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Everything posted by Evacuated

  1. It is not the perogative of a publisher to choose the elders that deal with a judicial matter that involves a proven offense that could result in a disfellowshipping. However, there could well be a suitability issue that an accuser (if it was that kind of a case) might make known. This might well influence the selection of elders. If elders were unaware of such an issue prior to the forming of a committee, it is still possible that alternative arrangements could be made. The responsibility for determinations in these cases lies with the body of elders though, not the "accuser".
  2. There seems to be either an anachronism or a confusion of tense here depending on your position.
  3. THEY CAN! Lets' put the congregation and the elders' families on hold for commitees to do their work! Bur really, it isn't necessary, isn't required, they do not want to, you can think of other reasons yourself surely. There is no rule that says they can't and no rule that says they must. Or were you seeking one that says they must? The body of elders delegate to a commitee and agree on its members. And that commitee doesn't have to be only 3 and nor does it have to consist only of local brothers. If this is the case, get elders in that have no friendship bias, and if that didn't happen, there is an appeal process. Not sure what the problem is here?? I do not think there is any point in getting to anecdotal or hypothetical examples here. There is no rule on numbers for a judicial commitee other than 3 at least,, and no restriction on who they are, other than qualified. Practical violations of this are a matter for the appeals process.
  4. It is not a rule: km Sep 77: A judicial committee need not be limited to three members. The Scriptures do not give any specific number of older men who handled cases of wrongdoing in the early Christian congregation. Older men who served in the community during Israel’s history may have heard cases according to their availability at the city gate. For example, Boaz selected ten of the older men of the city to hear the matter he had to present. (Ruth 4:1, 2) However, everyone in the community was under the Law covenant arrangement then, and this added to the number for whom the older men were responsible. Within each congregation today, the number would not be that great in most cases, so three would usually be sufficient to have on a judicial committee. Where the gravity of what is involved warrants having four or even five experienced men to serve, this may be arranged.
  5. This Golden-Age Jan 16 1924 quote loses a degree of absurdity when seen in context. It is lifted from an observation made regarding an evolution/creation debate in the media of the time. The still puzzling purpose of God's creation of "germs which cause disease" seems to be an underlying theme to the public argument and the responding observation in the Golden Age. William Jennings Bryans' contention was that the creation of such organisms with their disease-causing potential preceded Adam. This was challenged by Dr. Charles W. Stiles on the basis that to admit otherwise would be to concede evolutionary properties to organisms that (post Adam) "evolved into disease germs". He further deduced on the basis of Mr Bryans' view that Adam had the potential for being infected with a whole range of diseases, unless he lived (strangely) in China, an area presumably free of disease bearing germ afflictions at the time of writing. Enter the Golden Age observation quoted above. The point made is that other factors are at work in the causing of disease than germs. Otherwise, all mankind woud have all the germ-caused diseases. The author might have added the word "solely" to his statement quoted for clarity. Even so, addressing the underlying attribution of causing disease to God is dismissed by the notion of such germs having been created as a recyling component, now with fallen mankind in their sights. "In my opinion" is another phrase used by the writer, a phrase which applies equally to this posting.
  6. Whoah!...... hang on here! What's everyone getting worked up about? This is a semi-fictitious blog account about an anonymous persons' unverified experience of incidents, some years past, spoken to an ex-lawyer turned blogger, then written down by the said blogger with the prime objective of gathering clicks. Spending time on debating supposed moral issues raised by this stunted and deformed account makes about as much sense as taking seriously incidents presented by that other ex-lawyer turned blogger who has hosted a similarly themed video blog show. His name escapes me at the moment???? He was actually born in the UK, but got popular on US TV...........who was he????. It'll come to me in a minute ...fake histrionics.....accused of inciting violence betweeen show participants....etc etc... they're going to call him "Judge Jerry" soon.......................I got it! Gerald Norman Springer.
  7. "a judge issued a warrant for Jones' arrest on Feb. 20. Jones turned himself in on Monday. He was charged with disorderly conduct."
  8. Maybe the question needs refining to can anyone who is not a baptised Christian perform another's Christian baptism?
  9. "At this Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying: “Be kind to yourself, Lord; you will not have this happen to you at all.” But turning his back, he said to Peter: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men.” Matt.16:22-23.
  10. Which excludes your assessment no doubt. Apart from the obvious Scriptural reprimand, there are admissions I have just noted to being an ex JW in Sreko Sostar postings which constitute the same. Of course you do. And your reaction to that experience is that you are now (happily I presume) an ex JW along with those others you refer to. Just as John said. I can't understand why you just can't seem to go on and enjoy your independent life along with those others. Anyway, pardon me for turning to other topics for now.
  11. Thankyou for the patchy transcript. The highlights help. So this confirms the declaration I take it?
  12. Rubbish! You're outside the camp, under reprimand.....accept it! Oh come on please. How does this observation of the obvious show any kind of insight? They are just like you surely? Start off for whatever reasons, then fizzle out for whatever reasons. Just as the apostle John stated centuries ago. That would be interesting indeed. But not readily available. Maybe we can get at least something from the 2014 analysis someone did in USA? (I know you have some geographical partialities..............).
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