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Everything posted by Evacuated

  1. Doesn't matter where you go. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-42039793
  2. Actually a lot worse than stunk, and, on observation, it's still the same: Is 1:5-6: "The whole head is sick, And the whole heart is diseased.  From the sole of the foot to the head, nothing is healthy. There are wounds and bruises and open sores —They have not been treated or bound up or softened with oil."
  3. So you are in the Lord Denning school of thought on justice then: “It may be better that innocent people should serve life sentences than that the law should be seen to make gross errors” (Lord Justice Denning 1899 – 1999) Also, do you feel that "the psychological trauma of a false allegation." does not apply to the child at the centre of it? You are adding confirmation to my view that finding of solutions to the problems in this area of tragic evil requires the concentrated effort of far better minds than those exhibiting the emotive, unbalanced, and limited perspective that appears in these postings.
  4. "Of course, the proverb isn't a lesson in piscine biology. The phrase appears to have been used in Turkey in a metaphorical rather than literal sense from the outset. That's just as well as, in reality, it is the guts of fish that rot and stink before the head." Get real!!
  5. There has been reference in this discussion about policy being good in theory but not practical in reality. This is an example of the same. It relates to a serious issue that seems to slip out of the frame in this highly emotive area of discussion. Even Wikipedia refers to the fact that "Allegations of sexual abuse can be inherently traumatic to the child when false. People falsely charged with sexual abuse often face numerous problems of their own. The nature of the crime leveled at them often evokes an overwhelming sense of betrayal. In highly publicized cases, the general public has a strong tendency to summarily assume the accused is guilty, leading to very serious social stigma. The accused, even if acquitted, risks being fired from their job, losing their friends and other relationships, having their property vandalized, and being harassed by those believing them to be guilty." I could cite examples of the trauma faced and experienced by those falsely accused, even to the point of suicide and murder, but there are organisations dedicated to defending and supporting such victims that provide a wealth of information to enable a more balanced consideration of this matter from a range of perspectives. Linked below is one example. https://factuk.org/ To say that, in the case of unproven allegations of child abuse, "reporting does not convict" displays a level of naivety, which, when compounded by an unqualified belief that "the police have capabilities to uncover wrongdoing" can only lead to gross injustice. I am afraid that the finding of solutions to problems in this area of tragic evil requires the concentrated effort of far better minds than those exhibiting such emotive, unbalanced, and limited perspective. Just sayin'......... Â
  6. No. Just that the idea of punishing "many" for the "crime" of just a "few" is not limited to legal dictionaries. It is a common phenomenon in all walks of life. The application is left to your fertile imagination.
  7. To be really honest @Matthew9969, these video clips are only superceded in cringeworthiness by the people who post them on line. I can only hope that the halls used are merely rented facilities. A Kingdom Hall is a center of true worship in a community, not a centre of buffoonery. I note that some of the euphoria demonstrated seems to have a relationship to the visiting of international assembly delegates. Well, if this is intended as a cultural demonstration and welcome, then I can only shudder at the reality of the state of culture in the host nation. There is no objection to engaging in this kind of inane lightheartedness in an appropriate setting, but if needs must, then go hire a community facility, or volunteer your garden. Don't go creating international embarrassment at such a childish and immature display in a setting normally used for educating people in Jehovah's righteous ways. And as for the observation that this pathetic demonstration should somehow constitute "new light", then I for one will take the darkness any day of the week!
  8. Don't you see the parallel of holding a group liable for punishment for the perceived crime of an individual member?
  9. De.19:15 is pretty explicit: “No single witness may convict another for any error or any sin that he may commit. On the testimony of two witnesses or on the testimony of three witnesses the matter should be established." However, increasingly, De.22:25-27 is set against this requirement as a justification for relaxing the 2 witness requirement in modern cases of abuse. "“If, however, the man happened to meet the engaged girl in the field and the man overpowered her and lay down with her, the man who lay down with her is to die by himself, and you must do nothing to the girl. The girl has not committed a sin deserving of death. This case is the same as when a man attacks his fellow man and murders him. For he happened to meet her in the field, and the engaged girl screamed, but there was no one to rescue her." The witness absence factor is compared to a case of murder. We know there were provisions in Israel for this in the form of the cities of refuge procedures (Nu.35:10-32, where the single witness prohibition is stated at v30), and the bloodguilt removal procedure in the complete absence of a perpetrator as outlined at De.21:9. With regard to the sexual crime, further procedures were in place in which Jehovah's participation as a witness was invited. These are outlined at Nu.5:11-31. Obviously, Jehovah can serve as a witness in the case of secret sin of this nature (2Sam.11:27) without invoking a ritual, because he is aware of these things. Does anyone know of instances in Jewish history or commentaries where the matter outlined in De.22:25 was handled appropriately?
  10. Well the statement at De.19:15 is pretty explicit. If we read De. 22:25-27, it says the sexual crime is the same as a murder (presumably also unwitnessed by an independent party). Now I know a corpse is a silent witness of a sort, but the testimony is a little obscure, and without clarity, it would be difficult to convict, so there were a number of arrangements in place to deal with that situation. However,  leaving that to one side, in the case of a sexual crime, the victim is one witness who might be able to testify; the circumstance seems to provide some circumstantial evdence. Is there any suggestion of how Jehovah could serve as a witness (which he surely could)? In Jesus case he did actually testify verbally from the heavens. In the case of David and Bathsheeba, he served as a witness sending Nathan. Just wondering, as Deuteronomy is rather sparse? There is some danger of a false accusation which presumably is a reason for the 2-witness rule in the first place. Any records or ideas shedding light here? But please forgive me. This is veering off topic again. i will withdraw until the subject is discussed separately. I have posted it here in case some constructive information can be contributed: Â
  11. No I don't actually. I remember this: (1) Have you recognized yourself as a sinner and needing salvation from Jehovah God? And have you acknowledged that this salvation proceeds from him and through his ransomer, Christ Jesus? (2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for redemption have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to Jehovah God, to do his will henceforth as that will is revealed to you through Christ Jesus and through God’s Word as his holy spirit makes it plain? But I might add that this did not relate directly to my dedication vow which I made sometime earlier and actually not in those words. I don't think anyone who has really accepted Christ's ransom and on the basis of this has dedicated themselves to Jehovah God would actually recite some clause like statutory marriage vows or something. Or is that something that you had to do?
  12. Yeah thanks for the reference. I think I understood it correctly. I covered it with Rev.18:4. Bit like the suspected reasons for the targeting of Andrey Gosht's family?
  13. Quite true there. Jesus and Jehovah were two witnesses as to the genuineness of his Messianic role. Now, that is an excellent debunking of the Trinity myth. But I was actually referring to the unwitnessed crime at De.21:26-27?
  14. This movie has been around a couple of years. Some countries will obviously have local licensing issues where music is involved, but I'd love to know the story behind it.
  15. And your point regarding this??? Good to be reminded thank you very much. Yes, we are very well aware of these personal and "collective", (think I understand this term), areas of responsibility which is why we, for example 1. obey 1 Pet.3:21, and 2. obey Rev 18:4. Great examples, but in the case of unwitnessed alleged murder, the city of refuge arrangement has relevance. The unwitnessed rape incident is also intriguing. Was Jehovah ever called as a witness additional to the victim?
  16. No dispute then. Quite. Hence an office representing. Not a reason, just an observation. We don't need buildings to worship of course. But, using a premises to carry out necessary functions is quite in order. I don't see a problem with owning or renting, or even borrowing for that matter. Whatever is expedient for the purpose. (Compare Luke 22:10-12). This is just alien gobbledegook. Were you once doing this??
  17. Very sad report and we can only imagine how difficult this must all be for the surviving families. This statement is rather misleading in that a "free" and "informed" decision on a matter does not sit well with the notion of that matter being something which is arbitrarily "forbidden under Jehovah's Witness doctrine". Also, whilst the coroner correctly highlights the difficullty faced by physicians in balancing the will of a patient against their subjective medical assessment of the result, it surely is not the case that the medical oath to protect and save human life is one that must be fulfilled "at all costs"? Otherwise, how could abortion (apparently prohibited by the Hippocratic oath) be permitted? Seemingly running at about 100,000 per year in Canada, this would surely generate significant coroner input if unlawful. And yet, the outrage seems disproportionate. Once again, media and honesty publicly demonstrate their estrangement.
  18. This is just a generally stated, and basically irrelevant, opinion. The repentant, murderous, adulterer, David, was still the anointed of Jehovah through his difficulties, and, despite his error, was still spoken of by Jehovah as having a complete heart. 1 Ki.11:4. As a result, he was not abandoned by Jehovah. This principle holds good at all times for individual servants of Jehovah, and in any endeavour they might seek to engage in collectively at the direction of that same God, Jehovah. Their united and prophetic declaration of intent is still as worded by Micah: "For all the peoples will walk, each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever." Mic.4:5 This joint declaration is reinforced by their individual determination as described in the words of Habbakuk: "But I quietly wait for the day of distress, for it is coming upon the people who attack us. Although the fig tree may not blossom, and there may be no fruit on the vines; although the olive crop may fail, and the fields may produce no food; although the flock may disappear from the pen, and there may be no cattle in the stalls; yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation" Hab. 3:16-18. Individually and collectively, all those who serve Jehovah in the manner described above can expect to be treated "In harmony with the expressions of loyal love to David, which are faithful." Is.55:3. This is an amplified answer to your question raised @Noble Berean, And I think it could also be said, in summary, that although Jehovah's servants can make mistakes, Jehovah God may not remove his backing, as long as they respond to His disciplene and correction (as experienced by David).
  19. Well, I would say that he will continue to treat this organisation in the same way he treated David: 1 Sam 16:13: "And the spirit of Jehovah began to empower David from that day forward"
  20. Can't see a problem with being proud of one's faithfulness to God's requirements and of success in fulfilling his commission? Jer 9:24: "“But let the one boasting boast about this:That he has insight and knowledge of me, that I am Jehovah, the One showing loyal love, justice, and righteousness in the earth," 2 Cor 7:4: "I have great freeness of speech toward you. I have great boasting in regard to you. I am filled with comfort; I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction." etc...etc... Do you believe you are backed by God Almighty?
  21. Whatever the courts say is proved. If crimes are committed, they will be uncovered. Where's your faith? Published on this forum wasn't it?
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