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John Houston

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  1. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Queen Esther in Dancing in Kingdom Halls to worldly music???   
    Hey, matthew9969, do you even know why this is going on? I was around those 15,20 years ago. We did not dance in the halls. UNLESS, there was a celebration there, a function other than a spiritual meeting. So I ask again do you know why we went crazy in our different hall in certain cities, at that time? If not please try not to hate. The principles have not changed. We put on plays and had certain skits for ones during there weddings and anniversaries. To have clean fun and used WORLDLY MUSIC, as you put. We are not the Amish, or did Jesus send us to the outskirts of the cities to live. We also do not only live among ourselves. We love still among this world. But we must live cleanly midst it. Sorry that you found your live drab and dreary. But I went through '75 and the Franz disfellowshipping and the other shake ups in congregational matters. But I put myself through college, my father taught us the truth per scripture, we did not sell everything we continued to wait on Jehovah and follow the leaders that took the reins of leadership. If they are taking us down the wrong knowingly, like Eli allowed his sons to do whatever they wanted, Jehovah and Christ will clean things up, Samuel did not cry and wanted to go back home to mommie. He stayed because he knew whose organization this was, I was taught the very same thing. I taught my children the very same thing!
    So, I ask again, do you know WHY these things were happening? Not just in the videos you have posted, but in many more in this country and around the world. I await your response. Have a nice day!
  2. Confused
    John Houston reacted to Bible Speaks in New Graphics for Preaching – December 2017   
    New Graphics for preaching
    A few days ago we exposed the cover of wake up!!!! In the December 2017. Campaign.
    A new style of graphics is being introduced to be used in the ministry as we can see on this us screen. Thank you

  3. Haha
    John Houston got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    From what language is this letter translated from?  Phrases such as "continue to lead grazing " and "all of us can kill each other by" makes no sense. Help me out, please.
  4. Haha
    John Houston got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Public Letter Read to the brothers of North America:   
    From what language is this letter translated from?  Phrases such as "continue to lead grazing " and "all of us can kill each other by" makes no sense. Help me out, please.
  5. Thanks
  6. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    Hate that it couldn't be shared with others, very sad about that situation,but glad to have seen these pics! Thanks!
  7. Like
    John Houston reacted to Bible Speaks in Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On BecomeJehovah’s Friend ????   
    Children Love ?? Jehovah! Interviews about the New Caleb Video On Become Jehovah’s Friend - Brazil

  8. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Nana Fofana in 1290 and 1335 days   
    And as I understand my reading the scriptural account of how things began, Jesus was the one having insight, correct? He then taught ones who would go and teach others. He chose 12 close associates who had intimate knowledge, that the others did not have, and even among this group there were some who knew things that the rest did have privy to. Yet they were in union with the love that Jesus stated would be the identification mark of his true followers. These chosen ones, were given certain responsibilities of leadership, trained to do so from the beginning. We all know there has to be such leadership. Are theses ones, the 7 the only ones with this insight? No, by my last count, there were over 8 million of us in that unity of love as Jesus stated at John 13:34,35. We are all on the same page. Yet remember when the fish and bread was fed, how was it done? A run up on the baskets by the hungry people, or organized? Did not Jesus give it to these 'leader' and they passed it out among the people? Would you have turned it down because it came to you this way? Or are you humble enough to accept and let our imperfections take a back seat, because we are trying our very best to leave this plane of existence, either Heavenly or in the new world after the dust settles.
    I for my part want this food, I am hungry and if theses 7 men are the ones with the responsibility to feed us let's eat. If they have squandered the responsibility, who will hold them accountable, us? Where have you read in Bible accounts that the people have successfully changed what was wrong theocratically in Jehovah's service? Did not He take care of things always? Patience, my friends. Love and patience. Eat and take in the spiritual food being served. Our studying of the Bible will show us if there is such deviation that many are searching for. This is Jehovah's organization, not theirs, they are custodians while here on earth. Jesus is the head, correct? If that is correct, then he is aware of all the misgivings everyone here sees! That is what humors me. Many forget that variable many times when the debate things having to with things that do not belong to them! We are not stockholders, we have no dog in that fight. Our own personal salvation is at stake, not theirs. What happened to Korah? I and my family are trying to serve Jehovah and his Son is set up as King. I pray to be among the many who will be there. The sanctification and vindication of Jehovah's name is what is paramount, even for Jesus. Nothing else matters! Comsider and pray about this. Good day, my friends!
  9. Like
    John Houston got a reaction from Nana Fofana in 1290 and 1335 days   
    Each one here, those who have been part of the brotherhood and those who have stepped outside, each deeply trust the truth of the scriptures, inspired of God, correct? So when Daniel stated that only ones having insight will understand the knowledge he had sealed for release during these last days, whom do you think would have such INSIGHT? All of us seeker of true knowledge? Or a certain select group, that would guide other seekers, like the Ethiopian eunuch needing guidance and said so? Teachers need students, and vice versa. All of us was not about to gain insight, some would like Jesus spoke at Matthew, his disciples knowing what he taught, would in fact turn around make other disciples teaching theses ones the things to observe, what he has first taught them. These new one had no insight at first, right? Where would it come from? They had to be taught,correct? Self-taught? Jesus himself where 2 or 3 are gathered in his name he is there, goes against being self taught doesn't it? That is just common sense!
  10. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    Repair and paint at Kingdom Hall in Kabin Buri - Thailand... 

    Peru - some have moved to get away from Jehovah's Witnesses, only to find someone knocked on their door the first week they settled in. We are doing the work Jesus commanded us to do.
    Matthew 28:19,20, Matthew 24:14
                      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  11. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    Kingdom Hall in Thailand 

    Kingdom hall in rural Mpumalanga, South Africa 
                  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  12. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    Kingdom Hall in Falmouth, Jamaica 

    Mountain Province Boundary, Calanan, Pinukpuk, Tinglayan, Catinga, Philippines
                                    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  13. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    Nothing Is Impossible With Jehovah's Help... Matthew 17:20, If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,Â’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you !
    Hello  our  dear  Sister  -  we  are  thinking  to  you  ALL !

    IN  BRAZIL  Hello  our  dear  Brother, your  smile  will  strengthen  us.
                              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?        
  14. Like
    John Houston reacted to David Mahlangu in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    It can be as simple as it looks but Jehovah's spirit is in there. Well done brothers Jehovah is with you there, remember "DON'T GIVE UP".Keep up your good work for Jehovah. We love you so much
  15. Like
    John Houston reacted to Evacuated in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    I love seeing these pictures of kingdom halls @Queen Esther. Please keep them coming.
    It makes me see how wise the current arrangement of worldwide funding is, so that brothers everywhere can meet in buildings that appropriately reflect Jehovah's name in their community. The "equalising" of resources just in that area alone is a foretaste of how all the resources of this earth will be fairly shared in Jehovah's new world.
    (Psalm 72:11-13) "All the kings will bow down before him, and all the nations will serve him. For he will rescue the poor who cry for help, also the lowly one and whoever has no helper. He will have pity on the lowly and the poor, And the lives of the poor he will save."
  16. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in I just love our simple Kingdom Halls - around the world... I post step by step ;-))   
    Jehovah's  Witness  Kingdom  Hall  in  Helsingborg, Sweden
    The  right  moment  for  a  beautiful  COLOR - SHOT !

    *1957*  Boulder,  Australia  - So cool seeing from years ago !   And  as always we are a happy  people  serving  our True  God !  
    WOW....  to  the  KINGDOM  HALL  with  horses, thats  really  cool
    Perhaps  again  in  the  NW ?   We  shall  see...
  17. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah's Witness Man With a Beard.   
    BEARD ?       
    In your region as seen?  We will be reading them  -
    ( photo @ antonito36 )
    ( for  Germany  its  too  much...  not  allowed )    And  in  your  region,  country ?
  18. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in Cart - witnessing in my long - time Camping-Holiday Switzerland ❤   
    Cart - witnessing  in  my  long - time  Camping-Holiday  Switzerland ?
    I  was  often  *on the way*  with  my  dear  Sister  Verena !  she  was  in  the  congregation, German / Italian...  A  great  time  for  21 years    But  the  Switzerland  is  meanwhile  too  expensive,  sorry 
  19. Like
    John Houston reacted to Bible Speaks in I always witness to Matt Forte (bottom right) from the Chicago Bears. ?   
    @sportykev shares with us: “As a sports reporter I come in contact with different players all the time so I have to always pray for boldness to witness. 
    I always witness to Matt Forte (bottom right) from the Chicago Bears. 
    Every Thursday I share a verse from Proverbs with him because he always quotes Bible verses on twitter. 
    Two weeks ago I shared Prov 18:24. But last week I shared Proverbs 7:24 where it says to ’‘call wisdom your sister and knowledge your relative”. 
    He didn’t understand so I told him “you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your family members so you do your best to protect them” and that’s the same way we have to feel about wisdom and knowledge-you protect it with everything you’ve got. 
    He loved it and wants me to keep sharing after practice. I also shared the website with the other well known sports anchors that I took pics with. Michael Wilbon from ESPN said he visited the site before.“

  20. Like
    John Houston reacted to Queen Esther in SPECIAL ASSEMBLY *2017* in BOLIVIA, 27. - 29 Oct.   
    Hello  dear  Brother's  and  Sister's   Still 10 days  from  today,  then  starts  your  wonderful  Reg. Convention, on  27. Oct. 2017     ENJOY !     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  21. Haha
    John Houston got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower Mis-Quotations   
    No their assumption are also based on scriptures. The dates are points in time used to give reference. Many are hung up on 1975. I was never lost about this date. It was the end of 6000 yrs of man being here on earth. Many began to look forward to the end of things, Armageddon and the new system, forgetting that we knew not the day those things would actually occurr. And as imperfect humans even the anointed, the word went out like gossip. And those who took it as gospel, sold their homes, stop,living almost thinking the end was that near. I am glad my father did not teach us that way. We went to college continue to progress spiritually, understanding what was going on. The dates, not important, only if you are married or a history buff. Since Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour, why need to know dates?
     Serve faithfully, don't give up, endure until the end, isn't that what the scriptures teach? That is all I need to know. When the time comes I will be ready. And hope everyone else will also!
  22. Haha
    John Houston got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Beliefs and Customs That Displease God – ???✝️????   
    Sostar, please be "forced"! I want to hear this!
  23. Thanks
    John Houston got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Beliefs and Customs That Displease God – ???✝️????   
    Sostar, please be "forced"! I want to hear this!
  24. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from JW Insider in Saying "Peace and Security!" before sudden destruction. (1Th 5:3) What does it mean?   
    Hasn't the cry already began? Is not the priority of every nation on this planet, PEACE AND SECURITY? Could not the cry be for not a period of calm but intense need for these two things? So much so that it will become mundane in our everyday life?  Remember when all was in an uproar about the checks to board a plane, but now we know it's necessary. The increase in security at train stations, bus terminals all over the world show a heightened sense for the need of PEACE AND SECURITY. And since what happenings after is like a thief, we have been lulled to accept all of these things as daily occurrences. Any disaster caused by man against man is shocking but wanes after time, for we are waiting on the next horrific one. The evil of this satanic influence is palpable and without discernment one could be caught unawares to what is actually happening. That this system of things is ending, like a cancer feeding on itself and the only cure is the Kingdom!
  25. Upvote
    John Houston got a reaction from JW Insider in Saying "Peace and Security!" before sudden destruction. (1Th 5:3) What does it mean?   
    When ISIS came on the scene, the videos of beheadings were shocking to many, the world was in a tizzy for all the things this group did. But now they are truly an irritant, claiming things that are done of their business just to stay on the radar of the mainstream media. The change is there, but not a cry, it will never be a cry. The world scene will have many askew toward this one mentality and if we as people discerning these things from scriptural perspective are not careful, as a thief we will be caught unawares. Going about the things of our daily life, trying to survive, health issues, high cost of living standards, even depressed spirit for the length of time, our own endurance will come under attack. So we must stay busy, pray constantly, incessantly, fervently, to Jehovah for the strength to persevere and continue through these final last days!
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