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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Victims of sexual abuse within Jehovah's Witnesses are still being thwarted by the denomination. That says lawyer Nico Meijering.

    He calls the abuse within the church "many times more dangerous for society and riskier than the average motorcycle club." The Reclaimed Voices Foundation is on Saturday afternoon at the door of the Jehova's Witnesses headquarters in Emmen. In 'a quiet and peaceful protest' against sexual abuse.

    Meijering, lawyer at Ficq & Partners Advocaten in Amsterdam, represents twelve victims of sexual abuse at Jehovah's Witnesses. Several victims want to inspect files that the denomination has about them.

    Child abuse within the Jehovah's is handled internally - if spoken about. Records of interrogations, with details and sometimes confessions, are retained.

    It's outrageous'

    Meijering appealed to the denomination several times - the Dutch head office is in Emmen - but comes to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses do nothing but 'train and ignore'. That what has been submitted to information so far can not be called files.

    "It is outrageous," says Meijering. ,, We are sent with a clump in the reeds. This shows that Jehova's Witnesses do not want to cooperate at all. We are considering what we can do. They train and ignore. These are extremely precarious matters. "

    More than three hundred abuse cases

    Meijering also supports and advises the Reclaimed Voices foundation, co-founded in 2017 by Frank Huiting from Groningen, a victim of sexual abuse within the Jehovas.His foundation calls on victims to tell their story and says to have knowledge of more than three hundred abuse cases.

    At the Public Prosecutor's Office in the Northern Netherlands, two individual criminal cases are involved, the Public Prosecutor reports. She expects to be able to provide more clarity about this in the 'not too long term'.

    In the rest of the country there are at least seven other studies, in different regions. The OM emphasized at the start of these investigations, in August, that there is no criminal investigation into the faith community as a whole.

    Lawyer Meijering is surprised about this. "It is clear from all sides that it is a community that is particularly unsafe for young children," says Meijering.

    "That's why I do not understand why the OM only acts on the basis of individual declarations. We see that motor clubs are being tackled - I find the sexual abuse within this religious community many times more dangerous for society and riskier than the average motorcycle club. ''

    Investigation in connection with the motion in the House of Representatives

    Following ar motion in Parliament, the Research and Documentation Center of the Ministry of Justice and Security will start such a broader investigation. That report is expected in mid-2019, says a spokesperson.

    In the United States, a jury declared itself at the end of September in a criminal case against the Jehovah's Witnesses. The abuse of a 21-year-old woman by a member of the church order had been concealed for many years by order of the national church council.

    The society must pay the woman $ 35 million.

    A judge must still assess the punishment and the American Jehova's will appeal. But the jury's verdict was a signal to the church.

    Send a signal

    The Dutch foundation Reclaimed Voices, co-founded by Frank Huiting from Groningen, today hopes to send out a signal in a different way. Through 'a quiet and peaceful protest'. With a podium for victims to speak out.

    Just in front of the door of the headquarters of the Dutch Jehovas, in Emmen.

    'Reclaimed votes' is the literal translation of the name of the foundation.

    ,, What is still necessary to prevent and deal with sexual abuse? That's what it's about '', says Huiting, himself a victim of abuse. ,, It's about child safety. And not only in Jehovah's Witnesses, but in all closed communities. We are not looking for financial satisfaction. We want to give victims a voice and want the Jehovah's to open themselves up to external advice. "

    The fact that the Jehovah's are closed is apparent, among other things, from the refusal to provide information about abuse cases that have been dealt with internally.Reporting is almost never done.

    What do Jehovahs Witnesses say about this?

    The Jehovah's do not recognize themselves in the image that lawyer Nico Meijering paints of 'scandalous' opposition from victims of sexual abuse within the religious community. "In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, we provide access to the personal data that we have from the applicant upon request. Comment [from advocate Meijering] as you put it, therefore we are surprised, "reports spokesperson Michel van Hilten in a reply by e-mail.

    Three months ago he told this newspaper that the Jehovah's believe that there is no structural problem [of sexual abuse]. "We know a handful of incidents and reports of abuse per year," Van Hilten said.

    The Jehovah's are invited to be present at the protest, but 'prefer to have direct contact with individual victims who seek contact with us'.
    "Details of a recommended investigation by the House of Representatives have not been known to date. However, we have already informed the Ministry in advance that we are prepared to explain a few things. ''


    source in Dutch:



  2. Slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik binnen Jehova’s Getuigen worden nog altijd tegengewerkt door het kerkgenootschap. Dat zegt advocaat Nico Meijering. 

    Hij noemt het misbruik binnen de kerk ‘vele malen gevaarlijker voor de maatschappij en risicovoller dan de gemiddelde motorclub.’ De Stichting Reclaimed Voices staat zaterdagmiddag voor de deur van het hoofdkantoor van de Jehova’s Getuigen in Emmen. In ‘een stil en vreedzaam protest’ tegen seksueel misbruik.


  3. Jehovah's Getuigen zal er alles aan doen om niet te hoeven voldoen aan een aangifteplicht voor gevallen van seksueel misbruik. Dat concluderen experts op basis van nieuwe interne documenten van de kerk, die in handen zijn van RTL Nieuws.

    Het gaat om brieven van het hoofdkantoor in Amerika aan afdelingen in andere landen. In die brieven wordt besproken wat er moet gebeuren als er in dat land een aangifteplicht komt. Het hoofdbestuur wijst de afdelingen in de brieven er op dat ze alles op alles moeten zetten om onder zo’n meldplicht uit te komen.

    Jehovah’s Getuigen ligt onder vuur, omdat ze interne gevallen van seksueel misbruik niet melden bij politie. De daders worden in een intern rechtssysteem berecht, maar krijgen geen celstraf of boete. De zwaarste straf is uitsluiting uit de kerk.

    Kerkorganisatie weigert medewerking

    Van de interne rechtszaken worden verslagen gemaakt met daarin details over het misbruik en soms zelfs bekentenissen van daders. Tweede Kamerleden en slachtoffers van misbruik roepen Jehovah's Getuigen sinds begin dit jaar op om die documenten te delen met politie en justitie. Tot nu toe weigert de kerkorganisatie dat.

    Steve werd misbruikt door getuige van Jehova

    Steve is een van de slachtoffers. Hij merkte dat de kerk daders de hand boven het hoofd hield. "Terwijl ouderlingen juist slachtoffers bij de hand moeten nemen om naar de politie te gaan. Dat staat ook in de bijbel.

    De brieven die RTL Nieuws heeft, tonen aan dat een eventuele aangifteplicht voor seksueel misbruik in Nederland mogelijk weinig effect zal hebben bij Jehovah’s Getuigen, zegt Raymond Hintjes. Hij is voorzitter van de slachtofferorganisatie Reclaimed Voices. "Zelfs als er een aangifteplicht zou worden ingevoerd, dan zien we dat de Jehovah’s Getuigen alsnog zullen proberen via een doelbewuste actie om daar onderuit te komen."

    Arrogante minachting voor rechtsorde

    Hoogleraar strafrecht Henny Sackers van de Universiteit Nijmegen vindt de opstelling van de kerk stuitend. "Het lijkt bijna een soort arrogante minachting voor de Nederlandse rechtsorde, nu men er alles aan wil doen om overheidsbemoeienis, strafrechtelijke overheidsbemoeienis te voorkomen."

    Jehovah’s Getuigen beroept zich bij het weigeren van hulp aan justitie op het verschoningsrecht. Geestelijken hoeven onder dat recht niet te getuigen over wat een gelovige hen in vertrouwen heeft verteld. Eerder schreef Minister Dekker (Rechtsbescherming) aan de Tweede Kamer dat het niet duidelijk is of Jehovah’s Getuigen het verschoningsrecht op die manier mogen gebruiken. Dekker is nu aan het onderzoeken of het zin heeft om een aangifteplicht in te stellen.

    De documenten die RTL Nieuws bezit, kunnen niet worden gepubliceerd, omdat ze dan de bron mogelijk kunnen identificeren.


  4. Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at 1.47.16 PM.png

    Jehovah's Witnesses will do everything to avoid having to comply with a declaration obligation for cases of sexual abuse. That experts conclude on the basis of new internal documents from the church, which are in the hands of RTL Nieuws.

    These are letters from the head office in America to departments in other countries. These letters discuss what needs to be done if a declaration is required in that country. The central management points out to the departments in the letters that they have to do everything they can to get out of such a duty to report.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are under attack because they do not report internal cases of sexual abuse to the police. The perpetrators are tried in an internal legal system, but receive no prison sentence or fine. The heaviest punishment is exclusion from the church.

    Church organization refuses to cooperate

    Reports are made of the internal legal cases containing details about the abuse and sometimes even confessions of perpetrators. MPs and victims of abuse have called upon Jehovah's Witnesses since the beginning of this year to share these documents with the police and judiciary. Until now, the church organization has refused that.

    The letters that RTL Nieuws has, show that a possible declaration obligation for sexual abuse in the Netherlands may have little effect on Jehovah's Witnesses, says Raymond Hintjes. He is chairman of the victim organization Reclaimed Voices. "Even if a declaration obligation is introduced, we see that the Jehovah's Witnesses will still try to get out of it through a deliberate action."

    Arrogant contempt for the rule of law

    Professor of criminal law Henny Sackers of the University of Nijmegen thinks the position of the church is shocking. "It seems almost a kind of arrogant contempt for the Dutch legal system, now that they want to do everything to prevent government interference, criminal government interference."

    Jehovah's Witnesses invoke the privilege of refusal when refusing legal aid. Clergymen do not have to testify under that right about what a believer has told them in confidence. Earlier, Minister Dekker (Legal Protection) wrote to the House of Representatives that it is not clear whether Jehovah's Witnesses may use the right of non-disclosure in this way. Dekker is now investigating whether it makes sense to set a declaration obligation.

    The documents that RTL Nieuws possesses can not be published because they may be able to identify the source.

    Originally posted in Dutch on RTL Nieuws


  5. But if someone has a mental disease aren't you supposed to forgive and help?

    It would seem logical that if a fellow Jehovah's Witness were to be afflicted with a mental disease, we would feel inclined to tolerate their indiscretions, and to offer them support. However, the Bible has provided us with a mere principal, that the holy spirit has evidently directed us to understand as meaning that we should distance ourselves, and even act as if the mentally ill person does not exist. You are surprised you say! Well, let's see what God's word says about how God treated those that were far less perfect than just the regular imperfect ones of us.

    In Leviticus 21:17-24, we read the following:

    “Tell Aaron, ‘No man of your offspring throughout their generations who has a defect may approach to present the bread of his God. 18 If there is any man who has a defect, he may not approach: a man who is blind or lame or has a disfigured face or one limb too long, 19 a man with a fractured foot or a fractured hand, 20 a hunchback or a dwarf, or a man with an eye defect or eczema or ringworm or damaged testicles. t 21 No man of the offspring of Aaron the priest who has a defect may approach to present Jehovah’s offerings made by fire. Because he has a defect, he may not approach to present the bread of his God. 22 He may eat the bread of his God from the most holy things u and from the holy things.v 23 However, he may not come near the curtain, w and he may not approach the altar, x because there is a defect in him; and he should not profane my sanctuary, y for I am Jehovah, who is sanctifying them.’”z

    Clearly, the same can be said for those who have mental defects. Just as they should not come near the curtain, or approach the altar of the lord, they should not come near us or approach us.

    - oveja negra

  6. Montana - De Jehova’s Getuigen kerk moet ruim dertig miljoen euro betalen aan een vrouw die zegt seksueel misbruikt te zijn.

    Het slachtoffer uit Montana, nu 21, werd als kind belaagd door een lid van de kerk, zo schrijft de New York Post.

    De overkoepelende organisatie van Jehova’s Getuigen heeft van alles geprobeerd om de zaak onder het tapijt te schuiven.

    De man tegen wie de beschuldigingen waren ingediend, werd in 2004 uit de kerk gezet, maar een jaar later alweer in genade aangenomen. Intern werd tegen leden zelfs gezegd dat ze dit soort zaken nooit aan de politie mochten melden.

    De kerk, die vindt dat de zaak verjaard is, heeft al aangekondigd in beroep te gaan.

    Advocaat Neil Smith zegt namens het slachtoffer dat hij hoopt dat de boodschap nu eindelijk eens doordringt in de kerk. „Zodat er in de toekomst niet nog meer slachtoffers vallen.”

    De zaak in Montana is er een van tientallen die in de laatste jaren in heel Amerika zijn ingediend tegen de Jehova’s Getuigen.



  7. Gene Smalley at a Circuit Assembly This Weekend

    "Solomon had 60 queens and 80 concubines when he wrote Song of Solomon" I think Smalley said this like three times.

    So anyways, "he wasn't supposed to be multiplying wives for himself according to the law" Gene kept saying. But "Jehovah used him anyway".

    What was his point? How we can make mistakes and still be used by Jehovah.

    Of course he had to name drop Fred Franz at one point, something about looking up the word paregoric in the dictionary.

    At another point he wen off about the immune system and blood cells for about 10 minutes. Final 1 hour talk of the day.

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