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cirila campos

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    cirila campos got a reaction from Queen Esther in APRIL 19, 2017 RUSSIA TRIAL IN RUSSIA, SESSION WEDNESDAY 19 APRIL The lawyers of our organization present new documents. (read more)   
    Que Jehová obre conforme sea su voluntad Satanas no se saldra con la suya. Están en nuestras oraciones los amamos con todo nuestro corazon estamos al pendiente de las noticias más recientes.  Jehová los bendiga! ???
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    cirila campos reacted to Queen Esther in APRIL 19, 2017 RUSSIA TRIAL IN RUSSIA, SESSION WEDNESDAY 19 APRIL The lawyers of our organization present new documents. (read more)   
    APRIL 19, 2017
    The lawyers of our organization present new documents.
    They want to put on record in the trial of the REAL persecution experienced by the Russian brothers when they were invaded the halls of the kingdom, detention of the assistants, interrogated and their data taken from their passports. Prosecutors respond that all are criminally responsible, REPEAT PENALTY, for the great crime of meeting to study the Bible.
    The judge had given the prosecutor a full week to prepare his trial better, seeing the revolt that our lawyers were giving him.
    The prosecutor begins by presenting exemplary cases of decisions of Bethel House, or administrative center as they call them, appointing members of the committees of the congregations (MPO). The prosecutor has an obsession with showing that Bethel is responsible for running congregations, because it is the only way he has to be able to close it.
    Our lawyers show the judge that the documents presented by the prosecutor are from 1998 and earlier, when Bethel had not yet been entered into the new law. The prosecutor is trying to apply the current law retroactively to years that was not yet in force. The prosecutor says that the people named in 1998 are still in the congregations. We have no doubt that traitorous characters have provided the prosecution with internal documents of the organization.
    The court again asks the prosecutor, in which it is based to want to close all congregations, when only 5 have been closed. The Ministry of Justice (government) does not submit any evidence for this complaint.
    Now the court gives way to analyzing the foundations of the Faith of witnesses and their religious practices.
    Our lawyers point out to the court our position of love of neighbor and tolerance, something opposed to extremism. They also presented written proof of how Russian Christian parents strive to give their children a good education.
    The court is interested in investigating Bethel's constitutional charter. They want to have a definite certainty about whether the congregations form a unique structure with Bethel. Our lawyers define the word STRUCTURE according to the current Russian Freedom of Conscience Act. All congregations and Bethel are a unity in what has to do with the separation of religion and state. They give evidence that there are numerous religions in Russia in which the State does not intervene. And it is in this sense that Bethel does not make any legal documentation related to the activities of the congregations. For this reason, there is no official Bethel information.
    The court continues to analyze the documents submitted.
    The decisions of lower courts are now analyzed. We analyze the decision of the Rostov Regional Court 2009 (Taganrog) which dissolved the congregation and closed the kingdom hall, and a witness presented by our lawyers, draws attention to the fact that this decision was taken before the Plenum of The Supreme Court, will dictate that it is extremism and what is not. The Taganrog congregation, as well as Jehovah's Witness publications, were recognized for "undermining respect for other religions," "rejecting the use of blood for medical purposes," and violating their civic duties. " In addition, several publications have been recognized as extremists, although they have absolutely nothing to do with extremism. For example, the pamphlet "Jehovah's Witnesses, Who They Are, What Do They Believe?" Has been recognized as an extremist by the mention of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses do not take up arms.
    Our lawyers point out to the court that in trials like this, witnesses were not allowed to defend themselves.
    Our lawyers take action by going against the Ministry of Justice, denouncing them as lacking in reliability, hiding information from judges about the importation of publications by Bethel. Such is the lack of transparency of the government that the more than 70,000 pages presented, did not count on the collaboration of Bethel, and the government had to ask the customs.
    The prosecutor says that according to a document there are more than 2000 unregistered congregations. Our lawyers insist that the unity of all consists of spiritual matters of internal regime.
    The prosecutor, like a scratched record, continues in his thirteen denouncing that "grant funds were possibly used to fund extremist activities." The Court asks why it is so obvious to the government that the money went to extremist activities, rather than the usual statutory purposes. The prosecutor does not answer.
    Our lawyer INSISTS TO ASK THE FISCAL to indicate what amounts have been spent and in what extremist activities. The prosecutor does not answer. It only insists that  the properties.
    ( No  fear....   Jehovah  has  for  ALL  the  perfect  result !!  )
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