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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 1.21.47 PM.png

    BBC (UK), Wednesday, November 7, 2018

    A Jehovah's Witness elder has been jailed for five years for sexually assaulting a "terrified" schoolgirl.

    Brian Jenkins, who is now 75, groped the girl when she was aged between 12 and 14, while she was part of his congregation in Brecon, Powys.

    Jenkins, from Redditch, Worcestershire, was found guilty of six charges of indecent assault dating back to the 1970s at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court.

    Sentencing him, the judge said Jenkins had displayed "breathtaking arrogance".

    The court heard Jenkins was jailed for 21 months at Worcester Crown Court in 1991 for a series of similar sex offences.

    It took the jury just an hour to deliver unanimous guilty verdicts on each charge.

    Sentencing Jenkins, Judge Daniel Williams told him that even though more than 40 years had passed, his victim "lives with the consequences of your actions every day of her life".

    He was told he must register as a sex offender for life.


  2. 5qr42xycrlw11.jpg

    Appropriate child's play? This particular one was posted on a hugely popular Instagram channel with Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide.

    Oh yay. Let's play "drowning people". Fun for the whole family.....

    Hey kids, let me show you how your gonna die a horrible death if you don't obey me and the Borg.

    That's some healthy parenting.

    Clap everyone?

    Nephilim at the bottom of the pool? What about pregnant mothers and infants at the bottom of the pool? What's a genocidal maniac gotta do to get noticed for his real evils around here?


  3. ikg8m0xitow11.jpg

    Western Mail (Wales, UK), Tuesday, November 6, 2018 - FRONT PAGE

    An elder member of a Jehovah’s Witness congregation subjected a girl to years of sexual abuse, a court has heard.

    Thomas Brian Jenkins, 74, appeared at Merthyr Crown Court on Monday charged with 20 counts of indecent assault against a girl in the 1970s.

    The alleged abuse began when the girl was 12 years old and continued until she was 14.

    Jenkins, of Landor Road, Redditch, Worcestershire, denies indecently assaulting the girl by touching her genitals on “dozens of occasions".

    Opening the case for the prosecution, Timothy Evans said the abuse began shortly after the girl moved to a village in Powys with her family, who were Jehovah’s Witnesses, and became involved with the local congregation.

    Mr Evans said Jenkins, an elder member of the congregation, would take the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, and her older brother out in a car to knock on people’s doors.

    “The defendant would get someone going out house to - turn to page 4

    Jehovah's Witness denies 20 historic sex attack charges

    Western Mail (Wales, UK), Tuesday, November 6, 2018 - page 4

    from page 1 - house, as they describe it, trying to promote the religion,” said Mr Evans.

    Mr Evans said Jenkins would wait until the girl’s brother was outside of the car before turning around to her in the back seat. “He would then touch her,” he said.

    “He would chat her up. He would say how lovely she was. He would be jokey about it.”

    Mr Evans said some of the offending took place during organised trips to Brecon Swimming Pool.

    “Under the pretence of playing with them in the pool and trying to assist her to swim properly or to swim better, he would take hold of her and lift her up in the air,” Mr Evans said.

    “He was trying, briefly, to get his fingers inside her swimming costume.”

    A police interview with the alleged victim was played to the court.

    She described the pattern of abuse she said happened on weekend car trips to knock on people’s doors.

    She said: “In essence, what he would do, as soon as my brother was outside - I was in the back - he would turn around, he would try to force his hands up my skirt.

    “He would try and coerce and cajole me into allowing him to do it - trying to be jokey about it.”

    She added: “As a Jehovah’s Witness, you are not allowed to wear trousers, you have to wear skirts.”

    She said she would try to keep her legs tight together and that Jenkins would act “like it was a game” and pay her “compliments”.

    She said he would be “trying to get his fingers actually inside my pants - trying to lift the edge of my pants to get further inside”.

    Speaking about Brecon Swimming Pool, she said: “He would just be very touchy feely.

    “Always trying to grab my hips and bounce me around in the water.

    “It was kind of inappropriate at that age really. I wasn’t a toddler.”

    She added: “He would always try and get his hands inside my costume underneath the water.

    “It appeared to anybody else that he would just be swishing me around in the water but he would try to get his fingers inside my costume in the same area.”

    The trial continues.

    Read online version:

  4. The trio of 'signs' have all emerged in the past few months

    Three unusual happenings have sparked claims that Biblical prophecies about the end of the world and the coming of the Messiah may be coming true. 

    The first occurrence was the birth of the first 'red heifer in 2,000 years' in Israel - a creature that features in 'end of times' tales in both Christianity and Judaism.

    The news of the birth, which emerged in September, was followed by claims last month that fish and other forms of life are quickly filling up Dead Sea sinkholes. 

    Hebrew prophet EzekielÂ’s end-of-days prophecy foresees the sea - a hypersaline environment, with a reported 37 per cent salinity - flourishing into life.

    And a photojournalist with the Dead Sea Revival Project said that coming to the body of water, "the lowest point on earth, you see prophecy coming true".

    The first occurrence was the birth of the first 'red heifer in 2,000 years' in Israel
    The first occurrence was the birth of the first 'red heifer in 2,000 years' in Israel
    Fish have reportedly been spotted in Dead Sea sinkholes
    Fish have reportedly been spotted in Dead Sea sinkholes

    The third strange occurrence took place this week, when a snake was filmed slithering out of Israel's Western Wall, unexpectedly interrupting prayers.

    Footage showed the reptile scaring away a pigeon - with some Internet users deeming it a sign that a prophecy about the Messiah's coming will soon be fulfilled. 

    While countless 'end of the world' conspiracy theories have fallen flat over the decades, some claim that the beginning of the 'end' will actually begin in 2021. 

    The trio of 'signs' have all emerged in the past few months.

    Below are the happenings that have sparked prophecy fulfilment claims


    Click to play

    Snake emerges from Western Wall cracks fulfilling Bible prophecy and signaling 'end of days'

    Birth of 'first red heifer in 2000 years' 

    Two months ago, it emerged that a 'red heifer' had been born in Israel. 

    The Temple Institute announced the birth via YouTube, and said the calf and her mother would undergo "extensive examination" to determine if she's "blemish free".

    It said the red calf "brings the promise of reinstating Biblical purity to the world".

    Red heifers feature in "end of times" tales, with the birth and sacrifice of the red cow said to precede the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.

    In mainstream Orthodox Judaism, the rebuilding of the Temple will happen before the coming of the Jewish Messiah. The two previous temples have been destroyed.

    The Temple Institute announced the birth of the red calf via YouTube
    The Temple Institute announced the birth of the red calf via YouTube
    Rabbinical experts reportedly confirmed the calf is a “viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer”
    Rabbinical experts reportedly confirmed the calf is a “viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer”

    The Temple Institute and other organisations have been established with the goal of building the Third Temple on Mount Moriah or the Temple Mount.

    However, some theologians believe the construction of the Third Temple is linked to 'Judgement Day' or the 'end of times'.

    After “extensive examination" of the calf, rabbinical experts are said to have confirmed she is a “viable candidate for the Biblical red heifer”.

    Breaking Israel News reported a board of rabbis verified she fulfilled the requirements of the prophecy - which says the cow must be red "without blemish". 

    A board of rabbis verified the creature fulfilled the requirements of the prophecy
    A board of rabbis verified the creature fulfilled the requirements of the prophecy

    Fish spotted in the Dead Sea

    It is said that the Dead Sea's high salinity prevents fish from living in it. 

    However, marine life has reportedly been spotted in the sea's sinkholes. 

    Scientists are said to have been shocked to discover the sinkholes rapidly filling up with fish and other forms of life that never used to be sighted. 

    Israeli photojournalist Noam Bedein said the body of water is "anything but dead", telling Breaking Israel News that it is the “eighth wonder of the world.”

    Scientists are said to have been shocked to discover Dead Sea sinkholes rapidly filling up with fish and other forms of life
    Old Testament prophet Ezekiel foresaw the Dead Sea flourishing into life in his end of times prophecy
    Old Testament prophet Ezekiel foresaw the Dead Sea flourishing into life in his end of times prophecy

    He has reportedly seen fish in the sinkholes - and witnessed growing vegetation.

    Ezekiel, a priest and prophet who appears in the Old Testament, foresaw the Dead Sea flourishing into life in his end-of-times prophecy. 

    According to Ezekiel 47: 8-9, "there shall be a very great multitude of fish".

    And Mr Bedein said: "A place that was once cursed in Biblical times, now you can come here to the Dead Sea, explore the sinkholes and see fish where the water has receded – fulfilling prophecies from Ezekiel who talked about the land flourishing and blooming when the Jews return."


    Snake wriggles out of the Western Wall

    A snake was spotted crawling out of the stones of Israel's Western Wall on Wednesday night, causing some "panic" among worshippers.

    The Western Wall Heritage Foundation released video footage of the reptile emerging from one of Judaism's holiest sites, the Times of Israel reports. 

    During the incident, the snake reportedly scared away a pigeon - which some bloggers have claimed is a symbol that we are living in "dangerous times". 

    They say these times lead up to the coming of the Messiah.

    A snake was spotted crawling out of the stones of Israel's Western Wall on Wednesday night
    A snake was spotted crawling out of the stones of Israel's Western Wall on Wednesday night
    Video footage has emerged of the incident at one of Judaism's holiest sites

    Some Internet users have also drawn connections to the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, according to the Bible. 

    According to Ynet news site, the snake that slithered out of the wall's stones was likely trying to fatten itself up for the winter months.

    The incident came just months after a 220-pound boulder dislodged and fell from the Western Wall, nearly crushing a female worshipper below.


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