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  1. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    Now you're thinking. (I couldn't upvote as the JTR thing is wasting time and space). 
  2. Thanks
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in LOOKING FOR PDF OF QUEBEC'S BURNING HATE TRACT   
    1946 Quebecs Burning Hate.pdf
  3. Like
    Evacuated reacted to The Librarian in Marlo Medina-Chevez   
    Uber driver worked to raise money for family vacation
    CHARLOTTE, N.C. - A funeral service is planned for Marlo Medina-Chevez, the Charlotte Uber driver who police say was killed over the weekend.
    "It hasn't been an easy year for us at all," Deborah Medina, Marlo's daughter, said.
    [Body found in Rock Hill ID'd as missing Uber driver, police say]
    Medina-Chevez left his Steele Creek house last weekend to work as an Uber driver, and never came home.
    Sources said Charlotte-Mecklenburg police found his body, severely beaten and bound, in woods in Rock Hill.
    Two strangers, Diontray Adams and James Steven, are now behind bars and will be charged in his death. The pair will also face charges of kidnapping and robbery with a dangerous weapon. They are fighting extradition.

    (James Stevens, Diontray Adams)
    "It brings you peace that they are in jail," Medina said. "But I just lost my dad. You can't really come back from that."
    His friend Karen Miller is trying to help.
    She grew up in Marlo's congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    When her family was going through difficult times, he lifted her spirits. Now she's returning the favor.
    "We want to do something for his daughters to make sure they are not too sad too," she said.
    Marlo was the family's sole provider. He started driving for Uber to make some extra cash to take his family on a vacation.
    Karen has raised more than $19,000 to help them out.
    She and her congregation are preparing to say goodbye to their friend, who lived a faith-driven life. And it's faith that's keeping his friends and family going.
    "All we have to do is be strong and we know we will see him again," she said.
    A funeral is planned for Monday at 3 p.m. at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 6516 Old Pineville Road.
  4. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from The Librarian in Marlo Medina-Chevez   
    Why is nothing being said specifically about this? Did he even pick up Uber passengers or was he just car-jacked? Has anyone pinged his phone? So many holes in the story. Poor family. 
  5. Like
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  7. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    Let's hope that no one here even inadvertently gives that impression.
    How about completely abolishing unscriptural celibacy requirements for starters?
    This is interesting. It is indeed a worldwide plague. So anyone, institution or individual, denying this fact is really deluded. Reminds me of Chechnya’s leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, who denies that persecution of gay men is taking place in Chechnya, saying there are no gay men living in the republic to be persecuted.
    Noticeable too is the institutional pride that serves as an obstacle to combatting the plague even if recognised, exemplified in such responses as "other institutions have a worse record than ours" or "our awareness is higher, or policy is better, than theirs". Meanwhile the problem remains, still affecting all, regardless.
    So is the crime the plague? Or is it the criminal?, or are these just symptoms of something deeper?
    To be continued.....(I'm sure)
  8. Like
    Evacuated reacted to TrueTomHarley in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    I will not, for I can already spot a dissimilarity. Pedophile victims survive. First Degree Murder victims do not.
    Moreover, pedophile victims frequently recover. This is especially true when we are dealing with the non-violent, non-rape pedophilia which hysterical persons lump all together as one with the more infrequent predator sort.
    Ancient Greece, as you well know, with all of your 'founding father' comments, is regarded as the cradle of Western civilization,  the first glimmerings of democracy. The sexual abuse of children was a staple of life among those perverts. Had it been First Degree Murder, instead, there would be no Greece and hence no Western civilization deriving from it.
  9. Like
    Evacuated reacted to TrueTomHarley in Piñatas   
    Celebrate your birthday, then.
  10. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in We are in the front line - for peace   
    This was a separate incident to the 12 hours earlier bomb attack, about 1/2 mile away.  A number of Carts are always at the Arndale Centre (very busy shopping area) for daytime witnessing.
    I will be at the Arena next month hopefully.
  11. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from The Librarian in We are in the front line - for peace   
    This was a separate incident to the 12 hours earlier bomb attack, about 1/2 mile away.  A number of Carts are always at the Arndale Centre (very busy shopping area) for daytime witnessing.
    I will be at the Arena next month hopefully.
  12. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Piñatas   
    If it falls down here, there is little point in arguing on any other basis. No need to sledgehammer this little nut.
  13. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Piñatas   
    Typical half-baked argument. The so-called "birthday fun", no matter how twee, is imposed upon children by adults.
    Children would not attach any significance to birthdays, if they even remembered them, without this practice being continually reinforced by doting adults often under the influence of commercial and media propoganda.
    To say that children are then "denied fun" is like a drug dealer complaining that prohibition is denying his clients fun from using a substance he has addicted them to for his own personal gain.
    Try another tack on this please!
  14. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in We are in the front line - for peace   
    This was a separate incident to the 12 hours earlier bomb attack, about 1/2 mile away.  A number of Carts are always at the Arndale Centre (very busy shopping area) for daytime witnessing.
    I will be at the Arena next month hopefully.
  15. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from ARchiv@L in We are in the front line - for peace   
  16. Like
    Evacuated reacted to The Librarian in 1927 Restoration Rutherford   
    1927 Restoration Rutherford
    Book by Judge Rutherford
  17. Upvote
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in Warrants: Nurse gave women powerful sedatives before fondling them   
    Because this is now demanded of them by law, and the legal department of the Society gives them strict instructions to carry it out the letter of the law if they have not already done so.
    Notice that this method of dealing with a person actually increases the trust we have in elders, increases the respect given to Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion that does not tolerate such things, and makes it far less likely that anyone could expand a lawsuit to include liability to this "brother's" congregation or branch. Had this not been immediately exposed to the authorities, a legal liability connection to the Society could be made through claiming bad process and bad training.
    Had this been an abuse of a child under similar circumstances, the elders should also make sure it is reported according to all current procedures, as I understand them.
    Using drugs from medical waste to maneuver to abuse someone sexually is a whole other level of abhorrence.
  18. Like
    Evacuated reacted to JW Insider in We are in the front line - for peace   
    The theme of the covers is about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, at that!
  19. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    "waiting on Jehovah" can unfortunately become a rather patronising and cliched expression due to it's inappropriate use and application (by some) to doing.... "nothing!".
    Although the phrase as such does not exactly appear in the Scriptures, the idea expressed at James 5:7-8 certainly captures the principle of patiently and humbly awaiting Jehovah's time to put an end to the oppression and injustice lowly ones experience when unfairly treated by those with the upper hand in this current unjust system of things. I mean, no man can depose Satan the Devil as "ruler of the world"
    Similarly, both Jeremiah and Micah use the phrase "waiting attitude". In the case of Jeremiah, when contemplating the sad end of unfaithful Jerusalem, there was the prospect of restoration in Jehovah's due time. Something Jeremiah would not actually see in his lifetime, although he did escape the destruction of Jerusalem with his life, thanks to Jehovah's protection. 
    Micah, of course experienced some measure of relief in surviving through the rule of unfaithful king Ahaz into a far better environment under faithful King Hezekiah's rule, but still awaited Jehovah's time for the fulfillment of his prophetic words in, for example, Mic.4:1-4.
    With the words related to "wait" appearing in Scripture over 180 times, there is ample basis for understanding what it means to "wait", what it is we should be "waiting for", and the correct attitude to display whilst "waiting".
    One scripture which contradicts the erroneous application of the principle of "waiting on Jehovah" is contained in Pro.3:27:
    "Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it if it is within your power to help."
    In harmony with the prophetic warning in 1Tim 3:1-5, the insidious plague of child abuse has infected every institution amongst humankind, including the family. For decent, honest people, this is an affront to basic human morality.  For those who love Jehovah, it is an unthinkable and henious crime against God Himself, and an inexcusable betrayal of trust toward victims.
    Despite this, it's seemingly inexorable march continues, aided by internet, base criminality, incompetence and, extraordinarily, by the inability of many decent folk to accept that humans can be that evil.
    The willingness of responsible ones among Jehovah's Witnesses to adjust procedural instructions in the face of criticism from worldly authorities and lay persons alike, (by no small means aided by the vitriolic poison of apostate slander), gives the lie to the view that such matters should "wait on Jehovah" for resolution.
    Could you quote a source for factual detail if you are not at liberty to provide the information yourself?
    Quite true in principal. But... all these dead people named as alleged examples.....Just tedious.
    Isn't there anything that can be proved???
  20. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    It seems this subject has such an emotive element that there is often a tendency to "shoot from the hip" in responses from all sides.
    For example: 
    Is this referring to those who criticize JW procedure in handling cases of child abuse? Surely not thought through if so?
    In medieval times, plague was known as the “Black Death” and resulted in millions of Europeans dying. Indeed, the incidence of this virulent disease in recent times seems minimal by comparison......at face value.

    This little table can be seen in the context of this comment regarding the first decade of the century:   In the United States, 57 persons were reported to have the disease, of which seven died. Worldwide, 21,725 persons were affected with 1,612 deaths, for a case-fatality rate of 7.4%. (National Center for Biotechnology Information). 
    In the context of the comment made earlier, regarding diminishing concern regarding plague, this quote from Wikipedia should serve to modify this remark: 
    Third Plague Pandemic is the designation of a major bubonic plague pandemic that began in Yunnan province in China in 1855.[1] This episode of bubonic plague spread to all inhabited continents, and ultimately more than 12 million people died in India and China, with 10 million people killed in India alone.[2] According to the World Health Organization, the pandemic was considered active until 1959, when worldwide casualties dropped to 200 per year.
    The comment on diminishing "worry" regarding plague seems to have been presented as a parallel to counter the view of @bruceq that the crime of "child abuse" would escalate as an indication of us being in "the last days". The facts indicate that severe and devastating incidence of plague is not limited to the 13th-17th century. Further research on professional views of this disease highlight concerns regarding anti-biotic resistance, travel based ease of transmission, social conditions exacerbating spread (deprivation induced hygeine factors etc). Only the stretched resources of finance, the dedication of medical professionals working at the limits of current scientific defences hold back the tide of plague in the modern world. (In my opinion, of course)
    So, for those who believe Jesus prophecy on end times in Matt 24; Mark 13; Luke 21 (as well as the symbolic ride of Revelation 6's four horseman) to have significance for the period since 1914, there is little basis for minimising concern regarding plague from both an eschatological or medical perspective. Therefore, on that basis, to conclude that:
    appears to be a highly suspect comparison. And actually strikes me as likely to reflect a highly Ameri/Eurocentric view, as does the whole child abuse debate.
    At best, it appears to me that institutional handling of this crime may well be improved by state intervention in policy formulation in those countries strongly influenced by N/W European culture (and I include N America and Australa/N Zealand in that).
    But who knows what has gone on, and continues to occur, in Eurasia, Asia, Africa, S America, M/Eastern etc areas? What basis is there for thinking that the rather pathetic, horse-bolted efforts of some countries of a very similar Western-influenced culture will have any effect on entrenched and historic practice and attitudes in areas of far greater population density?
    No. I am afraid that on the basis of this argument,  I cannot agree with the suggestion that abuse of children in all it's unacceptable guises will diminish as this system continues to blunder to it's inevitable end. Ps.72:12-14.  
    Length of posts seeming to be an important criteria here, I will cease (for now) at this point. 
  21. Upvote
    Evacuated got a reaction from JW Insider in We are in the front line - for peace   
  22. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Queen Esther in We are in the front line - for peace   
  23. Like
    Evacuated reacted to Anna in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    "What does Jehovah doing things in certain unusual ways have to do with child abuse?"
    This was the thinking also of a certain other poster on a similar thread, and I hate saying this, but perhaps this kind of mentality has been the reason for non reporting and other inefficiencies regarding the handling of child sexual abuse. Yes, it is true that Jehovah should figure in our trying to solve problems, since being a JW is a way of life, but when it comes to handling of child sexual abuse, "waiting on Jehovah" and other perceived theocratic sensibilities just don't seem appropriate in this situation.
  24. Like
    Evacuated got a reaction from Anna in Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe in Jesus? Yes!   
    Not logical. The choice of quote may be inspired and the point made, but inclusion of a quotation does not make the work quoted from inspired. Acts 17:28 is a case in point.
  25. Haha
    Evacuated got a reaction from Malum Intellectus in Child Sexual Abuse UK   
    Actually this is a valid point but is also an overstatement. The word "never" exaggerates. The Roman Catholic church, as an example, has received considerable publicity over this matter, albeit with a focus on clergy crime. 
    This topic provokes strong reactions wherever it is raised, not least because it seems to be one of the final frontiers of morality left in this broken system. Many Jehovah's Witnesses have little detailed knowledge of the topic from a media perspective, both because of it's extreme distastefulness as well as the aforementioned negative media bias with it's apostate links.
    It is difficult to get a rational grasp on the matter, even more so on the real facts behind what appears in the media. I have found the factual element of what has been posted on this forum to be very useful along with links to information sources. The various viewpoints expressed, including those I do not share, have been enlightening. 
    In field ministry recently, I met the director of a national mental health organisation. He is known for having very strong and negative views on Jehovah's Witnesses in general, and particularly in the area of handling child abuse. He is not averse to loudly disputing with Witnesses on the street, hailing facts and figures to support his views to such an extent that most cannot engage with him. The information I had gleaned from postings here was very useful, and I was able have have a fact-driven conversation with this vociferous man, with an insight into his pattern of thinking. At least the level of emotion  and speech volume was reduced, and I think that being able to engage rationally and factually was a factor in that. A position held in ignorance of facts in an emotional exchange is guaranteed to fuel an angry reaction.
    Hopefully, this topic will generate a useful contribution.
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