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Posts posted by Evacuated

  1. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:


    This clearly tells us that God is not directing this organization, but instead the gb is. 


    Can you show Scripturally that whenever direction is provided for God's people it always comes directly from God?

  2. 2 hours ago, djsqueeze said:


    Bros. n Sis. 

    Please be careful responding to Eoin Joyce. Prior comments and posts appear to have apostate leanings.


    This posting could be taken as offensive and/or immature. I can see from your comments about beards that you are only just getting on your feet again so I'll stick with the latter and overlook it.

    Proverbs 12:18 would be a useful addition to your "equipment", as would the prayer at Ps 17:5. :)

  3. 5 hours ago, joel alarios sr. said:

    Each Pioneers and publishers contributed for the rental of the place.

    Excellent initiative.

    From:  http://hubpages.com/holidays/How-do-Filipinos-Celebrate-the-Halloween

    Halloween here in the Philippines is not like the Halloween in the Western countries. Although it’s a big holiday (comparable to Christmas here), we celebrate it in a different manner. Halloween in the Philippines lasts from the eve of October 31 (or even before this day) to November 2. Due to our strong Catholic background, Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 are spent remembering our dead loved ones and these dates will usually find most of us in one place only: the cemetery or the memorial park.

  4. 17 hours ago, Anna said:

    Food for thought...

    I have to come back on this one Anna.

    It is all food for thought and very interesting indeed to consider the development of understanding over the years on this subject, the generation that will by no means pass away.

     JW Insider's anecdotal expositions are thought-provoking. Allen's wide scattering of commentary references have interest,even if lacking coherence.

    However, it is important to keep a balance and not be 'shaken from our reason' on this matter. We need to be 'making sure of more important things' at this time. (comp. 2Thess.2:2; Ph.1:10)

    By way of reminder, one important thing is to be sure about who "the faithful and discreet slave" is, and the work assigned to that slave. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we currently recognise that the Governing Body of anointed Christians constitutes the "faithful and discreet slave". The work assigned is to provide "food at the proper time", spiritual food that is.

    For me, Bro Splane is a member of the Governing Body. His use and application of the scripture at Ex.1:6 in explaining a perspective on the meaning of Jesus words at Matt.24:34, is an example of the slave providing appropriately timed food. He could have used any of the scriptures using the the term "generation" (over 180 instances in the NWT for example). Some of those scriptures indeed point to 40 year periods. Others, though, have a longer time lapse, such the Gen.15:16 usage. And it may also be "food for thought" when you consider that in the 1656 year period (the Antediluvian generation) from Adam's creation until the flood, there were only 3 "overlapping" generations. (Adam, Lamech, Shem).

    So, Bro. Splane was fulfilling his role (representatively), by choosing a particular reference to the word generation, and a particular way of viewing it's application in the face of a number of ways that this could be done (some referenced in the postings here). This constitutes "food at the proper time". Why? Because it is patently obvious that the passage of time has indicated previous explanations to be now inadequate. They may have served a purpose at the time, but are no longer fit for that purpose. 

    Once of the principal elements of food at the proper time is to keep Christians alert to the urgency of the times in which we live. There may be "times or seasons that the Father has placed within his own juridiction", but there are those that have been placed within ours. Obviously, our interest in the urgency of the times should not get to the point of eclipsing our need to put on the new personality, or the requirement to demonstrate our love for our families and those related in the faith. Nevertheless, despite the unknown "day and hour" for God's intervention, the limited time element on this system of things is an important factor in our balancing and prioritising our spiritual and secular responsibilities with particular regard to preaching the good news of the kingdom and the attendant disciple making work. The belief that those who saw 1914CE would also see the "great tribulation" may have been inaccurate, but at the time served to heighten awareness of the limited time factor. In the face of Satan's onslaught of persecution, propaganda, and provocations, this awareness was, and still is, essential. 

    It is obvious that some would be disturbed by the apparent "by all means has passed away" nature of the 1914 generation as it was understood. To address that issue and to further enlighten those who are not so shaky in their orientation, I see the"overlapping (or 2 group) generation" explanation filling that need in showing how a "generation" is not dependent on the life-span of one group associated with it, but may consist of 2, overlapping, groups of people.

    Those who were anointed when witnessing 1914 are the Ist group. Those born after 1914, anointed, and then whose lives  "overlap" with the 1st group, are the 2nd group and are the only additional ones qualified to be seen as part of the "generation". This definition prevents a perpetual chain of overlaps, but more importantly retains the level of urgency. This (redefined) generation "will by no means pass away". And by that definition, those anointed since (probably) the mid 1990s do not qualify as a part of that generation, 1st or 2nd group. There will be no need for a 3rd group.

    It is an adjustment, in fact a re-adjustment. But why should this surprise us in the spirit of 2Cor.13:11? For me, it is actually "food at the proper time". And I expect many more readjustments before we get to the end of this system of things. But these readjustments will come via "the faithful and discreet slave" regardless of the many genuinely bright ideas that individual brothers (and sisters) may have themselves.

    Problems arise if we cherish old viewpoints, or, worse, if we cherish our own ideas on things and see "adjustments" as justification that we were right all the time and do better to keep our own counsel on matters. Even worse still, if we then try to promote our "own" ideas and effectively undermine confidence in the role of the "faithful and discreet slave", we are just following the pattern of Korah (Nu.16; Jude 11). Or the pattern of any number of armchair, internet apostates. Even if we do not become militant anti-GB activists, we need to remain adaptable in our thinking to prosper spiritually. This puts me in mind of an experience I had.

    There was an older man attending my first kingdom hall (1970s). He always sat alone, arrived as the meeting started, left immediately at the end after collecting magazines or literature. Never said anything to anyone. He also attended assemblies. I noticed him because he always wore a heavy overcoat, even in the summer. One day, I got to speak to him as he was leaving. I asked him how long he had been a witness, making conversation. He said that he was a Bible Student and had been coming to the meetings since the early 1920s. However, he did not agree with the Society abandoning the teaching that prophecy indicated a literal restoration for fleshly Israel. Despite this, he had continued attending the meetings, by that time, for some 50 years! Why? Because he felt that the "Society" was the Lord's organisation, and would eventually come to their senses on this matter. He never entered into a conversation with me again and he never integrated into fellowship with the congregation. It was like he had disfellowshipped us. He eventually died, still holding his viewpoint.

    So for me, it is important to recognise that we are in "the last days" of this wicked, Satan-ruled, system of things. No man knows the day and hour of Gods intervention, but nevertheless we must be at our (Christian) business urgently, keeping close in mind Jehovah's day. Satan and his propaganda machine will do everything possible to dissuade us from recognising where we are in the stream of time, what action we need to take, and who we need to look to for spritual shepherding.

    I am convinced that the Governing Body under the direction of Jehovah and Jesus, is a provision to lead us safely through these last days and on into the new system of things. This perfectly acceptable definition of the generation that will by no means pass away works for me.  :)

  5. Best to see the instruction in context.

    11. Instead of interpreting prayers, it is best if brothers fluent in the
    language of the majority are assigned to say prayers. However, if a member
    of the Governing Body is present, he may agree to say a prayer and
    have it interpreted into the primary language of the event. This will be
    left to the discretion of the Governing Body member present.

    Of course, he may be able to offer a prayer in the majority language so interpreting into various other languages spoken those present would then not be necessary. Or he may agree to listen to the prayer offered by another brother even if it is not in his own native language. These instructions do not speak of an idolatrous association with the prayers of anyone to me. 

    However, it is possible that the prayers of one man may have more force than the prayers of another, is it not?: James 5:16

  6. Slightly more balanced tour description on jw.org:


    Self-Guided Exhibits

    1. The Bible and the Divine Name. This exhibit features rare Bibles and highlights how God’s name has been preserved in the Scriptures despite efforts to remove it. The exhibit also includes a rotational gallery, which features additional rare Bibles and Bible-related artifacts.

    2. A People for Jehovah’s Name. This exhibit provides a visual history of the spiritual heritage of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Artifacts, graphics, and first-person accounts show how Jehovah has progressively guided, taught, and organized his people to do his will.

    3. World Headquarters—Faith in Action. This interactive exhibit explains the work of the Governing Body committees and how they help Jehovah’s Witnesses to follow the Scriptural directives to meet together, to make disciples, to take in spiritual food, and to show love toward one another.

    Guided Tour

    This 20-minute tour highlights sections of the Offices/Services Building and the Warwick grounds.

    Jesus Exhibit?  John 21:25

    Christian charity exhibit?  Matt.6:3-4

  7. 14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    This surely highlights the need for each of us to to prayerfully consider the teaching, and "make sure of the more important things."

    I was just about to bale out of this discussion when this statement made me think.

    You cannot get a bigger abandonment of former religious teaching than that which took place when Jehovah shifted His focus from that which was previously called the nation of Israel to that which became known as spritual Israel. The former Jewish religious system with it's Law, priesthood, system of sacrifices, and all the visible infrastucture, became redundant. The sacrificial death of Jesus, his  resurrection, and the subsequent founding of the Christian congregation. became some of the "more important things" to be made sure of at that time.

    Oh, there were unsuccessful attempts to hold on to the old ideas, but that is what they were.... old and unsuccessful!

    Some, like Peter, suffered from fear of man, but were publicly censured which apparently corrected wrong thinking. (Ga 2:11-14). Others were more committed in their rebelliousness and got short shift from Paul, (Gal.5:12), from Peter himself, 2 Pet.2:10 etc., and Jude (Jude v12).

    Discerning the role of the governing body of the Christian congregation today is one of "the more important things" in my estimation. They have provided an explanation of Matt 24:34 which appears to me to be accepable. Nothing said in the discussion on this matter here gives me reason to doubt that explanation, and, (for the most part) has enhancd my conviction that the generation that saw 1914CE will (as a group of anointed Christians some born earlier, some born later, than 1914CE) "will by no means pass away" until the start of the "great tribulation".

    I'm sticking with them for now, and meanwhile, I'm out of this discussion! .....................'Bye.  :)

  8. 10 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

    Once again, Eoin Joyce. Why have, the administrator redirect, or delete someone's comment when others are just as contentious?

    The issue is not about whether a post is contentious. It is about whether it is on topic.

    This thread concerns a question on what Jesus meant by saying that a generation would by no means pass away as recorded at Matt 24:34. As far as I am concerned, that question was answered quite well several posts back when it was pointed out that the statement emphasises that the qualifying generation would be well represented at the time of the end as opposed to dwindling to an insignificant trickle. 

     A secondary issue has arisen regarding the concept of an over-lapping generation which has also been well discussed and shown to be quite a viable feature of a generation of people connected with a historical sequence of events such as those marked by Jesus as accompanying his parousia.

    What is also apparent, however, is that one's position on chronological issues in connection with the significance of the year 607BCE and the year 1914CE has a great bearing on when one believes the generation that will by no means pass away actually occurs. The position taken on this matter also indicates whether one's thinking  aligns with the view held currently by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and all that this infers.

    You have chosen to take issue with statements that have made by @JW Insider alluding to these matters, bringing them into the main focus of the discussion. My contention was that this area of debate is NOT the subject of this thread. Having noted the prolonged exchanges on this subject in other places on the forum, I did not want this matter to obscure the main focus of this thread. Hence my request that the discussion be assigned to another, separate thread.

    At any rate, as I am now satisfied with those constructive comments made regarding the original question(s) raised in this thread, I am now withdrawing from this discussion and will leave you and @JW Insider to decide on how best to proceed with your respective agendas.

    A new thread on this subject appears to have been started here: 


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