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Martha Braun Amistadi

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    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to The Librarian in MOSCOW – Tens of thousands of protesters have thronged Moscow this weekend to protest against a ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country.   
    The World is standing up for Jehovah's Witnesses. Our appeal is coming soon in June.... 
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  3. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi got a reaction from Queen Esther in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    As we await the beginning of the great tribulation, these faithful ones examples shine as modern conquerors of the world by faith. May we all take their experiences to heart and imitate their courageous examples. 
  4. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    @Martha Braun Amistadi
    Yes all that follow in Our Lord Christ footsteps will be conquers. We rejoice to be counted worthy. So likewise all will be victorious in this battle.
    Thank you,
  5. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi got a reaction from Bible Speaks in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    As we await the beginning of the great tribulation, these faithful ones examples shine as modern conquerors of the world by faith. May we all take their experiences to heart and imitate their courageous examples. 
  6. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi got a reaction from Bible Speaks in KINDNESS ANIMALS HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, BY WHOM? JEHOVAH GOD   
    Dear Bible Speaks, Thank you for your meaningful post and comments. May Jehovah bless you.
  7. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in KINDNESS ANIMALS HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, BY WHOM? JEHOVAH GOD   
    @Martha Braun Amistadi Does this not touch your heart? I cried too. Some other good points I noted:
    “You are worth more than many sparrows”
    We may wonder why anyone would buy a sparrow. Well, in Jesus’ day the sparrow was the cheapest of the birds sold as food. Notice that for one coin of small value, a purchaser got two sparrows. But Jesus later stated that if a person was prepared to spend two coins, he got, not four sparrows, but five. The extra bird was added as though it had no value at all. Perhaps such creatures were worthless in the eyes of men, but how did the Creator view them? Said Jesus: “Not one of them [not even the one added in] goes forgotten before God.” (Luke 12:6, 7) Now we may begin to see Jesus’ point. If Jehovah places such value on a single sparrow, of how much greater worth is a human! 
    As Jesus explained, Jehovah knows every detail about us. Why, the very hairs of our head are numbered!
    Why are we certain that Jesus was being realistic when he spoke of the hairs of our head being numbered?
    Our hairs numbered? Some might assume that Jesus was being unrealistic here. Just think, though, about the hope of the resurrection. How intimately Jehovah must know us in order to re-create us! He values us so much that he remembers every detail, including our genetic code and all our years of memories and experiences. Numbering our hairs—of which the average head grows about 100,000—would be a simple feat by comparison.
    Perhaps it is through the privilege of prayer that we experience Jehovah’s love in the most intimate way. The Bible invites each of us to “pray incessantly” to God. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) He listens. He is even called the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) He has not delegated this office to anyone else, not even to his own Son. 
    Just think: The Creator of the universe urges us to approach him in prayer, with freeness of speech. And what kind of listener is he? Cold, impassive, uncaring? Not at all.
    Jehovah is empathetic. What is empathy? One faithful elderly Christian said: “Empathy is your pain in my heart.” Is Jehovah really affected by our pain? We read regarding the sufferings of his people Israel: “During all their distress it was distressing to him.” (Isaiah 63:9) 
    Not only did Jehovah see their troubles; he felt for the people. Just how intensely he feels is illustrated by Jehovah’s own words to his servants: “He that is touching you is touching my eyeball.”*(Zechariah 2:8) How painful that would be! Yes, Jehovah feels for us. When we hurt, he hurts.
    Who is like Jehovah? No God  He shows us so much Loyal Love even though we are mere humans. We should appreciate Him all the more so, the Love also of Our Lord Christ and their Love extends beyond our imagination!  Thank you for your comment, you help others here too! Agape, ?????
  8. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    FOOD FOR THOUGHT - How can someone who doesn't know God's Name pray for God's Name to be Sanctified? After all, Jesus the Son of God, said in the Model Prayer the First Thing we should Mention ?
    “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let YOUR NAME be sanctified." (Matthew 6:9)
  9. Upvote
  10. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi got a reaction from Bible Speaks in KINDNESS ANIMALS HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, BY WHOM? JEHOVAH GOD   
    Dear Bible Speaks, When I ponder on the magnificent size of the universe, and how small we are here on earth, and yet---our Creator so lovingly cares for us and all the creatures on the planet---well. I am nearly moved to tears by Jehovah's boundless love. We have an eternity to give deep meditation on what that love is all about. From the infintesimally small to the grand, astronomically large, the mark of God's loving signature is seen. We are in awe of the Maker and Sustainer of life. We should show one another the same kind  of love that he has shown us. Eternal life project. 
  11. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    "If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy, because the spirit of glory, yes, the spirit of God, is resting upon you."—1 Pet. 4:14.

  12. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    Dear Sis., I was not aware of your posted detailed story of our loyal Brother. Thank you so much for reminding us!  I just purchased the book and I know I will enjoy ? reading it. Again, thank you!!  Blanchie ???
  13. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Queen Esther in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    @Bible Speaks ....
    I read and learned by our WT literature, its an especially and unique experience between Jehovah and that Brother / Sister. When they get one day the Holy Spirit directly from Jehovah into their body, they at once get the strong feeling, 'I have the heavenly hope and belong to Jehova as a spiritual person' and its NO doubt !  JW, which have the smallest doubt, they are not anointed. Thats it.  In the past, many JW from East Europe were thinking, being anointed. But one day they were getting in doubt and changed to the earthly hope JW   After, they felt much better. That means, not only Jehovah knows it,  the JW also get the true sign. ???
    ( PS. We had an anointed Brother in my congregation.  - The grandparents of my girlfriend were anointed too... I had different talks about that theme.) Its very interesting for earthly hope JW, I think so ;-)  
  14. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    No it was asked and it was told me that. Jehovah knows! ?????
  15. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Queen Esther in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    I am wondering, bec. more times I read, he belongs to the anointed ones...  bec automatically of his age. Latest we will know that in the paradies ! ???
  16. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    @Queen Esther This is the Anniversary Date of his death. We will see him in Paradise! We can not say enough! His book is a National Best Seller. May you also find peace and joy as he did proving faithful to his God and Father Jehovah. Agape, Bible Speaks ?????
  17. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Queen Esther in An Aniversary of a Faithful Man of God and Survivor, Leopold Engleitner   
    I posted 2 times a detailed report in the past of our loyal Brother from Austria. Yes, he was a very especially JW.  I was a time in the FB group from Leopold Engleitner's friend and Manager B. Rammerstorfer and learned alot of L. E.'s life and different doings around his belief with Jehovah❤️   Very interesting!   Now we all can read that in his books and our literature   Now he is working near Jehovah & Jesus ;-)  bec. his heavenly hope on Earth !  A wonderful faithful Brother,  our Leopold Engleitner ???
  18. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to bruceq in Shun your inactive family members and report them if you suspect they are sinning    
    Do you think the WAY Jehovah handled the incident with Abraham and Issac should have been handled in a different WAY?
    I mean "tying up" a "boy" and then holding a knife to him seems like what some would call "Child Abuse". Some would say it was petulant, overreaching, CRUEL and created FEAR!  Was it RIGHT for Jehovah to do that? Why would we think that our Way of doing something is better than God's Way just because it is not according to human norms in todays' society, the very society norms under the influence of Satan. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah." Isa. 55:8
    Or what about when Jesus said to eat his blood and flesh without any explanation after all what Jesus said was wrong according to the Bible - to eat blood and flesh. He ALLOWED many to leave without even explaining himself. Was that the RIGHT WAY to handle it?  How would YOU have handled it differently?
    You see the point is not the" WAY IT IS DONE" at all is it?
    It is LOYALTY to Jehovah's WAY whether we understand it or not.
  19. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Jim63 in Shun your inactive family members and report them if you suspect they are sinning    
    So many people (even some who say they are my brothers) put this situation is a negative light. Disfellowshipping serves the purpose of saving a persons life hopefully. Jehovh wants them to turn around and quit practicing what he doesn't approve of. He wants them to be able to continue living into His wonderful new world He has promised.
    People say: "how heartless his family is for "shunning" him." Those people don't understand! They are trying to save that ones everlasting life by 'disciplining in righteousness'. People just won't see past the momentary pain needed to save the life of the one who has gone astray.
    Hebrews 12:10, 11 . . . "True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but it is painful; yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."
    Then Upon his / her reinstatement:
    (2 Corinthians 2:5-7. . . "Now if anyone has caused sadness, he has saddened, not me, but all of YOU to an extent—not to be too harsh in what I say. This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man, so that, on the contrary now, YOU should kindly forgive and comfort [him], that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad."
  20. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to The Librarian in Shun your inactive family members and report them if you suspect they are sinning    
    The outline posted online shows that there is a reference to the 07/15 1985 WT, page 19, para 14. This says:
    To be fair this is not a completely new tack. The example in the talk is taken from the WT 85 7/15 page19 para14
    In the video of the talk available online the speaker uses this almost verbatim.
  21. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Bible Speaks in We Are Loved With Loyal Love and Everlasting Love ???   
    3 From far away Jehovah appeared to me and said: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have drawn  you to me with loyal love." (Jeremiah 31:3)
    Jehovah also values our endurance. (Matthew 24:13) Remember, Satan wants you to turn your back on Jehovah. Each day that you remain loyal to Jehovah is another day that you have helped to furnish a reply to Satan’s taunts. (Proverbs 27:11)
    Sometimes endurance is no easy matter. Health problems, financial woes, emotional distress, and other obstacles can make each passing day a trial. Postponed expectations can prove discouraging too. (Proverbs 13:12)
    Endurance in the face of such challenges is all the more precious to Jehovah. That is why King David asked Jehovah to store up his tears in a “skin bottle,” adding confidently: “Are they not in your book?” (Psalm 56:8)
    Yes, Jehovah treasures up and remembers all the tears and suffering we endure while maintaining our loyalty to him. They too are precious in his eyes.

  22. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi got a reaction from Bible Speaks in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    May this report about the Stanley Theater show the world just how much it means to us to bring our God Jehovah his due gloryin the way we care for this building of worship of the only true God!
  23. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi got a reaction from Queen Esther in An Inside Look At The Stanley Theater’s Celestial Restoration WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!   
    May this report about the Stanley Theater show the world just how much it means to us to bring our God Jehovah his due gloryin the way we care for this building of worship of the only true God!
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  25. Upvote
    Martha Braun Amistadi reacted to Queen Esther in German Bundeskanzlerin, Angela MERKEL, mentions "homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses" with Putin. Sochi May 2017 - video...   
    @Martha Braun Amistadi  TRUE  WORDS !!   Thank  you  so  much  for  your  detailed  comment,  our  dear  sister   I  just  read  1. Peter  2:12  in  German  again...   yes,  we  all  do  what  we  can,  for  Jehovah  and  in  HIS  sense.  ONLY  the  best  is  good  enough  for  our  God ❤   SO  happy,  we  have  found  the  TRUTH !
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