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Margaret Burlingham

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    Margaret Burlingham reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    What you just posted is INCREDIBLY important !
  2. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Thank  you  very  much  dear  sister  @Ma Ai    Yes,  a  very  needed  reminder  for  us !  We  must  look  with  our  eyes  and  with  our  heart   Not  all  JW  able  for  that,  but  we  all  can  try  it  and  inform  us  by  an  elder  or  other  sisters.  With  a  good  will  we  can  find  a  good  way !  We  all  can  suddenly  fall  in  a  deep  hole   and  we're  of  sure  so  glad,  when  anyone  can  help  and  bring  us  out  there...
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    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Ma Ai in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Very needed reminder for everyone. The poetry is poignant. Each person knows their own heart's pain. We will be fulfilling the 2 greatest commands Jesus spoke about at Matthew 22:37-39, by each one of us sincerely caring for each other. Love all those whom Jehovah loves. <3 
  4. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in CAN WE SPOT A LOST SHEEP ?......   
    Importend is the learning point of that story and not the source where I got it !  I am never on any apostate page !  I remember this story from the past...  and read it now again. Why you guys watching to any silly, weird mistakes?  I'm since 20 years a baptized JW and working since 6 years together with our Librarian, WITHOUT any problems !  Best wishes from Germany 
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    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Arauna in Judge orders blood transfusion for a Jehovah's Witness child   
    My dear,  Thanks for your experience.  I am very interested in this subject because my daughter was not even nine months old when she had cancer on both sides of her body attached to the spinal cord.  (Neuroblastoma) a very virulent children's cancer.
    They did an operation that almost lasted the whole day - the cut the body in half (through the ribs on one side of the body) and then removed the cancer on both sides. (Thoractomy) She had large growths on both sides. This was about 38 years ago!
    The surgeons did a fantastic job - the quaterized the arteries (burn them closed) and cut carefully and neat.  They wanted to give her blood during the operation because she started bleeding and it looked as though this baby was going to die (but one of the nurses was a witness and encouraged them not to).  Any case, it was an emergency operation and there was not time to go to court.  They were doing blood oxygen tests during the operation regularly. 
    They always used to give blood in thoracotomy surgery and patients had to stay in hospital very long because they have pipes in the body, catching the bleeding from the chest for about 21 days after the operation. Doctors do not cut so carefully when they give blood as when they know the patient is not taking blood. 
    They rushed her out of the surgery and I only caught glimpse of her.  I was not allowed to see her she was so bad... she looked like a corpse when they rushed her through. Later in the night I saw her on all the machines.... and the blood dripping from her body in the pipes connected to her chest.
    She survived the night... and after two days they removed the pipes - no more bleeding... They started to give her vitamins  intravenously to build the body - and I think it was the fifth day - she came home! So fast!
    After the operation I wondered how she got better so quickly.  I then did more research.  I discovered that blood is a foreign entity in the body (every peson has unique blood - no other person on earth ever has had blood like you, even if it is same group).  Your body only uses the blood they give as a blood expander (which artificial medicine can also do).  Very little of the oxygen crosses over depending on nitrates etc. in the blood.
    The liver has to break down all the blood you received before it can start to build up your body - and it can take up to 30 days!  If you are weak ...... your body cannot build itself up and your body can go into shock... anaphylactic shock - and you die.  Many people DIE from blood transfusions but they NEVER put this on the death certificate as caused by blood.  They always say complications after surgery or something like that.  
    If you are weak and do not take blood (some go in coma with blood count of 2..... or 3 - a friend of mine had it so low! - and survived).... the body can start to heal itself the minute the body stabilizes (stops bleeding). The body gets better very quickly after this with "vitamins"!   They do not have to break down another persons blood.... so they do not die and go into shock.
    I had discussion with doctor on field service once and he said they NEVER put on death certificate: complications of blood transfusion..... Blood is a killer!  If people survived operations with blood it is usually because they were strong before!  
    My brother's mother-in-law had a heart procedure (heart valve) - she had blood.   She came through the surgery wonderfully and looked good!  By second day he told his wife that she is showing signs of anaphylactic shock (he is scientist) and she will eventually die.... and his wife did not believe him.  Her mother died later in the week. 
    By the way - my daughter is beautiful (she had a syndrome after the surgery - but it has cleared up - she will be 40 next year).  She married late and miraculously gave birth to a smart little girl almost 4 years ago.  She was not supposed to have children...
    Regarding the blood cancer ...  My reasoning is this: You cannot have these transfusions for the rest of your life because damage of liver will set in... all kinds of complications! So at some point transfusions will not work any more.  (I have not researched for "how long it really works" but I suspect it gives one only a short evasion of eminent death.)  Apart from all the virusses and diseases you contract with each transfusion ..... if the blood does not kill you - the virusses and diseases eventually will!  Hepatitis C, AIDS, Tuberculosis, syphilis etc etc.
    Blood is a money making racket and most doctors will not take blood themselves because they know that the tests on the blood for diseases is not efficient.  Giving blood is an outdated protocol and yet there are some third world countries that still force this onto patients.  Some countries force it onto you because they recon it is 'cheaper' than alternatives. 
    Russia has been taking notes in hospitals on all people NOT taking blood (because they know they are Witnesses) - so they can follow up on them and persecute them...
  6. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in 102 Years Old and still Street -Witnessing. This is Sister Mary, WOW !!   
    102  Years  Old  and  still  Street -Witnessing.  This  is  Sister  Mary,  WOW !!
    This  is  so  encouraging  in  a  world  of  hate  and  violence toward our loving God Jehovah...
    Sister,  you  are  a  great example  of  faith and  love  for  Jehovah  and  Jesus
    May  Jehovah  bless  you  still  longer,  Sister  Mary
  7. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses...   
    Jehovah in English  -  Basic  statement  by  Jehovah's Witnesses:
    The Hebrew Name of God יהוה rendered generally as YHWH and thought to be pronounced in Hebrew something like Yahweh or perhaps Yahoweh is properly translated into English as Jehovah.
    Argument by opposers:
    That is not the correct way to do it,  because Someone from the US named John who visits Mexico or Spain is not Juan;  they are   still John.
    Counter-argument by Jehovah’s Witnesses:
    Jesus is not God’s Son’s name either; it is properly rendered in the Hebrew as Yeshua or Yehoshua, and even the Greek is Iesous, yet the opposers do not complain about it being rendered as “Jesus”  in English.
    Other Hebrew names are rendered or translated into English with no complaint.
    Bibles in English use John and in Spanish Juan, etc.
    To settle this problem, what we need is Biblical example. That should settle the matter to the satisfaction of all.
    “But in Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which, when translated, means Dorcas. She abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy that she was rendering.”—Acts 9:36.
    (“Dorcas” is the Greek and corresponds with “Tabitha” which is the Aramaic;  both names mean “Gazelle.”)
    So, which one is her name, Tabitha or Dorcas? Let’s continue reading in Acts 9:39 & 40:
    “At that Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they led him up into the upper chamber; and all the widows presented themselves to him weeping and exhibiting many inner garments and outer garments that Dorcas used to make while she was with them. But Peter put everybody outside and, bending his knees, he prayed, and, turning to the body, he said: “Tabitha, rise!” She opened her eyes and, as she caught sight of Peter, she sat up.”
    So, both names are used interchangeably!
    Even the Apostle Peter, whose name means “A Piece of Rock,” is named in five different ways in the Scriptures: by the Hebrew “Symeon,” the Greek “Simon” (from a Hebrew root meaning “hear; listen”), “Peter” (a Greek name he alone bears in the Scriptures), its Semitic equivalent “Cephas” (perhaps related to the Hebrew kephim´ [rocks] used at Job 30:6; Jeremiah 4:29), and the combination “Simon Peter.”—Acts 15:14; Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42.
    And need we even mention “Saul, who is also Paul” as stated in Acts 13:9 ?
    Therefore, based upon these Scriptural precedents, the English Jehovah is as correct as the Hebrew יהוה when referring to our Almighty God, the Most High over all the earth.—Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18.
    One thing for sure: יהוה is NOT LORD nor GOD, which is what most Bibles replace it with.
    (  I  posted  that  for  our  mature  Brother's  and  Sister's....  maybe,  they  have  something  to  tell ?
  8. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Bible Speaks in Spiritual Growth: "No man is made secure by wickedness, But the righteous will never be uprooted." -PROVERBS 12:3 — ???????   
    Spiritual Growth: "No man is made secure by wickedness, But the righteous will never be uprooted." -PROVERBS 12:3 
     Knowledge of God’s Word and our faith are like roots that keep us strong and unmovable.

  9. Like
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Queen Esther in DID YOU EVER SEE SUCH A HANDFUL OF A HEALTHY BABY - WONDER ?   
    ( My  son  was  57cm  & 4350 gram. -  huuuiii  ~~~  I  needed  2 hands... )
    ( My  height  is  only  164 cm... )
  10. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Panda in RUSSIA’S BAN: TRUMP, PENCE ATTEND MEETING OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESS IN US   
    That is not a Kingdom Hall.  
  11. Thanks
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to The Librarian in RUSSIA’S BAN: TRUMP, PENCE ATTEND MEETING OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESS IN US   
    Sorry @Jay Witness
    This is another fake news story. 
    I have added the tag to it above "Fake News"
    The same conclusion and related story you found here as well:
  12. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham got a reaction from Annie Abbott in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    An adult was taking the photo no doubt.
  13. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to The Librarian in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    Australian children searching for English speakers in Florence, Italy. 'Out of the mouth of babes'.... Florence is probably a very safe place for children to preach on their own?   Let's assume the cameraman is their father....  
  14. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    I also think that it is a poor choice for this topic.................however, that aside, it is always a joy to see how the young ones zealously "throw" themselves into the Kingdom Hall cleaning work.........I would imagine that this is the case in all our Congregations throughout the earth...........one can just "see" Jehovah and all his angels joyfully smiling at these willing and eager young workers.
  15. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to David Normand in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    Very misleading title for the article. Poor word choice in this day and age. Might be better described as young ones doing their part to help spread the Kingdom message.

  16. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Carol Ann Torres in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    It is very good for the young ones to get involved. shows that they are part of the congrgation
  17. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to Evacuated in JW Child Labor for Jehovah   
    Child Labor is a rather emotive term in this day and age don't you think??
    What we are seeing is an example of Ps.148:12-13 or Matt.21:15
  18. Upvote
    Margaret Burlingham reacted to The Librarian in True Hollywood Stars in California   
    True Hollywood Stars in California
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