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Everything posted by Evacuated

  1. Enough for what? The Ethiopian eunuch did this I am sure? Acts 8:9-38. As did Apollos (Acts 18:26). There are millions of witnesses to support the unbracketed element of this statement. There are also those who return to Babylonish doctorine despite the "leads of WT scholars".
  2. Yes to the video. The brother was recovered from an apostate course. I am just saying that while the "unforgivable sin" is necessarily accompanied by apostasy, however it is defined, it does not follow that all apostates have committed the "unforgivable sin". In other words, those who apostatize can repent and turn around and experience forgiveness from Jehovah. The record of the Kings demonstrates this. In fact, the return of Solomon (who, as far as the record indicates, died in apostasy) in the resurrection of the unrighteous is a prime example (1Ki.11:43; Acts 24:15), whilst Mannaseh provides a second witness (2Chr.33:13; 20). Wilfullness and unrepentance seem to be key characterisics of the "unforgiveable sin". Of course, the determination of those factors lies in the hands of the "Judge of all the earth" and those whom He has commissioned and empowered to judge.
  3. I wonder if the term "apostate" is defined in too narrow a manner? Many seem to think it refers to one who was a JW at one time but who now actively camapaigns against the teachings they once defended. Surely anyone who determinedly and willfully discards the faith and the obligations of their dedication is constituting themselves "apostate" in that they desert, abandon, or rebel against what they once stood by, be that on an intellectual, and/or moral, and/or spritual basis?
  4. only NWT say "apostate" other translations have not such word!! they use; hypocrite, godless, feigner be careful about NWT translators  this is just one example of change You know, some might feel that this gives the NWT an edge, particularly when one uses other translations for comparative study. Koelher and Baumgartner link apostasy with the word used here. I think the word "apostate" fits quite well with the activity described in the proverb in following the example of the arch-apostate. I mean apostates are godless, hypocritical feigners, particularly those who want to impart their ideas to others as "enlightenment" wouldn't you say? Actually, I rather like the reference in Mclintock and Strong regarding this one: "soiled (i.e. with sin), impious:-hypocrite" Now, would that be ordinary or extra-ordinary sin?
  5. Can you give any examples of this? and what do you define as an extraordinary sinner?
  6. Just found a collection of old, neglected and about to be thrown out books! Now rescued and re-homed with an appreciative, caring owner!
  7. I was ...and they didn't. I sure they would have welcomed it if it had come as they would have, and probably still do, felt like Paul who said: "Now if I am to live on in the flesh, this is a fruitage of my work; yet what I would choose, I do not make known. I am torn between these two things, for I do desire the releasing and the being with Christ, which is, to be sure, far better. However, it is more necessary for me to remain in the flesh for your sakes." Ph 1:22-24
  8. There is an interesting (seeming) paradox here. Those who do sin against God's spirit are unlikely to think they have. Those who do not sin against God's spirit often think they have.
  9.  Bit of care needed here I would suggest. Apostasy is a state of mind. Jesus showed that a state of mind constitutes the relevant sin when he stated that "everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matt.5:28. No one is condemned by men until a sin has been seen to be committed, but Jehovah can (like Jesus) read the heart (Pro.21:2) and will judge the intent that has the potential to become the sin. They (Jehovah and Jesus), can determine accurately the outcome of intent (Gen.4:7). So I would be inclined to tread warily with the tendency we have to delight in independent thinking regarding explanations of doctrine presented by those who have the responsibility to direct the Christian congregation. Proverbs 11:9 states:"By his mouth the apostate brings his neighbor to ruin". Just stating inappropriately a disagreement with an explanation provided is to venture onto a place that can only be described as "slippery ground" Ps.73:18.   Â
  10. The time of judgement will seem fast when it starts because it will be fast, Jehovah never drags out His executive action. He is not vindictive, even in judgement, is He? As for the time left until then? As it is reduced (1Cor.7:29), and reduces every time we think about it, then of course less time remains each moment that we live. But Jehovah does not speed up the time left until the "great tribulation". He is actually patient with us, because He does not desire any to be destroyed (2Pet.3:9). So the more time left, the more time we have to help others to "repentance". But, for them, there is less time left for them to develop a strong faith in preparation for the future events. That is when Jehovah can intervene to speed up the numbers hauled in from this old system (Is. 60:22), and to speed up their development to the level of maturity they need (1Cor 3:6). And then, after we all have endured, He can finish our training (1Pet.5:10).
  11. Police should investigate and where allegations of criminal activity are found to have substance, then courts should be involved in prosecution. Is that not happening?
  12. More "could" be. Otherwise, many more would have believed it then, and might even care about it now.
  13. Some were. I was there in 1975 and I was not looking to a date. That was because some were not. So I can't see an issue of any significance any more than expectation postponed makes the heart sick. Were you there? Did you attach too much to human chronological speculation at the time?
  14. You need to go and think on the passage at Romans 7:13-25. Understanding it will resolve your issues here.
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