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Margaret Burlingham

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    Margaret Burlingham got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Every culture is different. In the culture and country I live in, she is considered dressed in a business and dignified manner. Take for example the recent post of our family in Milan, Italy at a Convention. Some are also with similar make up and every one looks outstanding and dignified don't they? 

  2. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    I am writing this to you to let you know I have prayed how to respond to you and to say what needs to be said. 
    I post here to encourage others and hopefully bring Good News to some Friends and Family worldwide. Our messages must be encouraging and show kindness for others.
    I work some days posting 4-5 hours a day for my Father Jehovah God and my Lord Christ Jesus. My hope is to share the joys I find in God's Word and around the earth.
    I request that if you disagree with a person on a post that you do not speak out publicly about this. This is not kind or loving. Natalie here from Russia is a wonderful Sister and loves Jehovah very much. The struggles in their country make them good examples for us and Jehovah God. 
    If you don't like something please keep this to yourself, if she reads this she would be upset and of course we here must be loving and kind. If you were in a KH would you say this to a person?
    Perhaps not, so please don't not do this and upset others.
    "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes.."
    Proverbs 3:5-7.
    "Likewise, let the older women be reverent in behavior, not slanderous, not enslaved to a lot of wine, teachers of what is good."
    Titus 2;3.
    Thank you for your support and love to you.
    Let's just move ahead and encourage and help others, ok? Final comment. 
    May Jehovah bless you in your endeavors.
    Agape, ?????
  3. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Linda Matheny in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Love this beautiful sisters courage! She's looking exceptionally well groomed too! Thank you young sister for sharing!
  4. Like
    Margaret Burlingham got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Every culture is different. In the culture and country I live in, she is considered dressed in a business and dignified manner. Take for example the recent post of our family in Milan, Italy at a Convention. Some are also with similar make up and every one looks outstanding and dignified don't they? 

  5. Like
    Margaret Burlingham got a reaction from 100Million in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Every culture is different. In the culture and country I live in, she is considered dressed in a business and dignified manner. Take for example the recent post of our family in Milan, Italy at a Convention. Some are also with similar make up and every one looks outstanding and dignified don't they? 

  6. Like
    Margaret Burlingham got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    ? What the world needs now is love, sweet love ?? 
    It's the only thing that there's just too little of
    What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
    No not just for some but for everyone. ??  - B Bacharach & H David 
  7. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Convention! 2017 – Milan, Italy ???   
    Hello from Milan, Italy! ???

  8. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Don't Give Up Convention! 2017 – Milan, Italy ???   
    Special Regional Convention in Milan, Italy

  9. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in A live billboard for the upcoming 2017 – Don't Give Up! – Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at N1 highway in Johannesburg, south Africa. ???   
    A live billboard for the upcoming  2017 – Don't Give Up! – Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at N1 highway in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  10. Haha
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Customs and sensibilities vary from time to time ... culture to culture .. and by location.
    Today (our weekend meeting is on Saturday ..) we learned in paragraph 17 that a Brother "remembered" that the Book of Daniel was written in Aramaic... who knew?
    Let me tell you about Ahab the Arab
    The sheik of the burning sand
    He had emeralds and rubies just drippin' off 'a him
    And a ring on every finger of his hand He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
    And a scimitar by his side
    And, every evenin', about midnight
    He'd jump on his camel named Clyde, and ride Silently through the night to the sultan's tent where he
    Would secretly meet up with Fatima of the Seven Veils,
    Swingingest grade "A" number one US choice dancer in
    The sultan's whole harem, 'cause, heh, him and her had A thing goin', you know, and they'd been carryin' on
    For some time now behind the sultan's back and you
    Could hear him talk to his camel as he rode out across the
    Dunes, his voice would cut through the still night desert Air and he'd say (imitate Arabic speech and finish with "Sold! American)
    Which is Arabic for, "Stop, Clyde!" and Clyde'd say, (imitate camel sound),
    Which is camel for, "What the heck did he say anyway?"
    Well, he brought that camel to a screechin' halt (verbal screeching sound) In the rear of Fatima's tent
    Jumped off Clyde, snuck around the corner
    And into the tent he went.
    There he saw Fatima layin' on a zebra skin rug with... "Rings on her fingers and
    Bells on her toes and a bone in her nose ho, ho."   There she was, friends, lyin' there in all her radiant
    Beauty, eating on a raisin, grape, apricot, pomegranate,
    Bowl of chittlin's, two bananas, three Hershey bars,
    Sipping on a RC co-cola listenin' to her transistor, Watchin' the Grand Ole Opry on the tube, readin' a Mad
    Magazine while she sung, "Does your chewing gum lose
    It's flavor?" Yeah, Ahab walked up to her and he say,   (imitate Arabic speech), which is Arabic for "Let's twist Again like we did last summer, baby.!!" Ha, ha, ha!! You know what I mean! Whew! She looked up at him from off the rug,
    Give him one of the sly looks,
    She said (suggestive giggles, then outright laughter) "Crazy, crazy, crazy baby!"   Yeah, and that's the story 'bout Ahab the Arab
    The sheik of the burnin' sand Ahab the Arab, the swingin' sheik of the burnin' sand   (Songwriter: Ray Stevens)
  11. Sad
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to 100Million in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Your comment "I never saw a sister with so much 'Make up'  while serving for Jehovah" those were your comments you're the one that said it. And it was rude. Did you ask the sister if you could post her picture on the internet? Do you think Jesus is happy with the comment you made? What would happen if she saw the comment that you made how would she feel? Remember what Jesus said about not stumbling one of his sheep.
  12. Sad
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to 100Million in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    well said BIBLE SPEAKS...... I just cant believe SO CALLED QUEEN'S thoughts would even come from her mouth ..... maybe we should ask the sister in the picture what she thinks?... did you get consent from her to post this picture online ( of her at the cart?)  how do you think she would feel if she read your thoughts QUEEN???? 
  13. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA #JW

  14. Downvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    I never saw a sister with so much 'Make up'  while serving for Jehovah....  also not by our meetings. It makes no sense for me. Not a nice witness with so red lips like a model,  also for our younger girls in the cong.  A light rosé color were okay.  Such of red we can see in TV in the 'red light' milieu...  or its okay on a party, wedding, holiday or other celebrations. Thats my view of things - how are thinking other sisters about that?  Importend is always Jehovah's view of things!  
  15. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to 100Million in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    Why would you even say something like that...... it is horrible...... I have one question to ask you...... I see you post or comment on most topics on world forum....... Is this your website? 
  16. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Leonor Patan in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    I think she looks beautiful and I see nothing wrong with her makeup. The shade is not bright red and it is not glossy  which would make her stand out. Every  place has a different standard of what is over the top when it comes to makeup. We shouldn't  judge anyone by our own standards.
  17. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    @Queen Esther
    Beauty is in the heart! Some have outward beauty too! She is a beautiful Sister! Rejoice she loves Jehovah! If she was overly made up, but she is not! Maybe your country or your generation don't wear lipstick ?? I personally love red lipstick and with the right outfit we are beautiful. Be Happy! Maybe try some yourself, you might enjoy it too! 
  18. Thanks
  19. Haha
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Father and Daughter preaching in KHABAROVSK RUSSIA JW   
    I understand that for the young, makeup is experimental ...
    ... that's why I wear a Hockey Mask.

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  23. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Don’t confuse your path ? with your destination. ?Just because it’s stormy ⛈ now doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine. - ⛵️☀️⛵️☀️⛵️   
    Don’t confuse your path ? with your destination. ?Just because itÂ’s stormy ? now doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine. -
    Jehovah Is “the Provider of Escape” for Us
    "But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.” (Luke 21:28) “Jehovah will help them and provide them with escape.”—PS. 37:40
    What Jehovah has done in Bible times as well as in our day gives us reason to trust in him as our Helper. Soon, when the great tribulation comes upon Satan’s world, we will need Jehovah’s help as never before. Yet, Jehovah’s servants will be able to look to him with complete confidence. They will be able to lift their heads and rejoice, knowing that their deliverance is near. (Luke 21:28) In the meantime, no matter what trials may come upon us, let us be determined to place our trust in Jehovah, having full assurance that our unchanging God is, indeed, our “Provider of escape.”
    Jehovah offers us spiritual protection, which is of utmost importance. Being true Christians, we understand that there is something that is more valuable than our present life. Our most precious possession is our personal relationship with Jehovah. (Ps. 25:14; 63:3) Without that relationship, our present life would have little meaning and our future life prospects would be lost.
    Thankfully, Jehovah gives us all the help we need to maintain a close relationship with him. We have his Word, his holy spirit, and his worldwide congregation to help us. How can we take full advantage of these provisions? By regularly and diligently studying his Word, we will strengthen our faith and brighten our hope. (Rom. 15:4) 
    By sincerely praying for his spirit, we will receive help to resist the temptation to engage in questionable conduct. (Luke 11:13) By keeping up with the direction the slave class provides through Bible-based publications as well as at meetings, assemblies, and conventions, we will be nourished with spiritual “food at the proper time.” (Matt. 24:45) Such provisions protect us spiritually and help us to stay close to God.—Jas. 4:8.
  24. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM BAD ! The organization is making a global campaign to inform OUR PARENTS.... ( more )   
    The organization is making a global campaign to inform OUR PARENTS of extreme vigilance towards their minor children, preventing them from being attracted to the attention of predators, their way of dressing and making up.
    In no way does the slave make children guilty of the violations that are happening, even among our own.
    In no way do our children DECEIVE their VIOLATORS, using provocative clothes.
    The system teaches that NOTHING CAN AVOID SEXUAL ASSAULT if it is decided.
    Our religion teaches that ONE OF THE POSSIBILITIES that attract sexual predators is a provocative image and this matter can be corrected immediately by the parents.
  25. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    CAN  WE  SPOT  A  LOST  SHEEP ?......
    When she comes on Sunday, she is usually quite late. Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate. Few people try to know her and some wonder and stare. No one tries to dig down deep to see who's really there. In her purse is a funeral program that is ragged around the ears. It is yellow and quite wrinkled and has been soaked with many tears. She's looked at it quite often and knows the resurrection hope. But she still mourns her daughter, and sometimes she can't cope. Many people wonder but no one ever made the call. She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * Her uncle molested her when she was just a child. Her mother didn't believe her and said she was just wild. Jehovah God has blessed her and now she has the Truth. But she still lives with all the scars of a stolen youth. They say she's moody and she's mean, so no one bothers to call. She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * She comes to all the meetings, to the field and mingles with the friends. But once she goes back home again, the heartache soon begins. She grew up in the Truth, has served Jehovah all her life. All she ever wanted was to be a Christian wife. Now she's past the bloom of youth. Her dreams have not come true. She's tempted and frustrated and scared of what she might do. You probably think she's strong and she doesn't need a call. But she's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall. * When searching from door to door and bringing more sheep in, don't forget all the sheep who are already in the pen. All of these are true stories of people at the Hall. Take some time and look closely and see who needs a call. * We always remember the sick, the single parents and the old, but can we try to include still others in our fold ?  Remember,  that Jehovah doesn't want anyone to fall.
    And that there might be a lost sheep sitting there in  YOUR  Kingdom Hall

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