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  1. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    I guess that would mean Wally McNasty is linked to James Thomas Rook Jr, or is it Pudgy now? lol!
  2. Thanks
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Watchtower Study: Remain Confident During Uncertain Times   
    Could you clarify why you are suggesting two unrelated topics? One concerns God's judgment, while the other pertains to human judgment or condition. If some Jews didn't want to leave Babylon due to material wealth, this may be seen as a failure, as Christ indicated to the rich man. Could you remind me what Christ told the apostles about this? You can find it in Matthew 19:21-24.
    Are you implying that witnesses would be better off rejecting the Lord and God's commands? Why would anyone support such thinking?
  3. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Watchtower Study: Remain Confident During Uncertain Times   
    Only those lacking integrity would hold such beliefs. True witnesses place their faith in God, as they rightfully should. It is only those of feeble conviction who entertain such thoughts. Therefore, there is no reason to address the matter of leaders whom the closed club finds objectionable.
  4. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in New Light on Beards   
    I wonder if the image submitted by pudgy is irrelevant.
    I hadn't noticed until I took a closer look. lol!
    I also found where another sister took a photo of Bro. Jackson at an assembly in the Netherlands.

    Certainly, the Governing Body members are becoming more relaxed. Who knows, perhaps long hair will be the next trend. In Brother Jackson's case, maybe a toupee.
  5. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in New Light on Beards   
    Since we are posting irrelevant subjects, I guess it means it should be essential for individuals in this community to endorse the teachings of "Pearl Doxsey" and fully embrace the truths that "witness" has long been imparting. People should understand the meaning of the word satire coming from a humor site. lol!
    1.the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issuest·ire
    Let's revisit the question: Is Bro. Jackson's goatee real or fictional, as depicted in the Babylon Bee illustration?
    What is The Babylon Bee?
    The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.
    The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News.
    If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God.
    Unlike other satire sites, everything we post is 100% verified by Snopes.com.
    babylonbee.com Babylon Bee | Fake News You Can Trust
    Babylon Bee is a website that publishes humorous and absurd articles about current events, politics, culture, and religion. The articles are often based on real or fictional sources.
    Therefore, it is up to individual Jehovah's Witnesses to decide how they interpret and think about their beliefs. While some may believe in the literal truth of the Bible, others may view it as a symbolic or moral guide. Satire and humor can be used to critique and question religious beliefs, but it is ultimately up to each person to determine their own beliefs and principles. The question then becomes, will it be acceptable to God when humor is misplaced?
  6. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in New Light on Beards   
    If I had the time to visit Bro Jackson I would, but I don't. @Pudgy. I couldn't care less about the circulating images, regardless of the fact that your image illustration is obviously manipulated. If you have an issue, address it with Anna, as she's the one making a fuss about it. I simply shared someone else's theory, and you all are making a mountain out of a molehill.
    Exactly! Tom wouldn't stand a chance with someone like that. Nobody visiting that apostate website does. It's entirely devoted to spreading hatred and malice against Watchtower.
  7. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in New Light on Beards   
    You've missed out on a lifetime of learning and instead chosen to make a foolish rebuttal. Perhaps it's time to find a more worthwhile use of your valuable time.
  8. Thanks
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in New Light on Beards   
    Knowing that you are allergic to the truth, I anticipated receiving an irrational response.
    If the website itself has published a satire addressing the distinction between fact and fiction, such as the case of Bro. Jackson's goatee that has only been claimed here by apostates and disgruntled witnesses, then that satire remains valid and relevant. If you are unable to understand the humor in your own post, it speaks volumes.   Your current objective holds no significance to me. You are behaving in a manner similar to MM. Maybe this theology from the past will enlighten you, lol!   E. Bersier, D. D.
    The disciples in the storm
    Let one page be quoted to me in which a trace is recognized of the moral impression which the life of Christ produces today on every sincere conscience. We believe that they never contemplated Him; that their look was never stayed on Him in an hour of justice. They had the Gospels, they had the living testimony of the Church, and the history of Jesus was not yet disfigured by the iniquities of its defenders. It does not matter, they saw Him only through the thick cloud of prejudice and hatred. It was a phantom they fought against. The Christ of Celsus and of Julian, the Christ whom anti-Christian satire mocks, is a silly Jew, whose greatness no one suspects for a moment. Our century has seen the same facts reproduced in an entirely different form. To what did that vigorous and learned attack against Christianity tend, so cleverly led by Strauss, if not to make a myth of Christ and His work; that is to say, a mere conception of the human consciousness? Now a mythical personage is a phantom and nothing more.
    Robert Tuck, B.A.
    Satan's proverb
    II. WHAT A SATIRE THE PROVERB IS WHEN APPLIED TO MAN'S CARE OF HIS SOUL-LIFE! Yet that soul-life is the man's real and abiding life. His body-life is but a passing, transient thing. The soul-life is Divine and immortal. The body-life is akin to the life of the creatures; the soul-life is kin with God. I live. That is not the same as saying, My heart pulsates, my lungs breathe, my blood courses, my nerves thrill, my senses bring me into relation with outward things. It is equal to saying, An "I" dwells within me. That "I" is a spark struck off from the eternal fire of God. I am a spiritual being, an immortal being. Let the word life mean spiritual life, then how much will men lose rather than lose their souls? How do men reckon sacrifices when their souls are imperilled? What strange delusion can possess men that they can be careless of their priceless treasure? Why do men, who are souls, barter their heavenly birthright for a pottage of worldly pleasure? God Himself seems to wonder over so painful and so surprising a fact.
  9. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in New Light on Beards   
    You have quite the challenge ahead, sport. You must demonstrate why the picture being circulated shows an abundance of hair on the side of the brother's head, despite him keeping it extremely short or shaved. That is a feature of AI that can modify photos, as shown by my previous example. Regardless, it's not a big deal.
    If it's worth arguing about, why not have Tom or JWinsider contact the Watchtower help desk and inquire whether Bro. Jackson is indeed wearing a goatee, not a goatie?

  10. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in New Light on Beards   
    You have quite the challenge ahead, sport. You must demonstrate why the picture being circulated shows an abundance of hair on the side of the brother's head, despite him keeping it extremely short or shaved. That is a feature of AI that can modify photos, as shown by my previous example. Regardless, it's not a big deal.
    If it's worth arguing about, why not have Tom or JWinsider contact the Watchtower help desk and inquire whether Bro. Jackson is indeed wearing a goatee, not a goatie?

  11. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to TrueTomHarley in New Light on Beards   
    I’m on it.
    (please be patient)
  12. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Pudgy in New Light on Beards   
    Combined with GB Update No. 2023-8, and the fact that I have no “fur” in the game, my best guess is that this is 100% TRUE.

  13. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to TrueTomHarley in New Light on Beards   
    Oh, yeah. Put me in the lineup. Great use of time, that will be.  
  14. Upvote
    BTK59 reacted to TrueTomHarley in New Light on Beards   
    I don’t really believe it simply on the basis of character. It is not something I can picture him doing.
  15. Thanks
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    However, my question, "pudgy", why should I pay attention to the relentless complaints of excommunicated former members who have nothing constructive to offer except ignorance and distortions?
    You desire to remove the intermediary, you are that intermediary.
    Is it fair to blame Christ or the apostles if someone decides to stop identifying as a Christian or following Christianity because they no longer found it beneficial? Eventually, your dislike towards the organization should be justified.
  16. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    Your assumption is still based on subjectivity.
    It may appear irrational to some individuals or to certain members, but it is crucial to acknowledge that many members here have held the belief that the Governing Body (GB) has been incorrect for numerous decades. However, do these opinions hold any validity? Absolutely not. The opinions of individual members do not hold significance in the eyes of God. What truly matters to God is when something is guided by His spirit, it will be implemented regardless of anyone's perception of its correctness or incorrectness.
    Therefore, the GB's misrepresented words are "so it may seem" not that it is. 
    Are you implying that the Governing Body lives together around the clock? This is a new concept for me. When they come together, they indeed represent one body, just like the rest of the brotherhood. Spiritual Israel is a unified body with Christ, not composed of individuals. Are you suggesting that if a leader neglects their responsibilities, the entire brotherhood is deemed to have failed, including all members of the closed club? And even if any member, regardless of their number, disagrees with something, they will put aside their differences and seek clarity through prayer, regardless of the time it may take.
    In this context, you are referring to the Governing Body's approach through impulse. The members of the Governing Body believe in patiently waiting for the guidance of God's Holy Spirit to illuminate their hearts.
    Will it make a difference to those who do not comprehend?
    Only from a foggy looking glass.
  17. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    Once again, this is your subjective evaluation and not a rational one at that. If the Governing Body makes a personal mistake, it would be a result of an individual decision. That decision would NOT be influenced by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you are misunderstanding the perspectives.
    How can the Watchtower be blamed if a 66-year-old man chooses to distribute child porn? So, if someone defends a predator, while advocating for child sexual abuse prevention, wouldn't that person be a hypocrite? Justifying such actions with the use of callous reasoning about child sexual abuse shifts the blame to the wrong party.
    When does a church leader intervene in order to expose the 66-year-old man and the defender as hypocrites under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? At times, God employs external means to confront those who have pledged loyalty but have dishonored him through disgraceful behavior in private.
    You are repeating the actions of the Pharisees who targeted Jesus, searching for flaws until they fabricated one. Their hypocrisy ultimately led to the demise of Jesus. Consequently, those who refuse to comprehend the bible and instead blame others are essentially crucifying Jesus anew. Hebrews 6:6
    What was the objective of the previous thread? MATURITY!
  18. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    Mistakes in life are often a result of personal choices, which are distinct from errors in church policies and completely different from going against God's teachings.
    As always, former members provide a contradictory illustration to provoke.
  19. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    I suppose I have acquired that unfortunate habit from you, Pudgy, as you frequently deviate from the topic with your irrelevant rants and incoherent comments.
    Once you offer evidence to back up your expertise rather than confusion, you will likely have something valuable to add, particularly when accompanied by your friends.
    Meanwhile, I see you as nothing more than a disillusioned and expelled person who seeks to lay the blame for their own mistakes solely on the Watchtower.

  20. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    I suppose I have acquired that unfortunate habit from you, Pudgy, as you frequently deviate from the topic with your irrelevant rants and incoherent comments.
    Once you offer evidence to back up your expertise rather than confusion, you will likely have something valuable to add, particularly when accompanied by your friends.
    Meanwhile, I see you as nothing more than a disillusioned and expelled person who seeks to lay the blame for their own mistakes solely on the Watchtower.

  21. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Pudgy in Imperfect Church Leaders   
    Your entire argument and chain of logic, BTK59, can be instantly and totally refuted by the real life classic example that for 80+ years the Society’s policy irrationally and unscripturally  placed heavy burdens on the Brotherhood by persecution of Brothers with beards. I was even chastised for a mustache in a “little back room” with three elders, which hurt my feelings terribly. 
    There is only so long some people will tolerate small tyrannies before the start voting with their wallets and their cars to escape it.
    Of those who once chose to become Jehovah’s Witnesses, according to 2016 Pewresearch.org, 66% no longer identify with Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are voting with their wallets and their feet. 
    JW Core Theology (15%) produces peace, righteousness, fairness, Truth, and Freedom as an adopted Son of God. So why do 66% LEAVE?
    There should be a line at the Kingdom Halls of people trying to GET IN!
    That is NOT the case.
    Then if you consider the PIMOs (Physically in, mentally out) who only stay to keep their families from shunning them and tearing their family relationships apart, that even further emphasizes the fallacy of your theories.
    I plan to celebrate per GB Update 2023-8 “Beard Liberation Day” every December 15th, for the rest of my life, for what I personally endured for 60+ years, and hope for a theocratic future with many other needed and overdue reforms.
    When having to endure petty tyranny, some do not consider it petty.
    Such is the case in California now, a State I used to love and admire, having lived in San Diego, Malibu, Hollywood, and San Francisco many years ago. The thought of even visiting gives me the creeps now.
    Many are leaving for good, to Texas, Florida, Nevada, North and South Carolina, etc. They are voting with their wallets and their cars!

  22. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in JW Children and baptism   
    Did you manage to accomplish everything on your own without guidance from your parents, teachers, or schools? Furthermore, have you chosen to obey your government's legislation yourself, or were you taught about those laws?
    How can you personally guarantee someone else's actions? Do you have psychic abilities or supernatural powers to predict the future? Could you have anticipated that a 66-year-old man who was baptized would later commit child abuse? Bear in mind that there are various forms of child abuse.
  23. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in JW Children and baptism   
    Did you manage to accomplish everything on your own without guidance from your parents, teachers, or schools? Furthermore, have you chosen to obey your government's legislation yourself, or were you taught about those laws?
    How can you personally guarantee someone else's actions? Do you have psychic abilities or supernatural powers to predict the future? Could you have anticipated that a 66-year-old man who was baptized would later commit child abuse? Bear in mind that there are various forms of child abuse.
  24. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW Children and baptism   
    According to WTJWorg the alleged "spiritual growth", progress is conditioned by a good understanding and daily reading of "spiritual literature". If we exclude the Bible, which people in general and even JWs themselves will not be able to understand without the aid of WTJWorg, i.e. the huge amount of written material that explains and interprets the Bible, we arrive at the following:
    "Spiritual growth" in WTJWorg means constant change of theology, clarification and abandonment of "incorrect truths" because of some new "incorrect truths".
    Indeed, all those baptized children were indeed not "spiritually mature" when they agreed to accept the WTJWorg conditions for baptism.
  25. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW Children and baptism   
    "Scriptural maturity" means understanding the meaning of the WTJWorg statement which reads: 
    Children are not fully developed in their ability to think, to reason, or to recognize and avoid danger. (1 Cor. 13:11) 
    After that, the person will also understand the mentioned biblical quote.
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