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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Usage example in the:

    If you're a woman it's one and done. He's your mate because you are his property now and have no other options. You're used and unclean and don't deserve a happy abuse-free life because someone claimed your vagina. If he leaves you, you're better off dead so that your children stay legitimate and you're not tempted to mate with someone else.

    Spouse is too gender neutral. We don't want married gay people to think this applies to them. Mate indicates a male and female who can produce offspring. The whole point of the article is to talk down to women and convince them to stay with violent terrible men. If they used language like spouse you might start to think that men can be abused by their wives too, but we all know thats NOT possible because he's the head of the house and a manly man. The word mate, along with the other language used, is very deliberately chosen.


    Mate also sounds so "Animal Planet" ?

  2. Dec. 2018 WT's Shocking advice re: domestic violence


    It is very interesting that Watchtower always paints an abusive or violent mate as being an unbeliever. They always make it about the wife converting the unbeliever into a JW, and that will somehow fix the problem. There is no reality in these articles. They never talk about the abusive mate who is a JW, perhaps and elder or MS. It is totally fabricated scenarios that perpetuate the fairytale of happy JW marriages.

    They forgot to mention the abusive "brothers" that have beaten their wives to death. One of the two witnesses at the Russian Supreme Court hearing last year was a woman who had enough of the abuse and left her JW husband. She was not going to hang around until he killed her. The fact that she was dfd for divorcing the asshole and remarrying served as proof that the JW religion is extremist. From a women's rights perspective, it is indeed extremist and deadly.

  3. Ja-Rule-Net-Worth.jpg

    Ja Rule, a famous rapper who was raised as a JW said this:

    Ja Rule, who previously shared being raised as a Jehovah's Witness, revealed that what turned him off from the religion was how his family members shunned his mother once she was disfellowshipped from the faith community.

    "I found that rather odd," he said. "I was living with my grandmother at the time. My mom would get me on the weekends and stuff like that. And then they were like, 'You're not gonna be able to go with your mom on the weekends anymore.'"

    "I didn't understand it like that. And I was like, 'Well that's not gonna fly, and I'm leaving here and gonna live with my mother,'" the rapper said. "We were kinda like the black sheep now. Nobody was dealing with my mother, and that was crazy."

    He explained how the familial breakdown affected him in the long run, saying that seeing how much his mother was hurt by being shunned by her own mother and brother gave him a "sore taste" in his mouth about the religion.

    "But then ironically, when I blew up (with his rap career in the 1990s) and started making money and became Ja Rule, everybody could come and speak to my mother," said the multi-platinum recording artist.


  4. He was showing them in the Bible where Jesus spoke of how it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom.

    Oops.... sorry... I hear it was cartoons about Caleb and Sophia giving up their ice cream money to donate on jw.org (to pay for pedophile cover up lawsuits)

    The last part was omitted I hear.


  5. They think that their preaching means that they care. But outside of the preaching work, all they do is mock the people who disagree with them and openly say that they will all die and god will destroy them; and they can't wait! That isn't love.

  6. CHRIST-MASS is a central calendar observance of the Roman Mass. A practice started out of intense anti-Semitic hatred of Jews, openly confessed by the Nicene Council, and created as a substitute for the Passover Seder commanded by the REAL CHRIST.

    The real Christ admittedly never had anything to do with a Roman Mass and not only observed the Seder meal, but commanded his disciples to do so as well.

    The Mass, established as a counter to the Passover, after which [though celebrated by followers of Christ for centuries] was actually outlawed as a crime against the state of Rome.

    The Mass is the ritualistic killing of an enemy of Rome at Saturnalia, and it's observance is STILL practiced as the killing of Christ to this day.

    CHRIST-MASS is actually not "celebrating his birth". It is "celebrating" his execution Rome itself conducted, and scapegoated Jews on behalf of, in a doctrine called "blood liable". It was also the official institutional rejection by Rome, of the very blood and body of THE REAL CHRIST who was Jewish, and in form, if not letter, the New Testament version of the "Abomination of Desolation".

    The actual CHRIST-MASS itself is the cloaking of the high holy day of the Roman Empire, THE SOLAR-MASS, patterned ritualistically as a form of magic, for the purpose of Imperial Emperor worship


    - Lukas Nkhoma

  7. 8 “Did you notice my servant Job?” the Lord asked. “There is no one on earth as faithful and good as he is. He worships me and is careful not to do anything evil.”

    9 Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it? 10 You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. 11 But now suppose you take away everything he has—he will curse you to your face!”

    12 “All right,” the Lord said to Satan, “everything he has is in your power, but you must not hurt Job himself.” So Satan left.

  8. The federal government has stripped one of Ottawa’s largest mosques of its charity status over “activities that promote hate and intolerance,” Global News has learned.

    The Canada Revenue Agency took action against the Ottawa Islamic Centre and Assalam Mosque following audits that raised concerns about its roster of guest speakers.

    “Many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence,” the CRA Charities Branch wrote in a letter sent to the mosque president.

    The CRA was also concerned that “radicalized individuals” had attended the mosque, one of whom, Ashton Larmond, is now imprisoned for attempting to join the so-called Islamic State.


    How can WT society not be far behind with its intolerance?

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