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  1. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Well, this depends on how you view repentance. Why would anyone want to associate with such a negative person who is a hardcore apostate with evil intentions and no chance of redemption? Indeed, there is no thesis involved, only the application of common sense.
    God's people need to understand the scheme of things, but apostates do not. 
  2. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Was I referring to your plea deal that was ultimately dismissed or will be dismissed, considering that the date of February 2023 is not four years ago, but rather a recent no bill? It's important to note that this dismissal does not erase your record or the charges that were brought against you. A dismissal does not automatically expunge your arrest record, especially on felony charges. If your lawyer told you, he/she could, you were taken for a ride. Felony records stay with you forever.
    If you want people to believe that you are innocent of the crime, the dismissal alone does not prove it. It simply indicates that you managed to persuade a lawyer to argue that you are an elderly person with health issues, and the court took that into consideration. Therefore, the information still stands as an indictment of your behavior.
    Who cares if you're confidently at home? "True No Bill" is simply another way of expressing superseding charges. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your focus on these matters. I wouldn't be surprised if this type of content about children was forbidden to you with certain conditions. Why would a blogger ignore it? That is a choice.
    Your credibility is nonexistent.
  3. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    If that's the best you have to offer, then we definitely need an air freshener for the words you just uttered. Your insults seem like nothing more than a feeble attempt to distract from the truth. It's clear that the room needs to be thoroughly ventilated to rid it of such negativity. 😂
    If desired, I can provide the recorded address for you. Is that address included in or part of the United States? What does your mental state imply? That Gastonia N.C. is in Canada? 😁
  4. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    🤣 Are you attempting to mislead with your arrogant claim that Gaston County is located in either North Carolina or Virginia? Although I initially refrained from mentioning Gastonia, North Carolina in order to be polite, I can now reveal the area code since you insist on deceiving others if you wish.
    Speak the word directly without avoiding or evading it. Refrain from your regular habit of dishonesty. Just say the word, and I'll post the TRUTH! 
  5. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    I'm simply being respectful by asking, but I want to clarify that I don't require your authorization to share public information. If you have an inexperienced attorney pressuring you to have your personal record revealed with that sensitive information, I suggest recommending that they review the Freedom of Information Act and understand how your checkered past is covered. This applies to all those aspiring attorneys without education who provide misguided counsel.
  6. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Pudgy, don't even dare to compare your insults with mine. The only real whack-a-mole with real McNastys is YOU! If you can't handle the consequences of your behavior, it's your issue, but don't try to justify your rudeness and insults; that's just weak. 
    Which lie are you referring to? I can post it if you'd like! You are the only one who is not telling the truth here. Your credibility is nonexistent when it comes to these discussions. 
  7. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Pudgy in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    The person who thinks they can share advice on pedophilia after being accused and sentenced for such behavior is completely detached from reality. Zero credibility.
  8. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to Srecko Sostar in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    You want to say that only those arguments with which you agree are acceptable (to you)?
    Yes indeed, a good argument. Who wouldn't accept it. lol
    Is this an insult?
  9. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in JWs sue Norwegian government   
    Apostate mentally: The prevalence of ad hominem arguments among apostates is not only foolish, but also deeply offensive. These individuals seem to believe that their arguments are not insulting, when in fact, they are far more damaging than mere insults. It is truly disheartening to witness such a misguided and intellectually feeble tactic employed by apostates and the disfellowshipped.
    In this case, it is indeed true. By whose standards can a critic believe that the wrong argument is being made? Who are these people, and why should Witnesses care about their opinion?
    The other points about the court system infringing on religious bylaws are quite reasonable.
    A compelling example is the recent dispute involving the Catholic nun, Baudin de la Valette, which prompted the Pope to make an exception and write a letter of complaint to the French government. The issue arose from the French court's decision to unilaterally decide who can and cannot be excommunicated, disregarding the religious bylaw and instead yielding to public opinion.
    Thanks, Srecko. Your new badge of recognition just proves that more foolishness coming from apostates is rewarded by Satan's influence.
  10. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in The Bible and Politics (and Israel and Russia and . . . )   
    @TrueTomHarley Wait a minute, he has access to the closed club? 🤣
  11. Haha
    BTK59 reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Bible and Politics (and Israel and Russia and . . . )   
    It doesn’t matter. No matter what the topic is or where it is, it always boils down to a squabble with George.
  12. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    What makes you believe you will, lol! People need to be written in the scroll of life. Do you truly believe that you will succeed with everything you have said and done? You must face the reality that you have defied God beyond the possibility of redemption. So, enjoy life.
  13. Haha
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in The Bible and Politics (and Israel and Russia and . . . )   
    🤣 It belongs in the closed club where the Don Henley song "Dirty laundry" is played 24/7.😁
  14. Like
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    I believe that Christ's message was one of calling upon sinners to repent and obey their heavenly father. So, why would Jesus call upon those who had already repented and become part of Christianity through that repentance?
    How can a sensible person reconcile the conflict between their heart and mind to interpret a different meaning? One organ accepts one thing, but the other does not. Luke 5:32.
    This conflict is thought-provoking, and some people might call that a twisted mentality.
    Therefore, the admonition of the apostle James was truly refreshing. In James 5:19-20 he imparts invaluable wisdom.
    What new insights do you possess? What unique revelations does the Bible impart to you? What is your interpretation of scripture that you find to be in error, besides everything?
  15. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    An intelligent person would understand it to mean both. However, it seems that this is where you fall short. Therefore, when Jesus invited sinners to repent, it would mean a transformation not only of their hearts but also of their minds.
    The great thing is that you're not a psychologist; otherwise, you would be providing incompetent and detrimental advice.
    If you choose to remove yourself from salvation, it is an acknowledgment of failure as an inherited sinner.
    Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and other religious denominations that are considered to be false by God. However, within the EU, Orthodox and Catholicism are the most favored, and this sentiment is echoed in other countries such as Norway, Canada, Australia, Russia, and the UK. These places are known for their severe persecution of the Watchtower due to their practice of listening to apostates.
    Who is being used by Satan as a tool to persecute God's people, in any part of the world?
  16. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    True intelligence lies in recognizing the importance of not giving heed to apostates. The recent meeting only serves to confirm how easily Satan can manipulate a susceptible mind to distort and misrepresent facts when discussing sensitive issues, such as child abuse. Once exposed as frauds, they resort to baseless rants, much like the one you have just made.
    What relevance does the word "definition" have in relation to your particular regional Orthodox religion? It appears that you are defending that false religion that defends the heinous crimes of Russia's Putin. How much child abuse has that abusive person caused to Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia? Pause and consider the numerous forms of child abuse. Why aren't you addressing this issue here? That's right, you just want to act foolishly and selectively.
    Are you implying that your community is free from child abusers? Do you believe that your region is somehow flawless? If so, I have doubts regarding your discernment. Your attempts to deflect do not hold any weight. None of your deflections are effective on me.
    I seriously question whether the approval of "GAY" relationships by the Catholic Church will truly please God.
    It is nonsensical to believe that you are a professional psychologist capable of providing advice on child abuse when you are unaware of the role that government and institutions play in perpetuating the issue. Your deception does not align with the reality of the situation. Therefore, your religious beliefs or lack thereof are irrelevant.
    I reject your blasphemy against God's Holy Spirit. Your failure is your choice, not God's.

  17. Downvote
    BTK59 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    Intelligence is not the only quality that can save a person from fraud. JWs, along with many other religious people, are proof of this.
    Word Origin
    When someone has the same opinions and beliefs as those held by most other people, these opinions are usually considered the "right" opinions to have. In English such opinions might be called "orthodox." The English word orthodox comes originally from the Greek words orthos, meaning "right, true" and doxa, meaning "opinion." These two words were combined to form the Greek verb orthodoxein, meaning "to have the right opinion." From orthodoxein came the Greek adjective orthodoxos, which was borrowed into Latin as orthodoxus. The English adjective orthodox comes from this Latin adjective. - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/orthodox
    Considering that I do not belong to any religion, your statement makes no sense. Another thing that needs to be said for objective accuracy is the term "orthodoxy". Every religion is orthodox in its essence, even when it changes in its doctrines. The country I live in is historically Catholic. JWs are orthodox because they do not accept religious change unless approved by their GB. So JWs are completely orthodox as long as they believe that they are the only ones right in claiming that their Christianity is "original" and is "only true".
    God is as successful as his creation. Considering that God said that everything created is "good", then every person today is also "success" because he/she is the inheritor of the original act of creation. Also, God nowhere indicated that any child born of Adam and Eve is/was "failure". If you want to use a religiously colored term for something that designates me or you in some moral category, then it is the word "sinful", not "failure".
  18. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    I believe you are an intelligent person, although at times that might be a stretch. However, if the society were to maintain a list of things that you are contesting, things they toke seriously, what could they be concealing based on your perception?
    You mentioned 60 years in contrast to other religions that have annual occurrences, even in your Orthodox religion within your region and among your people in your community.
    The guidance provided by the Watchtower is intended for sensible individuals to contemplate upon. Once again, you are commending the commendable nature of Jesus, as well as acknowledging that if one believes in the efficacy of God's guidance in scripture, it's ineffective. You are calling God a failure, yet you don't comprehend that you are the failure as his creation. 
    What kind of commission do you believe existed prior to the ARC that the Watchtower Society should have collaborated with, despite already fully cooperating with the ARC? Could you provide evidence to support your unfounded assertion that they didn't cooperate with the ARC, considering the fact that they provided the information being requested? It would be advisable for you to carefully consider your remarks before making such claims. People might think, you actually don't think.
    How is the discussion of beards relevant to the ARC issue? Cease distorting your baseless accusations to obfuscate the matter at hand.
    Your response seems obtuse and nonsensical, filled with irrelevant rants.
    Do you have the expertise of a psychologist to make such distinctions? Who is now dictating people's actions? Stop from sharing if you don't have something meaningful to contribute, your sounding like Pudgy.
  19. Thanks
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    @Srecko Sostar
    Thank you, Srecko, for sharing this article that you thought would better your false cause. I want to point out that your argument regarding child abuse and the Watchtower lacks understanding and validity. Moreover, it is evident that the Australian Royal Commission (ARC) did not conduct thorough research on the Watchtower, which now necessitates higher courts to make the final decision due to the biased and uninformed rulings of lower courts.
    *** g99 4/8 p. 8 Who Will Protect Our Children? ***
    Who Will Protect Our Children?
    This article, dated in the year 1999, predates the UN's interest in 2012. It serves as a strong argument for highlighting the Watchtower's unwavering commitment to addressing the issue of child abuse since the 60s, even before laws were passed and debated by governments worldwide in 2015.
    It seems that you have pointed out a contradiction in your actions, likening it to a hypocrite and drawing a parallel between your behavior as that of the Pharisees. This comparison is quite striking and thought-provoking. Your hypocrisy is evident as you persist in associating with an individual who has been proven guilty of the same position that you so passionately defend. Furthermore, you express gratitude for the information provided by this discredited individual, causing your credibility to diminish completely.
    Yes, that's right! The ultimate solution to these heinous crimes of pedophilia and child abuse lies in the establishment of a new world order guided by the principles of Christ. While we await this transformative era, we must diligently address the issue at hand, even if it means temporarily employing stopgap measures. We rely on individuals of unwavering morality. How do you control the uncontrollable in Satan's World? That's the Watchtowers expectation in ensuring that our collective effort maintains hope for a better future without such atrocities. 
    Where in the article does it claim that the Watchtower is infallible and that the Elders have the ability to read minds? If they possessed such a power, they would have been able to prevent your friend from making a serious mistake.
    Remember your criticism about the GB. I understand your point about how you often bring up the imperfections of the Governing Body. However, it seems contradictory that you expect them to act in specific ways to satisfy your personal preferences. It's important to consider the broader picture and be realistic in our expectations.
  20. Upvote
    Does it matter if people are tuning in to a news source known for its shameful content? I only watch it for the humor.
    Does that discount the fact that Pudgy, this disfellowshiped Republican registered voter and Racist tried to influence his political agenda here?
    If it was truly disheartening for him to post it now, in a presidential election year, Pudgy and FOX NEWS would have shown outrage in 2021. Why didn't FOX NEWS mention it in 2021, the outrage felt by those Confederate white supremacist Republicans, MAGA, attempting to influence and corrupt our nation?
    This is why Witnesses shouldn't engage in politics, which is precisely why they should abstain from it. Now Pudgy, can you genuinely refute Biden's 2021 declaration? Avoid distorting, manipulating, or twisting your words. Provide concrete evidence that he did not make that declaration in 2021, rather than in 2024, a presidential election year?
  21. Like
    If there had been witnesses in Washington's time, they would not have paid attention to Paul Revere. lol!
    One of the concerns they should be vigilant about is identifying apostates.
  22. Downvote
    BTK59 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    GB decide to give permission.  lol
  23. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    When the United Nations was approached with the dilemma of child abuse in 2013 by addressing the many aspects of child abuse, which included child labor, child trafficking etc., it became evident that these problems, which had been largely ignored by societies, was gaining greater visibility. As governments began to shift their attention towards religious institutions, the Vatican emerged as the most suitable target due to their visible documented incidents.
    I cannot deny the existence of pedophilia, especially when it involves someone accused of it and is well-known and supported by you. Speaking out against denying pedophilia in this situation is irrational and contradictory coming from you.
    It is not just the information itself, but the act of singling out that renders it hypocritical and misleading. You are aware that this is a global issue, one that affects all institutions around the world, including those located in your own country or place of origin as well.
    Post all of those incidents from all world's institutions and ensure consistent adherence to proper protocols. Has the issue been resolved with the AU commissions inquiry? I have noticed statistics indicating that the problem has escalated since 2015. Has the government taken measures to address it effectively?
    Have you truly convinced yourself that over the course of a decade, you have managed to make a positive impact despite your distorted views?
    Let's expose the hypocrisy of governments like Australia, Canada, Britain, and Norway who seek selectivity for doing the devil's bidding. We must also address the hypocrisy of those who present secondhand information as fact.
    The lack of presence during an incident introduces bias. I've encountered situations where women falsely accused her lover of rape out of vengeance for being dumped, and justice was nowhere to be found for the guy that was arrested and humiliated before the prosecution tossed out the arrest. Such incidents, some involving children, are far too common.
    There was another incident where an 11-year-old girl approached a complete stranger and threatened to scream and accuse him of molestation in a mall if he didn't give her 20 dollars. It appears that the misguided perspective lies with you and your friends, who continuously dwell on the same topic without realizing you have no positive impact.
    Do those incidents make the news? Are they being tracked by anyone? Should these situations be exaggerated to the point where no single person in society can be trusted? That is exactly what the devil wants. Why are you helping?
    I have experienced similar incidents, not only concerning worldly society but also within the Watchtower community by sisters. I could share some noteworthy events, but it would be unkind to engage in gossip and slander. Why should I tarnish the name of God in that manner? Merely to gain friends here, laugh out loud! 
  24. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from George88 in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    I never pay any mind to ex-witnesses, hence they simply do not bother me. When it comes to their lies, my focus lies on emphasizing the undeniable truth, completely detached from the former members' inclination to twist it to their advantage.
    So, why does it matter if a Catholic lawyer is supporting the Watchtower? Are you suggesting that they shouldn't? Religion stands strong in the face of manipulative governments and the spread of falsehoods and exaggerations by former members, especially when it's time to take a stand.
    Remember, there are people here who identify themselves as witnesses and are willing to embrace your perspectives, even if they may be biased. Why? Because some of them, especially females, possess a misguided loyalty. Instead of recognizing the ways in which Satan manipulates humanity through the suffering of children, they become fixated on their own personal emotions.
    If someone truly grasps the essence of scripture, it would be a misguided loyalty to turn a blind eye to the devious manipulation of Satan and the individuals he employs to sow division among God's people. No matter how strongly someone believes they are a devout Christian, if they fail to recognize this larger scheme, they cannot consider themselves faithful followers of Christ, let alone true witnesses.
  25. Upvote
    BTK59 got a reaction from Alphonse in Lawyers who defended Catholic pedophiles are now defending JWs pedophiles   
    It is concerning that governments are swayed by the testimonies of former witnesses, leading to the overturning of decisions made by lower courts, as seen in the case of Cardinal Pell in Australia, along with dozens of others.
    No true witness should be swayed by negative comments from former witnesses and their agenda along with any disfellowshipped. That's no better.
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