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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Every JW visiting this page should MORALLY comment below and publicly state that this JW Lawyer is LYING through his teeth to the Canadian Supreme Court.

    If you don't, YOU participate in this gross sin. Because you ALL KNOW this is a false statement.

    Remember as well that this JW Lawyer is also an Officer of the Court.

    What the courts do not know is that JW's consider outright lying in court a part of "theocratic warfare" just like Muslims do. So it is a virtue to them.




    Can you spell P-E-R-J-U-R-Y?

  2. But if they are an accused child molester that was not disfellowshipped because of the two witness rule, you can hang out and talk with them as much as you want. Or if they committed a gross sin, but tricked the elders into believing they were repentant, and did not get disfellowshipped, you can hang out with them to.

  3. osd1vb7sbe721.png

    "Sunday, December 30

    Asa’s heart was complete with Jehovah all his life.—1 Ki. 15:14.

    Each of us can examine his heart to see if it is fully devoted to God. Ask yourself, ‘Am I determined to please Jehovah, to defend true worship, and to protect his people from any corrupting influence?’ For example, what if someone close to you has to be disfellowshipped? Would you take decisive action by ceasing to associate with that person? What would your heart move you to do? Like Asa, you can show that you have a complete heart by fully relying on God when you are faced with opposition, even some that may seem insurmountable. You may be teased or ridiculed at school for taking a stand as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Or colleagues at work may taunt you for taking days off for spiritual activities or for not often working overtime. In such situations, pray to God, just as Asa did. (2 Chron. 14:11) Remain firm for what you know is right and wise. Remember that God strengthened and helped Asa, and He will strengthen you.

    w17.03 3:6-8 "


  4. if there is a smoking gun, that would be Bert Sibrel’s film A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Moon, wherein the date stamp is July 19th, and Apollo 11 is clearly in low earth orbit, and the guys are trying to fake a shot, making the earth look farther away. there is no way to honestly explain that sequence.

    For those of you who are about to attack me, please focus on the arguments and refrain fro ad hominem attacks, as all moon supporters use. “You’ve got to be crazy to believe that. It has been proven beyond all shadow of a doubt!”

  5. “All Truth passes through three stages.

    First, it is ridiculed,

    Then it is violently opposed,

    Finally it is accepted as self-evident.”

    -Arthur Schopenhauer-

    “In an age of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act.” “Whoever controls the past, controls the future.” -George Orwell- “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the Truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” -Carl Sagan- “It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled.” -Mark Twain- Award winning filmmaker Bart Sibrel (Sibrel.com) presents his highly acclaimed (and much hated) controversial documentary showcasing newly discovered behind-the-scenes out-takes from the first mission to the moon, proving conclusively that the crew never left earth orbit.

    Never before in all of recorded aviation has a flying machine worked on its very first attempt, much less the most complicated one ever created, landing on another planet on its maiden voyage and returning roundtrip with a crew that lived to tell, all with antiquated 1960's technology, even though the feat cannot be repeated today, by any nation on earth, with 50 years more technological advancements in rockets and computers, thus failing the simplest of scientific protocols, that of independent verification and duplication.

    Religious attachment to this blasphemous lie, clouds most peoples' perception of the deplorability reality, that of a government deception, on a universal scale, to boost domestic morale during a time of unprecedented civil unrest from the vastly unpopular Vietnam War, all during the notorious Nixon administration. Ever wonder why they claimed to have walked on the moon, on the very first attempt (even though, right here on earth, Mt. Everest and the South Pole took numerous tries before success), allegedly accomplishing this amazing feat with very rudimentary 1960's technology (a cell phone has one million times the computing power than all of NASA in 1969), yet 50 years later, the farthest an astronaut can travel from the Earth to the moon is only 1 / 1000th  the distance as they claimed 5 decades ago with antique equipment on their very first try? In this newly discovered, unedited, behind-the-scenes footage of outtakes from the first "mission to the moon", the crew is seen using a one foot diameter model of the earth, from earth orbit, in order to create the false illusion for the television viewers that they are half way to the moon, when in fact, they never left earth orbit, which is exactly the farthest limit that NASA can send astronauts today, with 50 years better rocket and computer technology. The CIA is even heard on a private, third audio channel, prompting the crew to respond to Mission Control only after four seconds have elapsed, in order to create the false impression of an increased radio delay, so as to appear farther from the earth than they really were. According to William Kaysing, a senior 6 year NASA contractor for the "Apollo" missions, who had the highest of security clearances, a classified interdepartmental memo rated the odds of a survivable manned lunar mission, on its first attempt with primitive 1960's technology, at only one in ten thousand. The only way to assure success, and not risk killing the crew on live international television, was an artful bluff by the shrewd Nixon administration, along with their well acquainted counterparts in the CIA.

    Sibrel has been interviewed, and his documentary about the moon landings have been featured on, The Tonight Show, The Daily Show, Geraldo at Large, The Abrams Report, Coast to Coast, NBC, CNN, FOX, Time Magazine, The New York Times, The L.A. Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today.

  6. Billy Green Bush was a character actor on everything from M*A*S*H to The Dukes of Hazard, but the 84-year-old divorcee didn’t have homeowners insurance when the house he’d built decades ago burned down. He’s still having trouble qualifying for FEMA assistance, which is capped at only $34,900, because one of his adult children is also on the lease. Bush told me he doesn’t have the stamina to rebuild himself, and he doesn’t trust anyone else to build to his standards. He’s been living in his 1957 Dodge van since the fire with his dog, and the van was having trouble starting when we spoke. But even in these circumstances, his fire story slid easily into evangelism when asked about his plans for the holidays. “You should give thanks every minute of every day,” he said, “I’m a Jehovah’s Witness, and every day is Christmas for me.”




    Don't worry Billy.... just send in your money to the Governing Body via JW.org and God will bless you.

    Just ask any Jehovah's Witness near you in rich California and they will explain how they dedicate so much money to charities and helping people in need.

    "Keep warm and well fed"!!


    Oh.. and thanks for the acting work in MASH. Loved that show. Have you tried reaching out to the studio to see if they can fix your van?



    From Saskia Weck

    Saxony - Sophie Jones' life was stolen from her by the Jehovah's Witnesses. All of her youth was spent by the 23-year-old Saxon in the sect. Through her courageous move to leave the religious community, she is now trying to build a new life step by step. At the same time, she wants to accompany other dropouts and those who want to be on their way.

    Sophie Jones' (23) youth was anything but easy. Today the young woman can laugh again. (Photo)

    In 2006, Jehovah's Witnesses were judicially recognized as a public corporation. Sophie Jones sees this critically, in her opinion distracts this public legitimacy of the religious community from the sect-like states behind the facades. Her self was not only taken away from the family, but also her freedom and a normal youth and school time.

    Sophie grew up with her parents near Zwickau (Saxony). Both father and mother were members of the Jehovah's Witnesses and integrated the daughter into the religious community. There Sophie found friends with whom she played or barbecued together in her free time. Non-members were not welcome to these meetings. "Other young people were 'bad dealing'," says the 23-year-old in an interview with TAG24. How retracted the community was, but she noticed only with increasing age.

    Sophie went to a normal state school. There she was not allowed to attend religious education, did not participate in martial arts in sports, did not sing Christmas carols. These were the rules of Jehovah's Witnesses. "The teachers often did not understand why I had refused the lesson." Sophie did not celebrate her birthday - contrary to her classmates. "I was often asked and asked, 'Why do not you celebrate your birthday?' I did not know it myself.

    During her teenage years, she also found one or two boys in her class interesting, but she would never have dared to do anything with someone outside of Jehovah's Witnesses. Instead, she dutifully went to the ministry and played flute in the orchestra of the church. "One should not be alone with anyone of the opposite sex. I had some kind of relationship with a ministerial servant, but I could not really take that seriously. It felt like it was arranged, "says Sophie.

    If a boy from school wanted to meet the gorgeous Saxon girl, she would always put forward reasons why that would not work because she felt guilty towards the church. Sex before marriage? Excluded from the Jehovah's Witnesses. "You stay together until one dies or goes alien. When you get to paradise, they both get up and are married again, "explains the Saxon.

    When she was 10 years old, Sophie's parents split up. But divorce is not welcomed by Jehovah's Witnesses. "There was no biblical reason for divorce like prostitution or death," she says. So Sophie's father was asked to leave the church. This is a palliation for what really happened: Sophie's father was rejected by the faithful. Although he had done everything for the community for years and believed to be friends with the parishioners, he was denied contact. Also to his daughter.

    "I lived with my mother, but always wanted to move to my father. But that was from then on 'bad handling', "recalls the 23-year-old. "I did not handle that well. If God is a God of love and He created the family, why not have contact with excluded family members? The Bible says one should honor one's parents. What is the honor of meeting my own father on the street and not even being allowed to say hello? "

    But Sophie wanted to "love God," which is why she stayed with her mother. "But I could not handle her." Her mother taught Sophie the principle, "He who loves his child chastises him." Sophie's mother struck her to "drive her out of the demons." "I moved out at the age of 16." Two years later, Sophie left the religious community. "I waited until I came of age so I would not have to seek the consent of my mother. It's actually about 14. Legal issues like the apartment, so I'm no longer tied to my mother. "

    Since she lived for over two years near Leipzig. There she completed a training and enjoyed the peace in her own apartment. She completely broke off contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. Also to her mother, who is now married again.

    But although Sophie could have actually enjoyed her newfound freedom, the rules that had been heralded for years were still in her mind. "I always felt guilty. Everything that was forbidden, I found attractive. I used to smoke now and then, just in protest. But the first time I was always afraid that someone sees me, so I hid in the woods, if I have infected a cigarette. I was totally paranoid and suffered from paranoia. It took at least a year after leaving, until I could do anything I want without having a guilty conscience. "

    Sophie Jones now celebrates her birthday every year with a friend under the palms. Forced driving the 23-year-old on her honorary day on vacation. "Who should I celebrate a party with? My family is missing. I'm not so happy on the day. Just as at Christmas. I have never had a tree at home and the customs are unclear to me. The Jehovah's Witnesses have taken away my family. "

    But Sophie has a mission: "When I got out, I felt world-strange. I work my way through my articles and videos. I do not want anyone to build their life the way I did. Helping others helps me to complete what has happened. People should learn from my mistakes and understand that the people who ring the doorbell are not so harmless.

    Society should not just tolerate Jehovah's Witnesses like that. The people in the communities have not received theological training. These are construction workers, dentists - nobody cares what they have learned. And these people are trying to judge the lives of others! "

    Sophie Jones helps with the association JW Opfer Hilfe and talks about her experiences in YouTube videos. She does not want revenge for what has happened. "The Jehovah's Witnesses always say 'God fixes that'," she smiles.

    End of Part III

    About TAG 24

    TAG24 is a regional German news portal that operates its own editorial offices and local channels in eleven cities. The publisher is TAG24 NEWS Deutschland GmbH, which has its headquarters in Dresden .


  8. EDIT: I did not create or file any of these complaints. They originate with different groups out there wanting Watchtower to change it's rules.

  9. Only an increase of 2,583 (0.2%) peak publishers in the US from 2017 to 2018 (1,234,877 in 2018 compared to 1,232,293 in 2017).

    Considering the global average population growth considering births and deaths is 1.06% (over 5 times that of watchtowers growth rate), this confirms what we all know - people are leaving the organization in droves.

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