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Posts posted by Evacuated

  1. @Kurt

    Thanks. Great posting. Loads here I haven't got.

    9 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

    The funny thing is, old publications are JWs' worst enemy!

    Can't see why anyone has any concern over these old publications and how they fuel apostastates........ I just don't know????

  2. 18 hours ago, Cos said:

    And here is another observation, the fact that in Acts 21:11 this was a prophetic message given to Agabus is sure proof of the foreknowledge of the Person from who the message came.

    Can't see a contention with this? After all Isaiah 46:9-10 makes it clear that: "I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do’;"

    18 hours ago, Cos said:

    Thus says the Holy Spirit” (Acts 21:11), “thus says” is a phrase found throughout the Scriptures and the phrase is always attributed to actual persons.

    Can't be.

  3. 1 hour ago, Cos said:

    Many places in the Bible the Holy Spirit is said to speak.

    As do the heavens. This is an observation, and is only a proof of what the Bible "says". Nothing more.

  4. 8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    This was in response to what? This comment:

    9 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    I can play your game, but lets try and stick to the topic being discussed in each thread instead of trying to divert from facts. This seems to be a popular tactic of jws when they have no answers. 

    I guess my point DID come across correctly. 

    No, not that comment

    This one shows you got the point:

    11 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    You're not trying to tell me that you are a donkey are you?


  5. 26 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    well then if you have something to say, say it. It won't hurt my feelings.

    I've said it.

    27 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

    the Balaam comment

    Balaam wasn't able to curse God's people. Neither are you. Your jibes are impotent and your sarcasm serves only to speak the truth, albeit against your will.

    I'm not calling you names or playing games. There is no need. You walk with no disguise.

    And your feelings....I wouldn't want to add to the pain you exhibit in these postings, so there's no hidden venom here. It's you who suggested I am a donkey, although I could take that as a compliment in context. But no, I can't claim that role, so I have just referred you to an appropriate posting.

    Anyway, I see you have the point, and as for the topic, it feels just about exhausted so I'm gonna "pass the plate." 

  6. 2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:
    23 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

    Don't you feel like Balaam at times?

    please elaborate, because I fail to see any connection to the topic being discussed here. 

    Meditate on the content of your contributions. (No pun intended). It wouldn't be fair for me to spell it out. I'll give you a clue:

    On 10/3/2017 at 10:10 PM, Shiwiii said:

    they don't beg/ask/request/demand money like the rest of christendom does, what a blessing. 


  7. 34 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If WT and members prefer more to be called as "only true religion" and proves that with methods that are only suits them (self-rightful and self-justified methods), instead of charity works which are done by other people, groups or organizations whose methods and tries to help, according to WT and your quote are of no value. 

    Because according  your terminology is just vain attempt to "fix" what is not fixable. Then please think about that how in this minutes when we, you and i speaking in the wind, doing nothing, some other people, who are not JW members, feeding hungry babies, giving water to thirsty people, giving education to children in some forgotten country, curing illness and helping  patients to endure the pain ..... and that all is just meaningless work???

     Your recommendation and counsel is not to do that kind of "fixing" but -- if you see your brother that is hungry, tell him, go brother and feed yourself ...but  i will give you internet address of JWorg and you will be spiritually satiated :)))))  This is not USA or Croatian way of "humor", this is biblical way, ahaha.

    Man!   I think you're talking to yourself here because I for one do not understand your logic. You have obviously suffered some kind of trauma along the line and you have my sympathy for that.

    But... this is not a language thing so don't resort to that as an excuse. This a logic thing. I would like to understand you. Please give a little more thought to what you are trying to express. You will have my attention if you take the time to make sense.  :)

  8. 9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If we, every single person, JW or non-JW "pursue legal means" for purpose to oppose all injustice that threatens various people all around the world for every kind of "ignorant injustice" - than we would show what it is in our mind and heart. Then we will advocate for all people without prejudice and we would be impartial, and not only for one of "our sort".

    If you understand this, and I presume you do because they are your words, then ...get to it!

    14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    He, Dennis, choose to "dye" for god and fatherland aka WT organization. Maybe my words sounds unsympathetic or rough, but  injustice are everywhere, inside us and outside of us. Prison time can be good time for Dennis to make personal introspective of his feelings, attitudes, reasons, faith, belongings and much more. But of course that must not be the case, perhaps he will continue in supporting stubbornness for "wrong zeal" to establish own and/ or WT righteousness. 

    Whatever cause YOU choose to live or die for.... again....get to it!

    Leave Dennis Christiansen to do the same. And as you observe how his conduct turns out, (you might choose to) imitate his faith!

  9. 29 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    comment about Dennis

    1&2. Rev.2:10: That he should stand firm.  Matt.10:17-18: That his enemies get a witness. Matt 5:42 Pray that maybe even enemies come to their senses.

    3. Col.4:12: Pray for him to stand firm.  Acts 25:11: Pursue legal means to effect reversal of ignorant injustice.  Matt.25:36: Provide assistance and comfort if possible:

    4. Good will always come for those who endure under trial, but James 1:13 remains true.

  10. I can't see anything particularly sinister about publicising the manner in which donations can be made to fund the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses. It would actually be pretty naive to ommit to do this nowadays,  as electronic systems have changed the options available, and opened up a way of reducing the costs involved in processing money.

    Equally, to suggest ways that experienced ones can help those who are unfamiliar with electronic donation methods is completely practical and of great assistance to those who wish to use these channels, but feel a little daunted by the methods.

    To have this as a meeting item is beneficial, as it covers all of the various contribution methods currently available and alerts all present to these varied facilities. To make such information geographically specific by means of the website is also highly efficient.

    I have found contribution methods to nearly always be a topic of interest to new ones I bring to the meeting. Not only do they expect to contribute something to costs, but they are often puzzled as to why so little is said about money. This sometimes arouses suspicion on their part as to some sort of financial "whammy" that might be waiting in the wings should they pursue their interest. So having information on contribution methods clearly available and transparent is indeed prudent. Considering the content of the video, it would seem to fit the generally held view of such contributions as "unsolicited". 


    It is true that religions in general have behaved in a scandalous manner with regard to "unrighteous riches",  unashamedly heaping great reproach on God's name, as pointed out so ably by George Carlin. Notwithstanding, people are still willing to contribute to what they feel is a good cause, and I am regularly given funds by members of the public as a contribution to our work which, even if they do not belong to our movement, they see as genuine and above board. Most people I witness to quickly see that with Jehovah's Witnesses, they get much value for actually no money at all. I am happy to contribute to an organisation that seeks to genuinely preach "the good news of the kingdom", and most of those who stick around are of the same mind.

    (I will let the cynics blow their hot gas about fancy suits, expensive watches, "misappropriated" Kingdom Hall funds, legal expenses etc. etc. themselves.)

  11. I am going to make one post here because we are going off topic:

    1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The mental illness and  suicide rate among older Jehovah's witnesses is 5 to 10 times that of the general population .. be a sport ... look it up.

    I did!  BUT, the only comment I can find alongside this claim regarding Jehovah's Witnesses is:

    "The exact number of suicides is impossible to obtain for a variety of reasons.  Secular intuitions such as hospitals and police departments do not keep track of the religious organizations of the deceased"

    (This is a quote. I am not sure what "secular intuitions" are  o.O)

    So if anyone could provide a single, verifiable, accurate, unbiased report on actual suicide rates, comparing Jehovah's Witnesses with other groups, please post as a separate thread to allow an informed debate.

    If this cannot be done, then (with respect)  I am afraid the claim will have to be consigned to the fake news bin.

    Image result for Fake news bin

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