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Posts posted by Evacuated

  1. We discussed this issue in our Pioneer school.

    The unanimous conclusion was that the Bible indicates clearly that there is more happiness in giving,  but says nothing about there being no happiness in receiving.

    Get a life!

  2. 10 hours ago, Jay Witness said:

    She said she was horrified to received unsolicited messages from the religious group

    This indicates the sad plight of humans in today's loveless world in that comfort from a stranger is basically seen as something alien.

  3. On 5/27/2017 at 4:42 PM, Micah Ong said:

    The secret of the ancient Egyptians, and their modern disciples, the Freemasons, is the art of demonology for gaining power--mainly through the devil, Jehovah.

    The idea that any participation of the God we know as Jehovah could be related to magical gobbledegook on the part of any of these groups, ancient or modern, reduces the true God to the level of the genie in the magic lamp, subject to the whims of men. In that way you are basically insulting Him. Not the action of a wise man!

    9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Russell only believed in a theory about ONE single pyramid.

    Yes, that's true. But even so, I would imagine that, regarding this silly idea, Charles Russell would share the sentiment  his colleague and successor, Joseph Rutherford experienced over his 1925 theory when he said:  "I made an ass of myself" WT Oct 1, 1984 p21.


    1 hour ago, Nicole said:


    What happens to their Vow of Poverty when a Bethelite leaves the religious order?


     “What you vow, pay". says Ecclesiastes 5:4. 

    When a Bethelite leaves the voluntary service privilege they have enjoyed as a member of the Order of Special Full-Time Servants,  and does not enter another avenue of service in that arrangement,  the vow is no longer binding. It has been paid and is therefore set aside as fulfilled.

  5. 11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    discrepancy between Malawi and Mexico

    I can see a difference but not in the sense of discrepancy I'm afraid. Despite the volume of argument and background  presented, the only real similarity I can see here between Malawi and Mexico is in the purchase of a card. Apart from that, it seems like a case of "apples and oranges".

    I can, however, see another parallel. Consider the activity of the muderous Malawi Young Pioneers (MWP), attempting to force Jehovah's Witnesses to purchase a card indicating complete support for a dictatorial, personality-cultist, psycopathic despot. Compare this with what Wikipedia (partly) describes under "Nazi salute":

    "Jehovah's Witnesses came into conflict with the Nazi regime because they refused to salute Adolf Hitler with the traditional "Heil Hitler" salute, believing that it conflicted with their worship of Jehovah. Because refusing to salute Hitler was considered a crime, Jehovah's Witnesses were arrested, and their children attending school were expelled, detained and separated from their families."

    Would we then by the same argument suggest that the Witnesses taking a stand against participating in the Nazi salute was somehow indicating discrepancy with the excercise of conscience by Mexican brothers? I fail to see a relevant comparison.

  6. For starters:

    *** Insight-2 p. 1162 Vow ***
    A solemn promise made to God to perform some act, make some offering or gift, enter some service or condition, or abstain from certain things not unlawful in themselves. A vow was a voluntary expression made of one’s own free will. Being a solemn promise, a vow carried the force of an oath or a swearing, and at times the two expressions accompany each other in the Bible. (Nu 30:2; Mt 5:33) “Vow” is more the declaration of intent, while “oath” denotes the appeal made to a higher authority attesting to the truthfulness or binding nature of the declaration. Oaths often accompanied attestation to a covenant.—Ge 26:28; 31:44, 53.

  7. 7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I thought a "minimalist" was something like a dwarf.


    Now you really surprise me James.

    With your obvious command of the language I would have expected you to understand a "minimalist" as one who discriminates against..... short people!!


  8. On 5/23/2017 at 2:06 PM, Nicole said:

    Was Jesus a minimalist? 

    Further to the secular definition suggested in my last post, the scriptures, of course, give an insight into Jesus's approach to life.

    For example:

    His behaviour:  John 2:11; Matt.8:20; Matt 11:19; Luke 7:36-38 (Comp. John 12:3); Luke 10:41-42; John 19:23.

    His teachings: Matt. 6:25-32; Luke 12:15; Luke 21:34.

    The attitude of his followers: Ph.4:12; 1Tim.6:8.

  9. *** Insight-1 pp. 787-788 Expelling ***
    During the time of his earthly ministry, Jesus gave instructions as to the procedure to follow if a serious sin was committed against a person and yet the sin was of such a nature that, if properly settled, it did not need to involve the Jewish congregation. (Mt 18:15-17) He encouraged earnest effort to help the wrongdoer, while also safeguarding that congregation against persistent sinners. The only congregation of God in existence then was the congregation of Israel. ‘Speaking to the congregation’ did not mean that the entire nation or even all the Jews in a given community sat in judgment on the offender. There were older men of the Jews that were charged with this responsibility. (Mt 5:22) Offenders who refused to listen even to these responsible ones were to be viewed “just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector,” association with whom was shunned by the Jews.—Compare Ac 10:28.

  10. 4 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    letters to Banda

    Me too. The address we were given was:

    His Excellency the Life President of Malawi
    Ngwazi Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda
    Central Government Offices
    Private Bag 301
    Capital City
    Lilongwe 3
    Malawi, Central Africa

     Ngwazi meant "chief of chiefs" (more literally, "great lion", or, some would say, "conqueror") in Chicheŵa. (Wikipedia)

  11. 5 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

    I'm guessing and hoping you would think otherwise if you were one of the Malawian sisters and then found out what happened with Mexico.

    Please have a soul and compassion. 

    Christians from Malawi know what happens in Mexico surely. This is no secret.

    5 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

    poor Malawian brothers had to go through brutal torture rape and murder

    Who by?

    5 hours ago, Micah Ong said:

    They couldn't apply Romans 13:7

    If you mean the brothers in Malawi, have you got a comment from any of them?




  12. Another subject that seems to fan the flames.

    Malawi Congress Party card? Purchase seeming to endorse the Banda personality-cult dictatorship with all it's trimmings. Can't see any difference with the "Heil Hitler" salute myself. I see it as an act of worship. Violates Jehovah's law.

    Mexican military service cartilla? Corrupt system where mid-ranking officials impose "unofficial tax" to endorse marching participation certification. Common and generally tolerated (not approved) practice, along with other similar "unofficial" charges for Government administrative services. Document does not exempt from military service at time of war, but allows for obtaining other legal documentation such as driving and travel permits. Show me an incorrupt government. Make your choice. Accept the consequence. It's up to you. Conscience matter for me.

    Oath of allegience to US? Can't see why GB members are singled out? Excuse my ignorance, but isn't this oath taken by anyone getting a US passport or becoming a US citizen? There should be 1000's of photos here. Seems to be an affirmation to uphold US values? Seems to reflect the spirit of Rom 13:7. Even constitutional rights are reflected in the wording of the oath. We are not suggesting that JWs can't take oaths are we? (another thread for that please, although that topic would seem dead in the water.) It's up to you. Conscience matter for me.

    Has anyone considered the comparative consequences of action in connection with these issues?

    That might indicate something in connection with their importance to a Christian.


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