of mind. Say the word! Avoid avoiding the issue, stay focused, and say it directly without deviation or deflection! When it comes to child abuse or pedophilia, you should be the last person anyone considers. Your credibility on these issues is nonexistent since you have become involved in them. Speak up! I will be more than happy to assist.
  15. 😂 Who are you to demand that I prove myself to someone of such low character? You are certainly demonstrating an understanding of mental illness through your words. 😂 Once you're done with the childish behavior, I believe Srecko would like to contribute more of his misleading information to this discussion, if you're agreeable. I find his distortions highly enjoyable.
  16. If that's the best you have to offer, then we definitely need an air freshener for the words you just uttered. Your insults seem like nothing more than a feeble attempt to distract from the truth. It's clear that the room needs to be thoroughly ventilated to rid it of such negativity. 😂 If desired, I can provide the recorded address for you. Is that address included in or part of the United States? What does your mental state imply? That Gastonia N.C. is in Canada? 😁
  17. I'm simply being respectful by asking, but I want to clarify that I don't require your authorization to share public information. If you have an inexperienced attorney pressuring you to have your personal record revealed with that sensitive information, I suggest recommending that they review the Freedom of Information Act and understand how your checkered past is covered. This applies to all those aspiring attorneys without education who provide misguided counsel.
  18. 🤣 Are you attempting to mislead with your arrogant claim that Gaston County is located in either North Carolina or Virginia? Although I initially refrained from mentioning Gastonia, North Carolina in order to be polite, I can now reveal the area code since you insist on deceiving others if you wish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston,_South_Carolina Speak the word directly without avoiding or evading it. Refrain from your regular habit of dishonesty. Just say the word, and I'll post the TRUTH!
  19. About you James, just say the word, and give me permission. I'll post your Mugshot, and the reasons why you were arrested back in February 2023. Now if you want to refute the state of South Carolina, it's going to be a hard sell. The sole failure lies within you as an individual; cease attributing your depraved conduct to the Watchtower. Don't blame them for who you have become. Better yet, stop arguing about an issue you are part of.
  20. Pudgy, don't even dare to compare your insults with mine. The only real whack-a-mole with real McNastys is YOU! If you can't handle the consequences of your behavior, it's your issue, but don't try to justify your rudeness and insults; that's just weak. Which lie are you referring to? I can post it if you'd like! You are the only one who is not telling the truth here. Your credibility is nonexistent when it comes to these discussions.
  21. The person who thinks they can share advice on pedophilia after being accused and sentenced for such behavior is completely detached from reality. Zero credibility.
  22. Why would a rational person bother trying to argue against the perception that these news forums are nothing but right-wing conspiracy theorist trash news, when people from around the world, including news outlets, already label them as such? You consistently confirm the validity of that concept. If witnesses seek truthful and dependable news about the persecution of governments against the Watchtower, similar to the Roman's treatment of first century Christians, they would not have relied on the Pharisees who were aligned with Rome for the news. 😁
  23. Once I encounter an unbiased assessment from an apostate, I will genuinely consider their opinion. So far, I have yet to come across such an assessment from apostates or the disfellowshipped. Instead, I've witnessed a multitude of baseless and distorted lies, where they twist the truth to suit their own narrative. However, it appears that this site serves its purpose well, which seems to be spreading disinformation. So, when you blaspheme against God, it is indeed highly offensive. Scripture doesn't see it any other way. The current perception of this site as a right-wing disinformation platform for conspiracy theorists is not surprising, given its present state of factual inaccuracies. It is unfortunate that certain individuals taint the spiritual nourishment shared by others through the existence of both closed clubs and open forums. If I were the proprietor, I would opt to close the open forum and subsequently dissolve the closed club, merging them into a single entity. This would allow individuals, regardless of whether they presently identify as Jehovah's Witnesses or have previously done so, whether they are disfellowshipped or disenchanted, to freely express their apostasy and disinformation. This approach would effectively confine their deviations from the truth, maintaining the privacy they deserve. Therefore, individuals such as myself would not be granted access, since it would be an exclusive club with strict membership criteria. However, the public wouldn't see their nonsense thus having no need for them to see any criticism, even though they claim the right to critique others without any objections. Quite ironic, isn't it?
  24. @TrueTomHarley Wait a minute, he has access to the closed club? 🤣
  25. Apostate mentally: The prevalence of ad hominem arguments among apostates is not only foolish, but also deeply offensive. These individuals seem to believe that their arguments are not insulting, when in fact, they are far more damaging than mere insults. It is truly disheartening to witness such a misguided and intellectually feeble tactic employed by apostates and the disfellowshipped. ERRONEOUS ARGUMENTS AND WRONG CLAIMS: In this case, it is indeed true. By whose standards can a critic believe that the wrong argument is being made? Who are these people, and why should Witnesses care about their opinion? The other points about the court system infringing on religious bylaws are quite reasonable. A compelling example is the recent dispute involving the Catholic nun, Baudin de la Valette, which prompted the Pope to make an exception and write a letter of complaint to the French government. The issue arose from the French court's decision to unilaterally decide who can and cannot be excommunicated, disregarding the religious bylaw and instead yielding to public opinion. Thanks, Srecko. Your new badge of recognition just proves that more foolishness coming from apostates is rewarded by Satan's influence.
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