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Posts posted by Evacuated

  1. 5 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

    What is the scriptural support that there are two different destinies for Christian believers? 

    I understand Ph.2:9-11 to indicate that every intelligent creation will be subject to Christ. 

    As Ps 37:29 speaks of righteous ones living forever on earth, so this constitutes one destiny.

    Obviously, a heavenly hope is held out in the Scripture also (Heb.3:1), so this relates to the other destiny. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    Then explain with scripture your position. 

    My position, unfortunately, with your aggressive and impertinent responses, is to apply, with regret, the advice of the apostle Paul so eloquently expressed at 2 Tim. 2:23: "Further, reject foolish and ignorant debates, knowing that they produce fights."

    In more modern parlance, I suppose: "You're fired!".

  3. 35 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Every now and then we harken back  to the old clergy-laity distinction (in the form of the remnant-nonremnant distinction). Care was taken not to use this type of expression for a few years. I have rarely seen it since then, and especially not since Fred Franz died. He was one who often hinted that the non-remnant are brought to righteousness through the work of the remnant since only the remnant have Jesus as mediator. In effect, as many opposers are quick to point out, only the remnant become the mediator between Jesus and the "other sheep." It's problematic and forces the idea that the Greek Scriptures were only written to the remnant, and the only parts that can apply at least indirectly to the other sheep are those portions that the remnant will clarify for them.

    Whilst illuminating, these discussions are disappointing as to the spirit they show existed both amongst certain witnesses in the past and those who inherit their legacy.

    Jesus had no objection to submitting to water baptism by imperfect, unworthy John the Baptizer in order to "carry out all that is righteous". Matt.3:13-15. No clergy-laity hocus pocus existed there.

    Why would anyone object to being brought to righteousness by someone else as described at Dan.12:3? 

  4. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    of course he wouldn't be his own offspring,

    Then I cannot follow your logic as those addressed  by Paul were designated as Abraham's offspring, due to become  "heirs with reference to a promise". Abraham was not, therefore........................ different destiny.  You don't subscribe to the Trinity doctorine by any chance do you? :)

  5. 3 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

    But how does your conclusion follow that his and Christians' destinies are different?

    Well, don't misquote. I said "the first century Christians addressed by Paul".

    Anyway, those who were addressed by Paul in "a mini-Romans" could become "Abraham's offspring, heirs with reference to a promise" (Gal. 3:29), and therefore part of "the Israel of God" (Gal.6:16).

    As one whose faith was "counted to him as righteousness", Abraham will receive a place in the "resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous" (Acts 24:15). It seeems unlikely to me that Abraham was destined to become one of his own offspring, so on that basis, his and first century Christians destines differ.

  6. 18 hours ago, Diakonos said:

    When was the last time your congregation contributed money to feed your starving brothers?

    Last Sunday for us. I am not sure what congregation you attend if that is not happening for you.

    Really, the contributions for the Worldwide work are managed by Jehovah's organisation with due attention given to relief measures where needed. And I read many reports regarding specific JW relief measures taking place in many parts of the world, in the international press, on jw.org, and even on this forum. The web page linked below is a good place to start if you want some detail.



    11 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    scriptural proof

    Genesis. Chapters 11-25

    Despite his righteous standing and his significant role in the outworking of God's purpose subsequent to the event described at Gen. 12:1-3, Abraham did not become one of the spirit-anointed, baptised, born-again followers of Christ addressed by Paul in Rom Chap.4 before he died. Therefore, his destiny differed from those who do.

  8. 5 hours ago, Diakonos said:

    millions are spent on

    Can you provide a reasonably accurate breakdown of how these millions are spent in order to evaluate the propriety of their allocation and thus enable an address to your question?

  9. 19 minutes ago, Diakonos said:

    Apparently Jehovah didn't mind them still using the cross or having a seemingly wrong date for Christ's parousia.

    "Apparently" is a subjective term, and rightly so.

    Actually, what Jehovah minds and what Jehovah allows are two very different things are they not?. Compare Rom.9:22.

  10. On 11/27/2016 at 17:08, Diakonos said:

    I realize that thinking along these lines may seem to muddy the societies teachings

    Not for me. Does it for you? Obviously, Abraham's destiny and that of the first century Christians addressed by Paul differ, as did Jehovah's requirements for them in their time, but their being righteous in God's eyes does not.

  11. 22 hours ago, Diakonos said:

    The society makes a distinction between the righteousness that was reckoned or credited to Abraham and the righteousness that is counted to the annointed.

    Seems to me that the word "righteousness" is a bit like the word "perfection". It's meaning has a lot to do with whose standard it is meeting, the purpose for which it is required, and the context in which it is used.

    With that in mind, obviously Abraham's place in the outworking of God's purpose is different to that of the "anointed", if by that term you are referring to humans who leave the material realm and go to heaven to become "kings and priests" with Christ in his heavenly kingdom.

  12. On 11/19/2016 at 20:01, Jay Witness said:

    a “private initiative,” although it is linked to the religious community,


    On 11/19/2016 at 20:01, Jay Witness said:

    “Please, if you are not a witness, do not call to register (…), although we do not doubt that you are an honest person, we cannot accept your registration,” clarify the managers of the employment exchange.

    I can see how, on the surface, this may appear to be well-motivated in view of the circumstances as described.

    However, there are risks such as:

    • Repercussions due to undesirable actions of individuals who may not live up to Christian standards.
    • The manager's statement above could be viewed as discriminatory.

    6 hours ago, Jay Witness said:


    The feb 2017 Watchtower says the Governing Body is not inspired nor infallible.

    yet, they are still using the baptism questions.

    the second one being... "do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s witnesses in association with god’s spirit-directed organization?".


    Can't see a relationship between the statement and the question.

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