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  1. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses and congregational discipline   
    The medical illustration is a good one. Not all emergency procedures will be successfull. However, amateur interference is a sure way to reduce their effectiveness.
  2. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
    Ask Rick
  3. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
    For many of us it is a fascinating area of interest.
    Here are some suggestions. Maybe you can think of more:
    Jehovah through Jesus the Head of the Congregation corrects them they get things wrong so correct them  they get things wrong again so correct them again  times change prophecy is fulfilled the world scene changes scientific advancements are made standards of morality deteriorate understanding improves ability to explain improves  understanding of Bible languages improves evidence is unearthed etc. etc. etc. etc. 
  4. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide Financial Contacts meeting ref.2018-2019   
    Yes, I found that on most of the videos. They were not all complete.
  5. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
  6. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to The Librarian in Jehovah's Witness cannot appeal expulsion to a judge: Supreme Court   
    SCC rules courts have limited power to review fairness of decisions of voluntary associations
    The Lawyer's Daily The elders' decision required Jehovah's Witnesses, including Wall's wife and children, to shun him. As a real estate agent, his potential income was ... Jehovah's Witnesses win right at top court to shun a church member iPolitics.ca Randy Wall of Calgary has lost his case at the Supreme Court of Canada against his own church – the Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's ... Religious groups 'free to determine' membership, rules: Supreme Court - The Globe and Mail Jehovah's Witness expelled from Calgary congregation can't take his case to a judge: Supreme Court - Toronto Star   Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Judicial Committee) v. Wall Lexum Between: Judicial Committee of the Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Vaughn Lee — Chairman and Elders James Scott Lang and ... Courts have no jurisdiction on private religious matters, Supreme Court rules The Catholic Register The decision involving the case of a man who was expelled from his Jehovah's Witness congregation is being hailed as a victory for religious freedom ... Media Release: The EFC and CCRL welcome Supreme Court decision in Wall case - Wire Service Canada (press release)
  7. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Holy Spirit   
    Surely this request in Rom15:30 (by the way) is best understood in comparison with Galatians 5:22 which indicates love to be a fruitage or (result, product) of the operation of God's holy spirit? And that love would be a driving force in the response of Christians who would pray to God on Paul's behalf for the success of his ministry in behalf of Jerusalem?
  8. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Why do we understand the "prince of Persia" in Daniel 10:13 to be a wicked angel/Demon?   
    Well one reason would be the scrripture at Dan. 10:20-21 (You quoted partially.) The angel speaking here mentions the princes of Persia and Greece in the same breath as Michael "your prince". (the prince mentioned at Dan. 12:1). The context itself indicates to me that these "princes" are all spirit creatures and the angel speaking these words provides an insight on what is going on "behind the scenes" as it were.  Isn't that reasonable? 
  9. Like
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in Did the WTS or GB predict that the UN would replace the League of Nations?   
    Loved this. Spot on. It's the very thesis of what I am trying to say with this entire post.
    Also, of course, Knorr said nothing really wrong in this talk. It was heavier on politics than we are now. And it still identified Babylon the Great with the religion of the Pope and the Vatican. Otherwise, I found the talk very interesting and informative, and perfectly situated to the conditions and interests of the time. I also believe that the idea of a UN-like organization is a pretty good solution to figuring out what a modern-day interpretation of Revelation 17 would look like. Not necessarily definitive, of course, since "new light" can come out at any time. But it's a very reasonable interpretation that has withstood the test of time for several decades.
  10. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Did the WTS or GB predict that the UN would replace the League of Nations?   
    I only saw Bro. Knorr on the platform, I never met him personally. His speaking style was a little dry I found, and the talks. whilst containing interesting material seemed....quite long?
    Anyway, he made quite an impression on Gileadites I knew (Bro Knorr said this and that). Interestingly, one thing he was reported as saying (by more than one I knew) was that the blood transfusion issue wuld be resolved before the system ends. Back then (early 70s), it was probably the most common, secular bone of contention I met in the field ministry. In fact, even in the early 80s, when my first child arrived, my wife was turned away from the maternity unit of a major  hospital simply because she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses and that without repercussion or sympathy. When another child arrived in the late 90's, the same hospital was providing 5 star customer care for Jehovah's Witnesses in non-blood medical management, with even other patients requesting similar treatment for secular reasons. And as for the ministry, now the blood issue hardly gets a mention. And with the Padua conference referenced elsewhere on the forum, who knows what the future holds in this area.
    Do I think Bro.Knorr was serving as a Biblically styled prophet in this? Hardly! Do I think he was serving similarly in the remarks made in connection with the emergence of the United Nations? Never given it a thought, despite the rhetoric. Do I think the Bible prophecy of Revelation 17:8 applying to the re-emergence of a world club of nations from an abyss of World War 2 inactivity was fulfilled in the set up of the UN? Yes I do!
    Not so close a look required really. Bro.Knorr's talk on 20 Sep 1942 appears to have correctly acknowledged the non-WTBS origin of Roosevelt's coined term from the earlier 1 January 1942 Declaration of United Nations. (https://www.unmultimedia.org/searchers/yearbook/page.jsp?volume=1946-47&page=36)
    Bro. Knorr's talk referenced that: "One of the president's own cabinet members says: 'A world organization, with the United Nations as its base, will determine the peace, and the postwar world will be policed by the allied powers'." (P12 Peace - Can It Last? 1942 WTBS).
    What is a bit more interesting is the action awareness of the prophetic indicators of Revelation 17 drove. It is always encouraging to see how the faith of others drives action that can then be blessed by Jehovah. Hebrews chapter 11 certainly sets a strong theme in this regard.
    But of far more significance than "someone getting something right" is what motivates God fearing ones to act in harmony with the truths they have become aware of. And the results, which far exceed anything that could be expected through the efforts of puny, imperfect men, bring glory and praise to the one who motivates and empowers faithful ones. The modern day fulfillment of Acts 1:8 "..you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me..." is thrilling indeed for those who are a part of it and who give Jehovah and His son Jesus Christ the credit for their success.
    And do you know what? These demonstrations of faith, the god-glorifying results of the preaching work, and the credit for it all going to Jehovah still takes place even when "someone gets something wrong!"
    (PS to @JWInsider, I wrote this up before your more recent posting on the topic. Just didn't get time to post it. I hadn't refreshed the screens to see yours with some similar quotes.)
  11. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    His answer to that question is simple. No one knows the day or hour, only the Father. (Matt.24:36). So no sign was given to indicate that element. All the focus must be elsewhere to understand what was said.
  12. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    His answer to that question is simple. No one knows the day or hour, only the Father. (Matt.24:36). So no sign was given to indicate that element. All the focus must be elsewhere to understand what was said.
  13. Like
    Evacuated reacted to Melinda Mills in Is it possible for a demon to do good works?   
    Demons having remorse? You are greatly mistaken.  They are willful in what they do, just like Satan.  They are stored up for destruction for many centuries.  Read the books of Genesis, Jude, and Revelation.  However they may sometimes appear to be doing good things.  They have many strategies to fool people:
    (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) 9 But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.
    (2 Peter 2:4) 4 Certainly God did not refrain from punishing the angels who sinned, but threw them into Tarʹta·rus, putting them in chains of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment. 
    We are presently doing the Bible Reading in the Gospels. What did Jesus do when the demons sought to help by identifying Jesus as the Son of God (they know him of course - they used to be in heaven together at one time).  He always rebuked them and did not accept help from them.   The apostles did the same.
    (Mark 5:2-13) . . .And immediately after Jesus got out of the boat, a man under the power of an unclean spirit met him from among the tombs. 3 His haunt was among the tombs, and up to that time, absolutely no one was able to bind him securely, even with a chain. 4 He had often been bound with fetters and chains, but he snapped the chains apart and smashed the fetters; and nobody had the strength to subdue him. 5 And continually, night and day, he was crying out in the tombs and in the mountains and slashing himself with stones. 6 But on catching sight of Jesus from a distance, he ran and bowed down to him. 7 Then he cried out with a loud voice: “What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I put you under oath by God not to torment me.” 8 For Jesus had been saying to it: “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.” 9 But Jesus asked him: “What is your name?” And he replied: “My name is Legion, because there are many of us.” 10 And he kept pleading with Jesus not to send the spirits out of the country. 11 Now a great herd of swine was feeding there at the mountain. 12 So the spirits pleaded with him: “Send us into the swine, so that we may enter into them.” 13 And he gave them permission. With that the unclean spirits came out and went into the swine, and the herd rushed over the precipice into the sea, about 2,000 of them, and were drowned in the sea. 

    (Acts 16:16-18) 16 And it happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a certain servant girl with a spirit, a demon of divination, met us. She used to furnish her masters with much gain by practicing the art of prediction. 17 This [girl] kept following Paul and us and crying out with the words: “These men are slaves of the Most High God, who are publishing to YOU the way of salvation.” 18 This she kept doing for many days. Finally Paul got tired of it and turned and said to the spirit: “I order you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour.

    (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, 11 anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable practices Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.
    A word to the wise.
  14. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    Which scenario do you refer to here as needing to be questioned?
    the scriptural picture as portrayed in Rev. 17? the interpreted understanding and application that Jehovah's Witnesses currently hold in connection with Rev.17? the suggestion that UN preparation for an attack on religion could be discerned from current political and ideological developments? And by extension, where we are in the stream of time relative to the start of the great tribulation?  
    This is quite right as the several uses of the thief and unknown hour metaphors in Scripture confirm.
    However, why do you think that Jesus outlined detailed events in prophecy relating to end times?
  15. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    What are these? It seems to be down to individual experience. 
  16. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to Melinda Mills in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    Nice points from both of you. 
    For my son I had an intuitive feeling that something was about to happen but no significant signs, e.g. broken amniotic sac or contractions.   Since I was tired only, I checked myself in  just before sunset and had the baby just after midnight , although the nurse told me I was not in labour.  Just to show that sometimes one can't go by the normal signs. Still shows you have to be always ready, as you are expectant.
  17. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    "the contractions in the uterus start sometime near the start of the final month" https://baby-pedia.com
    1 Thess. 5:2, 3 appears to be applying a pregnancy metaphor differently to the way Jesus did at , for example Matt.24:8.
    I have only been present for 5 pregnancies and births, but the mother tells me that while the contractions certainly increased in intensity quite close to the delivery, they started much earlier in the final month, though at different times for each child. (not to be confused of course with the Braxton Hicks variety). Others indicate that these pangs of distress can indeed occur weeks before the birth, or days before. The difference seems to add weight to the metaphor.
    From what I can glean then, both are true to life descriptions of the occurence of labor contractions. Jesus uses the aspect of their heralding the start of a period or stage leading to an inevitable conclusion. Paul uses the suddeness of their occurence to relate to the manner in which a prophesied event takes place.
    In answer to @JWInsider who posted whilst I was writing, I would suggest that trying too hard see some sort of specific time element as having any significance here would be a mistake. ?
  18. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Is the UN preparing to attack Religion?   
    Which scenario do you refer to here as needing to be questioned?
    the scriptural picture as portrayed in Rev. 17? the interpreted understanding and application that Jehovah's Witnesses currently hold in connection with Rev.17? the suggestion that UN preparation for an attack on religion could be discerned from current political and ideological developments? And by extension, where we are in the stream of time relative to the start of the great tribulation?  
    This is quite right as the several uses of the thief and unknown hour metaphors in Scripture confirm.
    However, why do you think that Jesus outlined detailed events in prophecy relating to end times?
  19. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Space Merchant in Why do we understand the "prince of Persia" in Daniel 10:13 to be a wicked angel/Demon?   
    Well one reason would be the scrripture at Dan. 10:20-21 (You quoted partially.) The angel speaking here mentions the princes of Persia and Greece in the same breath as Michael "your prince". (the prince mentioned at Dan. 12:1). The context itself indicates to me that these "princes" are all spirit creatures and the angel speaking these words provides an insight on what is going on "behind the scenes" as it were.  Isn't that reasonable? 
  20. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Why do we understand the "prince of Persia" in Daniel 10:13 to be a wicked angel/Demon?   
    Well one reason would be the scrripture at Dan. 10:20-21 (You quoted partially.) The angel speaking here mentions the princes of Persia and Greece in the same breath as Michael "your prince". (the prince mentioned at Dan. 12:1). The context itself indicates to me that these "princes" are all spirit creatures and the angel speaking these words provides an insight on what is going on "behind the scenes" as it were.  Isn't that reasonable? 
  21. Thanks
    Evacuated reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Holy Spirit   
    The same way that the Scriptures  are quite clear about motorcycle maintenance ...
    Look at the results of this bogus philosophy and fantasy of the Trinity and component parts as explained by Christendom -at-large.
    During World War I two great armies met on the battlefields between France and Germany, and in a battle that lasted a full year, making this area look more cratered than the surface of the Moon, more that a million men  were killed in mortal combat, and over 4 million wounded.  Men's bodies and blood were mixed into the soil by artillery day after day after day.
    Almost all of the combatants ON BOTH SIDES .... were Trinitarians who believe as you do, Cos.
    Brethren murdering brethren .... because of the FRUITS of their bogus Theology.
    Does not the Scriptures clearly teach "You will know my people, for they have love for one another ..."?
    Christendom's belief system FAILED that essential test, always has, and always will ... and they even have Chaplains in the Military to bless and support this carnage, and those who perpetrate it.
    Jehovah does NOT.
    He has withdrawn his active force blessing them, about 1700 years ago, when the Theology you espouse was adopted from pagandom.
    The "FORCE" is not with you, Luke.
     and like a motorcycle tire ... THAT'S where "the rubber meets the road!"
  22. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in In paradise, if everyone is perfect and you want to play some baseball,   
    Come on, surely they would just find a compromise.......

  23. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in In paradise, if everyone is perfect and you want to play some baseball,   
    Come on, surely they would just find a compromise.......

  24. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in In paradise, if everyone is perfect and you want to play some baseball,   
    Someone was just talking about how, in the new system, no one would be able to choose the color of a carpet in a Kingdom Hall. If, for example, one liked blue and one liked beige both of them would want to given in to the choice of the other person out of love and humility, since love does not try to get its own way. This would then be the same for every aspect of design, material, and coloring, not just the color of the carpet.
    Of course the argument is usually presented by atheists who would dismiss eternal life and ridicule the idea of perfection, not realizing that no two people would ever choose to excel at all the exact same things in the same way.
  25. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Space Merchant in THE DEFINITION OF A "FAITHFUL STEWARD"   
    Oh dear! More butchers in the operating theatre!
    This is the WT 15 May 2015 quote referenced above.
    "But who is referred to as “Gog and Magog” at Revelation 20:8? During the final test at the end of the 1,000 years, those who rebel against Jehovah will manifest the same murderous attitude as ‘Gog of Magog,’ those nations that attack God’s people at the end of the great tribulation. And the outcome for both groups will be exactly the same—everlasting death! (Rev. 19:20, 21; 20:9) It seems fitting, then, that all those rebels at the end of the Millennium be called “Gog and Magog.”"
    It fails to support the allegations made. Not worth reading the rest then, as it will only display the same level of competency in argument.
    I am afraid that this is a case of what Solomon described:
    "What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot possibly be counted." Ecc.1:15.
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