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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Los Testigos de Jehová tienen una gran selección de discursos públicos que los ancianos y los servidores ministeriales pueden elegir. Estos esquemas de charlas públicas se usan para dar un sermón en sus reuniones de fin de semana, que se celebran en salas de reino locales alrededor del mundo. Históricamente, las conversaciones públicas eran de 45 minutos. En los últimos tiempos, las conversaciones públicas se han reducido a 30 minutos. Aquí está la lista completa de los esquemas de la charla pública en inglés. Los testigos de Jehová proporcionan los esquemas de la charla pública. Nota: Los números entre paréntesis después del título del resumen de la charla son la fecha en que se publicó el esquema. Las fechas se formatean como M / YY, MM / YY o YYYY. Discursos Públicos Núm. 1-S ¿Conoce usted bien a Dios¿ (09/15) Núm. 1-S ¿Conoce usted bien a Dios¿ (03/91) Núm. 2-S ¿Sobreviviremos a los últimos días¿ (09/15) Núm. 2-S ¿Será usted sobreviviente de los últimos días¿ (09/07) Núm. 3-S Avancemos con la organización unida de Jehová (09/15) Núm. 3-S Sirvamos con la organización unificada de Jehová (09/07) Núm. 4-S El mundo que nos rodea prueba que Dios existe (09/15) Núm. 4-S El mundo que nos rodea prueba que Dios existe (03/91) Núm. 5-S Ayuda práctica para las familias (09/15) Núm. 5-S Un afectuoso ambiente familiar (01/05) Núm. 6-S ¿Qué aprendemos del diluvio de los días de Noé¿ (09/15) Núm. 6-S El diluvio del día de Noé tiene significado para nosotros (07/91) Núm. 7-S Imitemos al ”Padre de tiernas misericordias” (12/15) Núm. 7-S La misericordia, cualidad dominante de los cristianos verdaderos (03/91) Núm. 8-S Vivamos para hacer la voluntad de Dios, no la nuestra (09/15) Núm. 8-S No viva para su yo, sino para hacer la voluntad de Dios (09/07) Núm. 9-S Escuchemos y pongamos en práctica la palabra de Dios (12/16) Núm. 9-S Nunca permitamos que se nos embote el oído (05/08) Núm. 10-S Seamos honrados en todo (12/16) Núm. 10-S Conduciéndonos honradamente en todo tiempo (05/91) Núm. 11-S Imitemos a Jesús, y no seamos parte del mundo (12/16) Núm. 11-S ‘No ser parte del mundo’… a semejanza de Cristo (09/98) Núm. 12-S A Dios le importa cómo vemos la autoridad (12/16) Núm. 12-S El respeto a la autoridad nos protege (05/91) Núm. 13-S ¿Cómo ve Dios el sexo y el matrimonio¿ (12/16) Núm. 13-S Viendo el sexo y el matrimonio como los ve Dios (05/91) Núm. 14-S Un pueblo limpio da gloria a Jehová (12/16) Núm. 14-S Un pueblo limpio honra a Jehová (12/07) Núm. 15-S “Obremos lo que es bueno para con todos” (12/16) Núm. 15-S Como cristianos, nos interesamos por los demás (05/91) Núm. 16-S Fortalezcamos nuestra amistad con Dios (12-2016) Núm. 16-S Siga estrechando su relación con Dios (05-1991) Núm. 17-S Que todo cuanto tengamos glorifique a Dios (07-1991) Núm. 18-S ¿Realmente hace usted de Jehová su plaza fuerte¿ (06-1993) Núm. 19-S Su futuro… ¿cómo puede saberse¿ (05-2001) Núm. 20-S ¿Es tiempo de que Dios gobierne el mundo¿ (02-2002) Núm. 21-S ¿Cómo puede usted colaborar con el Reino de Dios¿ (08-1999) Núm. 22-S ¿Está usted contento con las provisiones de Jehová¿ (08-1991) Núm. 23-S La vida sí tiene propósito (07-1991) Núm. 24-S Lo que puede hacer por nosotros la gobernación de Dios (02-2002) Núm. 25-S Resistamos el espíritu del mundo (09-2007) Núm. 26-S ¿Lo considera Dios a usted personalmente importante¿ (07-1992) Núm. 27-S Cómo iniciar bien el matrimonio (09-1998) Núm. 28-S Muestre respeto y amor en su matrimonio (09-1998) Núm. 29-S Responsabilidades y galardones de los padres (09-1998) Núm. 30-S La comunicación en la familia y con Dios (09-1998) Núm. 31-S ¿Cómo se puede ser feliz a pesar de tener hambre¿ (07-1992) Núm. 32-S Cómo enfrentarse a las inquietudes de la vida (07-1992) Núm. 33-S ¿Qué hay tras el espíritu de rebelión¿ (06-1992) Núm. 34-S ¿Está usted ‘marcado’ para sobrevivir¿ (06-1992) Núm. 35-S ¿Puede usted vivir para siempre¿ ¿Lo logrará¿ (06-1992) Núm. 36-S ¿Es esta vida todo cuanto hay¿ (06-1992) Núm. 37-S Decida ahora a favor de la gobernación divina (06-1992) Núm. 38-S Obren prudentemente a medida que se acerca el fin (06-1992) Núm. 39-S ¡Seguros de la victoria divina! (01-1996) Núm. 40-S Lo que encierra el futuro cercano (01-1996) Núm. 41-S Esténse quietos y vean la salvación de Jehová (07-1992) Núm. 42-S Cómo le afecta a usted el Reino de Dios (01-1996) Núm. 43-S ¿Cumple usted con los requisitos de Dios¿ (09-2007) Núm. 44-S Siga buscando el Reino de Dios (09-2007) Núm. 45-S Siga el camino a la vida (07-1992) Núm. 46-S Mantenga firme su confianza hasta el fin (07-1992) Núm. 47-S Tenga fe en las buenas nuevas (09-1995) Núm. 48-S La prueba de mantener lealtad cristiana (01-2000) Núm. 49-S Una Tierra limpia ¿vivirá usted para verla¿ (09-2007) Núm. 50-S ¿Cómo tomará usted sus decisiones¿ (12-1993) Núm. 51-S ¿Está transformando la verdad su vida¿ (06-1995) Núm. 52-S ¿Quién es su Dios¿ (12-1993) Núm. 53-S ¿Concuerda su forma de pensar con la de Dios¿ (12-1993) Núm. 54-S Edifique su fe en el Hacedor del hombre (12-1993) Núm. 55-S ¿Qué clase de nombre se está haciendo con Dios¿ (12-1993) Núm. 56-S Hacia el nuevo mundo bajo el acaudillamiento de Cristo (01-1996) Núm. 57-S Aguantemos la persecución (01-1996) Núm. 58-S ¿Cómo debemos servir a Dios¿ (01-1996) Núm. 59-S Se siega lo que se siembra (12-1993) Núm. 60-S ¿Qué propósito tiene su vida¿ (02-1997) Núm. 61-S ¿En las promesas de quién confía usted¿ (12-1993) Núm. 62-S El único remedio para la humanidad enferma (12-1993) Núm. 63-S ¿Tiene usted espíritu evangelizador¿ (12-1993) Núm. 64-S ¿Amadores del placer, o amadores de Dios¿ (12-1993) Núm. 65-S ¿Cómo podemos ser pacíficos en un mundo violento¿ (07-2016) Núm. 65-S Cómo hallar honra y gozo en el ministerio de Dios (12-1993) Núm. 66-S Trabaje como esclavo para el amo de la siega (09-2007) Núm. 67-S Dedique tiempo a meditar en asuntos espirituales (09-2007) Núm. 68-S ¿Guarda usted rencor o perdona¿ (12-1993) Núm. 69-S Renovemos el espíritu de abnegación (12-1993) Núm. 70-S Cifre su confianza en Jehová (12-1993) Núm. 71-S Cómo mantenerse despierto espiritualmente (09-2007) Núm. 72-S El amor identifica a la congregación cristiana verdadera (12-1993) Núm. 73-S Adquiera un corazón de sabiduría (09-1994) Núm. 74-S Los ojos de Jehová están sobre nosotros (09-1994) Núm. 75-S ¿Reconoce usted la soberanía de Jehová en su vida personal¿ (09-2007) Núm. 76-S ¿Pueden los principios bíblicos ayudarnos a afrontar los problemas de nuestro tiempo¿ (08-2010) Núm. 77-S Siga la senda de la hospitalidad (09-1994) Núm. 78-S Sirva a Jehová con corazón gozoso (01-1996) Núm. 79-S La amistad con Dios o la amistad con el mundo ¿cuál escogerá usted¿ (01-1996) Núm. 80-S ¿Cifra usted su esperanza en la ciencia, o en la Biblia¿ (09-1994) Núm. 81-S ¿Quiénes llenan los requisitos para ser ministros de Dios¿ (01-1995) Núm. 82-S Jehová y Cristo ¿son ellos parte de una trinidad¿ (05-1995) Núm. 83-S El tiempo de juicio para la religión (11-1995) Núm. 84-S ¿Escapará usted de lo que le espera a este mundo¿ (11-2003) Núm. 85-S Buenas nuevas en un mundo violento (09-2001) Núm. 86-S Las oraciones que Dios escucha (01-1995) Núm. 87-S ¿Qué relación tiene usted con Dios¿ (01-1995) Núm. 88-S ¿Por qué regir su vida por las normas bíblicas¿ (01-1995) Núm. 89-S ¡Venga, el que tenga sed de la verdad! (01-1995) Núm. 90-S ¡Esfuércese por lo que realmente es vida! (03-2003) Núm. 91-S La presencia y la gobernación del Mesías (11-1995) Núm. 92-S El papel de la religión en los asuntos del mundo (11-1995) Núm. 93-S ¿Es Dios el causante de los desastres naturales¿ (11-1992) Núm. 94-S La religión verdadera satisface las necesidades de la sociedad humana (12-1993) Núm. 95-S La Biblia ante las prácticas espiritistas (07-1994) Núm. 96-S El fin de la religión falsa está cerca (01-1996) Núm. 97-S Permanezcamos sin culpa en medio de una generación torcida (01-1996) Núm. 98-S No dejemos que este mundo nos contamine (09-2007) Núm. 99-S Por qué se puede confiar en la Biblia (09-1997) Núm. 100-S La amistad verdadera con Dios y con el prójimo (11-1998) Núm. 101-S Jehová, el Magnífico Creador (05-1995) Núm. 102-S Prestemos atención a la Palabra profética (05-1995) Núm. 103-S Usted puede experimentar gozo al servir a Dios (02-1999) Núm. 104-S Padres, ¿están edificando con materiales incombustibles¿ (01-2005) Núm. 105-S Cómo obtener consuelo en toda tribulación (05-1995) Núm. 106-S Dios dará su merecido a los que arruinan la Tierra (05-1995) Núm. 107-S Mantengamos una buena conciencia en un mundo pecador (05-1995) Núm. 108-S Superemos el temor al futuro (05-1995) Núm. 109-S El Reino de Dios está cerca (01-1996) Núm. 110-S La familia feliz es la que pone a Dios en primer lugar (01-1995) Núm. 111-S ¿Qué logra la curación de las naciones¿ (01-1995) Núm. 112-S Cómo mostrar amor en un mundo desaforado (01-1995) Núm. 113-S ¿Cómo pueden los jóvenes hacer frente a la crisis actual¿ (01-1996) Núm. 114-S Aprecie las maravillas de la creación de Dios (01-1995) Núm. 115-S Cómo protegernos de las trampas de Satanás (04-1995) Núm. 116-S Sea sabio al elegir sus compañías (09-2007) Núm. 117-S Cómo vencer el mal con el bien (11-2006) Núm. 118-S Veamos a los jóvenes como los ve Jehová (08-1998) Núm. 119-S Por qué es provechoso que los cristianos se mantengan separados del mundo (05-1997) Núm. 120-S Razones para someterse hoy al gobierno de Dios (06-1997) Núm. 121-S Una hermandad mundial rescatada de la calamidad (06-1997) Núm. 122-S ¿De qué fuente vendrá la paz mundial¿ (07-1997) Núm. 123-S Por qué deben ser diferentes los cristianos (06-1997) Núm. 124-S Razones para confiar en el origen divino de la Biblia (05-1997) Núm. 125-S Por qué necesita la humanidad un rescate (10-1999) Núm. 126-S ¿Quién puede ser salvo¿ (11-2000) Núm. 127-S ¿Qué nos sucede cuando morimos¿ (08-2000) Núm. 128-S ¿Es el infierno realmente un lugar de tormento¿ (11-2000) Núm. 129-S ¿Es la Trinidad una enseñanza bíblica¿ (10-2000) Núm. 130-S La Tierra existirá para siempre (08-2000) Núm. 131-S ¿De verdad existe el Diablo¿ (03-2002) Núm. 132-S La resurrección – una victoria sobre la muerte (08-2000) Núm. 133-S ¿Importa lo que creemos sobre el origen de los seres humanos¿ (08-2000) Núm. 134-S ¿Deben guardar los cristianos un día de descanso¿ (08-2000) Núm. 135-S La santidad de la vida y la sangre (09-2000) Núm. 136-S ¿Aprueba Dios las imágenes en la adoración¿ (01-2001) Núm. 137-S ¿De verdad tuvieron lugar los milagros de la Biblia¿ (11-2000) Núm. 138-S Vivamos con buen juicio en un mundo perverso (11-2000) Núm. 139-S Sabiduría piadosa en un mundo de orientación científica (11-2000) Núm. 140-S Jesucristo – el nuevo gobernante de la Tierra (11-2000) Núm. 141-S ¿Cuándo dejará de gemir la creación humana (11-2000) Núm. 142-S Por qué refugiarse en Jehová (11-2000) Núm. 143-S Confiemos en el Dios de todo consuelo (11-2000) Núm. 144-S Una congregación leal bajo la dirección de Cristo (11-2000) Núm. 145-S ¿Quién es como Jehová nuestro Dios¿ (11-2000) Núm. 146-S Utilice la educación para alabar a Jehová (11-2000) Núm. 147-S Confíe en el poder salvador de Jehová (11-2000) Núm. 148-S ¿Ve usted la vida como la ve Dios¿ (11-2000) Núm. 149-S ¿Anda usted con Dios¿ (11-2000) Núm. 150-S ¿Hasta qué grado es Dios real para usted¿ (01-2001) Núm. 151-S Jehová es ‘una altura segura’ para su pueblo (11-2000) Núm. 152-S ¿Cuándo y por qué vendrá el verdadero Armagedón¿ (10-2001) Núm. 153-S Tengamos muy presente el día ‘inspirador de temor’ (06-2011) Núm. 154-S El gobierno del hombre, pesado en la balanza (03-2002) Núm. 155-S ¿Ha llegado la hora del juicio de Babilonia¿ (12-2002) Núm. 156-S ¿Es el día del juicio un tiempo de temor, o de esperanza¿ (06-2003) Núm. 157-S Cómo adornan los cristianos la enseñanza divina (05-2003) Núm. 158-S Seamos valerosos y confiemos en Jehová (11-2003) Núm. 159-S Cómo encontrar seguridad en un mundo peligroso (10-2003) Núm. 160-S Protejamos nuestra identidad cristiana (11-2011) Núm. 161-S ¿Por qué sufrió y murió Jesús¿ (12-2004) Núm. 162-S Liberados de un mundo de oscuridad (12-2004) Núm. 163-S ¿Por qué temer al Dios verdadero¿ (06-2005) Núm. 164-S ¿Sigue Dios ejerciendo la soberanía sobre la Tierra¿ (11-2005) Núm. 165-S ¿A qué valores concedemos más importancia¿ (11-2005) Núm. 166-S Afrontemos el futuro con fe y valor (05-2006) Núm. 167-S Actuemos con sabiduría en este mundo insensato (12-2006) Núm. 168-S Cómo sentirse seguro en este mundo turbulento (11-2006) Núm. 169-S ¿Por qué debemos guiarnos por la Biblia¿ (11-2007) Núm. 170-S ¿Quién es el único que puede gobernar bien a la humanidad¿ (12-2007) Núm. 171-S Usted puede disfrutar de la vida en paz ahora y para siempre (01-2008) Núm. 172-S ¿Qué posición tenemos ante Dios¿ (05-2008) Núm. 173-S ¿Le importa a Dios qué religión tengamos¿ (09-2008) Núm. 174-S ¿Quién será digno de entrar en el nuevo mundo de Dios¿ (11-2008) Núm. 175-S ¿Qué pruebas demuestran la autenticidad de la Bilbia¿ (08-2009) Núm. 176-S ¿Cuándo tendremos verdadera paz y seguridad¿ (09-2009) Núm. 177-S ¿A quién podemos acudir en tiempos de angustia¿ (01-2010) Núm. 178-S Andemos en el camino de la integridad (06-2010) Núm. 179-S Rechace las fantasías mundanales; busque las realidades del reino (11-2010) Núm. 180-S ¿Por qué debe ser real para nosotros la esperanza de la resurrección¿ (05-2011) Núm. 181-S ¿Faltará menos de lo que usted cree¿ (06-2011) Núm. 182-S ¿Qué está haciendo por nosotros el Reino de Dios¿ (09-2011) Núm. 183-S Alejemos la mirada de lo que es inútil (08-2012) Núm. 184-S ¿Es la muerte el final de todo¿ (07-2012) Núm. 185-S ¿Influye la verdad en su vida¿ (11-2012) Núm. 186-S Unidos al feliz pueblo de Dios (03-2013) Núm. 187-S ¿Cómo es posible que un Dios de amor permita la maldad¿ (07-2013) Núm. 188-S ¿Ha depositado su confianza en Jehová¿ (10-2013) Núm. 189-S Andar con Dios nos beneficia ahora y para siempre (04-2014) Núm. 190-S Una familia unida y feliz para siempre (07-2014) Núm. 191-S Cómo vencen al mundo la fe y el amor (04-2015) Núm. 192-S ¿Anda usted por el camino que lleva a la vida eterna¿ (08-2015) Núm. 193-S Pronto se nos librará de la angustia mundial (11-2015) Núm. 194-S Cómo nos beneficia la sabiduría divina (05-2016) S-99-S Títulos de los Discursos Públicos (7/12) S-99a-S Títulos de los Discursos Públicos Ordenados por Temas (1/16) S-99a-S Títulos de los Discursos Públicos Ordenados por Temas (7/12) S-141-S Puntos que los Oradores Públicos Deben Recordar Los discursos públicos conmemorativos S-31-S Demostremos Gratitud por lo que Cristo ha hecho por Nosotros (2/17) S-31-S Demostremos Gratitud por lo que Cristo ha hecho por Nosotros (12/15) S-31-S Demostremos Gratitud por lo que Cristo ha hecho por Nosotros (3/15) S-31-S Demostremos Gratitud por lo que Cristo ha hecho por Nosotros (2/13) Los Discursos de funeral S-32-S Discurso de Funeral (2/16) S-32-S Discurso de Funeral (2/11) Discursos matrimoniales S-41-S Un Matrimonio Honorable a la Vista de Dios (9/07) (11/2015) S-41-S Un Matrimonio Honorable a la Vista de Dios (9/07) Discursos de la Asamblea de Circuitos CA-brtk17-S Cuidemos nuestro amor por Jehová (2016-2017) CA-cotk17-S Fortalezcamos nuestra fe en Jehová (2016-2017) Discursos Públicos de la Asamblea Regional CO-tk17-S ¡No Se Rinda! (2017) CO-tk16-S Seamo Leales A Jehová (2016) Reunión de los ancianos con los Precursores Regulares, los Precursores Especiales y los Misioneros que Sirven en el Campo S-211-17-S Sean hábiles “pescadores de hombres” (10/16) S-211-16-S Lecciones de la parábola del sembrador (11/15) S-211-15-S Aviven cual fuego el don de Dios (12/14) S-211-14-S Acuérdense de los que llevan la delantera entre ustedes [e] imiten su fe (11/13) S-211-13-S Guarda lo que ha sido depositado a tu cuidado (10/12)
  2. Christopher Columbus might well be pissed to be considered the first American, as he never wanted to discover it. He literally stumbled upon the New (to him) World when he was searching for a better trade route to India. The problem was the Americas were in his way. Initially he believed he was in India, and when he figured out he wasn’t spent years searching for a way through the continent to get there. There were Native civilizations with fabulous wealth, but he did not live long enough to find them and died a disappointed man. At least on his first voyage, he claimed to like the Native (he thought Indian) people he met, and thought they could become good Christians. (This was probably the highest compliment he could pay them.) This didn’t stop him from kidnapping some to show to the King and Queen of Spain who bankrolled the voyage; business was business. Columbus reports on his first voyage, 1493 As for the genocide of Native people, that has not ended. It is happening now in the Amazon jungle. The area is so vast and unexplored there are tribes who until recently have never had contact with the outside world. They are still being discovered. It’s a mix of the usual: they are dying from diseases they have no exposure to and being driven off their land and murdered by people who want to mine and farm there. They are also dying of sadness. ‘We Indians are like plants. How can we live without our soil, without our land?’ (Marta Guarani) Brazilian Indians Brazil tribe plagued by one of the highest suicide rates in the world
  3. Next time we celebrate Columbus Day please remember these two facts about Christopher Columbus: Columbus rewarded his men with rape victims. His accounts said the men preferred little girls of ten years old because “they are tighter.” His army also practiced the tactic of raping in front of family members, eg raping a daughter in front of the father, wife in front of a husband, etc. to traumatize the entire family. He also fed his attack dogs with Native body parts. Sometimes they tossed wounded Natives to the dogs to watch them be torn apart. Sometimes they tossed living children. Did I miss something?
  4. I see Black Friday witnessing is now a thing... and more appropriate for true Christians who aren't out showing materialistic greed.
  5. that last part... [paraphrasing] “you suck, we love you... did i mention you suck?”
  6. "this pitiful existence" This right here is one of the things that I hate most about what witnesses teach. They teach that anything except being a witness now is pitiful and worth nothing. Everything that humanity has learnt, worked for and built is pitiful and nothing. Man I'd love to see them go live in the wild and see how long they last.
  7. “Spiritual” Dad was recently reinstated and I already feel the (conditional) love
  8. Another view on the 'thanksgiving' threads being posted here today.... Unthanksgiving Day The National Day of Mourning A Thanksgiving bonfire at dawn: celebrating Native American resistance on Alcatraz
  9. *Loophole 1* - A woman has a miscarriage, or in many cases, various miscarriages. How will those unborn babies be resurrected? And before you say that their god will bless her with those children like he did with his main man, Job, let's assume she is bird food at Armageddon. How will all those babies that died during a miscarriage (or, even an abortion) get resurrected? *Loophole 2* - A 15-year-old girl became a JW martyr and died while giving birth to a girl due to not accepting blood. The girl lives for 40 years and then Armageddon comes. New System (lol...funny name) is in full force and the 15-year-old girl pops out of the ground (resurrected). She will be greeted by her daughter who is more than twice her age? *Loophole 3* - A 10-year-old boy from an Amazonian Indian tribe dies one day before the Big A (lucky). His whole tribe and everyone he knows are slaughtered during Armageddon. Who will greet him when he is resurrected? If the JW interpretation of the Bible were real (for the record, I don't follow any religion), I would imagine that their will be a ton of orphans, scared with no one familiar to hug them or care for them. What a sad prospect.... ...on the other hand, at least they will be able to hug a panda. via BrianFofinho
  10. Or try this: Colossians 2:16 says, "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by food, drink, a religious festival, New Moon celebration or Sabbath day." THANKSGIVING: Began as the annual autumn harvest in Hebrew called "Festival of Booths" or "Festival of Ingathering" (of crops with thanks to Him) (Lev 23:33, Deu 16:13) now celebrated in numerous nations on many continents.
  11. Since I've seen some JW's take exception with the world "Allowed"... I would ask all you JW's if the elders would become involved if they did decide to celebrate a holiday and would they be punished? If the answer is yes... then... the word "ALLOWED" is appropriate.
  12. В ходе операции ФСБ против Свидетелей Иеговы был сбит с ног 78-летний верующий. В 2-минутном интервью он рассказывает о событиях прошлого, из-за которых он признан жертвой политических репрессий.
  13. Read for yourself how Rutherford "spiritualizes" his opinion to keep the booze flowing in the USA. This is the original text from: The Watchtower November 1, 1924 Prohibition By Judge Rutherford Since the time of Abel there have been some good men who desire to eliminate evil from the earth. Various ods have been employed to this end and all without success. The Jews tried the method of keeping the Law, and were not able to keep either the spirit or the letter thereof. Some have tried to make themselves righteous, but have learned that such is impossible. Others have been trying to eliminate evil by legislation. This od also has failed. God is not limited in power. He could destroy evil at any time. He has permitted it for some good reason. The fact that he has permitted it and has not destroyed it is a sufficient reason for Christians not to attempt to run ahead of the Lord in its elimination. One of the reasons, which seems apparent, is to give all intelligent creatures a full opportunity to acknowledge, accept, and serve Jehovah as God or to follow the way of the devil; in other words to give an opportunity to prove man's loyalty to his Creator. God has permitted man to have experience with evil, that he might learn lasting lessons; and when the time comes for God to establish righteousness in the earth, those who learn the lessons as he has arranged them will become righteous. The great Creator has made man a free moral agent, placed good and evil before him, and given him the choice of selecting one and rejecting the other. The real issue before man is God or the devil. God has a well-defined plan concerning man, which plan will successfully eliminate all evil from the earth. Every part of the divine plan Satan, the mimic god, has tried to copy. The devil1s counterfeit plan has been for the purpose of deceiving mankind, making God appear a liar, and his Word untrustworthy. Up to this time Satan has succeeded well in blinding the people. We have now come to a crisis in the affairs of man. Legally the devil1s dominion is at an end. The rightful King, the beloved Son of God, is here and has taken his sovereign power. Satan desires to hold the people in subjection to himself. Hence it must be expected that he will resort to every possible means of fraud and deceit to accomplish his end. Duty of the Christian is Plain What is the duty of each Christian under the circumstances? We answer: His duty is plain. Having entered into a covenant with God by sacrifice through the merit of Christ Jesus, and having been begotten to the divine nature, he has solemnly agreed to do the will of God. Any other course willingly taken would be disloyalty to God, and therefore a r epudiation of his covenant. There is no possible ground of compromise for the Christian. To be a Christian one must be on the Lord's side; and when he willingly ceases to be on the Lord's side, he ceases to be a Christian. Surely every true Christian will agree that these statements are sound and true. Recently the President of our Association, responding to a question concerning the Eighteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, which prohibits the manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquor within the United States and which is known as the prohibition law, said: "Prohibition is a scheme of the devil," referring of course to the law above mentioned. Some of the brethren have made strenuous protests against this statement. Because of the seeming misunderstanding we deem it proper for The Watch Tower to state the Scriptural view of the matter. In the outset it must be conceded by all fair-minded people the prohibition is either the result of God's will being done on earth or else a scheme of the devil. Let each one judge which it is in the light of the undisputed facts. A desire to eliminate intoxicating liquor and all other evils is a proper and laudable desire. All Christians should be in accord with that desire. But how to accomplish that end is a different thing. The devil has a way of appearing to accomplish it, and his way is that of fraud and deceit. God1s way of accomplishing that end if righteous and complete. In his own due time he will completely eliminate intoxicating liquors and all other evil influences. He has said to man: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." God's way is not popular with the majority of mankind at present. All true Christians are for God1s way. He who seeks the approval of the world and who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God. (Jas. 4:4) The Lord's friendship and his approval are the only things worth while. Intoxicating liquor is a great evil. The devil stands for all things evil. He is the very personification of wickedness. Then how could prohibition of intoxicating liquor be the devil1s scheme? St. Paul answers: "For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness." (2 Cor. 11:14,15) In the prohibition scheme he appears as an angel of light; his ministers likewise. Fraud and deceit are Satan's principal methods of operation. He is the god of this evil world, and has long deceived the nations and blinded their minds to the truth of God's plan. -- 1 Cor. 4: 4. Satan Beguiles Ruling Factors More than a century ago good men and women, seeing the evil of intoxicating liquor, started a movement to expel it from the earth. In America they organized the Prohibition Party. That party is now , and had nothing to do with the enactment of the Eighteenth Amendment. But even had that party succeeded in its plan, such would not have been God 1s way. Long ago Satan caused the union of church and state in Europe, and therefore the downfall of the clergy. He desired to accomplish the same thing in America. Union of church and state is repugnant to the fundamental American principles. To accomplish his end Satan knew that he must resort to fraud and deceit by putting forth something that had the appearance of good. The World War furnished the opportunity for him to act, and he did act. Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," and also taught them to wait for his second coming for the setting up of that kingdom and the establishment of righteousness. Satan induced the clergy to believe that they could set up God's kingdom on earth without waiting for the Lord, and that to accomplish this they must bring into the church men of wealth, influence and power. The clergy fell under this temptation, brought in the profiteers, politicians and other men of influence, and made them the chief ones in their congregations. The ruling factors have long been under the influence of Satan, whether they knew it or not. The chief ones amongst the rulers are those of commercial power. It is a well-known fact in America that this power has nominated the candidates for the leading parties for several years, and has elected the one they desired. Next, the commercial powers were induced to see that if liquor could be taken away from the laboring man the result would be beneficial to bankers, manufacturers and merchants. Big business, the real controlling power of the politicians of the land under the supermind of their guiding and invisible god (Satan), set about to unite the forces of the Democratic and Republican parties to accomplish their purpose. It was an easy matter to get the preachers to do the shouting and to make the noise, because they felt that now big business and big politicians were with them and that they could set up the Lord1s kingdom in earth. The World War furnished the opportunity, and an appeal was made to the people by the politicians and the preachers to patriotically support the movement for prohibition in order to win the war, and thus many were induced to support it. The appeal was made to the order-loving ones by the preachers that it was the will of God that prohibition should be enacted; and the people were again deceived, and acted accordingly. By the combined action of big business, big politicians, and big preachers they induced the Congress to take the necessary steps to amend the Constitution, and the state legislatures to ratify it. At the time, the New York "Tribune" editorially said: "This legislation seems to be propelled by some invisible force." It was indeed an invisible force, and that force was the devil. The result was a union of clergy with big business and big politicians in a combination to control the American people. Can any Christian, who believes God and his Word, for one moment think that the Lord God of righteousness used the Democratic and Republican parties, and the higher critics and evolutionists, and those who deny the of Christ Jesus, to enact the prohibition law; and that such was his will and plan? Does the God of righteousness need any s uch unholy alliance as this to accomplish his will on earth? Does any Christian believe that this is the plan of God? If not, then whose scheme is it? God's Word Gives Wholesome Advice It is well known that the ultra-rich, the politicians, and even many clergy are supplied with all the intoxicating liquor they can consume, while they are making the greatest noise for the enforcement of the prohibition law. As an illustration: One influential clergyman, who led the fight in his vicinity for prohibition, shortly after the enactme nt of the law had his house burglarized. The burglars found his cellar stocked with liquors, and indulged in same so freely that they broke up his furniture. The clergyman refused to prosecute the guilty ones because it would expose the fact that he, an advocate of prohibition, had stocked up well in advance, that he might to need to deny himself things that he was willing to take away from his neighbors merely for show. It is also well known that many of the agencies employed to enforce the prohibition law have taken the illicit liquor away from the bootlegger and either used it themselves or sold it to others. Many of the prohibition law officers have connived with others to steal great quantities of liquor from warehouses, and have then wrongfully sold it to ot hers or divided it amongst those particularly favored by them. Can any Christian for a moment believe that prohibition, as we now see it, is the result of God's will done on earth? Intoxicating liquor is a great evil, and the saloons a curse to humanity. The good American people do not want either. They are also sick and disgusted with pious-faced frauds, who parade in the name of Christ, hypocritically claiming to representing God and righteousness, who join hands with the conscienceless politicians and profiteers to enact and enforce a law, and claim it to be the carrying out of God1s will. When Jesus was on earth he denounced above everything else fraud and hypocrisy. God1s Word admonishes Christians to abstain from every form of evil. Fraud and hypocrisy are amongst the greatest evils. Let the people adopt the Lord's way, accept Christ and his kingdom, and be submissive thereto; and their ways will be right. But so long as the people adopt Satan's fraudulent ods and ignore the Lord1s way they can not accomplish a lasting good. All Christians should refuse to stultify themselves by joining hands with any scheme that has the appearance of good when in truth and in fact it is honeycombed with fraud and deceit, and denies the Lord and his ods of accomplishing the blessing of mankind. No Christian advocates the use of intoxicating liquor. The question is not concerning the existence of the evil, but the % od" of elimination of that evil. Instead of running ahead of the Lord and joining hands with some scheme that is contrary to the Lord's way, the Christian should remember the scripture: "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for a n example of suffering affliction, and of patience." Reformation Impossible by Legislation The Lord Jesus is now present. His kingdom is at hand. Satan, in his desperation to deceive the people, has appeared as an angel of light and has put forth a thing, to wit, prohibition, which appears to be good but which in truth and in fact is a fraudulent scheme to turn the minds of the people away from Christ and his kingdom. God, in his own d ue time, will eliminate intoxicating liquor and all other evils from the earth; and when he does so, there will be no apostate preachers ("Ministers of Satan appearing as ministers of righteousness"), no politicians and no profiteers advocating prohibition that their own selfish ends may be accomplished. There will be no fraudulent a gencies claiming to enforce the law, and at the same time violating it. Shortly Satan will be aborn of his power. (Rev. 20:1-4) The eyes of the people will be opened to the truth. The Lord will rule them in righteousness. He will have no dishonest agencies representing him; but, as he says, 3when thy judgments [the Lord's] are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.² Experience shows that it is impossible to reform men of evil merely by legislation. This does not mean that men should not be reformed, but when the great Jehovah God has plainly told us in his Word how these reformations will be brought about, every Christian should adopt the Lord's way because it is right and every Christian should refrain from the devil1s way because it is wrong. -- 2 Cor. 6:15-18. The Christian would be more popular with the world to advocate the present scheme of prohibition. It is better to be right than to be popular. The Christian's allegiance must be to God and his kingdom. Remember the issue now is, The Lord1s kingdom against Satan's rule. If we are followers of the Lord, then let us hear and obey his Word: "Wait yet upon me, saith the Lord...For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent."(Zeph. 3:8,9.) The Lord could prohibit intoxicating liquors at any time, but it is not yet his due time. It follows, then, that the scheme put forth at this particular time in the light of the evidence is not God1s plan or scheme but that of the devil. In God's due time his kingdom will rule the nations and enforce righteousness. He will so reform the hearts of men that they will refrain from evil. For a Christian to be loyal to the Lord he must now stand for the Lord1s way, and not for any other. With the kindliest feeling toward all who desire the elimination of every form of evil from the earth, as Christians we must follow the Lord's way and wait upon him. The evidences are so conclusive at this time that his kingdom is at hand that there can be no doubt in the mind of one who is really informed on the Bible. Let each believer in t he Bible then ask himself: Has God brought about the present condition of prohibition? If not, then should I advocate it? Is God going to reform through Christ1s kingdom the world and eliminate evil and bring blessings to the people? If so, then I must be on the Lord's side. The Watch Tower has nothing to do with politics. Prohibition is not a political question. If the people of the world wish to make a prohibition law and enforce that law, well and good. That is not our affair. A Christian can not consistently participate therein. He must keep himself separate from the world. The sole question is, Who is on the Lord's side? If we are on the Lord's side, our way is clear: Be patient and wait upon him to fully establish his rule in the earth.
  14. Few Witnesses are aware that Rutherford had a reputation as a drinker. In his book “Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” retired professor Jim Penton remarks… Penton goes on to relate an open letter of complaint to Rutherford by Walter Salter, who had been one of his closest friends and confidants before breaking with him over doctrinal issues. In his letter, dated April 1, 1937, Salter complained of Rutherford’s excessive drinking, and of the fact that he bought large quantities of alcohol using Society funds. He bemoaned the fact that Rutherford “sends us out from door to door to face the enemy while he goes from ‘drink to drink’ and tells us if we don’t we are going to be destroyed.”
  15. Clinical Psychologist Discusses Jehovah's Witnesses “Fear tactics and the promotion of hate...” So much for the religion of love. It really is the religion of fear and hate, I’ve known this for years. Glad to see a psychotherapist state it!
  16. Here is a general related question the official website put out recently:
  17. They say if it's not a religious festival everyone must make up his mind according to their own conscience. Then they list a scripture that criticises every form of special day whether it celebrates a country, a person, a flag, the moon, whatever. Basically don't celebrate anything. Conscience! They're not allowed a conscience, just follow the GBs rules.
  18. Yes @JOHN BUTLER... please don't talk about it publicly here on the Internet. Only talk to local people who can keep this quiet so that God's Universal Name is not "besmirched".... Oh how I hate the Internet for allowing open communication! ------------------ On a serious note... I like @James Thomas Rook Jr.'s suggestion above....... Talking to the police and looking for "justice" I would reserve for something taken to the extreme.... I can't tell you how many crimes just get overlooked on a daily basis by prosecutors exercising thier "prosecutorial discretion".... Rapes and murders top the list of what I think the Police should spend thier time on. Reports of crazy teenagers misbehaving and acting creepily don't measure up ..... I'm glad this case ended up with nothing more than a scare. I knew one cop years ago that would beat the pulp out of teenage hooligans and that seemed to solve the problem. Maybe once you actually determine that he DID do it... you might consider making him wish he didn't? Ooooh.. vigilantiism.... That is a whole other subject now isn't it? But if you REALLY care .... don't think telling the Police about this will solve it... UNLESS they know of a string of other crimes he has comitted as well. Maybe then a prosecutor MIGHT act. How many murders were there in Chicago last weekend?
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