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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. @Space Merchant  True Christian JW's are supposed to 'quit being fashioned after this system of things' and put away national identities and embrace the JW culture above all.

    There is NO place for such nationalistic pride within the JW community. But that is for another discussion.

    Meanwhile... no skirts above the knee for sisters!!!

    AND while we are at it.... those tight pants... FORBIDDEN!!!

    "You must be perfect". or else.... sisters will gossip about you as in the illustration above.

    Welcome to the mentally warped world of JW fashion and life. Hypocrisy at its best.

  2. In the first illustration:

    Dude's hair is nice! It's fashionable, therefore not acceptable. You have to dress like your mother/father otherwise you're too worldly

    Shirt sleeves rolled up.. way way too casual. Also the girl has her upper arms exposed.

    I notice how the women dressed "appropriately" are wearing layers and pleats to hide their shape. It really is seen as sinful just to be a normal woman, huh?

    Yep these illustrations are put there to set standards.

  3. 8gi1bxcg09p11.jpg

    Source: jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-study-july-2018/we-belong-to-jehovah/

    So having nice hair and a good outfit is apparently bad? I see people dress like this at the convention all the time lol

    Wild colored socks.

    Anthony Morris III actually wasn’t saying thereÂ’s anything wrong with that. He said that sock color was a matter of taste, and that he thought some of these young brothers with brightly colored socks were demonstrating poor taste, but it wasnÂ’t immodest.

    - Anthony Morris III - Governing Body member speaking at the US Branch Visit on November 8, 2014 

    Tight Pants

    (tight pants on the young brothers who the worldly gay designers are drooling over at 27:35)

    “…and the other one that needs addressing is for these young fellows, cause the older ones aren’t doing much of it, thankfully, uhhh, it’s the metrosexual look. We’ve addressed that in the past, we’ve said things about it, but what’s happened now has really caught on more. 

    Now the metrosexual look, that’s the tight suit jacket and the tight pants, better known as ‘tight pants’. (laughter) And, uh, they are tight, I mean tight all the way down to the ankles. And, that is not modest brothers. No. It’s not appropriate. It’s not sound of mind. 

    And I was proud of one Circuit Overseer who told me this past summer at one of the Intl. Conventions, 'cuz he brought it up, one of these fellows, he shows up for his Circuit Overseer’s visit and wants to go out in the ministry work with him, door-to-door, he’s wearing 'tight pants’. And the Circuit Overseer was man enough, spiritual man enough to say, 'No. I’m not going door-to-door with you. Not with that dress on. Inappropriate.' 

    So a lot to think about and you elders out there listening in, and be kind now, we always want to try to imitate Christ Jesus. You be spiritual man enough to tell these young fellows 'You don’t go out in the ministry looking like that. Not in this organization.' 
    And frankly I have asked sister after sister, 'You know, what do you think of this? Do you find that appealing, attractive? You know, I’m just curious, 'cause I’m not a woman. Ahhh.’ (laughter) And you know what, I’ve not found one yet that thought they look good. (Garbled, poor audio quality for a couple seconds.) 

    And this is a fact, the homosexuals that are designing these clothes, they like you in tight pants. (Huge laughter) Not, spiritual people. So, it’s something to consider for Christian grooming. Is it appropriate? Is it modest? Does it display soundness of mind? If not, do something about it.”

    - Anthony Morris III - Governing Body member speaking at the US Branch Visit on November 8, 2014 


    “…what it is is this Spanx, this skin-tight stuff they wear. Now, are you sisters wearing this in the ministry? No. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen that. But when they exercise, they leave their home and they’re jogging in this stuff? 

    Look at the verse. Is that appropriate to wear skin-tight Spanx or whatever they call them? It’s not modest and it’s certainly not sound of mind. It’s really inappropriate. There’s nothing else to say about it. Now you want to be in your home or your room and wear that stuff, that’s your business. But don’t go out in public like that and say you worship the True God. ‘I’m just trying to stay in shape’. (laughter) Inappropriate.”

    - Anthony Morris III - Governing Body member speaking at the US Branch Visit on November 8, 2014

    See also:

    Did I miss anything important?

  4. Allí no dice realmente "abstenerse de sangre". Allí dice "abstenerse de (derramar) sangre", como en Colosenses 1:16 dice que Jesús creó "todas las (otras) cosas". y no que creó "todas las cosas". (Si, la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de los TJ insertó la palabra "otras", que no aparece en manuscritos antiguos y otras versiones biblicas, pero que según su entendimiento aparecía allí en forma elíptica.)

    Lo que aparece en paréntesis en los dos pasajes bajo discusión está en elipsis en el texto original. Hechos 15 ya había hablado de "abstenerse de lo ahogado", que envuelve comer la sangre. Lo lógico es que el "abstenerse de sangre" signifique entonces "abstenerse de (derramar) sangre", para mantener el paralelismo con Génesis 9: 3,4, donde primero se prohíbe comer la sangre y lo ahogado, y luego, en Génesis 9:6 se prohíbe derramar la sangre humana.

    Al negarse a reconocer y violar este paralelo, se cambia en efecto "el no (derramar) sangre" por "derramarás la sangre del hombre" al negarle una transfusión. Al tomar un enfoque simplista y literal, se toma la palabra "sangre" como refiriéndose al "líquido sangre" cuando en el libro de Hechos la palabra "sangre" significa "sacrificio", "derramamiento de sangre".

    Fíjense que en todos los lugares del libro de Hechos donde se usa la palabra "sangre" no se refiere al líquido de las venas. Siempre tiene un sentido figurado.

    Es como cuando decimos en español: "ese individuo viene por sangre", que lo que queremos decir es que ""viene a quitar vidas, que viene a cobrárselas, que viene por venganza".

    Examine los pasajes de Hechos que usan la palabra "sangre".

    1:19 - El campo de sangre de Judas (sobre la muerte sangrienta de Judas)

    2:19, 20 - figurativo: en el sentido de muerte, y rojo del color de la sangre, también refiriéndose al ambiente de muerte y venganza sobre el que alumbra la luna

    5:28; 18: 6; 20:26; - culpa de sangre; culpa por la muerte de

    20:28 - La sangre que Jesús derramó, el precio propiciatorio para comprar la vida

    22:20 - Sangre derramada de Esteban, relacionada con el asesinato de Esteban

    Así, de forma figurativa, y siguiendo el paralelo de Génesis 9, el "abstenerse de sangre," de Hechos 15 es abstenerse libre de la culpa de arrebatar la vida a otro, de "derramar sangre".

    Ya el "comer sangre" había sido especificado en "abstenerse de lo ahogado". Ahora este mandato es el equivalente a Génesis 9:6 de no "derramar la sangre del hombre" y del mandamiento "No asesinarás", no un imaginario uso en transfusiones, del que nadie pensó en 4000 años, y cuya  interpretación de los TJ sólo logra de forma contraproducente la pérdida de vidas y falta de respeto a la santidad de la vida.

  5. But when grace is shown to the wicked,  they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil  and do not regard the majesty of the Lord." - Is. 26:10

    JWorg said how JW members living in  Spiritual Paradise (land) that exist now on Earth in the middle of satan world. 

    Does in such Paradise today, among JW members exists this two group of people, unrighteous and wicked? 

    Because verse said how that is not possible and how showing grace to such ones will not do any good.  

    - @Srecko Sostar

  6. From: http://www.fsmitha.com/h1/religion-sumer.htm

    Conflicts similar to the Hebrew story of Cain and Abel

    In giving their gods human characteristics, the Sumerians projected onto their gods the conflicts they found among themselves. Sumerian priests wrote of a dispute between the god of cattle, Lahar, and his sister Ashnan, the goddess of grain. Like some other gods, these gods were vain and wished to be praised. Each of the two sibling gods extolled his and her own achievements and belittled the achievements of the other.

    The Sumerians saw another dispute between the minor gods Emesh (summer) and his brother Enten (winter). Each of these brothers had specific duties in creation – like Cain the farmer and Abel the herdsmen. The god Enlil put Emesh in charge of producing trees, building houses, temples, cities and other tasks. Enlil put Enten in charge of causing ewes to give birth to lambs, goats to give birth to kids, birds to build nests, fish to lay their eggs and trees to bear fruit. And the brothers quarreled violently as Emesh challenged Enten's claim to be the farmer god.

    That source goes on to state that the Cain/Abel story may have been added to Genesis as late as the time of the Babylonian exile.

  7. One thing that stuck out to me was "their unrestrained conduct: shouting, dancing, and singing before this idol". Ooh, raising your voice, moving your body parts. How scandalous.

    What with that phrasing you'd think they were having drug-fuelled orgies and eating babies, but no, they were just doing... things that normal humans do. Things that God gave us the ability to do, no less.

  8. Over the years in my talks and pioneer schools that I taught I used absolutely ANY event or story to confirm that we had the Truth. Here are some examples:

    Someone at the door listened to us - Holy Spirit directed us there! Someone at the door didn’t listen to us - We gave them a chance and not everyone will listen anyway.

    No one has been disfellowshipped from the congregation recently - Jehovah has a clean organization.
    Someone was just disfellowshipped - Jehovah is cleaning his organization

    There is gossip in the congregation - We are all imperfect and that’s why we have the Bible with examples of imperfection. There is very little gossip in our congregation - We are working on being kind which is a mark of true Christians.

    Crime is going up - Sign of the Last Days Crime is going down - Peace! Sign of the Last Days

    Newspapers praise us - More evidence that we are the true religion Newspapers criticize us - In the Last Days ridiculers will be here so that’s evidence we have the true religion.

    Other churches are making movies and using technology - Disgusting!. True Christians don’t make movies, we PREACH! Other churches are using their Bibles on a smartphone. Why? We use real books!

    Our organization is now making movies and using smartphones - Well, true Christians have always used the latest technology in printing and so it makes sense to save money and bla bla bla.

    I would use ANY event as evidence that we had the “”Truth.” Even crazy stuff like if a ”worldly” person donated a pair of tires to a Witness then I wouldn’t give credit to the worldly person, I would say that Jehovah is using that worldly person. Or that maybe they recognize that this is the truth and that’s why they donated.

    What about you? Did you use anything and everything to confirm you had the “Truth?”

    - Ex Circuit Overseer

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