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  1. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
    For many of us it is a fascinating area of interest.
    Here are some suggestions. Maybe you can think of more:
    Jehovah through Jesus the Head of the Congregation corrects them they get things wrong so correct them  they get things wrong again so correct them again  times change prophecy is fulfilled the world scene changes scientific advancements are made standards of morality deteriorate understanding improves ability to explain improves  understanding of Bible languages improves evidence is unearthed etc. etc. etc. etc. 
  2. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Timeline of the 'Light Getting Brighter'   
    For many of us it is a fascinating area of interest.
    Here are some suggestions. Maybe you can think of more:
    Jehovah through Jesus the Head of the Congregation corrects them they get things wrong so correct them  they get things wrong again so correct them again  times change prophecy is fulfilled the world scene changes scientific advancements are made standards of morality deteriorate understanding improves ability to explain improves  understanding of Bible languages improves evidence is unearthed etc. etc. etc. etc. 
  3. Like
    Evacuated reacted to Bible Speaks in A Suicide Prevented at the Sky Tower - ?   
    A Suicide Prevented at the Sky Tower - ?

  4. Haha
    Why don't you just make it simple and say "Unforseen circumstantially....." or something?
  5. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in 1989 Watchtower   
    Hi JR. 
    I am liking @JW Insider 's anecdote re the "Millenium bug" as it relates to my own experience. I was handsomely paid to be on call for Yr 2K problems in my workplace although I had demonstrated months earlier that the relevant systems were unaffected.
    I provide no support whatsover to those who make false claims about the Watchtower of any year. I am quite happy to observe errors, ommissions, and anything else that the muck-rakers care to dredge up. Apart from historical interest, it provides for me evidence of the  active involvement of the Head of the congregation.
    Oh, and while we are on false claims, neither do I claim to be a computer genius with a degree. I, (thankfully), am one of those under-educated, college dropout JWs highlighted in another thread. Funny, it made no difference to me financially on comparison with siblings and peers who availed themselves of "the king's shilling". On reflection, maybe it meant I didn't reach the top 1% income bracket.....but then, neither did they. 
  6. Like
    Evacuated reacted to David Normand in Jehovah's witness dies after refusing blood transfusion during the main operation.   
    The article left me wondering about the aspirin. I have been on low dose aspirin for years. When I went in for an operation two years ago I was told specifically that the surgeon would not operate until I had been off aspirin for two weeks. Since this was a non emergency operation that point with the doctor was non-negotiable. Their doctor should have made it clear and specific that no operation if she was taking aspirin. 
  7. Haha
    Why don't you just make it simple and say "Unforseen circumstantially....." or something?
  8. Like
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in 1989 Watchtower   
    I never have supported a false claim about the Watchtower's statements in 1989. And I don't plan on starting to support any such false claims now.
  9. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in 1989 Watchtower   
    Hi JR. 
    I am liking @JW Insider 's anecdote re the "Millenium bug" as it relates to my own experience. I was handsomely paid to be on call for Yr 2K problems in my workplace although I had demonstrated months earlier that the relevant systems were unaffected.
    I provide no support whatsover to those who make false claims about the Watchtower of any year. I am quite happy to observe errors, ommissions, and anything else that the muck-rakers care to dredge up. Apart from historical interest, it provides for me evidence of the  active involvement of the Head of the congregation.
    Oh, and while we are on false claims, neither do I claim to be a computer genius with a degree. I, (thankfully), am one of those under-educated, college dropout JWs highlighted in another thread. Funny, it made no difference to me financially on comparison with siblings and peers who availed themselves of "the king's shilling". On reflection, maybe it meant I didn't reach the top 1% income bracket.....but then, neither did they. 
  10. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in 1989 Watchtower   
    Hi JR. 
    I am liking @JW Insider 's anecdote re the "Millenium bug" as it relates to my own experience. I was handsomely paid to be on call for Yr 2K problems in my workplace although I had demonstrated months earlier that the relevant systems were unaffected.
    I provide no support whatsover to those who make false claims about the Watchtower of any year. I am quite happy to observe errors, ommissions, and anything else that the muck-rakers care to dredge up. Apart from historical interest, it provides for me evidence of the  active involvement of the Head of the congregation.
    Oh, and while we are on false claims, neither do I claim to be a computer genius with a degree. I, (thankfully), am one of those under-educated, college dropout JWs highlighted in another thread. Funny, it made no difference to me financially on comparison with siblings and peers who availed themselves of "the king's shilling". On reflection, maybe it meant I didn't reach the top 1% income bracket.....but then, neither did they. 
  11. Like
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in 1989 Watchtower   
    This is strange. Everything else you said in the paragraph that this quote came from is very true. But this particular sentence quoted here is false. It would also be completely irrelevant to a printed document or an electronic version of a printed document. The Y2K problem (which the Society cared nothing about in 1989) would not have made a 2017 CD-ROM a 1917 CD-ROM any more than it would have made it a pre-Gutenberg 1317 CD-ROM. Your claim is meaningless. The CD-ROM programs from the Watchtower that came out in 1993 can still be made to work today. I think 1993 was the first one. 
    There never was an impending disaster coming from Y2K. And there will not be one arising from the 2038 Unix Millennium Bug either. (An upgrade to the operating system can make over 99% of the 2038 bug go away immediately without changing software.) The original Y2K bug could cause problems in a whole range of areas, and most of us in IT had to waste several years of our careers becoming our own QA departments, certifying that all our programs were going to work without a glitch. My own department's programs were mostly in C during those years (and a little bit of dBase+Clipper, Turbo Pascal, Excel Macros) but relied on mainframe feeds mostly through SQL+DB2. But I was also surprised that so many of the COBOL programs we checked had already worked around the Y2K problem even without storing 4-character years. That even goes for solving financial range problems that crossed January 1, 2000 and/or February 29, 2000.
  12. Sad
    Evacuated got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Jehovah's witness dies after refusing blood transfusion during the main operation.   
    Some troubling aspects to this report:
    "Mrs Mortimer chose to ungergo surgery, but was taking aspirin at the time which thins the blood. " "It was safe to proceed providing we take all the necessary precautions." "I could not think why such a lot of bleeding would take place." "Was it the aspirin? "Mr Sharma said in "hindsight" there are things that would have been done differently but at that stage all the safety precautions had been made." "He was also challenged whether Mrs Mortimer needed to be on aspirin. The decision to take this course was made working on the basis that she had suffered a heart attack – later found to be untrue." Simple and general medical advice from, (as an example) angiologist.com, regarding blood thinners and surgery includes: 
    "Aspirin thins the blood by affecting the platelets. Platelets are small cells that help blood to clot. The effect of aspirin on platelets can take up to a week to reverse." "Stop the blood thinners before surgery and start them after surgery has passed. This option can be used if the surgery is high risk for bleeding and the need for a blood thinner is not very strong." As the report does not deal with these issues to any satisfactory level, it's conclusion (reflected in the header) is biased and misleading. The patient declined the use of whole blood transfusion as a medical procedure before the operation was attempted, and all parties entered into the process fully cognisant of that non-negotiable factor. In accepting this, the patient was entitled to the best possible medical attention which would include an appropriate risk assessment.
    This statement: "in hindsight" there are things that would have been done differently", made in the coroner's court, raises questions that the article does not answer and that impact directly on the tragic outcome.
    Given these factors, as presented in the article, it appears that the verdict counters a principle of modern handling of such medical issues, expressly that "The paternalistic assumption that medical priorities outweigh patients' expressed wishes is no longer tenable." British Journal of Haematology.
  13. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    You're just jealous aren't you?
  14. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Queen Esther in Yesterday in MUNICH, our pioneer sister Olgica by Cart - witnessing in the last autumn - sunshine ;-)) and a KD. song / video of her !   
    I did already to save time, but feel free to embelish as my German is.......Ahem!.  
  15. Like
    Evacuated reacted to Queen Esther in Yesterday in MUNICH, our pioneer sister Olgica by Cart - witnessing in the last autumn - sunshine ;-)) and a KD. song / video of her !   
    Thank  you  very  much,  @Gone Fishing    Thats  a  great  link !  I  will  post  it  for  our  German  members  too.  Its  really  interesting  and  so  true.  Many  of  us  knowing  these  situations  from  ourself,  yes !   A  nice  help...  again  THANK  YOU !   And  all  in  German,  my  home - language
    Greetings  from  Germany,  Agape !
  16. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Queen Esther in Yesterday in MUNICH, our pioneer sister Olgica by Cart - witnessing in the last autumn - sunshine ;-)) and a KD. song / video of her !   
    I love to see these photos around the world showing the borthers and sisters on the literature carts.
    Did you see this report?
  17. Haha
    Evacuated reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Holy Spirit   
    This reminds me of a passage in 'Up the Down Staircase' in which a student was given a failing grade for wrongly interpreting a poem. He protested. The grade stood. It stood even when the student brought the poet himself to school and the poet said 'yes'- that's exactly what he meant. 
    The only satisfaction he received was to see school policy changed. From that point on, only dead poets were used in connection with assignments. 
  18. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JayDubya in Is it ok to boast?   
    Judge for your self:
    2 Cor 12:9: 
    But he said to me: “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly, then, I will boast about my weaknesses, in order that the power of the Christ may remain over me like a tent."
    Jer 9:24
    "“But let the one boasting boast about this:That he has insight and knowledge of me,That I am Jehovah, the One showing loyal love, justice, and righteousness in the earth,For in these things I take delight,” declares Jehovah."
    Is 61:6
    "As for you, you will be called the priests of Jehovah;They will call you the ministers of our God. You will eat the resources of the nations,And about their glory you will boast."
    Heb 3:6
    "but Christ was faithful as a son over God’s house. We are His house if, indeed, we hold on firmly to our freeness of speech and the hope of which we boast down to the end."
    1 Cor 1:31
    "so that it may be just as it is written: “The one who boasts, let him boast in Jehovah"
    2 Cor 1:12
    "For the thing we boast of is this, our conscience bears witness that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you, with holiness and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but with God’s undeserved kindness"
    Gal 6:14
    "But may I never boast, except in the torture stake of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been put to death with regard to me and I with regard to the world"
    Ps 34:2
    "I will boast in Jehovah;The meek will hear and rejoice."
  19. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Holy Spirit   
    Long as you're happy James. 

  20. Thanks
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Matthew 24:34 "this generation"   
    Various histories seem to indicate so. Not sure what detail there is in the WT yet but the consensus appears to be that:
    "Because of their intensive study of the Bible, the Russell family (Charles, Margaret, and Joseph) concluded that they had finally gained a new and clearer understanding of what a Christian is called to do in laying down their earthly life in sacrifice and service to God. All three renewed their consecration (vow of dedication) and decided to be re-baptized in 1874."
  21. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in JWs Among the Least Educated in the US   
    Just a cursory reading of this:
    "Absolute poverty is defined as living on less than $1.25/day." : Pathetic benchmark!
    "Over the next 20 years, we have the ability to extinguish absolute poverty on Earth." ???Excuse me! We have been able to do this for years!
     "the basic rationale for child labor will completely disappear" And what are those poor, redundant, robot replaced, child laborers doing? Starving to death? Trafficked?...
    "We’re demonetizing food rapidly." What does this even mean? Less people malnourished?? Wakey Wakey!!
    "In the last 25 years, under-five mortality rates have dropped by 50%" Glad to hear it...I think.... er, What is the life prospect for these folk and any assessment of the quality of that life?
    "we will rapidly begin to eliminate dozens or hundreds of similar plagues." In the context of the elimination of guinea worm infestation glad to hear but.... Hmm... sounds highly speculative at best. "we will rapidly begin"???
    "the dramatic decline in the number of teen (15 to 19 years old) birth rates in the United States since 1950" Is this due to abortion availability? birth control? Social media preference to live contact? or better moral standards? Or something else?
    "the number of homicides per 100,000 people has decreased to almost zero." over the last 700 years??? how on earth is this measured especially prior at least 19th Century and what is included? probably doesn't include war deaths or political genocide.
    I can't look at any more of these stats, but I wholeheartedly agree with the final statement of this report:
    We live in the most exciting time to be alive! Enjoy it.
  22. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Is it ok to boast?   
    Look geezer.......................................... you think that that's all I got?
    One of them alone is enough to dosh the rest.                     Where do you come from anyway????????
  23. Haha
    Evacuated reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Well THH, you have the natural physical advantage .... no one else in the world knows how to get a wireless Bluetooth WIFI garden hose sprinkler nozzle to work.

  24. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from tromboneck in JWs Among the Least Educated in the US   
    "For you see his calling of you, brothers, that there are not many wise in a fleshly way, not many powerful, not many of noble birth,
    but God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world to put the strong things to shame;
    and God chose the insignificant things of the world and the things looked down on, the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,
    so that no one might boast in the sight of God.
    But it is due to him that you are in union with Christ Jesus, who has become to us wisdom from God, also righteousness and sanctification and release by ransom,
    so that it may be just as it is written: “The one who boasts, let him boast in Jehovah"
    1Corinthians 1:26-31
  25. Like
    Evacuated reacted to TrueTomHarley in JWs Among the Least Educated in the US   
    HA! Bypassed college, I'll bet.
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