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Everything posted by Evacuated

  1. It is quite some time since this statement was made by @Anna in answer to the original question raised (in her name). It seems to answer fairly adequately don't you think? I mean you could get a little more generic and use the apostle John's words that apply across the board in principle: "They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But [they went out] that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort." 1John 2:9. This seems to have been confirmed by JB himself anyway "I don't know who is for or against the JW Org and it's not important to me. I only know that, at this moment in time i cannot be part of it. "
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-45815889 This takes the proverbial biscuit. These are guys that plant Jehovah's Witness publications on................Jehovah's Witnesses!!! They might be in for a decoration!
  3. Looks like one of them put his big brother's pants on by mistake!
  4. I'll go along with this. And as for the rather self indulgent "bantering" in this thread, isn't it time to call it a day and to wake up to what is really happening at this time and place in the history of civilisation? Just look who's coming to dinner!!!!
  5. Just a little clarification here. There are Jehovah's Witnesses and Jehovah's witnesses. One group are members of a religious organisation existing in this early part of the 21st Century. The other group consists of humans who will witness (literally) the saving hand of Jehovah through a cataclysmic demonstration of his power in destroying a wicked and Satanic system of things at a time of His chosing. Membership of both groups is not mutually inclusive.
  6. True colours showing now, unfortunately. But the scripture always does that I find. Heb.4:12. Don't worry. I'll leave you to your quest John Butler.
  7. "Or do you despise the riches of his kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, because you do not know that the kindly [quality] of God is trying to lead you to repentance?" Rom.2:4.
  8. We seem to have established that the Bible was only written for "the man of God" (as previously posted and referenced by 2Tim 3:16) and as an answer to the original question. We could probably add Jesus' own words here in view of your statement, so there is no confusion as to who decides who is "the man of God" for whom the Bible was specifically written: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him" John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father." John 6:65.
  9. By we, do you mean you? And if you have made a judgement, why don't you run with it? Or are you unable to let go of the hand that used to feed you? We seem to have established that the Bible was only written for "the man of God" so the question seems to have been answered.
  10. You think that's what I am doing??? You have missed a turning somewhere there. I think the joke has to be on you if that's the case! Anyway, I know you are hurting over something, so I'm not going to add to it by pursuing this silly GB bashing road any further. Sorry to have indulged so far. ? Getting back on thread, the question was something about JWs being certain that Armageddon is only a few years away for 140 years. What makes them think it’ll still happen? All I can think of (at the mo) is Habbakuk 2:3: "For [the] vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late."
  11. Funny eh? "Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand."
  12. "My sheep know me.........." "They will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.” Should be self-explantory. Got to go for now. ?
  13. 1John 5:17:"All unrighteousness is sin, and yet there is a sin that does not incur death." Sorry, you are not in a position to tell me what Jehovah has or has not promised me. That is what I mean. You have your odor, I have mine....
  14. Well, how to make a dog's breakfast out of a basic statement??? Let's untangle this. Let's speak about you. As you have used the personal pronoun "I", "you" features in my response. If "you" say something wrong unintentionally, thinking sincerely "you" are right, then this means "you" are not deliberately sinning. It means "you" have made a mistake, misunderstood a matter, made a decision with insufficient or incorrect data etc. Your point here: "You gave reasoning, I am not deliberately sinning and not made sin" is a distortion of what I said. A statement was made by @John Butler proposing that if the GB endorse something which later is found to be incorrect, this must be deliberate sinning. My response was that this is not sinning as such (deliberate) but is more correctly termed and evaluated as a mistake as described above. A mistake of this type can certainly be termed a"sin" in the sense that it "misses the mark" of truth. But it is not deliberate. I will not go to such lengths to untangle reasoning of this type in the future, so, respectfully, I request that you give a little more thought to your reponses. ?
  15. I'm trying to follow your logic here, but with difficulty. We just don't speak the same language (figuratively). You seem to be implying that some sort of bad events other than Armageddon might prove my outlook of value?
  16. Here lies an underlying feature of this mindset it appears. I do not share this perception of Armageddon that you have. For me, I survived my personal armageddon. This was a day of regeneration with a prospect of life. I can see you have a different perception, whether learned or originated. The big Armageddon for me is also a day of regeneration and of life. For you, I see, it is different. For me this fits with Paul's words at 2Cor.2:15-16 "For to God we are a sweet odor of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter ones an odor issuing from death to death, to the former ones an odor issuing from life to life."
  17. I stand by what I said. We are well equipped enough to balance the counsel at Acts 17:11; 1John 4:1; in discerning the value of the food that is distributed. Ps.4:4 and Pro.14:28 help us in how we handle those matters which need adjustment The judging of who and who isn't living up to their assigned duties is in the hands of "the master". In light of Jesus words at John 10:14, and with full confidence in the basis for Jehovah's promise at 2Tim.2:19, I think it is possible to handle appropriately any issue in connection with our ongoing development in understanding and applying the word of God.
  18. Two points. 1. The assessment of the "slave" to be "faithful and discreet" lies entirely in the hands of "the master". 2. The "appointment" of the slave to their role of food distribution also lies entirely in the hands of "the master". Just a simple consideration of the literal way Jesus handled food distribution through his disciples when feeding the crowds miraculously will give us the sense of how this occurs. The important thing for "the domestics" is that the food is distributed, and that it is eaten by those for whom it is intended, not who it is that does the distributing. "The master" is quite capable of dealing with his "slaves" if there is to be any question regarding their faithfulness or discretion.
  19. Not if they believe what they say. Getting something wrong is not a sin as such. Everybody makes mistakes. I have never subscribed to a GB inspired club. Armageddon will always be a few years/months (etc) off until it comes. The important thing is to keep in expectation of it, which (for me) means "get your priorities right". One old brother said to me many years ago "your armageddon came the day you dedicated your life to Jehovah". I found that a very useful viewpoint and consequently (since then), I have avoided "end-time frothing" . By "end-time frothing", I mean emotional debate about the end being near, taking too long, not coming as expected, being falsely predicted, not coming at all....etc.etc.etc. The whole point of the excercise for me is to live now as we will live once it has come so that it doesn't come as a shock when this old world's structure is no more. Of course that includes making use of the world as it is now, but not to the full. Armageddon will only be an account, not an experience, for the majority of humans in the future. So it's significance is not human-centric.
  20. Can't see a scriptural support for this observation. No, in principle. However, we would would need to agree that the "chosen ones" would need to be living up to that choice. Invaluable counsel from God 's word.
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