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John Houston

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    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in 2024 RC "Declare the Good News" notebook   
    Thanks again so very much. 
  2. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Pudgy in Went to a wedding and 70% of all those in attendance left about 40 minutes after the ceremony   
    Yeah, but he wasn't disfellowshipped, right? There is a difference. We are directed to avoid these ones, but not like the plague. That is an over reach, anyone doing that is touchy with their conscience. No, I would help such a person if needed, speak to such a person. They need help just as any other human, what I will not do is stand and fellowship with them. But I will NOT be cold and unloving towards them because of their situation. That is what Jesus taught.
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    John Houston reacted to Many Miles in Genesis 6:21 and pre-flood food?   
    So what does common sense tell you about the equipment God created Eve with in order to feed her offspring? Was she designed to feed her offspring milk?
    So, as created by God, what in nature returns dead bodies to the dust they were created from? Did this involve any eating? What does common sense tell you?
    Indeed. Let's apply all three in response to the questions posed above. Namely, common sense, God, and logic.
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    John Houston got a reaction from Red Kenwood in 2023 - 2024 Circuit Assembly's notebook   
    Thank you so very much for your time and help in the process you do. I and my family benefit greatly from this.  Again thank you so very much. 
  5. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in 2023 - 2024 Circuit Assembly's notebook   
    Thank you so very much for your time and help in the process you do. I and my family benefit greatly from this.  Again thank you so very much. 
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    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in 2022 - 2023 Jehovah’s United Family & Friends of Peace Circuit Assembly's notebook   
    Thank you so very much 
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    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in 2022 notebook for "PURSUE PEACE" Regional Convention   
    Thank you very much.
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    John Houston got a reaction from FRANKLIN4711 in 2022 notebook for "PURSUE PEACE" Regional Convention   
    Thank you very much.
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    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in Material for the weeks of March 14-20 & March 21-27, 2022   
    Thank you very much 
  10. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Thinking in ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IDOLATERS?   
    I hear the words spoken against our worship, but it sound much like when Israel left Jehovah and began to worship false god's themselves. Each person sacrificed on altars, each one giving devotion to the god of their choice, but not to Jehovah. Not going to either the tabernacle when it was the "organized" way of truly worshipping Jehovah or at the temple at Jerusalem. It was a free-fall of sorts. Jesus said at Matthew 18:20 that where two or more he would be, not us trying to go it alone! We do not find Jehovah through Jesus by ourselves. We must gather with like hearted ones and that must be organized, much like Moses had to organize guiding Israel. You may not like it, that is your choice, all we are saying is that our gatherings as Jesus stressed is he is with us, not,you! Just as Jehovah was with Israel and not the surrounding nations! We are following what the Bible teaches and not what and how man thinks this should be done. Each time we are told we have it wrong, that is all we get...it wrong but nothing to get it right! Jehovah abhors a vacuum. Most here vents about what they see or feel is wrong, that's not humility at all a trait of the Son of God, not WWJD, right? Some of what I read is comical, some foolish, others a waste of time, but we are all human damaged in some way, including myself, so u till someone can fix our problem, which is outside of the human power and allow Jehovah to heal us then HOW that occurs should be our priority. If the bus ride and those on board are not,to your liking then many of you have gotten off, sorry. This bus has the destination that I desire, I and my wife are doing the best to stay aboard. And have been for some 50 yrs. Agape, my fellow human beings, please, live long and prosper!
  11. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in Meeting Workbook week of January 17-23 & January 24-30, 2022   
    Thank you very much 
  12. Downvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Dmitar in Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?   
    the Bible says everything on land ate vegetation, but when life ended that animal had to be disposed of; and it was not by decay and maggots. The mere size should tell us that these creatures ate one another after they died. they may not have hunted themselves, but they ate the flesh of the dead. and we will also after the end of the 1000 years. Adam's sin interrupted God's purpose and timeline for us. After the Flood he told Noah that ALL FLESH was edible, but then due to Isreal being his "special property", some flesh was off limits, as stated in the Law. So when things are righted we will see.
  13. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Video Games anyone?   
    I'm in my sixties and still enjoy the newer versions of the older video games. Don't play them with the time and zeal as before, but they take mind off the awful pain and suffering I'm in now. I do have to choose which ones I play with my grandchildren, since we can play across country, they love to beat up on old grandpa, at times.
  14. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from JW Insider in Video Games anyone?   
    I'm in my sixties and still enjoy the newer versions of the older video games. Don't play them with the time and zeal as before, but they take mind off the awful pain and suffering I'm in now. I do have to choose which ones I play with my grandchildren, since we can play across country, they love to beat up on old grandpa, at times.
  15. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Thinking in Abel: How old when killed?   
    In the account of sexual encounters, Moses writes of only those which produces life; which is why there is sexual intercourse, right? Adam had sex while in the garden and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. And to think that each encounter would produce a life, even while perfect is again foolish, since the body will now work perfectly; the sperm is introduced the egg also, but does that mean birth? NO! Eve would have her cycle and they would try again. The one thing they had then we do not have now is--TIME. No hurry! No need for twins or triplets and such! Eternity stood before them, those things are indeed imperfections! One child at a time. But what many do not do when they read this account, is could Eve have had girls first before sons? Cain being her firstborn SON? YET THERE COULD HAVE BEEN 2-3 SISTERS before his birth. And Moses is only writing about those involved in the account, that dos NOT mean other children are not alive or around, like a scene in a movie; focused on the scene presented, not the background. So Abel and his family lived and prospered, Cain may not have done so yet. The account said that "in time" she gave birth to Cain; the KJV reads "I have gotten a man from the LORD." So could Eve have been tired of all the females before Cain? Needing Jehovah's help? Never think the women came later, you will lose the truth of what went on during those times, of what Moses was writing about.
  16. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Thinking in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    There was a question asked which seemed tricky at first, but once I read it again I understood it and with practicality it can be answered. The husband would have to go through life alone,until the death of his wife. Even with a divorce it does not free him to remarry. That is just common sense. There are no loop holes or other circumstances. Sexual misconduct by his wife or her death frees him to remarry. PERIOD!
  17. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in Notebook for the 2021-2022 Circuit Assembly's   
    Thank you very much 
  18. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    There was a question asked which seemed tricky at first, but once I read it again I understood it and with practicality it can be answered. The husband would have to go through life alone,until the death of his wife. Even with a divorce it does not free him to remarry. That is just common sense. There are no loop holes or other circumstances. Sexual misconduct by his wife or her death frees him to remarry. PERIOD!
  19. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in 2021 notebook CO Convention POWERFUL BY FAITH!   
    Thank you again very much.
  20. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Anna in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    But, what group can keep doing it!? Not put on a show of love but live it, and even with imperfections,put up with one another with love? That love would identify this group above all others,we did not set the standard only do our very best to live up to it. And many tear us down for trying because they choose not to? Gather any one you want anybody and see after time what the results would be! I am a betting man, my money would be on the love,putting up based on TRYING not a sham but truly trying to live by that love!
  21. Haha
    John Houston got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    But, what group can keep doing it!? Not put on a show of love but live it, and even with imperfections,put up with one another with love? That love would identify this group above all others,we did not set the standard only do our very best to live up to it. And many tear us down for trying because they choose not to? Gather any one you want anybody and see after time what the results would be! I am a betting man, my money would be on the love,putting up based on TRYING not a sham but truly trying to live by that love!
  22. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from xero in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    But, what group can keep doing it!? Not put on a show of love but live it, and even with imperfections,put up with one another with love? That love would identify this group above all others,we did not set the standard only do our very best to live up to it. And many tear us down for trying because they choose not to? Gather any one you want anybody and see after time what the results would be! I am a betting man, my money would be on the love,putting up based on TRYING not a sham but truly trying to live by that love!
  23. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Arauna in THE GREEK SCRIPTURES ARE FOR THE TRUE ANOINTED ONES.   
    So you are saying that all those that are anointed have a say in the workings of the earthly organization while they are here, all of them, they are a part of the slave class? Who is the "Head", the Feet" the hands, the eyes, it is a body, so they all cannot be one thing but parts of the whole correct? So who is the head directing this class? Moses had this problem; Jesus had this problem also. No one wants to follow, to be humble, to be child-like. Is this attitude going to heaven with you? Are you going to be this way after  gaining access to your crown in heaven? Wanting to be ahead, leading, never following? The road is cramped not spacious, somebody has to be behind, following others.If you do not like those who are leading, make your own church like those others, then you can lead; but what we got is fine and if it is not correct, the HEAD will remove, not any of you who are bickering about it. That kind of pressure does not move him to act. You should know this by now! Fix you another cup of coffee and go about your day and let the GB/ELDERS/ANOINTED be, they have to answer to Jehovah God not you or any one else who thinks like you, ok! This medium allows you the time to vent and say what you want, it feels good right? But it changes nothing. It helps my typing skills, I getting very good. So have a good day and stay safe, remember to wash your hands and wear a mask!
  24. Haha
    John Houston got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in THE GREEK SCRIPTURES ARE FOR THE TRUE ANOINTED ONES.   
    So you are saying that all those that are anointed have a say in the workings of the earthly organization while they are here, all of them, they are a part of the slave class? Who is the "Head", the Feet" the hands, the eyes, it is a body, so they all cannot be one thing but parts of the whole correct? So who is the head directing this class? Moses had this problem; Jesus had this problem also. No one wants to follow, to be humble, to be child-like. Is this attitude going to heaven with you? Are you going to be this way after  gaining access to your crown in heaven? Wanting to be ahead, leading, never following? The road is cramped not spacious, somebody has to be behind, following others.If you do not like those who are leading, make your own church like those others, then you can lead; but what we got is fine and if it is not correct, the HEAD will remove, not any of you who are bickering about it. That kind of pressure does not move him to act. You should know this by now! Fix you another cup of coffee and go about your day and let the GB/ELDERS/ANOINTED be, they have to answer to Jehovah God not you or any one else who thinks like you, ok! This medium allows you the time to vent and say what you want, it feels good right? But it changes nothing. It helps my typing skills, I getting very good. So have a good day and stay safe, remember to wash your hands and wear a mask!
  25. Downvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on February 16.   
    Thanks, Thinking for your response, but you misunderstood what I said I think. I am not being disfellowshipped. But one ever is , is done under those circumstances. And they will not be sought out by power-Hungary elder wielding it for the sake of removing people for the sake of their own pleasure. Can it happen, yes; but does it happen , no. That would mean the entire elder body is corrupt. Including the ministerial servants.
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