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John Houston

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  1. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to Melinda Mills in Naming a child "Jehovah"   
    (Exodus 6:2) Then God said to Moses: “I am Jehovah. 3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but with regard to my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.
    (Exodus 20:7) “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave unpunished the one who takes up His name in a worthless way.
    (Isaiah 12:2) Look! God is my salvation. I will trust and feel no dread; For Jah Jehovah is my strength and my might, And he has become my salvation.”
    (Isaiah 42:8) I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images.
    (Isaiah 43:10) “You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One. Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none.(Isaiah 43:12) “I am the One who declared and saved and made known When there was no foreign god among you. So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “and I am God.  (We  can witness for his name, live up to it, and use it descriptively for our group of worshippers.)
    Don't think anyone in the time of the Israelites would have dared to. Even in Jesus's day they would not pronounce the Divine Name because they thought it too holy.
    We have more knowledge today about the meaning of the name (even though we don't know the correct Hebrew pronunciation). They are a lot of persons today (especially of the Rastafarian faith) with the abbreviated part of His name, Jah, added to their name as a prefix or suffix. However, I don't think anyone will dare use Jehovah as their personal name.
    Don't forget we too bear God's name as his witnesses (see Isaiah 43:12). We understand his uniqueness and loftiness, so we won't even think of using it as a personal name. We are encouraged to imitate him as beloved children; yet we know that no imperfect person can even approach Him without the covering of his Son's ransom. We don't want to be like him in the way that Satan and Eve tried to be, either; taking anything unique to Him, including privileges and worship that don't belong to us.
     Whether persons attempt to use the name as a personal name or not, Jehovah is able to protect it and his reputation.
    N.B. Jah and Jehovah are anglicized renditions of the Divine Name,  יהוה (YHWH)
  2. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in To help our brothers displaced by the Fort McMurray wildfires you can donate to ...   
    ... the Worldwide work fund. 
    They read a letter today after the Sunday morning meeting. They were also highly encouraging people to volunteer to go to the fort to clean up brothers houses. 
  3. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in ‘Chicago Med’: Dr. Rhodes Operates On Patient Refusing Surgery Due To Being a JW — Watch   
    We all know Dr. Rhodes isn’t one to just go with what he’s told — even when it comes to patients and their beliefs. It looks like he’s pulling a Halstead in this ‘Chicago Med’ exclusive sneak peek.
    Is it just me or are the rules frequently broken at Chicago Med?! In this exclusive look at the May 10 episode, Dr. Rhodes (Colin Donnell) is faced with a patient who suffers from a heart attack — and nearly dies. He needs surgery, but when his wife reveals they’re Jehovah Witnesses, Dr. Rhodes isn’t sure what to do.
    “We’ve got your husband’s rhythm back but he’s still not out of the woods,” Dr. Rhodes tells the patient’s wife in the clip above. “We need to find the blockage that caused his heart attack and then most likely, graph new vessels around it.”
    All the wife hears is that fact that her husband will be put on a “hard lung machine.”
    “I’ll have to refuse,” she says while getting in the elevator, much to Dr. Rhodes’ confusion. “My husband can’t have any surgery that involves the infusion of blood. We’re Jehovah Witnesses.”
    Just by Dr. Rhodes’ face alone, you can see that he does not agree with the decision. Plus, according to the episode description he and Dr. Downey (Gregg Henry) actually do operate on the patient. Yikes! Didn’t he learn anything from Dr. Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), who broke the law earlier in the season by saving a patient with a DNR.
    Speaking of, it won’t be an easy road for him either this week, as he’s actually considering a job offer — across the country. Who else can’t wait to see how Dr. Manning (Torrey DeVitto) reacts?
    Chicago Med airs on Tuesdays at 9 PM on NBC.
  4. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in Sharing the good news to the top of the mountains in...   
    Sharing the good news to the top of the mountains in Piñas-Ecuador @motitadepolvo thank you
    View the full article
  5. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in Dedication of our renovated Kingdom Hall in the Ferny...   
    Dedication of our renovated Kingdom Hall in the Ferny Grove/Hills area in Brisbane, Australia. A brother from Bethel gave the dedication talk. Photo shared by @mark_slabbert
    View the full article
  6. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in AGAIN A WONDERFUL LITTLE HELPER FOR ONE OF OUR LAST CAMPAIGN ! All humans of sure will *STOP* here & take a tract ;o)   
    All  humans  of  sure  will  *STOP*  here  and  take  a  tract...  ;o)
  7. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to LloydSt in How to Stay Awake at Conventions.....something new   
    I don't know why, but even after a good night's sleep, when I sit down in my seat at a convention, I almost immediately start to fall asleep.  I don't want to, but it has happened to me time and again.  And it's really almost impossible to resist, especially after lunch, no matter how light I eat.  And I know I'm not the only one.  It happens to one especially well regarded sister I know of as well.  And a look around will almost always find others fighting it or with eyes shut.  
    For some reason, it really helps me if the speaker has some humor in his talk.  Or if I sit close to the speaker.  Also, sometimes I've used the trick of crunching some ice.  That always wakes me up when I'm driving and starting to get sleepy.  But I always fear that my ice crunching will be distracting for others.  (I'm the kind of guy who almost prefers distractions, or at least is never bothered by them, so feel free to crunch away if it's just you and me)  But I know some are easily distracted, so if I use that technique, I do it as discretely as possible.  Another technique I've used is going to try and find a "lonely place to rest up a bit" at lunch.  A 15 minute nap can be so refreshing for me!
    But here's a new technique that is working, though I have no idea why.  I recently acquired a 12.2 inch Samsung tablet, and you can buy a Logitech keyboard to go with it, which I did.  And that keyboard is very quiet.  So, using the free Evernote app, I started taking notes on that tablet with the quiet keyboard, and guess what? I stay awake!!! 
    You'd think the same would work by just taking hand-written notes.  But I still fall asleep when I do that, even to the point where my pen trails off into a flatline, humorously indicating little brain activity.  That ever happened to anybody? 
    But typing works!  Maybe because it requires me to listen and quickly find the right keys to press at the same time.  I don't know.  But it works for me, so I thought I'd pass it on.   
  8. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in Philippines Branch Visit by Bro. Ralph Walls   
    Somebody videos this meeting, right? Will they share it with the rest of us, please? Would like to hear the theme, not sound bites. If possible. Thanks!
  9. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to Jack Ryan in Philippines Branch Visit by Bro. Ralph Walls   
    Bro. Walls developed the theme, "Keep Your Spritual Vision Open"
    Here's one of the talk's highlights:
    “If we don't acknowledge the things unseen, it could be damaging. Hence, if we recognize that we're part of vast organization both seen or unseen it gives us courage....Peel the ceiling, take the roof off this place and look up and see Jehovah. He is the One who's directing, He is the One who's encouraging us to see the reality.” — Bro. Ralph Walls

  10. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in 2016 Convention Video Trailers   
    2016 Convention Video Trailers
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in JW.org Opera   
  13. Upvote
  14. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in Jehovah's Witness Church Release Statement Over Prince's Death, Says He 'Found Fulfillment Sharing His Faith With Others'   
    The Jehovah's Witness Church has released a statement following the untimely death of Prince, who officially converted to the religion in 2003. 

    "We are saddened to hear about the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, who was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2003," the church said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. 

    The church said that Prince "found fulfillment as a Witness and in sharing his faith with others." 

    The statement added: "We do not have any details regarding his medical condition or the cause of his death. Our thoughts are with his family and friends, particularly his fellow worshippers in the Saint Louis Park congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Minnesota. We hope that all find comfort in the Bible’s promise of a future time when death, pain, and tears will be no more.—Revelation 21:3, 4."
    See also: 
  15. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in Prince and Larry Graham Before His 2001 Baptism as a Jehovah's WItness   
    Prince & Larry Graham interview on Dutch television (TV-Show Dec. 1999). Prince and brother Larry (Sly & The Family Stone) are talking with Ivo Niehe about music, knowledge, the truth, birthdays, the secret of youth and God.
  16. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in NY Times mentions JW's in the Ecuador Earthquake   
  17. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to Jack Ryan in REMINDERS FOR THOSE ASSIGNED PUBLIC TALKS   
      Before you begin preparing your talk, please review pages 52-55 of the Ministry School book. All speakers do well to consider this information from time to time and adjust their talks accordingly.
      Although it is likely that most in your audience will be Jehovah’s Witnesses, keep in mind that non- Witnesses may also be present. Develop your talk primarily for the benefit of newly interested ones and Bible students, and present it in a way that will be understandable and appealing to sincere members of the public. Speak positively about Jehovah’s organization and members of the congregation.
      Do not speak in a derogatory way about non-Witnesses. Rather than disparaging their beliefs, attitudes, or lifestyles, focus on the positive message of the Bible and on the benefits that come from applying its wisdom.—be 200 ¶3-4.
      Whenever possible, avoid using terms that non-Witnesses are unfamiliar with. If you must use these, be sure to explain their meaning.—be 227.
      Make it clear that what you are teaching is based on the Bible, not solely on your experience or personal opinion. (be 52 ¶6) You do not need to mention the outline, nor should you read portions of it to the audience. Rather, use the Bible to teach the points made in the outline.
      Remember that teaching effectively from the Scriptures depends, not on how many scriptures you read, but on how well you develop those that you do read.—be 53 ¶1-2.
      Do not assume that a visitor will grasp the meaning of a scripture simply because you read it. (be 256 ¶1-2) Take time to introduce each scripture properly. Allow the audience sufficient time to locate the text. Read scriptures accurately and with sense stress, and explain their meaning. Be sure to pronounce Bible names correctly. (be 91 ¶1) In these areas, pay close attention to the suggestions found in studies 1, 3, and 20-22 of the Ministry School book.
      If appropriate, toward the end of your talk, acknowledge that those who are visiting may have questions about what you have just presented. Invite them to ask the Witnesses for more information.
      Regardless of how long you have been giving public talks, do not hesitate to solicit feedback from a mature brother or two. If possible, before giving your talk, let the brother know that you would like to hear his observations afterward.
  18. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to Evacuated in March 18, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Discontinuing Feature-Length DVD and Audio CD Production   
    Just an information packaging/distribution issue really.
    As long as the information (which itself is not charged for) is available by the cheapest, most accessible means, the cost of distribution should be spread as far as possible down the chain to the end user, within the bounds of economic reasonableness. In those parts of the world where technology is widespread and cheap, many are able to produce dvds for the equivalent of a few cents each. Distribution is much more effectively done, with no production, packaging or distribution costs or time involved. A production could be released and in the hands of the consumer in minutes.
    Really, there is no hardship, in technically developed areas, for a congregation to ensure all members have access to dvds, individually, if the playback equipment is available, if not, then as a group, if equipment is shared.
    Not currently the case with printed material however, as personal printing is not currently economic. How much would it cost to print and bind a magazine or book personally, with current technology?
    I can't see digitalisation ever replacing the printed page for theocratic material in this economically divided world, but the immediate and universal access this method of communication allows us is nothing short of revolutionary. 
  19. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in Is hearing voices the demons?   
    What is the difference between epilepsy and being possessed by demons today? Ones who try to use names as talisman find this does not work or that they may have a true medical condition, but having epilepsy would by convulsions be seen as a demon or the need for medicine in the first century? Jesus would have cured me still, correct? And he would have known the difference, right? Something today's doctors have no clue about. 
    Remember the fight is a spiritual warfare as described in scripture. So such things have to be discerned. Wwe need to have our armor and spiritual house in order to avoid such takeover by demons in any forms. We can not shrug this off. Satan wants many to disbelieve his existence anyway. He is pissed for being confined to the earth, so nothing has changed from Jesus' day. If they possessed then they do now. More subtle and many more ways to come under their control without this type of possession. 
    Satan only has to get us to waver on our worship, drift away, dim our light, become unfocused. With the distractions of the multi-media, global economically infused world all influenced bu this ruler of this system of things, he has the upper hand. We need help from Jehovah to ward off satanic attacks. We must grow deeper in our love for Jehovah and those who love him also. Birds of a feather flock together, yes we are going to need each other as this system dies off!
  20. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to Jack Ryan in Costs of Downloading from JW.org   
    According to CDN Calc website Akamai (Watchtower's CDN provider) charges $0.15 per GB transferred. This means that a usual JW Broadcasting monthly episode costs them about 12 cents. Multiply that by several hundred thousands and you get as much as $100,000 per month in CDN costs for a single JWB episode. Even if they somehow negotiated lower prices, it would still be in tens of thousands of dollars ballpark.
  21. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in The Kremlin Cracks Down on Religious Liberty   
    April 7, 2016  •  From theTrumpet.com

    The Russian Orthodox Church has replaced the Communist Party as the ideological glue holding Vladimir Putin’s empire together.
    By Andrew Miiller
    During the Soviet era, thousands of churches were destroyed and millions of Christians were persecuted. Communist textbooks called religion “the opium of the people” and Christianity “a perverse reflection on the world.” In the 24 years since the fall of the Soviet Union, however, Orthodox Christianity has made an astonishing recovery. While only a third of Russians identified as Orthodox in 1991, over two thirds now identify as Russian Orthodox Christians.
    Yet the rise of the Orthodox Church hasn’t brought religious liberty to Russia. It has simply replaced the Communist Party as the ideological state apparatus used to forcibly unite Russians!
    In a court case under way in southern Russia, Viktor Krasnov is facing up to a year in prison for writing “There is no God” on VKontakte (a Russian social media network similar to Facebook). The authorities became aware of this comment when an online user contacted them, claiming that Krasnov was offending Orthodox believers. Police raided Krasnov’s apartment and forced him to undergo a monthlong examination at a psychiatric ward. Once he was deemed fit for trial, he was charged under a Russian law that makes it illegal to insult the feelings of religious believers.
    It isn’t just atheists who are no longer granted religious freedom in Russia. Alexey Koptev was arrested in 2011 after undercover police officers established that he belonged to the Jehovah’s Witnesses Christian denomination. In 2009, the city of Taganrog banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses denomination for propagating the exclusivity and supremacy of its religion. This denomination now shares the same legal status as the Islamic State and the National Socialist Society.
    In 2002, Russia enacted an extremism law with a provision defining religious extremism as “incitement of religious discord” in connection with acts or threats of violence. Five years later, the law was amended to allow prosecution for inciting religious discord even in the absence of any threat or act of violence. Mormons, Scientologists and even Pentecostals are now coming under increasing government pressure.
    In return for public support from Russian Orthodox clergy, President Vladimir Putin attends church services and portrays himself as a defender of “Christian values.” Like the Byzantine emperors and Russian czars before him, he is using a de facto state religion to unify his empire!
    “The Orthodox revival gave Russians an identity after the years of uncertainty that followed the fall of the Soviet Union,” private intelligence company Stratfor wrote last month. “The Kremlin has used this to its advantage, so effectively portraying support for Putin’s government as a religious duty that the church is now seen as part of the state apparatus.”
    Post-Soviet efforts to remake Moscow into a representative government are failing. Russia has embraced an authoritarian leader driven to vaunt his nation back to the great power status he feels it deserves. This development has dangerous implications for the world. Russia is swiftly becoming a nuclear-armed czarist empire! ▪
    See also the Russian Orthodox category
  22. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Bernice Krovocheck in 2016 Circuit Assembly Imitate Their Faith   
    I do have one question, what system will allow me to copy them to my computer. My Vimeo will not allow such download and I think the content is copyrighted, correct?
  23. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Melinda Mills in What is spirituality and how do we show it?   
    Taking care of our spiritual needs, well we have to understand the source of pure spiritual concerns, would it come from man made philosophies or other human sources? It would seem to care for our spiritual needs we would go to the source, authored by Jehovah himself, the Bible. There when we read from its pages we get a sense of spirit inspired information that will guide us daily in all factors of our life, during any time period or generation. The advise is timeless and eternal. Though societies and mores of human lifestyle across thousands upon thousands of years, may have gone through many, many changes, the heavenly source of our aid to our spiritual need has not changed at all. It has remained constant in its scriptural theme. 
    So our spiritual side of living should be based on this tome, our needs based in scripture, will have us seeking to glory the name of our Father, Jehovah, his Kingdom with his Son as King on the throne. The removal of false religion and all wickedness, then the abyssing of all the spirit wicked creatures, including Satan, for those 1000 yrs; as we help in the repair of the planet and welcome of those from the dead. Such a hope should keep our minds, heart, strength, and soul focused on such serving of Jehovah will show the depth of our spirituality.
  24. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Joanne Williams in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    Yes, the way the question was asked is as if we are brain dead or something. We can do whatever we want. But the real question why would we if we truly love Jehovah as our God. And believe that his kingdom is our only hope? Are we allowed?, that question is somewhat insulting. But I overlooked that person stupidity in asking it, due to their ignorance of our core beliefs.
  25. Upvote
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in Armenia Releases 70 JW Conscientious Objectors   
    70 happy JW's who survived imprisonment for being conscientious objectors
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