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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. This phrase is never used outside of the JW world either.

    I often wonder how we think that a post, comment or even one action of a superstar, or ANYTHING that happens on this little blue speck of a planet in the Universe could even tarnish one iota the reputation of the Sovereign of the UNIVERSE?

    We take ourselves too seriously sometimes I think. (or we think we are somehow important in the big scheme of things)

  2. In paragraph 9 of this weeks Watchtower it was talking about how children’s comments at the meetings can prompt newly interested ones to recognise the ring of truth.

    I donÂ’t recall ever hearing it referred to as the ring of truth before. Is this a new phrase theyÂ’re going to try and get everybody using along the lines of, the truth, the brotherhood, this wicked system of things, etc etc.


  3. This weeks Watchtower - Paragraph 7 says, “In recent years, many countries have experienced an influx of refugees. What can you do to help such ones come to know Jehovah and his purpose.”

    They may as well have just said, “In recent years, many countries have experienced an influx of refugees. These refugees are usually frightened, have lost loved ones, had to leave them behind or have fled for their lives. They are emotionally vulnerable and will be easily susceptible to any messages of hope and promises of friends, community and support, take advantage of this to reel them in”.


  4. Whelp, it “only” took two years, but they finally had closing on the Halifax, PA KH that they stole from the folks that paid for it Because of expansion in the area, it was built in 1985, had a mortgage of about 80k, and then a renovation / pavement mortgage of about 50k. Also the land was purchased outright by a widow, and donated, which was about $26,400. Shuttered the place in 2016. Closed on it last week.

    Started with approx 100 pubs.
    Closed with approx 70 pubs.

    And now that money goes to those sons of bitches.


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    - Flair Me

  5. Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at 8.30.10 AM.png


    Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid were cheered by the crowd at the U.S. Open on Friday night, and afterwards they were applauded by the winner of the night’s match, Serena Williams.

    Williams, who defeated her older sister Venus Williams, said after the match that she admires the stance Kaepernick and Reid have taken on racial justice.

    “I think every athlete, every human, and definitely every African American should be completely grateful and honored how Colin and Eric are doing so much more for the greater good, so to say,” Williams said. “They really use their platform in ways that is really unfathomable. I feel like they obviously have great respect from a lot of their peers, especially other athletes, people that really are looking for social change.”

    Kaepernick was the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem, and Reid was the first teammate to join him. Neither player has been able to find another NFL team since leaving the 49ers, and both are bringing a collusion case against the NFL.

    Williams has faced her own criticism over the national anthem, from a different direction: She does stand for the anthem despite her JehovahÂ’s Witness faith. SheÂ’s been criticized by other JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, who say she is violating their religionÂ’s teachings by standing for the anthem. JehovahÂ’s Witnesses believe that standing for patriotic rituals is a form of idolatry, and they have sued for the right not to stand for the anthem.


  6. “Your Leader Is One, the Christ”

    “Do not . . . be called ‘leaders,’ for your Leader is one, the Christ.” —MATT. 23:9, 10.

    1. CHRISTENDOM’S churches have human leaders, such as the pope of Rome, the patriarchs and metropolitans of the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the heads of other religions. Jehovah’s Witnesses recognize no human as their leader. They are not disciples or followers of any man. This is in line with Jehovah’s prophetic utterance concerning his Son: “Look! As a witness to the national groups I have given him, as a leader and commander to the national groups.” (Isa. 55:4) The international congregation of anointed Christians and their “other sheep” companions want no leader other than the one Jehovah has given them. (John 10:16) They subscribe to Jesus’ statement: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.”—Matt. 23:10.

    And then there’s this...

    • 8. Also by means of holy spirit, Christ gave “gifts in men,” some “as shepherds and teachers” in the congregation. (Eph. 4:8, 11) The apostle Paul urged Christian overseers: “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God.” (Acts 20:28) When the Christian congregation began, all these overseers were spirit-anointed men. The apostles and the elders of the Jerusalem congregation acted as a governing body. Christ used this instrument to lead the entire group of his anointed “brothers” on earth. (Heb. 2:11; Acts 16:4, 5) In this time of the end, Christ has committed “all his belongings”—all the earthly interests of the Kingdom—to his “faithful and discreet slave” and its representative Governing Body, a group of anointed Christian men. (Matt. 24:45-47) The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.


  7. I'll tell you what bothers me just as much: our cong has somehow developed the awesome habit of clapping after every single video. 1 minute presentation video? Clapping. Video asking for more donations? Clapping. 1 hour video of Lett making faces? Clapping.

    Drives me up the freaking wall.

    I think JW's are becoming the "clapping cult"

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