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  1. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Holy Spirit   
    Although likely unintended by the poster, this question exposes the fudamental gap in understanding that characterises the poster's opininion throughout.
    Answer this question correctly, and you are well on the way to becoming " thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge, that YOU may be filled with all the fullness that God gives." Eph.3:18-19.
  2. Like
    Evacuated reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have we actually had a DECREASE in Jehovah's Witnesses ?   
    July 28, 2018  5:50PM EDST;
    I had reported earlier that the Brother who told me he heard that membership had dropped to 7,500,000 was going to check with the Branch Office,  to see if that figure was correct, and this afternoon he told be he did in fact check, and the folks at the Branch told him (of course) that the Speakers at the Assembly are only allowed to state what is on the outline for each part on the program ... so the Branch guy checked the outline, and according to that, there are 8.5 BILLION people on planet Earth, now ..... and 8.5 MILLION Jehovah's Witnesses.
    According to the Branch representative, the closing speaker at the Assembly used the wrong figure of 7,500,000, twice, as reported to me by a local Elder.
    I suppose only a recording of the session could resolve what was really said.
  3. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jesus versus Adam: Fair?   
    Probably the nature of the test might give a clue?
  4. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Is the Governing body still "spirit directed"?   
    Bit confused. Was this your experience? Or did you make it up?
  5. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from sami in The Holy Spirit   
    Although likely unintended by the poster, this question exposes the fudamental gap in understanding that characterises the poster's opininion throughout.
    Answer this question correctly, and you are well on the way to becoming " thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge, that YOU may be filled with all the fullness that God gives." Eph.3:18-19.
  6. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to sami in The Holy Spirit   
    @Cos  Why would Jesus “yield up”, what was about to cease existing, into the hands of His father (Luke 23:46)? What is more revealing is the fact that the Greek word παρατίθημι is never translated “yield up” or “yielded up” nor does the word mean such a thing the word means “the keeping of”.
    sami said: I'm afraid your mistaken - according to Perseus & Tufts ...Liddell Lexicon the meaning is...
    2. to deposit what belongs to one in another's hands, give in charge, commit, Hdt., Xen.; τι εἴς τινα or τινά τινι NTest.
  7. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Who would want to hide God’s Name?   
    No need.
    JWs role is to testify that it has been removed, restore it where possible, and leave the indictment, trial, judging, and execution of sanctions  to the Judge of all the earth and the man that he has appointed.
  8. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Is there life on Mars?   
    Don't talk wet!!!
  9. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in I am the Christ   
    There are plenty of ways that elders and sisters and children in the congregation can "take the lead." Those with specific responsibilities should take the lead in the conduct necessary to meet those responsibilities. In Romans, the entire congregation, children included, are asked to take the lead:
    (Romans 12:10) 10 In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead. This is not specifically an extension of the role of older men. This is also about how the apostles would take the lead in honoring a sister, or a sister would take the lead in honoring an apostle. Or a young child would honor their parents, or the parents would honor the child. The honor goes to one another, so it is obviously based on respect for the dignity of each one of us, based on Christian conduct and love. We should be willing to die for one another if necessary.
    (Luke 22:25-27) 25 But he said to them: “The kings of the nations lord it over them, and those having authority over them are called Benefactors. 26 You, though, are not to be that way. But let the one who is the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the one taking the lead as the one ministering. 27 For which one is greater, the one dining or the one serving? Is it not the one dining? But I am among you as the one serving. On the issue of the submission mentioned in Hebrews 13:17, note that the NWT crosses this to Ephesians 5:21 where, again, we are to be submissive to one another. There is an order with respect to responsibilities, but wives are honored in that the husband should have the attitude and willingness to give up his life for his wife, just as Christ had that much love for the congregation.
    (Ephesians 5:21-26) 21 Be in subjection to one another in fear of Christ. 22 Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord, 23 because a husband is head of his wife just as the Christ is head of the congregation, he being a savior of this body. 24 In fact, as the congregation is in subjection to the Christ, wives should also be to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and gave himself up for it. The idea of Hebrews 13:17 is probably better linked to 1 Th 5:12, about showing respect (honor) for those doing the work required to preside and teach and admonish. Still, this is all in the context of people doing their part in serving others based on their gifts and abilities. Those older men, especially, who teach must work harder to prepare material that meets the needs of the congregation. They are watching the congregation as a good shepherd would for areas of weakness and danger and areas where more encouragement and good examples are needed. Since they are working to meet the needs of the congregation, the congregation would do well to be obedient and submissive, as this is directly related to the upbuilding and encouragement of both the overseers and those who are being watched. Humbly following good admonition brings joy to those doing shepherding work and brings joy to those following the admonition. It's another form of mutual encouragement that helps to build up the congregation.
    (1 Thessalonians 5:11-15) 11 Therefore, keep encouraging one another and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing. 12 Now we request you, brothers, to show respect for those who are working hard among you and presiding over you in the Lord and admonishing you; 13 and to give them extraordinary consideration in love because of their work. Be peaceable with one another. 14 On the other hand, we urge you, brothers, to warn the disorderly, speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all. 15 See that no one repays injury for injury to anyone, but always pursue what is good toward one another and to all others  
  10. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in I am the Christ   
  11. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Juan Rivera in I am the Christ   
    Yes indeed.
    But as mentioned in my earlier post, there are specific requirements for those serving as shepherds in the congregation (older men, overseers etc) for which there is a more exacting role with a more stringent criteria and a higher accountabilty. (James 3:1) They are leaders in a particular sense, with delegated responsibilities for which they are enabled and empowered. 
  12. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Space Merchant in Five Major Problems With The Trinity   
    You're in the wrong job if you could do that my friend. No one alive, or dead, can prove the trinity, and never has.
  13. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Juan Rivera in I am the Christ   
    This is certainly true. This kind of attitude led the Israelites into demanding a king which Jehovah saw as a rejection of himself, despite the fact that he went along with the arrangement and gave them a succession of human "leader"s (for example: 1Sam.9:16; 13:14; 2Sam.1:35; 1Ki.14:7; 20:5; to name a few). There are leaders mentioned in a number of approved contexts other than kingship.
    So the real problem is not that there would be leaders, this is a natural human characteristic and appears to be part of Jehovah's design of humans. The problem is how leaders view themselves, how they project themselves, what the privilege of leadership does to them;  and how those whom they lead view them. And the added ingredient of imperfection into the mix complicates matters.
    But of course this how humans are isn't it? Jehovah knows all the implications of this. So does Jesus, and he went to great pains to demonstrate how leadership should be excercised. (John 13:14-13). His comments on being the only Leader were in the context of vainglorious Leadership. He wasn't doing away with leadership (Heb.13:7) was he?  
    So as long as we all keep this in mind. I remember once acting as chairman for a GB member who gave us a talk. He called me aside and said quietly "please don't introduce me with a fanfare as a member of the GB. Just say I am a visiting speaker"
    Due you think that was mock humility?
    As I see it, true leadership is a role designated by Jehovah on a needs basis. Even the glorified Jesus recognises this 1Cor.15:58.
  14. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from alvi languore insanabili in I am the Christ   
    Mission control....We have a problem......
    Seriously even though it's all a bit Ripley now I am still fascinated by it.

    Actually, are you embarrassed by all this connection with unadulterated quackery?
  15. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from alvi languore insanabili in I am the Christ   
    Oh that. Wow, I thought it was some sort of cultish thing going on over in the US somewhere.
    Right, so are you talking about the notion that the work done by active Bible Students prior to 1914 was like a preparatory work similar to that carried out the 1st century by John the Baptizer prior to Jesus appearance as the Messiah?
    So of course they wouldn't be considered any more a "messenger [Gk. "angel"]" in a spirit creature sense than John was, although a group rather than an individual. I mean, anybody Jehovah sends with a message is an "angel" right? (Hag.1:13, Mal.2:7), although in English the word seems to be reserved for spirit creatures(apart from some references in Revelation).
    So do you have a concern that this idea might have be subject to a sort of "scope-creep" in reverse and got funneled down into CTR as the messenger in some minds, a bit like the GB getting condensed out of all the anointed as the FDS?
  16. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from alvi languore insanabili in I am the Christ   
    I meant it is a case of: "Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand." (Rom.14:4). And Jehovah actually does have  to make him stand now doesn't he, in view of the passage of time. (Not minimising Jesus's role in judgement of course).
    For those who are still are followers of Charles Taze Russell though, there might be a need to elaborate on his foibles and eccentricities, but really, who would believe that gobbledegook element now anyway? Pyramidology and those Divine Plan of the Ages Charts? The Laodicean messenger? It's all a bit Ripley isn't it? Actually, I have met one Pyramidologist and one British Israelist who called himself a Rutherfordite (probably not enamoured by CTR actually), in the ministry, so they are out there, (I know some have a web presence, even contributing to this forum),  but that's it in all the years.
    These antiquated ideas have a fascination of course, and I love learning about them. But they are a bit like phrenology surely? Although even this may still have a following? Actually, the theory of evolution seems to have some sort of connection with phrenology now I come to think of it......(Muse, muse....another post somewhere else I think).  
  17. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from alvi languore insanabili in I am the Christ   
    This is certainly true. This kind of attitude led the Israelites into demanding a king which Jehovah saw as a rejection of himself, despite the fact that he went along with the arrangement and gave them a succession of human "leader"s (for example: 1Sam.9:16; 13:14; 2Sam.1:35; 1Ki.14:7; 20:5; to name a few). There are leaders mentioned in a number of approved contexts other than kingship.
    So the real problem is not that there would be leaders, this is a natural human characteristic and appears to be part of Jehovah's design of humans. The problem is how leaders view themselves, how they project themselves, what the privilege of leadership does to them;  and how those whom they lead view them. And the added ingredient of imperfection into the mix complicates matters.
    But of course this how humans are isn't it? Jehovah knows all the implications of this. So does Jesus, and he went to great pains to demonstrate how leadership should be excercised. (John 13:14-13). His comments on being the only Leader were in the context of vainglorious Leadership. He wasn't doing away with leadership (Heb.13:7) was he?  
    So as long as we all keep this in mind. I remember once acting as chairman for a GB member who gave us a talk. He called me aside and said quietly "please don't introduce me with a fanfare as a member of the GB. Just say I am a visiting speaker"
    Due you think that was mock humility?
    As I see it, true leadership is a role designated by Jehovah on a needs basis. Even the glorified Jesus recognises this 1Cor.15:58.
  18. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to Space Merchant in Have we actually had a DECREASE in Jehovah's Witnesses ?   
    Late 2016 to early 2017 they were 8.3 million adherents and as time progresses they went on to 8.34 million adherents. As we speak as of 2018, they have increased to 8.45 million adherents and growing still.
    Granted on how mainstream Christianity is on a rapid decline, Christian minorities have increased in numbers, which also includes the Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Islam has also increased by a larger percentage and may in the coming years, and or perhaps months, surpass that of mainstream Christendom, since mid 2015, mainstream Christendom has been on a rapid decline around the globe, even even bigger in the EU and Asian countries while Islam is more dominant in the majority of the EU.
    In the US, mainstream Christendom is declining even faster and the common White American Christian has also declined too.
    Also there has been a study that only 4% of young people to young adults actually read the bible while the rest is.... meh.... There has also been churches being closed now, not relocated sold and or moved, just shut down completely. Elsewhere we even have some pastors trying to maintain converts by integrating bars and or yoga fitness areas inside a church, that is pretty much breaking what a church and or congregation even means, perhaps next they will have cross-fit for Jesus session inside the church if they feel like it.
    There are other numbers, these things can be looked up in articles from 2015 to now.
    And guess who the churches are blaming? These guys:

    They did kill off Toys R Us after all.
    That being said, that is what mainstream Christianity gets for teaching that God became a man when the bible says God cannot be a man, or teaching that Jesus is God when the Bible says Jesus is the Son of God - it was bound to happen and the breaking point was mid 2015.
  19. Haha
    Evacuated reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Have we actually had a DECREASE in Jehovah's Witnesses ?   
    I myself  wonder,  if when Able was offering his sacrifices of roasted sheep or goats to Jehovah,  if they had invented anything like Bar-B-Que sauce, or had potato salad and cole slaw back then.
    Remember that after the Jews offered bar-b-qued sheep on the alter of Jehovah, that they were allowed to eat what Jehovah did not, and even sell it in the meat market.
    Think about it!
  20. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in I am the Christ   
    Yes. Some. Not so much the somewhat innocent involvement with such things, but the promotion of them in the service of religion. I was reading a "Modern Living" type magazine from the 1930's yesterday and couldn't help but notice how much like the "Golden Age" that it was, except that the Golden Age backed up its quackery with religious ideology. That's where it's more cringe-worthy.
  21. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Apostate Attack   
    OOOh....Look what a Google search on heirogrifics reveals......................   @James Thomas Rook Jr.

  22. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in New Light: Fruitage Does Not Refer to Results   
    You did say this in another post about the 700,000:
    "So, have we actually had that much decrease, and does anybody have any "official" numbers to verify what I heard today from the platform?
    Did you get that figure verified? 2016 peak plus 2017 baptised comes up about 168,000 short (not unusually) but this in an overestimate particularly when based on peak figures as some of last years will be included in the baptism figure. We don't have average pub. figures for 2017, (or I can't find them).
    Anyway, it sounds a bit similar to that recent report on the forum of a brother announcing at the assembly that the GB think the preaching work has now been completed. I beleive he got "beamed up" somewhere after that!
    Whilst acknowledging the obvious emotional content of your rant, I am still trying to understand your reason for it.
    The idea that kingdom fruitage which ALL must produce relates to the actual word of the kingdom does not appear to be out of harmony with the illustration Jesus used? (Matt 13:19 etc). And to relate that fruitage to the effect of the kingdom message on an appreciative heart as being the point of the parable doesn't appear to be a cause for consternation. After all, Jesus himself said that speech would be a product of the heart's abundance didn't he? (comp.Matt.12:34).
    Remembering that Jesus is actually the sower of the good news is important too, because his genuine followers, whilst not able to do all that he did, can do that which was his core activity (Luke 4:43). The requirement that all produce fruitage is significant, because not all individually make disciples, although all can have a collective share. So it seems entirely reasonable that the evidence of good soil is the production of more seed, the fruitage expected of one preached to is that...they preach (Rom.10:8-10).
  23. Haha
    Evacuated reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Holy Spirit   
    If "souls" were immortal, every McDonalds would be surrounded by a thick dark cloud of angry cow ghosts.
  24. Thanks
    Evacuated reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in New Light: Fruitage Does Not Refer to Results   
    Last Saturday I verified with the Elder from our Congregation that he heard TWICE from a speaker at the Assembly the "fact" that there were now 7,500,000 active Witnesses, and the previous number I was aware of was 8,200,000 .  He said he would call the Branch to triple check that number, but I have not gotten back with him to find out what he found out ... but the "published" number through official channels (the Assembly speaker) agrees with my gut feeling, information gleaned from all sources, and the fact that we are now making up excuses for why "that" happened, with the referenced Watchtower article that we studied.
    It sounds very reasonable, agrees with my general knowledge and personal observations, and the Watchtower's reaction to "something" that would cause them to generate another "overlapping generations" type fantasy explanation, and attribute it to Biblical wisdom.
    There have been quite a few Brothers "disappearing mysteriously" in the past year, without any explanation.
    Your observation "... a brother announcing at the assembly that the GB think the preaching work has now been completed", although officially specious shows others "higher up in the theocratic food chain" possibly have information or observations that leads them to conclusions considerably out of the "mainstream" dogma.
    As always ... I could be completely wrong, but until I have better information, I have to "go with what I know" .... at any particular point in time.
    With better information I can stop on a dime, and give you nine cents change.
  25. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Space Merchant in I am the Christ   
    I agree with the other scriptures you have contributed. Exactly along the lines I was thinking too.
    Russell had many things wrong but who is to say? We have the benefit of so much today compared to the pioneering work done in those early days on the basis of what they knew. The courage and determination shines through regardless of any of the tarnishing error in the thinking displayed.
    I wonder what the passage of 100 years or so will do to the understandings we hold so dear today? May we be there to share the laughter!
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