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John Houston

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  1. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Jack Ryan in 2019 'Love Never Fails' convention   
    Any data on this subject matter yet, anyone?
  2. Like
    John Houston reacted to The Librarian in Communication Within the Family and With God   
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    John Houston got a reaction from Melinda Mills in What happens to a Jehovah Witnesses standing if he/she cannot go out to witness for an extended period due to medical reason?   
    Yes, we have the technology to use, FaceTime, skype, email messaging. We disabled can get creative.
  4. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Melinda Mills in JW's told not to marry or have children   
    Great that you found this. But it has no meaning for us today. It is like finding information about how people cannot talk on phones across great distances with wires. And yet many people have iPhones and use FaceTime or Skype. So this that you have found is worthless. A time capsule that is intriguing, but has lost its bite. Those teachings may have been the way of the day, but we have learned better, this is a progressive learning process. From when Jesus began, through the apostles and after the dark ages, until now, we continue to learn and on into the new system. As long as we are alive under the sovereignty of Jehovah we will learn.
  5. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Joanne Williams in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    Yes, the way the question was asked is as if we are brain dead or something. We can do whatever we want. But the real question why would we if we truly love Jehovah as our God. And believe that his kingdom is our only hope? Are we allowed?, that question is somewhat insulting. But I overlooked that person stupidity in asking it, due to their ignorance of our core beliefs.
  6. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Deus magnus est in The Trinity and Bible Proofs that Jesus Christ is God   
    You tend to use the scripture written by John, who learn by the time he penned this gospel the true nature of Christ. And he truthfully states that Jesus was WITH God, not that he WAS God, right? At the very beginning verse 1, in the beginning the Word was WITH God. Verse 2 then says again WITH God. John calls the Word ' an only-begotten son'. And how could this person do what verse 18 says? " who is at the Father's side"? At verse 29, right before being baptized how did John the Baptizer identify him? As God? No! The Lamb of God! And he was sent by One above him, his Father. And at verse 34, the apostle John writes and calls Jesus, 'this one is the Son of God.' It was only after Jesus died and returned to heaven there was confusion about who,he was. His apostles knew he was the Son of God. The demons knew he was the Son of God. Gabriel the angel who announced his birth knew he was the Son of God. The angels who sang praises at his birth also knew. Yet, we now are confused following a teaching that he never supported. A lie that smears his Father's name that which he said he came to make known. Yes, this is a discussion that will only be made if one has a humble heart to listen to the truth of scripture. Not the treacherous things of ones own heart.
    Rockafeller was a well financed man and many structures are attributed to him, but how many did he actually build? But by his will of money they were erected through construction companies, architects and the rest. It happens daily around the world, yet we can not agree that the Almighty God could delegate such to,his Son, which is how the scriptures read. Having Christ sitting at his right side until the time is right for him to rule in the kingdom over the earth. It is there, many will not see. And as you said you have made your choice. Being told that it was a mistake.... it is! One other thing, none of Christ's parables spoke of him as God, but as the Son in all of them, not the Father. He was to be subjective again as he was in the beginning as Paul wrote in Corinthians. Jehovah God would be the One over all even Jesus, not being him, or vice versa. Yes, it is true the Bible does not contradict itself, all scripture are inspired for setting things straight. But many still abuse them for their own agenda. Please keep reading it, you just may find what it really teaches.
  7. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Deus magnus est in The Trinity and Bible Proofs that Jesus Christ is God   
    We here seem to agree that this man made doctrine of the trinity is a false one, contradicting itself when read against the entire theme of scripture. Using the context of the sense  "only begotten son" , the only other time this phrase was used in scripture was for the son of Abraham. How do we understand that Isaac was such a child? The same way the only BEGOTTEN, created by the hand of Jehovah God ONLY SON, was in the beginning. After which all other life came into existence through him and by him as scripture states. And Revelation 4:11 tells us that it is by Jehovah God's will that all things were created. ALL THINGS, even his son, the Word, at the start. Jehovah is alone, with a son, no equal. But his son is a chip off the old block. Knows how his Father thinks and feels. They had been together for eons of time before other spirit creatures came to exist. And even longer before physical life came to be. When that spirit son came to exist on earth, he was known by the demonic creatures he encountered and they had no problem with knowing who he really was. Never did they call him God. Gabriel when announcing his birth also knew was coming and it was not the Almighty God from heaven, but he was sending his Son. Gabriel knew that. And it was so recorded in scripture. So why now after his leaving going back to heaven there is this confusion about who Jesus Christ truly is, son of God or God himself? Because of this rancid doctrine that falsely teaches a lie. Jesus prayed at John 17:26 that he had made his Father's name known, not his own. He also prayed that the union he enjoyed with his Father, that his disciples would come to also enjoy with Jehovah. Never taught, never that he was God. The voice from heaven each of the three times it spoke never confirmed that it was talking to God, but 'MY SON' each time. So if the sky is blue and one keeps saying it is not, that person can't be helped. The conversation is hopeless.
  8. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Evacuated in JW's told not to marry or have children   
    Great that you found this. But it has no meaning for us today. It is like finding information about how people cannot talk on phones across great distances with wires. And yet many people have iPhones and use FaceTime or Skype. So this that you have found is worthless. A time capsule that is intriguing, but has lost its bite. Those teachings may have been the way of the day, but we have learned better, this is a progressive learning process. From when Jesus began, through the apostles and after the dark ages, until now, we continue to learn and on into the new system. As long as we are alive under the sovereignty of Jehovah we will learn.
  9. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Anna in Questions about instructions given to elders regarding accusations of child sexual abuse   
    This subject is dark. Because the person talked about is accused. Even if true what they have done, before found out, they are guilty. What a spot to be in. Like being a black person. So they are to be followed from now on shadowed because they are accused of this. Can you sense the reaction of telling people of their presence openly, of just being accused? Being black and stopped and frisked for no apparent reason other than my skin color, this person outed why? For only an accusation, since the writing states established or not. Man, what a way to live. It would be hard enough if it was true, convicted and disfellowshipped, but just being accused, wow. Who would want to live in that limbo. I do daily, I know how that person feels. The new congregation needs not to know yet. Only if I have been tried and true. But on accusation alone, no, that ain't right, humanly right for anyone. We have gotten to sensitive and police everything, calling nine one one on people at the drop of a hat.
  10. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in If the flood occurred in 2370 bce, how did all these buildings that were built before it survive a cataclysmic event that powerful enough to carve the grand canyon and create mount Everest?   
    What type of damage? Like we see after a local flood? The height line? The debris destruction against the structure? Who can say it does not show such damage? Remember this flood COVERED the entire earth, so the examples we may be so used to may not be visible and also may be removed over time, when we began to truly make a viable search for evidence.
  11. Like
    John Houston reacted to Jack Ryan in 2018 Annual Meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower)   
    there is a new Ministry School guidebook, but it’s smaller, and in the form of a brochure (available online Monday)
    no more personally assigned counsel points. Everyone with the same talk, worldwide, will be working on same counsel point, as found in the weekly meeting
  12. Like
    John Houston reacted to Jack Ryan in 2018 Annual Meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower)   
    A new book....

  13. Like
    John Houston reacted to Jack Ryan in 2018 Annual Meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower)   
    New Ezekiel book has been released

    Book will be released for every one on Monday.
    The old one was released in 1971
  14. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Can anyone explain this to me?: The rest of the dead did not come to life UNTIL the 1,000 years were ENDED.   
    Hello, DeeDee, think about what this verse is speaking about. It is not as hard as one think. Who partake of the 'first' resurrection? Those of the heavenly hope, and when they are given life, they are immortal, death has no hold there is no last test for them, correct? But those brought back to life during the reign of Christ, what happens when Satan is let loosed upon the earth? We all must past this final test, because if any fail they will end up where? So after this test death will be no more, all who pass has nothing but life in front of them, no testing of where their sovereignty lies, they have proved it. So the writer could put this what he saw in the future in those very words. Everyone else, the dead, would not come to life without death, until the 1000 yrs had ended.
  15. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from AllenSmith34 in If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?   
    Blindly looking for something else. I was alive then, my father an elder did not teach us as children that 75 was the end of it all. Did not sell the house, I went to college the year before, not bethel. We were guided in what was truly going on, by what was taught. I was always highly impressed as to why many had that outlook of dates, when the Bible never gave such teachings. Though God is a timely God, his timepiece is one way above us. Just as Haggai wrote. So we learned very early about dates. Told by Jesus to be alert, awake, not calendar watchers.
    First century Christians look forward to the end and they were ridiculed because it did not come as soon as many thought it would. So we must continue to endure. Those who left, had their own agenda, same as those who left before entrance into the promised land. Did not stay focused on Jehovah and what his principles are. That is true today. Not waiting on a date, never have been. Only one who has a clock is Jehovah. His "appointed time", belongs to him. All we are told to do is be alert, don't give up, endure to the end. When that time comes don't let it find us asleep as a thief in the night, right? 
    Are you awake? Alert? Enduring? Or are you out of oil, needing to go off and buy some from the oil merchant? Hmmmmm??? Think about it. When they left the city, it was not a time for hesitation. Now is the time for actionable decisions. Either or. That is your choice. I have made mine, trying my best to stay the course on this road. Driver of the bus is swerving, but he is staying on the road.
  16. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Wanted / McLean was a Jehovah's Witness and found his sexual assault victims through people he met in at the Kingdom Hall / Armed and extremely dangerous.   
    Yes, that is all we need. No cream with my coffee, please! Thank you very much. You explained that quite clearly. I hope it helps in the future.
  17. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Melinda Mills in JW Women and Teaching   
    The first time? No, my friend. How can a mother teach her children behind what you are saying? Women are quite capable and deemed necessary to disseminate information to us as children, others, even men; when the need arises. They are teachers, evangelizers, but holding an office of oversight at the temple, in the Christian arrangement of things, no they are not part of that. They are anointed, rulers and priests in the Kingdom, no different than John, James and Paul.
     Should they fight for 'equal pay' and status? Why? Sounds much like a satanic issue don't you think? One that would keep them off their throne, correct? Every part has its place. Like Paul said, the toe, can't be the eye, anymore than the leg be the heart. The verse reads as I understand it, the head of man is Christ, and the head of woman is man. And this is placed so by....not man but God! Period! Right?
  18. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Women and Teaching   
    The first time? No, my friend. How can a mother teach her children behind what you are saying? Women are quite capable and deemed necessary to disseminate information to us as children, others, even men; when the need arises. They are teachers, evangelizers, but holding an office of oversight at the temple, in the Christian arrangement of things, no they are not part of that. They are anointed, rulers and priests in the Kingdom, no different than John, James and Paul.
     Should they fight for 'equal pay' and status? Why? Sounds much like a satanic issue don't you think? One that would keep them off their throne, correct? Every part has its place. Like Paul said, the toe, can't be the eye, anymore than the leg be the heart. The verse reads as I understand it, the head of man is Christ, and the head of woman is man. And this is placed so by....not man but God! Period! Right?
  19. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Space Merchant in What were Jehovah's Witnesses Trying to Say With This Illustration?   
    If she was wearing a suit of armor, it doesn't matter. What matters is what are the thoughts of the husband with LUSTFUL THOUGHTS, that is the meaning of the illustration. Not what the woman is wearing. Went right over some of your heads, did it again? Just like the Pharisees! My, my ,my!
  20. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in What were Jehovah's Witnesses Trying to Say With This Illustration?   
    If she was wearing a suit of armor, it doesn't matter. What matters is what are the thoughts of the husband with LUSTFUL THOUGHTS, that is the meaning of the illustration. Not what the woman is wearing. Went right over some of your heads, did it again? Just like the Pharisees! My, my ,my!
  21. Haha
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in One of the 7th biggest Conventions on EARTH, Lviv, Ukraine, July, 2018 ~~~~ (6 video's) Enjoy!   
    One  of  the  7th  biggest  Conventions  on  EARTH,  Lviv, Ukraine,  July  2018
    6  video's....   Enjoy
  22. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah’s Witnesses get EVERYWHERE... even when they are BANNED... even in the SPORTS PAGES   
    You aware sir, that this "gospel" is not the "gospel" preached before his coming? The message did change, after he came, correct? We do proclaim his death and resurrection. But what did Jesus himself teach? Was it not the "good news" or gospel of God's kingdom? All we are doing is proclaiming its coming, because it is the hope of mankind. With Jesus as king, he will remove all wickedness from this earth, what he done on a temporary scale while on earth, he will do again with permanent results. That is 'good news'. This ruling government which Isaiah foretold would be given to this child, is what we pray for in the model prayer that Christ Jesus taught his disciples. In the very words,"Let your kingdom come". The arguments the apostles had were about who was going to have the best seats in that government, of which they did not fully understand that it was a heavenly one. So berates us if you want, but understand that we are indeed, proclaiming a 'gospel' worth listening to. It is GOOD NEWS. Do you have any?
  23. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in JW Women and Teaching   
    The first time? No, my friend. How can a mother teach her children behind what you are saying? Women are quite capable and deemed necessary to disseminate information to us as children, others, even men; when the need arises. They are teachers, evangelizers, but holding an office of oversight at the temple, in the Christian arrangement of things, no they are not part of that. They are anointed, rulers and priests in the Kingdom, no different than John, James and Paul.
     Should they fight for 'equal pay' and status? Why? Sounds much like a satanic issue don't you think? One that would keep them off their throne, correct? Every part has its place. Like Paul said, the toe, can't be the eye, anymore than the leg be the heart. The verse reads as I understand it, the head of man is Christ, and the head of woman is man. And this is placed so by....not man but God! Period! Right?
  24. Like
    John Houston reacted to John Houston in If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards?   
    Blindly looking for something else. I was alive then, my father an elder did not teach us as children that 75 was the end of it all. Did not sell the house, I went to college the year before, not bethel. We were guided in what was truly going on, by what was taught. I was always highly impressed as to why many had that outlook of dates, when the Bible never gave such teachings. Though God is a timely God, his timepiece is one way above us. Just as Haggai wrote. So we learned very early about dates. Told by Jesus to be alert, awake, not calendar watchers.
    First century Christians look forward to the end and they were ridiculed because it did not come as soon as many thought it would. So we must continue to endure. Those who left, had their own agenda, same as those who left before entrance into the promised land. Did not stay focused on Jehovah and what his principles are. That is true today. Not waiting on a date, never have been. Only one who has a clock is Jehovah. His "appointed time", belongs to him. All we are told to do is be alert, don't give up, endure to the end. When that time comes don't let it find us asleep as a thief in the night, right? 
    Are you awake? Alert? Enduring? Or are you out of oil, needing to go off and buy some from the oil merchant? Hmmmmm??? Think about it. When they left the city, it was not a time for hesitation. Now is the time for actionable decisions. Either or. That is your choice. I have made mine, trying my best to stay the course on this road. Driver of the bus is swerving, but he is staying on the road.
  25. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Photo for today.... —Heb. 6:10. Monday, June 25. 2018   
    God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.—Heb. 6:10.
    Our changing circumstances can expand or limit our sphere of operation. Are you young or up in years? Is your health good or fragile? Jehovah always considers how each of us might best be used in his service. He only expects from us what is reasonable, and he greatly appreciates whatever we do. Jesus found joy in every one of his assignments, and we can find joy in ours. (Prov. 8:30, 31)  A modest person does not feel cramped by his current assignments or responsibilities in the congregation. He does not worry about gaining future privileges or about what others are achieving. Instead, he focuses his energies on finding purpose and enjoyment in his present role because he views it as coming from Jehovah. At the same time, he sincerely respects the role or place that Jehovah has given to others. Modesty helps us to enjoy giving others due honor and support.—Rom. 12:10. w17.01 3:13, 14
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