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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. However, for the defense, there was a question of Jim Melgar’s blood. Sandy Melgar's attorneys argued that her hands were clean and that there was no sign anyone had cleaned up in the house. There were also no injuries on her hands and none of her nails was even chipped or broken.

    Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 6.17.25 PM.png

  2. Wow! This in just 40 years.

    Meanwhile America has been talking about someday somewhere we should think about building one high speed rail line.

    Oh... and that hasn't happened.

    One state recently tried to speed up an existing rail line recently and it derailed on the first day.


  3. Pretty soon it’ll be:

    “Faithful Christian parents of selfless Bethelite volunteers cheerfully provide their devoted children physical food for the nourishment of their bodies, while Jehovah graciously sustains them spiritually. A faithful brother in Norway cheerfully notes, “ It’s a privilege to send food to my adult children who are working hard for Jehovah and the brotherhood around the world alongside so many of Jehovah’s young faithful ones. Its a blessing from Jehovah to be able to aleve the Society of this burden.”

  4. 2m3jsa8389121.png

    Le Journal de Quebec (Canada), mardi, 27 novembre 2018 - page 13

    La mort d’une témoin de Jéhovah a ébranlé la population

    PICTURE: La jeune Éloïse Dupuis est décédée le 12 octobre 2016, après avoir refusé une transfusion sanguine, comme le prônent les témoins de Jéhovah.

    Un groupe de ministres sera chargé d’étudier le dossier des dérives sectaires après une rencontre privée entre la tante d’éloïse Dupuis et la ministre de la Justice Sonia Lebel.

    Manon Boyer a rencontré Mme Lebel à ses bureaux de Montréal lundi, après avoir interpellé le gouvernement Legault dans les pages du Journal. Sa nièce, Éloïse Dupuis — une jeune témoin de Jéhovah de 27 ans — est décédée en octobre 2016 après avoir refusé une transfusion sanguine à la suite de son accouchement par césarienne.

    La rencontre, qualifiée de positive par Mme Boyer, a duré plus d’une heure. « Mme Lebel était intéressée, elle a écouté, elle a posé des questions », résume Manon Boyer.

    Celle-ci milite depuis deux ans pour mettre un terme aux dérives sectaires. Mme Boyer réclame une enquête, sous forme de commission parlementaire ou autre, afin d’étudier le phénomène et de déterminer les mesures législatives à mettre en place.

    Manon Boyer souhaite notamment que Québec mette fin au refus de transfusions sanguines. « Je veux délier les mains des médecins », dit-elle.


    Au cabinet de Sonia Lebel, on assure que la ministre fera un suivi de la rencontre, sans préciser les prochaines étapes.

    « Il y a certainement une volonté politique de se pencher sur la question, mais je ne peux pas m’avancer sur les moyens qui seront mis en place », résume l’attachée de presse de la ministre Lebel, Nicky Cayer.

    Mme Lebel travaillera de concert avec la ministre de la Santé, Danielle Mccann, et le responsable du dossier de la laïcité, Simon Jolin-barrette. « C’est une question délicate qui a des implications dans plusieurs portfolios », souligne Nicky Cayer.



  5. 2m3jsa8389121.png

    An article in the PRINT edition of Le Journal de Quebec, a major French-language daily newspaper distributed in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Le Journal de Quebec has a distribution of 228,000-copies each midweek day.

    I understand that an abbreviated version of this article (with no picture) also appeared in the PRINT edition of Le Journal de Montreal on the same day.

    Quebec will study the sectarian excesses

    Le Journal de Quebec (Canada), Tuesday, November 27 2018 - page 13 (via Google Translate)

    The death of a Jehovah's Witness has shaken the population

    PICTURE: The young Eloise Dupuis died on October 12, 2016, after refusing a blood transfusion, as advocated by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    A group of ministers will be responsible for studying the sectarian excesses after a private meeting between Eloise Dupuis' aunt and Justice Minister Sonia Lebel.

    Manon Boyer met with Ms. Lebel at her Montreal offices on Monday, after questioning the Legault government in the Journal's pages. Her niece, Eloise Dupuis - a 27-year-old Jehovah's Witness - died in October 2016 after refusing a blood transfusion following her cesarean delivery.

    The meeting, described as positive by Mrs. Boyer, lasted more than one hour. "Mrs. Lebel was interested, she listened, she asked questions," sums up Manon Boyer.

    It has been fighting for two years to put an end to the sectarian excesses. Ms. Boyer is calling for an inquiry, in the form of a parliamentary commission or otherwise, to study the phenomenon and determine the legislative measures to put in place.

    Manon Boyer wants Quebec to put an end to the refusal of blood transfusions. "I want to untie the hands of doctors," she says.


    In Sonia Lebel's office, it is ensured that the minister will follow up on the meeting, without specifying the next steps.

    "There is certainly a political will to look into the matter, but I can not say anything about the means that will be put in place," said Minister Lebel's press secretary, Nicky Cayer.

    Ms. Lebel will work with the Minister of Health, Danielle Mccann, and the head of secularism, Simon Jolin-Barrette. "It's a tricky question that has implications for many portfolios," says Nicky Cayer.

  6. Genesis 7:21 (NIV)

    21 Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind.


    Jonah 4:11 (NIV)

    11 And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”

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