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The World News Media

Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. 1975 JWs Criticizing 2018 JWs- "A group of ten U.S. religions... have decided to try church collections by credit card." From Watchtower 1975 11/1 p. 651
  2. https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/1069-m-stephen-lett/?do=findComment&comment=112100
  3. Recently, a 16ish year old was announced as no-longer-an-unbaptized-publisher from the stage. It's completely icky to me that adults would shame a child publicly like this. It's straight-up child abuse. I've seen it done to a 13 year old too. These kids didn't even get baptized and they'll still be shunned as "bad association".
  4. The dehumanizing of non-believers begins at a young age in the organization. It’s not normal. Kids, nor anyone, should not be exposed to the rationalization of mass deaths of human beings just because they have different beliefs. This is no different than extremists who wage jihads, or crusaders who raped and pillaged the holy land. Religion needs to go.
  5. Squirt guns are bad, but it’s great to re-enact the genocide God commits in the Bible. It makes total sense.
  6. Appropriate child's play? This particular one was posted on a hugely popular Instagram channel with Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. Oh yay. Let's play "drowning people". Fun for the whole family..... Hey kids, let me show you how your gonna die a horrible death if you don't obey me and the Borg. That's some healthy parenting. Clap everyone? Nephilim at the bottom of the pool? What about pregnant mothers and infants at the bottom of the pool? What's a genocidal maniac gotta do to get noticed for his real evils around here?
  7. Being a runaway slave wasn't considered a good thing. And slavery was fine. Morals were a bit different back then. You should be proud to be a runaway slave.
  8. What should we call this type of witnessing / preaching?
  9. Western Mail (Wales, UK), Tuesday, November 6, 2018 - FRONT PAGE An elder member of a Jehovah’s Witness congregation subjected a girl to years of sexual abuse, a court has heard. Thomas Brian Jenkins, 74, appeared at Merthyr Crown Court on Monday charged with 20 counts of indecent assault against a girl in the 1970s. The alleged abuse began when the girl was 12 years old and continued until she was 14. Jenkins, of Landor Road, Redditch, Worcestershire, denies indecently assaulting the girl by touching her genitals on “dozens of occasions". Opening the case for the prosecution, Timothy Evans said the abuse began shortly after the girl moved to a village in Powys with her family, who were Jehovah’s Witnesses, and became involved with the local congregation. Mr Evans said Jenkins, an elder member of the congregation, would take the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, and her older brother out in a car to knock on people’s doors. “The defendant would get someone going out house to - turn to page 4 Jehovah's Witness denies 20 historic sex attack charges
  10. It’s comedian Bill Burrs satirical story of his life growing up.
  11. They are coming around to the idea that they should watch it just so that if anyone brings it up in field service they can prepare a response...
  12. Did you forgot when the Pharoah asked Moses why he should let the Jews leave? Moses just replied with "JW.org"
  13. No one is forcing anyone to stay in the religion, just like no one is forcing anyone to pay ransom in a kidnapping situation.
  14. She is perceived as a major threat by the Governing Body For men who claim to be directed by the one true God to lead his one true religion, you would think they would be fearless in professing their organization's practices and policies to the world. Talk to the website. ?
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