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  1. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Noble Berean in The 'Reasoning' book's discussion of the 'Cross'   
    Actually, it is not known on the basis of current evidence. So it is really a hiding to nothing or, more graphically, like flogging a dead horse to try and prove definitively what the instrument was on the basis of current evidence. Heroic attempts however, and ingenious argument all round!!
  2. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Noble Berean in 'They're preying on my grief': Elderly widow claims Christian group sent her religious pamphlets just days after her husband died in an attempt to convert her while she is 'most vulnerable'   
    This indicates the sad plight of humans in today's loveless world in that comfort from a stranger is basically seen as something alien.
  3. Like
    Evacuated reacted to Evacuated in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    This is a sad argument about the repercussions of the indefensible and despicable behaviour of people who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The monetary and reputational sanctions against all who are associated with the organisation is an additionally sad outcome for the extraordinary naivety displayed by all participants in this disgraceful scenario.
    Hopefully, instructions like this:
    and this:
    "In all cases, the victim and her parents have the absolute right to report an allegation to the authorities.—Galatians 6:5."
    and this: 
    "If any congregation elder learns of a case of child abuse in which a child may still be at risk of significant harm two elders must contact the Legal Department at the branch office for legal advice on compliance. A report to the police or other appropriate authorities will be made immediately by the congregation elders if it is determined that a child is still at risk."
    will be the start of a worldwide trend rather than an exception. (It is noteworthy that this policy is available to all members of the congregations in UK wishing to see it.).
    The outcome of action as instructed will have serious impact, especially where allegations are involved, but (in my opinion) this will be just recompense for any engaging in questionable conduct of this nature, and similarly for those who even skate close to the boundaries of propriety in this regard.
    Romans 13:3-4 can be be applied appropriately here.
    This is a welcome move in the right direction despite the fact that methods to be applied for the appropriate determination of risk appear vague, and there is little on supporting victims. However, the UK branch of Jehovah's Witnesses appears to be less encumbered in this area than than the current UK Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse:   http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhaff/636/636.pdf
    The outcome of the Australian Royal Commission deliberations scheduled to start in March 2017 will be of great interest.
    This debate continues.....sadly. 
  4. Downvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from AllenSmith in Candace Conti Child Molestation Case   
    This is a sad argument about the repercussions of the indefensible and despicable behaviour of people who call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The monetary and reputational sanctions against all who are associated with the organisation is an additionally sad outcome for the extraordinary naivety displayed by all participants in this disgraceful scenario.
    Hopefully, instructions like this:
    and this:
    "In all cases, the victim and her parents have the absolute right to report an allegation to the authorities.—Galatians 6:5."
    and this: 
    "If any congregation elder learns of a case of child abuse in which a child may still be at risk of significant harm two elders must contact the Legal Department at the branch office for legal advice on compliance. A report to the police or other appropriate authorities will be made immediately by the congregation elders if it is determined that a child is still at risk."
    will be the start of a worldwide trend rather than an exception. (It is noteworthy that this policy is available to all members of the congregations in UK wishing to see it.).
    The outcome of action as instructed will have serious impact, especially where allegations are involved, but (in my opinion) this will be just recompense for any engaging in questionable conduct of this nature, and similarly for those who even skate close to the boundaries of propriety in this regard.
    Romans 13:3-4 can be be applied appropriately here.
    This is a welcome move in the right direction despite the fact that methods to be applied for the appropriate determination of risk appear vague, and there is little on supporting victims. However, the UK branch of Jehovah's Witnesses appears to be less encumbered in this area than than the current UK Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse:   http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhaff/636/636.pdf
    The outcome of the Australian Royal Commission deliberations scheduled to start in March 2017 will be of great interest.
    This debate continues.....sadly. 
  5. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in NOAH! – The END OF THE WORLD – IS NOT COMING! WHAT IS RAIN?   
    I can see how you might extrapolate this from my statement, but clearly:
    1. We are not in a position to determine the fullness of extent of the advance warning of the end of this system of things before the end takes place. And this warning will be given to the satisfaction of Jehovah, not that of men.
    2. The actual warning, which is contained both in scripture and in an untold volume of statements and publications in all types of media, and a multitude of methods of human transmission drawn from those same scriptures, is distributed by far more than Jehovah's witnesses on earth.
    Therefore I see little of a challenge to Jehovah and His Son, along with other heavenly forces, to discern those whose hearts respond to the warnings in scripture, no matter how indistinct their sound, and then to make an adequate opportunity for those ones to "take note" appropriately.
    Nothing new about Jehovah's servants needing reassurance on this count!
  6. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in NOAH! – The END OF THE WORLD – IS NOT COMING! WHAT IS RAIN?   
    Quite correct.
    I would compare the attitude described by John in the Revelation here. Of Babylon the Great, it is said that one of the reasons for her sudden destruction is that at the time of this event  "she keeps saying in her heart: ‘I sit as queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.'' " Rev.18:7. Being also at this time  "drunk....with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus" shows that she has had contact with these ones in order to persecute them.
    We know that false religion has been served with a comprehensive exposure, and notification of God's judgement, even at this stage of the "last days". On the whole, this message has been ignored and suppressed and it 's bearers hounded. And yet, you will find even in the pages of religious publications, quite accurate descriptions of who Jehovah's Witnesses are and what they believe. Copies of their publications on this subject are even distributed by their opposers and are also available on ebay!
    So Babylon the Great takes no note of the substance of the judgement message it has received. Hearing the message is one thing which cannot be denied as the vehement reaction to it's bearers (the witnesses of Jesus) bears out. But believing it, taking it to heart, and acting appropriately on it is something else. Failure to do so pecipitates the "swift pitch" of Babylon's destruction (Rev 18:21). The reaction of all her consorts and exploiters from the sidelines as described in Rev 18:9-19 bear out the surprise and unexpected nature of this destruction when it occurs, despite the publicity campaign preceding it.
    So, as a major component of the events of the last days, the eviction notice served to Babylon the Great, the vicious reaction to it's bearers, along with the "I will never see mourning" attitude are significant. It seems highly unlikely that the "took no note" attitude of the people described by Jesus at the the time of Noah as having a  similarity to those held in the "last days" (Jewish system or current global), would be due to a lack of notification on the part of Noah, who was indeed described as a "preacher of righteousness". Luke's description of  heart attitudes as a component of this taking no note has a similarity to the description of Babylon the Great's heart attitude as a component of her adverse judgement. Paul speaks of "the eyes of your heart" when discussing with the Ephesians (Eph. 1:18) understanding God's purposes.
    I submit that it is the heart reaction of the hearer that determines whether one "takes note" or not. The suddeness and unexpected nature of destruction at the flood of Noah's day, at the end of the Jewish system, when Babylon the Great is destroyed, and when Armageddon strikes, for those who are adversely effected will not be due to any lack of notification and warning on the part of Jehovah or His witnesses, both heavenly and on earth. They (unbelievers) heard the warning but "took no note", in their hearts.
  7. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in NOAH! – The END OF THE WORLD – IS NOT COMING! WHAT IS RAIN?   
    Quite correct.
    I would compare the attitude described by John in the Revelation here. Of Babylon the Great, it is said that one of the reasons for her sudden destruction is that at the time of this event  "she keeps saying in her heart: ‘I sit as queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.'' " Rev.18:7. Being also at this time  "drunk....with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus" shows that she has had contact with these ones in order to persecute them.
    We know that false religion has been served with a comprehensive exposure, and notification of God's judgement, even at this stage of the "last days". On the whole, this message has been ignored and suppressed and it 's bearers hounded. And yet, you will find even in the pages of religious publications, quite accurate descriptions of who Jehovah's Witnesses are and what they believe. Copies of their publications on this subject are even distributed by their opposers and are also available on ebay!
    So Babylon the Great takes no note of the substance of the judgement message it has received. Hearing the message is one thing which cannot be denied as the vehement reaction to it's bearers (the witnesses of Jesus) bears out. But believing it, taking it to heart, and acting appropriately on it is something else. Failure to do so pecipitates the "swift pitch" of Babylon's destruction (Rev 18:21). The reaction of all her consorts and exploiters from the sidelines as described in Rev 18:9-19 bear out the surprise and unexpected nature of this destruction when it occurs, despite the publicity campaign preceding it.
    So, as a major component of the events of the last days, the eviction notice served to Babylon the Great, the vicious reaction to it's bearers, along with the "I will never see mourning" attitude are significant. It seems highly unlikely that the "took no note" attitude of the people described by Jesus at the the time of Noah as having a  similarity to those held in the "last days" (Jewish system or current global), would be due to a lack of notification on the part of Noah, who was indeed described as a "preacher of righteousness". Luke's description of  heart attitudes as a component of this taking no note has a similarity to the description of Babylon the Great's heart attitude as a component of her adverse judgement. Paul speaks of "the eyes of your heart" when discussing with the Ephesians (Eph. 1:18) understanding God's purposes.
    I submit that it is the heart reaction of the hearer that determines whether one "takes note" or not. The suddeness and unexpected nature of destruction at the flood of Noah's day, at the end of the Jewish system, when Babylon the Great is destroyed, and when Armageddon strikes, for those who are adversely effected will not be due to any lack of notification and warning on the part of Jehovah or His witnesses, both heavenly and on earth. They (unbelievers) heard the warning but "took no note", in their hearts.
  8. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in NOAH! – The END OF THE WORLD – IS NOT COMING! WHAT IS RAIN?   
    Quite correct.
    I would compare the attitude described by John in the Revelation here. Of Babylon the Great, it is said that one of the reasons for her sudden destruction is that at the time of this event  "she keeps saying in her heart: ‘I sit as queen, and I am not a widow, and I will never see mourning.'' " Rev.18:7. Being also at this time  "drunk....with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus" shows that she has had contact with these ones in order to persecute them.
    We know that false religion has been served with a comprehensive exposure, and notification of God's judgement, even at this stage of the "last days". On the whole, this message has been ignored and suppressed and it 's bearers hounded. And yet, you will find even in the pages of religious publications, quite accurate descriptions of who Jehovah's Witnesses are and what they believe. Copies of their publications on this subject are even distributed by their opposers and are also available on ebay!
    So Babylon the Great takes no note of the substance of the judgement message it has received. Hearing the message is one thing which cannot be denied as the vehement reaction to it's bearers (the witnesses of Jesus) bears out. But believing it, taking it to heart, and acting appropriately on it is something else. Failure to do so pecipitates the "swift pitch" of Babylon's destruction (Rev 18:21). The reaction of all her consorts and exploiters from the sidelines as described in Rev 18:9-19 bear out the surprise and unexpected nature of this destruction when it occurs, despite the publicity campaign preceding it.
    So, as a major component of the events of the last days, the eviction notice served to Babylon the Great, the vicious reaction to it's bearers, along with the "I will never see mourning" attitude are significant. It seems highly unlikely that the "took no note" attitude of the people described by Jesus at the the time of Noah as having a  similarity to those held in the "last days" (Jewish system or current global), would be due to a lack of notification on the part of Noah, who was indeed described as a "preacher of righteousness". Luke's description of  heart attitudes as a component of this taking no note has a similarity to the description of Babylon the Great's heart attitude as a component of her adverse judgement. Paul speaks of "the eyes of your heart" when discussing with the Ephesians (Eph. 1:18) understanding God's purposes.
    I submit that it is the heart reaction of the hearer that determines whether one "takes note" or not. The suddeness and unexpected nature of destruction at the flood of Noah's day, at the end of the Jewish system, when Babylon the Great is destroyed, and when Armageddon strikes, for those who are adversely effected will not be due to any lack of notification and warning on the part of Jehovah or His witnesses, both heavenly and on earth. They (unbelievers) heard the warning but "took no note", in their hearts.
  9. Upvote
  10. Like
    Evacuated reacted to BroRando in Would you like to know the truth about Hell?   
    No, I was thinking of the Latin Vulgate,  I should have not mentioned  the Latin Vulgate when speaking about the LXX translators ....  they were Jewish, translating Hebrew into Greek.  They had no qualms about placing the Hebrew Tetragrammaton into the Greek scriptures, however, they refused to transliterate the Hebrew Tetragrammaton into other languages.   Here's some proof  from a fragment from the LXX translators that was recently found.  They are called the Dead Sea Scrolls.  If one is given insight, you see The Tetragrammaton in Hebrew, also Greek, and then replaced with LORD then the English Rendition (Jehovah). 

  11. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in The ex-Jehovah's Witnesses shunned by their families (BBC report)   
    Even the highly regarded BBC cannot resist the  temptation to indulge in gutter-press standard reporting when it comes to Jehovah's Witnesses.
    This report on the Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipping process is rather misleading. It associates the disfellowshipping action with totally unrelated experiences and leaves the impression that this action is taken: 
    1. when a person leaves an abusive relationship 
    2: when a person does not attend the annual memorial celebration of Christ's death.
    Nothing could be further from the truth. Even the most inexperienced researcher could easily find out the circumstances leading to this serious and scriptural measure by looking at https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/shunning/.
    It is unlikely that the interviewees would reveal the real reason for their disfellowshipping which would probably cause personal embarrassment, and there is no way that the official organisation would comment or reveal the details of an individual case.
  12. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to TrueTomHarley in The ex-Jehovah's Witnesses shunned by their families (BBC report)   
    Disfellowshipped or disassociated persons do accumulate. And they don't always pine for the day they will be reinstated. Sometimes they go on the attack. When they do, like people anywhere, they play down whatever responsibility they had in favor of how others done them in.
    You would think that the BBC would get the accurate scoop on what circumstances can lead to this most extreme form of discipline and what ones cannot. It's not as though the process is hidden.
  13. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Melinda Mills in The ex-Jehovah's Witnesses shunned by their families (BBC report)   
    Even the highly regarded BBC cannot resist the  temptation to indulge in gutter-press standard reporting when it comes to Jehovah's Witnesses.
    This report on the Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipping process is rather misleading. It associates the disfellowshipping action with totally unrelated experiences and leaves the impression that this action is taken: 
    1. when a person leaves an abusive relationship 
    2: when a person does not attend the annual memorial celebration of Christ's death.
    Nothing could be further from the truth. Even the most inexperienced researcher could easily find out the circumstances leading to this serious and scriptural measure by looking at https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/shunning/.
    It is unlikely that the interviewees would reveal the real reason for their disfellowshipping which would probably cause personal embarrassment, and there is no way that the official organisation would comment or reveal the details of an individual case.
  14. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in The ex-Jehovah's Witnesses shunned by their families (BBC report)   
    Even the highly regarded BBC cannot resist the  temptation to indulge in gutter-press standard reporting when it comes to Jehovah's Witnesses.
    This report on the Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipping process is rather misleading. It associates the disfellowshipping action with totally unrelated experiences and leaves the impression that this action is taken: 
    1. when a person leaves an abusive relationship 
    2: when a person does not attend the annual memorial celebration of Christ's death.
    Nothing could be further from the truth. Even the most inexperienced researcher could easily find out the circumstances leading to this serious and scriptural measure by looking at https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/shunning/.
    It is unlikely that the interviewees would reveal the real reason for their disfellowshipping which would probably cause personal embarrassment, and there is no way that the official organisation would comment or reveal the details of an individual case.
  15. Like
  16. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Now now. Don't blame the paper!
  17. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Not astounded. Just another misreading I'm afraid. Actually I'm expressing disappointment. And believe me, I do not pretend.
    Oh, and those resources? I usually equate this with the properly motivated time and energy those who love Jehovah spend in His service. Which is why I included the Psalm 110 reference.
    Sorry if it hurt. But I do not agree with your assessment.
    You have stated your experience as expressed earlier: "The elder body I served with...".  Your critical and jaded focus on, and descriptions of, the activities of your former colleagues, along with motive assessment (elders and otherwise) are apparent in a number of your postings: (no quotes required). The level of detail. and descriptive nature of these views indicates a period of cultivation.
    Also, your similarity in expression to a whole army of critics orginating from within the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses, along with your similarly recognisable focus on a distorted view of logistics and administrative processes, confirm my impression that this kind of attitude is the product of a process that somehow does it's work within the congregational arrangement. (A world within a world). However, the manifestation of it appears from the sidelines, usually once a form of estrangement has occured.
    In light of Douglas Walton's interesting perspective on the ad hominem  (Media Argumentation. Dialectic, Persuasion and Rhetoric), I agree with him that it can be legitimate device when a character critique is directly or indirect­ly related to the point being articulated. I mean, surely we can see that when looking at Jesus words expressed so clearly in his denunciation of the Pharisees and scribes in Matthew Chapter 23.
    In this case, I believe that there is no difference in my assessment or method of expressing it than that demonstrated by Paul in his warning to the Ephesians in Acts 20:30.
    And to ensure that this posting remains firmly connected with the original posting shared by @Queen Esther, I believe that the joyful and zealous proclamation of the kingdom good news is one clear indicator of a spiritually healthy heart. Field service reports are just one of the tools available to keep those charged before Jehovah with shepherding His sheep alert to their spiritual health and safety. Her excellent poetic reminder is much appreciated.
  18. Like
    Evacuated reacted to The Librarian in The French Conspiracy With The Russian Orthodox Church That Destroyed The Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    The Russian Supreme Court’s July 17 ban on the Jehovah’s Witnesses was the result of a decades long conspiracy funded by the French government, blessed by the Russian Orthodox Church, and sanctioned by the Putin administration.
    A French NGO — fully-funded by the French government with the aim of combatting religious minorities — partnered with the Putin administration and the Russian Orthodox Church to label non-Orthodox religions in Russia as extremist groups and eliminate them. The latest phase of that plan first garnered international attention with Russian authorities’ arrest of a Danish citizen.
    The Arrest of Dennis Christensen
    The May 25 arrest of Danish citizen Dennis Christensen in Russia thrust the plight of the Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) into the global spotlight. Russian authorities arrested Christensen, along with 15 other Jehovah’s Witness members, during a raid on a JW compound while the members within were engaged in a Bible study. The raid was conducted after the the Russian Supreme Court banned the JWs in Russia on April 20, and labeled them an extremist organization.
    Christensen appealed his pre-trial incarceration, but a Russian court denied his appeal June 21. Parallel to Christensen’s court hearings was the legal battle of the entire Russian JW organization. The JWs appealed the April 20 ruling to the Russian Supreme Court, which ruled against them and upheld the ban against them July 17. Christensen faces up to 10 years imprisonment on the charge of organizing an illegal religious activity, since the Bible study took place after the initial banning of the JWs on April 20.
    The Russian Supreme Court’s April 20 ruling against the JWs upheld the Russian Justice Ministry’s decision that added the group in May to a list of organizations officially banned for extremist activities.
    But why did the Justice Ministry have Christensen, a peaceful man honored by Russian authorities for outstanding community service, arrested? Why did the Justice Ministry add the JWs, who are avowed pacifists and eschew political activity, to a list of banned extremist organizations?
    The French Connection
    The Justice Ministry made its decision based on counsel from the Ministry’s Expert Council for Conducting State Religious-Studies Expert Analysis. The Expert Council’s purpose is to investigate religions that deviate from Russian Orthodox teaching and to recommend actions against those religions to the state. The Expert Council is headed by Aleksander Dvorkin, vice president of the Russian branch of FECRIS.
    FECRIS,  the European Federation of Research and Information Centers on Sectarianism, is a French NGO dedicated “according to its bylaws, to identify as a sect/cult or a guru the organization or the individual which misuses beliefs and behavioral techniques for his own benefit,'” according to the Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAIFC).
    The UN and the Council of Europe recognize FECRIS as an NGO, despite the fact that the department of the French prime minister supplies 100 percent of the organization’s funding, according to CAIFC.
    “How can a Prime Minister declare that there is no legal definition of a sect/ cult in France and at the same time finance at the level of 100% a NON-GOVERNMENTAL association whose objective is to point at ‘sects/cults'” the statement from CAIFC reads.
    FECRIS in Russia
    CAIFC also noted the partnership of FECRIS, and Dvorkin, with the Russian Orthodox Church in the campaign in Russia against religious minorities like the JWs.
    “If the action of FECRIS is not religious and claims to be neutral in this regard, how can it explain that an organization registered in a secular state – France – is massively financed with the money of all French tax-payers, while its vice-president, Alexander Dvorkin, a Russian citizen is blessed and financed by the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church for its anti-sect activities,” CAIFC’s statement added. “This same Russian Orthodox Church which, along with Putin, has been persecuting religious minorities for years in Russia.”
    FECRIS’ campaign against the Russian JWs had been going on for years before Christensen’s arrest. A FECRIS associate organization partnered with the Russian Orthodox Church, the Committee for the Salvation of Youth from Totalitarian Cults, filed the first legal complaint against the JWs of Moscow in 1995, according to a study of FECRIS published in the Journal for the Study of Beliefs and Worldviews (JSBW).
    The initial complaint was dismissed, but the committee refiled their complaint against the JWs in Moscow four times, until Russian authorities agreed to launch an investigation in 1998. A Moscow district court upheld the complaint against the JWs in 2004 after a prolonged legal battle, and ordered a permanent ban against the Moscow community of JWs. Several suits todisperse individual JW communities were filed in other cities as well, despite the European Court of Human Rights ruling in 2010 that the ban on the Moscow JWs violated Russian law.
    The Russian Supreme Court’s latest ruling made the ban on JWs nationwide.
    Aleksander Dvorkin
    Dvorkin is not only the vice president of FECRIS, but also the director of FECRIS’ member organization in Russia, the St. Irenaeus of Lyons Religious Studies Research Centre, which is partnered with the Russian Orthodox Church. 
    Dvorkin’s campaign through FECRIS against the JWs in Russia attacked them on both the legal and the social front. Violence against the JWS, including arson and assault, was linked to several comments by Dvorkin encouraging public suspicion and action against the religious group and others according to JSBW’s study.
    “Their adepts recruit failed university enrollees, and people on vacation as well; they have a wide range of psychological influence, especially on the unstable minds of adolescents and youths,” Dvorkin said of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Hare Krishna sect. Dvorkin encouraged the public to “take part in the fight against sects, file complaints and collect raw data so that the local authorities can react quickly.”
    Dvorkin also gave an interview in a 2009 documentary called Emergency Investigation: Jehovah’s Witnesses, in which he compared the JWs to drug dealers and called them “slaves.” According to the study from JSBW, that documentary was used as a justification for public violence against JW members in Russia.
    Legalization of Russian Religious Purification
    Russia’s 2002 Anti-Extremism Law paved the way for Dvorkin and FECRIS to label a peaceful group like the JWs as extremists and have them banned nationwide.
    The Putin administration passed the law ostensibly in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, but soon began to use the 2002 law to make Putin’s “spiritual security” concept a Russian reality, as described in the administration’s 2000 National Security Concept.
    “Assurance of the Russian Federation’s national security also includes protecting the cultural and spiritual-moral legacy and the historical traditions and standards of public life, and preserving the cultural heritage of all Russia’s peoples,” the statement read. “There must be a state policy to maintain the population’s spiritual and moral welfare, prohibit the use of airtime to promote violence or base instincts, and counter the adverse impact of foreign religious organizations and missionaries.”
    The law initially listed violent action as one of the qualifications for extremism. A 2006 amendment to the Anti-Extremism law removed violence as a qualification, and gave the following qualifications for extremist activity, according to the JSBW study:
    A. The definition of extremism shall include libel against state officials related to accusation in extremism or in a particularly grave crime;
    B. Any act of violence (incl. hooliganism) against an official shall qualify as extremism; and
    C. Not only calls to extremist activity but also “justifications” of extremist activity will be banned.
    The law then defined extremism as “incitement to racial, nationalistic, or religious enmity, and also social enmity.” With the addition of incitement to religious or social enmity, FECRIS and its associate organizations, with its partnership with the Russian Orthodox Church and its members’ positions in the Russian government, were free to label any religion that deviated from Russian Orthodox doctrine as extreme.
    Dvorkin has reveled in that freedom and targeted Mormons, Hare Krishna, New Pentecostals, Falun Gong, and Jehovists, labeling them more dangerous than Satanists because they “conceal evil under the guise of good,” according to the JSBW study.
    “As part of the strategy of religious purification in Russia, complaints have been lodged by anti-sect groups and various state institutions seeking the liquidation of a number of non-Orthodox movements, including Catholic organizations,” the study’s section on Russia concluded.
    “However, the reality is that State neutrality and impartiality in the countries covered by this research work (France, Austria, Germany, Russia and Serbia), unfortunately does not exist. In all five countries, the state and public powers take sides with FECRIS’ affiliates and finance their activities even if they are used for the missionary activities of a mainline Church or if they are meant to defend the position and influence of a specific Church in society, to fight against the erosion of its membership or to expand it,” the study added.
  19. Like
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Makes sense. I was able to edit it out.
  20. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in LIVE BLOG: Jehovah's Witnesses Appeal Russian Supreme Court Ruling   
    I agree with your views expressed very well here. Just to add that whilst indeed the movement of people is due to the "shaking" of this world system, Jehovah's "shaking" of the nations (Hag.2:7) is by means of the preaching that we do. Personal focus and involvement in that activity as much as we can at this time will serve greatly in our endeavour to keep ourselves in Jehovah's love. 
  21. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Not astounded. Just another misreading I'm afraid. Actually I'm expressing disappointment. And believe me, I do not pretend.
    Oh, and those resources? I usually equate this with the properly motivated time and energy those who love Jehovah spend in His service. Which is why I included the Psalm 110 reference.
    Sorry if it hurt. But I do not agree with your assessment.
    You have stated your experience as expressed earlier: "The elder body I served with...".  Your critical and jaded focus on, and descriptions of, the activities of your former colleagues, along with motive assessment (elders and otherwise) are apparent in a number of your postings: (no quotes required). The level of detail. and descriptive nature of these views indicates a period of cultivation.
    Also, your similarity in expression to a whole army of critics orginating from within the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses, along with your similarly recognisable focus on a distorted view of logistics and administrative processes, confirm my impression that this kind of attitude is the product of a process that somehow does it's work within the congregational arrangement. (A world within a world). However, the manifestation of it appears from the sidelines, usually once a form of estrangement has occured.
    In light of Douglas Walton's interesting perspective on the ad hominem  (Media Argumentation. Dialectic, Persuasion and Rhetoric), I agree with him that it can be legitimate device when a character critique is directly or indirect­ly related to the point being articulated. I mean, surely we can see that when looking at Jesus words expressed so clearly in his denunciation of the Pharisees and scribes in Matthew Chapter 23.
    In this case, I believe that there is no difference in my assessment or method of expressing it than that demonstrated by Paul in his warning to the Ephesians in Acts 20:30.
    And to ensure that this posting remains firmly connected with the original posting shared by @Queen Esther, I believe that the joyful and zealous proclamation of the kingdom good news is one clear indicator of a spiritually healthy heart. Field service reports are just one of the tools available to keep those charged before Jehovah with shepherding His sheep alert to their spiritual health and safety. Her excellent poetic reminder is much appreciated.
  22. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to Queen Esther in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    CAN  WE  SPOT  A  LOST  SHEEP ?......
    When she comes on Sunday, she is usually quite late. Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate. Few people try to know her and some wonder and stare. No one tries to dig down deep to see who's really there. In her purse is a funeral program that is ragged around the ears. It is yellow and quite wrinkled and has been soaked with many tears. She's looked at it quite often and knows the resurrection hope. But she still mourns her daughter, and sometimes she can't cope. Many people wonder but no one ever made the call. She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * Her uncle molested her when she was just a child. Her mother didn't believe her and said she was just wild. Jehovah God has blessed her and now she has the Truth. But she still lives with all the scars of a stolen youth. They say she's moody and she's mean, so no one bothers to call. She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * She comes to all the meetings, to the field and mingles with the friends. But once she goes back home again, the heartache soon begins. She grew up in the Truth, has served Jehovah all her life. All she ever wanted was to be a Christian wife. Now she's past the bloom of youth. Her dreams have not come true. She's tempted and frustrated and scared of what she might do. You probably think she's strong and she doesn't need a call. But she's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * When searching from door to door and bringing more sheep in, don't forget all the sheep who are already in the pen. All of these are true stories of people at the Hall. Take some time and look closely and see who needs a call. * We always remember the sick, the single parents and the old, but can we try to include still others in our fold ?  Remember,  that Jehovah doesn't want anyone to fall.
    And that there might be a lost sheep sitting there in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall

  23. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to TrueTomHarley in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    I will concede that counting time has some drawbacks. It leads to notions of being 'on duty' or 'off duty,' even though we are encouraged not to be that way. I suspect evening witnessing is eschewed by pioneers in favor of less-productive daytime witnessing largely because they can get more time with the latter. That's not the only reason, but it is probably among them.
    Videos are changing the nature of reporting, as are the contact cards, which I use as a businessman uses his cards. "Everyone has a cause," I will say, "and this is mine," followed by perhaps an observation of the 900 languages and how, for that reason alone, they ought to check it out. Or something else. There is no way I am going to keep track of cards, and at the end of the month, I give a ballpark figure.
    increasingly, I do something like that for hours, too. I enjoy evening witnessing. Those hours, IMO, are 'better,' though fewer. What with using cards and even the videos on devices spontaneously, how can one keep track of that time-wise? I don't attempt it. Ballpark suffices. And don't get me going on internet writing. I count none of it, until Bethel is more enthused about it. It's just a personal choice. Some probably do, though I think going online solely to witness is extremely ineffective. Ones who do it, from what I have seen, end up merely talking to each other or arguing with opposers.
    Perhaps if we were going to track anything, it might be people talked to, not hours.  Or choose one or the other depending upon the nature of one's territory.  But this could also lead to manufactured situations. 
    No matter. The main idea is that the preaching work ought to get done, and nobody is doing that other than Jehovah's Witnesses. Few know the Bible well enough to do it if they wanted to. I'll stick with the people spearheading this work and I'll leave it to them how or to what extent they want to keep track of it.
  24. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    Hey @bruceq, I hope you're not ducking out here? You bring some useful information to the table when you are not engaging in an emotional exchange!
    Without pointing any fingers unnecessarily at others, you are acting unwisely if you engage with ones you consider to be apostates. Not just because it's a prohibited excercise (2John 9-11). Apostates are indicted by Jehovah because they have  "disheartened the righteous one" and "have strengthened the hands of the wicked one" (Ez.13:22). Do not loose the force of Jesus illustration of the "ravenous woves" (Matt.7:15). You cannot fight them on a level playing field. They will literally have you for breakfast! You will come out dis-heartened!
    And even if your judgement of some is too harsh (by my estimate), they may still not play by rules of etiquette you hold dear. You are in great danger of 'answering...according to their foolishness' (Pro.26:4), with harm to your own peace of mind.
    But, despite the acknowledged dangers of an internet forum, which can indeed be a bit like playing soccer blindfolded at times, you do have some control.
    There is an option to ignore users that you can turn on, to avoid those excercises known as "flaming" that you sometimes appear to get caught in.
    Perhaps @Librarian could provide an instruction on how to turn this facility "on", as the recent platform migration appears to have switched it "off".
  25. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Nana Fofana in No! Please!! Not another thread about 1914!!!   
    I really like this.
    When I used to use buses to get home at night as a teenager, there were no electronic schedule indicators. Just a printed sheet on the stop, if it had not been vandalised. It was notoriously difficult to figure out the schedule. The print was too small, the light too dim, the mind too clouded, the need to relieve nature too pressing. And the schedule always contained exceptions to scheduling for late hours and weekends in even tinier print, indicated by impossibly small asterisks and the like. And if the bus number was different for the out-of-hours service.......! It was so easy to misinterpret and a frustrating excercise. But what a relief it was when a bus actually came! On time, as far as the driver was concerned. The schedule? No longer of any real interest. Maybe I'd check on the bus to see where I had got it wrong. So easy in retrospect. The important thing? I was at the stop to get the bus when it came.
    I think there's an illustration in there somewhere. I'll have to figure it out when I get time...........maybe something about the driver choosing the passengers....................Hmmm....
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