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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Barbara Andersons Profile – through September 30 2018 (DOC/DOCX format) Nunez v Watchtower (PDF format – Montana case) Harvinder Singh’s Academic Paper on Jehovah’s Witnesses (PDF – also on academia.com ) RN1803892 (PDF) Citizen’s Grand Jury List (XLS/XLSX spreadsheet format) Clergy Exception to Mandated Reporting of CSA (PDF) EDIT: I did not create or file any of these complaints. They originate with different groups out there wanting Watchtower to change it's rules.
  2. A1.-complaint-re-Watchtower-New-York.pdf A2.-complaint-re-Governing-Body-of-Jehovahs-Witnesses.pdf A3.-complaint-re-Christian-Congregation.pdf A4.-complaint-re-Watch-Tower-Pennsylvania.pdf A6-2-Attachment-A-Case-Study-Fessler-vs-Watchtower-New-York.pdf A7-3-Attachment-B-Secrets-Commentary-by-Barbara-Anderson.pdf A8-4-Attachment-C-Lopez-v-Watchtower-New-York-full-Attorney-Exhibits-and-minutes.pdf EDIT: I did not create or file any of these complaints. They originate with different groups out there wanting Watchtower to change it's rules.
  3. Only an increase of 2,583 (0.2%) peak publishers in the US from 2017 to 2018 (1,234,877 in 2018 compared to 1,232,293 in 2017). Considering the global average population growth considering births and deaths is 1.06% (over 5 times that of watchtowers growth rate), this confirms what we all know - people are leaving the organization in droves.
  4. first time in 'living history' there has been a decline in total worldwide number of congregations (didn't happen post '75) Year Congregations 2014 115,416 2015 118,016 2016 119,485 2017 120,053 2018 119,954
  5. Something doesn't look good in the USA ... 2014 USA 1,243,387 PEAK. 2014 USA 13,871 CONGS 2015 USA 1,231,867 PEAK. 2015 USA 14,063 CONGS 2016 USA 1,231,609 PEAK. 2016 USA 14,040 CONGS 2017 USA 1,232,293 PEAK. 2017 USA 13,578 CONGS 2018 USA 1,234,877 PEAK. 2018 USA 13,016 CONGS So ... 8510 less peak pubs since 2014 and 1024 Congs less since 2015.
  6. This doesn't even take into account payouts in lawsuits. We know that there have been many of those that were sealed where we cannot even see what the settlement amount was, and there are recent multi-million dollar judgments that are public. At this point, I don't see what they have left to sell other than investments they may be sitting on or Kingdom Halls...but even a Kingdom Hall in a very expensive area isn't going to sell for more than somewhere between a few hundred thousand USD to possibly a million if it was in an urban area with high property values. They're bleeding, and it isn't stopping. It seems clear from this why they cut back on traveling overseers. It would be interesting to see how much they have cut back on missionaries. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if most of their costs are paying for Bethelites and their healthcare, among other things. Bethelites are part of the Special Order of Full Time Servants, just like special pioneers, missionaries, etc. They're included in that dollar amount. Edit: I just realized this ALSO doesn't take into account how much they spend building Warwick. Do we even know that amount? Probably less than $100,000,000 I am thinking
  7. Over the last thirteen years (from 2005) the Watchtower says they've spent more on special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments - a total of $2,204,000,000 - than the total of ALL the monies they received from all Brooklyn properties sales combined, in the same time period. I believe the Watchtower, over the years, has slowly evolved into a colossal international organization that has grown and grown. There's A LOT of people on the 'payroll' - even 'volunteers' cost money in expenses, feeding, looking after, and accommodation - and it all adds up. Big time. In 1966, there was just one Bethelite for every 664 JWs - by 2015, there was one Bethelite for every 307 JWs. Chart of the number of Bethelites over the years During the following Service Years, Watchtower says they spend the following on caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments. In 'real terms', allowing for inflation, the WT's spend between 2005 compared to 2017 increased by around 60%. Year Amount 2017 $202 million 2016 $213 million 2015 $236 million 2014 $224 million 2013 $200 million 2012 $184 million 2011 $173 million 2010 $155 million 2009 $140 million 2008 $141 million 2007 $121 million 2006 $111 million 2005 $104 million TOTAL $2,204,000,000
  8. GRAND TOTAL OF $2,194,513,000 It was announced in 2003 that the printing was to be moved to Wallkill leading to the sell-off of six named properties in Brooklyn for a total of $302,620,000. It was announced in 2011 that the World Headquarters was to be moved to Warwick leading to a sell-off of twenty-seven named properties in Brooklyn for a total of $1,891,893,000. It is believed that the Watchtower still owns two small (non-commercial) residential properties in Brooklyn. . . Printing Moves to Wallkill . Property Price Date Sales Ledger 360 Furman Street $205,020,000 Apr 2004 Sales ledger 108 Joralemon Street $2,500,000 Apr 2005 Sales ledger 89 Hicks Street $14,000,000 Jul 2006 Sales ledger 67 Livingston Street $18,600,000 Mar 2007 Sales ledger 8-10 Clark Street $12,500,000 Apr 2007 Sales ledger Standish Hotel (169 Columbia Hts) $50,000,000 Nov 2007 Sales ledger TOTAL $302,620,000 . . World Headquarters Moves to Warwick . Property Price Date Sales Ledger 50 Orange Street $7,100,000 Dec 2011 Sales ledger 165 Columbia Heights $4,100,000 Jan 2012 Sales ledger 161 Columbia Heights $2,950,000 Mar 2012 Sales ledger 105 Willow Street $3,330,000 Apr 2012 Sales ledger 183 Columbia Heights $6,600,000 Apr 2012 Sales ledger 67 Remsen Street $3,250,000 Sep 2012 Sales ledger 34 Orange Street $2,825,000 Nov 2012 Sales ledger Bossert Hotel (98 Montague St) $81,000,000 Nov 2012 Sales ledger 200 Water St (173 & 177 Front St) $30,600,000 Mar 2013 Sales ledger 76 Willow Street $3,025,000 Jul 2013 Sales ledger 81 Prospect Street $23,000,000 Oct 2013 Sales ledger 64 Prospect St (117 Adams St) $46,000,000 Oct 2013 Sales ledger 175 Pearl Street $53,000,000 Oct 2013 Sales ledger 137 Pearl Street (77 Sands St) $54,000,000 Oct 2013 Sales ledger 107 Adams Street $64,000,000 Oct 2013 Sales ledger 124 Columbia Height (122 & 128 Columbia Hts) $105,000,000 Apr 2016 Sales ledger 25-30 Columbia Hts/55 & 67 Furman St $340,000,000 Aug 2016 Sales ledger 61 Adams Street $65,000,000 Nov 2016 Sales ledger 85 Jay Street $345,000,000 Dec 2016 Sales ledger 107 Columbia Heights $87,500,000 May 2017 Sales ledger 119 Columbia Heights $18,000,000 Aug 2017 Sales ledger 97 Columbia Heights $58,000,000 Aug 2017 Sales ledger 90 Sands Street $135,000,000 Aug 2017 Sales ledger Towers Hotel (21 Clark St) $202,500,000 Oct 2017 Sales ledger 74 Adams Street $60,000,000 Nov 2017 Sales ledger 30 Front Street (One York St) $91,113,000 Dec 2018 Sales ledger TOTAL $1,891,893,000 . . Watchtower Still Owns Property Type Link/s 80 Willow Street Townhouse Still owned by WT in September 2018 86 Willow Street Carriage House Still owned by WT in September 2018 . . NOTE Property Addresses: Some of the above properties - which sometimes span whole blocks - have a number of official addresses which are also sometimes different to the 'as-used' WT address. Although 'one' property sale is listed above, it might actually 'officially' represent up to four properties that are joined together. There where no property sales between November 2007 and December 2011. . Please comment below if you have a query
  9. Lol. Happiest people on earth. No broken marriages, no multitudes on anti depressants, no divided families due to shunning. Nope. All happy.
  10. [a google translate attempt below] Jehovah's Witnesses "Fake News" alarm December 8, 2018, 15:50 uploaded by Armin JorgAuthor: Armin Jorg from Vienna Numerous negative media reports about a systematically scandalous handling of abuse cases forced the religious community to make a comprehensive counter-attack. The allegations was a year-long tactics, but this has not led to the allegations decreased. Now they have decided to go over the attack and sweep up all the media that disseminate negative information about Jehovah's Witnesses as malicious, devilish, and hypocritical in order to discredit them in this way. In the magazine Watchtower of August 2018 (study edition) under the heading "Do you know the facts" now all believers are sworn on how Jehovah's Witnesses have to position themselves correctly. Here are some excerpts from the article: Paragraph 1: "the devil and his world wants to distort our thinking". Initially, it shows who the enemies are, the devil and the entire "his" world. Here the all-encompassing conflict in which the believers are stuck becomes clear. Paragraph 3: "We have to be careful and not believe everything we hear". A good advice, if not meant: Paragraph 6: "We must be especially careful when it comes to reports of God's people. Let's not forget: the devil is the accuser of God's faithful servants [Jehovah's Witnesses] "then" we are not surprised when we hear outrageous accounts of Jehovah's Witnesses. " It becomes clear here: reports are particularly wrong when negative reports are made about Jehovah's Witnesses. Negative = wrong. Paragraph 15: "The Bible warns against relying on one's own mind." What is taught to believers in every fundamentalist sect is not to use their own intellect but to trust only the leaders of the religious community.In a box is shown where the believers should inform themselves: Only on the websites of the Watchtower Society reliable information can be found. Mind you, this religious community is a corporation under public law, for me personally these views are manipulative and anti-social. https://www.meinbezirk.at/wien/c-leute/zeugen-jehovas-fake-news-alarm_a3089703
  11. Child sex abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses - "EVERYONE IS SILENT, AFRAID TO BE REJECTED" - Gazet van Antwerpen (Belgium)
  12. Allow No Place for the Devil! - Watchtower, March 15th, 1986 Pages 19 - 20 Pure Worship - Restored At Last! - 2018 Pages 178-179 Loyally Supporting Christ’s Brothers - Watchtower, March 15th, 2015 Pages 25 - 29 Fixing Destinies in this Judgement Period - Watchtower, June 1st, 1952 Pages 341 - 342 Questions from Readers - Watchtower, January 1st, 1971 Pages 63 - 64
  13. Google translation: The official advice center for sects in our country asks the House for an investigation into the sexual abuse of minors at the witnesses of Jehovah. A number of testimonies have also been reported to the public prosecutor's office. "The victims are worried about sexual offenders who are still active within Jehovah's Witnesses." The IACSSO sectobservatory, an independent center of the Justice Department, received "various direct and indirect testimonies" last year. They declared that they had undergone sexual violence as a child within the witnesses of Jehovah. IACSSO can not tell you about the number of testimonies, but they seem to confirm that Jehova's witnesses also cover child abuse in Belgium. The ball came rolling a year ago, after reports to the Dutch foundation Reclaimed Voices. In less than a year, 286 testimonies of sexual abuse were received from Jehovah's Witnesses. Last month the court in the Netherlands did several raids in churches, so-called kingdom halls, and homes of Jehovah's Witnesses. Underlying pattern "When it turned out last year that Belgian victims were present, we started investigating the case," says Kerstine Vanderput, director of IACSSO. The center has now made recommendations to Chamber chairman Siegfried Bracke (N-VA) and various members of the government. The timing is not ideal given the fall of the government, but IACSSO directs on a parliamentary inquiry committee to the Jehovah's Witnesses. The goal: "To gain insight into the underlying pattern of the internal rules, practices and structures and their possible influence on the willingness to report." Jehovah's Witnesses have been condemning pedophilia as a despicable act for many years in numerous publications, but at the same time it does not systematically inform the competent authorities. She arranges child abuse cases all over the world internally through judicial committees set up by the college of elders, who provide pastoral guidance. The Belgian Jehovah's Witnesses have received the findings of the IACSSO, but they refute it. "A judicial committee only serves to determine whether such a perpetrator can still be part of the community, but it is not a court of law," says spokesman Louis De Wit. He calls child abuse "detestable". "Victims need to go to justice with their complaint." This contradicts international reports, as well as testimonials from ex-members in the media. "Going to the police, you do not, unless the perpetrator is an infidel," said a woman, who last year in De Morgen testified about the abuse she had undergone as a child. The world of Jehovah's Witnesses is strongly inward: to avoid contact with people from outside the Church. Sexual offenders Nevertheless, the past year came from the community, which in Belgium says 25,480 members in Belgium, some of them testify at IACSSO. "People came here to testify who were no longer able to drive home because of the emotion", says Vanderput. "They are worried about sexual offenders who are still active within Jehovah's Witnesses." IACSSO informed the federal prosecutor's office in September, but no complaint has been submitted. As a result, there is no official investigation. According to a judicial source, the public prosecutor is working on it, but it would be a confidential file. "It is expected that just as with the sexual abuse in the church, other people will now find the courage to formulate a complaint," says Olivier Faelens of the Study and Advisory Group of Sects, who assists sectarian victims.
  14. However, he doesn’t stop there. The concierge then offers to put Cohen’s “Gio” in touch with a lawyer who can help to “silence the boy.” The last thing Baron Cohen asks for is help securing a date for the night: The segment bothered Cohen and his production team so much that they turned the footage over to the FBI. However, according to Cohen, the FBI wasn’t interested in pursuing the tip. WOW!!!
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