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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Waits several thousand years before destroying Satan. But the Bible says god is not slow? Please explain.
  2. It's going to take a LOT of preaching to equal the distribution of these newspapers above. Get ready to make some BIG Literature carts, stand by them for about a century and hope (maybe I should say pray for Jehovah's protection) so that no crazy ISIS guys coming wielding swords or bullets.
  3. Apostasy is "as interesting as it is disturbing" ??? - THE MAIL ON SUNDAY - ONE MILLION copies being distributed today An article in The Mail on Sunday, a British national Sunday newspaper and 'sister' paper to The Daily Mail (that only prints from Mon to Sat). The Mail on Sunday has a circulation of just over ONE MILLION copies each Sunday.
  4. Apostasy: "Between art class and Armageddon" ???? - THE OBSERVER An article in The Observer, a British national 'quality' Sunday newspaper and the 'sister' paper to The Guardian (that only prints Mon to Sat). The Observer has a circulation of around 165,000-copies each Sunday
  5. ????? Five Star APOSTASY Review - THE SUNDAY EXPRESS An article in The Sunday Express, a British national Sunday newspaper and 'sister' paper to The Daily Express (that only prints from Mon to Sat). The Sunday Express has a circulation of around 295,000-copies each Sunday.
  6. But he sends angels to protect women at a door preaching from a potential bad householder? Wouldn't we often here of this experience? Does anyone have a copy of the illustrations of angels protecting JW's during the preaching work?
  7. An article in The Sunday Times, a British national Sunday newspaper and 'sister' paper to The Times (that only prints from Mon to Sat). The Sunday Times has a circulation of around 720,000-copies each Sunday making it Britain's largest-selling 'quality press / broadsheet' Sunday newspaper.
  8. A Jehovah’s Witness who partnered with a couple he trusted based on their shared faith is suing them over ownership of a religion-themed gift shop in Orange County. Greg Holland of Victoria, British Columbia, claims in a federal lawsuit that Thomas and Nanci Matos of Pine Bush, New York, coerced him into relinquishing his property. “Through deceit and intimidation, the Matoses stole HollandÂ’s investment and interest in Ministry Ideaz LLC,” the complaint states. “The Matoses then used Ministry IdeazÂ’s inventory and cash to establish their own competing business.” The Matoses did not respond to telephone and email messages asking for their side of the story. Holland started Ministry Ideaz in 2002 as an online business from his home in Ecuador. The company makes and sells leather and paper products – such as Bible covers, notebooks and calendars – for JehovahÂ’s Witnesses. Last year, he decided to open a store in the U.S. He met the Matoses through a mutual friend and, “based on his trust of fellow members of the JehovahÂ’s Witness faith, agreed to partner with them.” Holland held 90 percent of the New York company, and the Matoses owned the rest. Holland claims he wired more than $40,000 to the Matoses to set up the store and then another $190,000 to cover expenses for nine months. He shipped $250,000 in inventory from Ecuador that he hoped would sell at retail for $750,000. In May 2017, they opened a storefront in Valley Supreme Plaza in Pine Bush, 25 miles from the JehovahÂ’s Witnesses headquarters. Business was good. The store sold $38,837 in goods in the first month and another $250,000 in credit card transactions over the following four months. But Holland became estranged from his wife in late 2017, having engaged in an extramarital affair. His wife moved to Canada with their two children. Holland describes the Matoses as his “surrogate parents.” They offered emotional support during his marital troubles and assured him that he need not worry about the business because it was in their good hands. At the same time, Holland alleges, the Matoses were trying to persuade his wife to divorce him, seek sole custody of their children and “extract a financial settlement.” The Matoses, the complaint states, were already “secretly scheming to steal HollandÂ’s entire investment.” They registered BestLife Gifts LLC in February, using the Ministry Ideaz address. On March 2, the Matoses held a “special meeting” at their home and decided to dissolve the company. Holland, the majority owner, claims he was not notified. Thomas Matos emailed him on the same day, stating, “We are severing ties!” “The store sign has been removed, the lease has ended, utilities, phones and internet cancelled,” the message said. “There has been far to (sic) much pressure on Nanci and I being in business with you,” the message stated. “Being associated with Ministry Ideaz has become a liability that has already damaged us.” To this day, according to the July 25 lawsuit, BestLife operates from the same storefront as Ministry Ideaz, uses the same telephone numbers and sells the same inventory. On March 5, the complaint states, Thomas Matos threatened to reveal HollandÂ’s marital problems to the customers he had cultivated for 16 years and to stop processing about 1,000 online orders. Matos allegedly offered a deal. He would not follow through on the threats if Holland signed over his entire interest in Ministry Ideaz, agreed to dissolve the company and relinquished the equipment and inventory. Holland says he signed the one-page agreement, “fearing that the Matoses would ruin his livelihood and his relationship with his family and his church.” Holland reconciled with his wife, moved to Canada and “began to grasp the extent of the MatosesÂ’ deceit.” He is demanding $300,000 in damages, and he wants the court to declare the dissolution deal null and void and to bar the Matoses and BestLife from selling inventory and assets. Holland is represented by Jack A. Gordon, Joshua B. Katz and Luis F. Calvo of Kent, Beatty & Gordon LLP in Manhattan. https://westfaironline.com/105235/partners-fighting-over-gift-shop-for-jehovahs-witnesses/
  9. Yeesh. Commitment - "Show your commitment by displaying photos of your spouse on your desk at work" Teamwork - "Do I keep my distance from my spouse’s relatives, even though he or she is close to them?" ...Yes, if they're not JWs... Respect - “To respect my wife means that I appreciate her value and I don’t want to do anything that would damage her or our marriage.”—Micah." ...In spite of her smaller brain... Forgiveness - Lots of talk about forgiveness, but damn little talk about giving a sincere apology. That's certainly the WT's response to questions about their 1975 fiasco. From the blurb: "‘Am I overly sensitive?’ ... ‘Is the offense so serious that I need an apology, or can I just overlook it?’ Yeah, they'd love to dump the responsibility for "forgiving" onto their members.... Communication - "Genuine communication takes place when you and your children share a two-way exchange of thoughts and feelings." ...That's strange. That certainly isn't Tight-Pants Tony's method of communication - nor of any of the other Governing Body members, either. Discipline - ...That's weird... The entire blurb only mentions CHILDREN as needing discipline. Doesn't mention the fact that the parents often need as much if not more discipline (like self-discipline) themselves. Values - as in Bronze/Iron Age Middle Eastern Male values. Nothing more needs to be said. Example - "Children and even teenagers are influenced more by their parents than by anyone else..." - and parents are influenced more by "Mother" Watchtower than by anyone else, so it's no surprise that highly dysfunctional parenting is terribly common among JWs. Identity - "When you have a strong sense of identity, you stand up for your beliefs instead of allowing your peers to control you." No, no, no, let me fix that. "When you have a strong sense of self, you stand up for your innate existence instead of allowing a cult to control you." There, that's better... Trustworthiness - (Couldn't stop laughing at that title!) "Whether you want to earn more trust or regain lost trust, the following steps can help. Be honest. Nothing will shatter others’ trust in you quicker than lies. Conversely, when you are open and honest—especially about your mistakes—you can earn the trust of others." ...Too bad WT Society has completely shattered alert peoples' trust in them with false dates for "Armageddon", terrible miscarriages of 'theocratic zeal' when Malawi JWs were subjected to horrific mistreatment over a basic I.D. card while Mexican brothers were given permission to bribe officials, and more. Industriousness - "Industrious people do not shy away from work. Rather, they enjoy working hard to provide for their personal needs and to help others—even if the work they do is not glamorous." But don't you DARE go to college or seek promotions at work or develop your own profitable company or monetize your talents or try to be successful! Goals - (Ah, HA HA HA HA HA!!) "A goal is more than just a dream—something you wish would happen. Real goals involve planning, flexibility, and good, old-fashioned hard work." What is NOT stated, is that the ONLY acceptable goals for JWs are those which enrich the Watchtower Society. As mentioned in Number Eleven above, NO developing talents into hugely successful careers (but if you're already a successful rock star, they'll happily take your money!), no higher education (unless you're willing to slave for the WT Society), no seeking promotions or overtime at work, and so on. Now I need a shower... - Zactly
  10. I realize that those kids are playing with their parents, but it seems pretty dishonest for them to portray sports in a positive light when it is so plainly forbidden inside the organization
  11. Sounds like a Buzzfeed article doesn't it? You'll never believe number 7 ? Click next to continue slideshow...
  12. I see more and more stories about this woman Barbara Anderson What exactly did she do at Bethel? Does she have an interesting story?
  13. [Here's a transcript of the video as supplied on the page. Shouting and bad formatting is theirs :-)]
  14. This article is more than hypocritical, it is deliberately slanderous because they wrote and published this article at a time that they were fully aware of a similar problem within their own ranks. It is, to my mind, an example of hatred in action. The difference today? At least priests were reported to civil authorities. Jehovah's Witnesses covered over the abuse for 6 decades. In 1993 the GB were fully aware of the magnitude of the abuses inside the organisation, despite that they published this and other articles accusing Catholic hierarchy.
  15. “DURING the past decade, some 400 Roman Catholic priests have been reported to church or civil authorities for sexual abuse of children,” according to U.S.News & World Report. Recently, a national gathering of survivors of such abuse was held near Chicago, Illinois. Many spoke openly of how they had been victimized by pedophile priests. But NCR (National Catholic Reporter) notes that speakers sounded another theme repeatedly throughout the conference: “The first abuse is sexual; the second and more painful, is psychological.” This second abuse occurs when the church refuses to listen to victims of abuse, fails to take their accusations seriously, and moves only to protect the offending priests. “Fairly or unfairly,” NCR reports, “they portrayed Catholic clergy as belonging to an unhealthy and misguided group more bent on preserving privilege and power than in serving lay needs.” Several speakers made ominous comparisons to the Reformation, which split the church wide open in the 16th century. According to Richard Sipe, a former priest turned psychotherapist and expert on sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, all this institutional denial reveals “a deep, desperate and knowing personal involvement in the problem.” He added: “The church knows and has known for a long time a great deal about the sexual activity of its priests. It has looked the other way, tolerated, covered up and simply lied about the broad spectrum of sexual activity of its priests.” Not surprisingly, then, many abuse survivors are suing the church. NCR quotes one attorney who specializes in such cases as saying that there are pedophile-priest cases in each of the church’s 188 dioceses in the United States. He says that out-of-court settlements have run as high as $300,000 per case. U.S.News & World Report says that such suits have already cost the church $400,000,000, a figure that could surge to $1 billion by the year 2000. And the Canadian Press reported recently that some 2,000 survivors of childhood sexual abuse in 22 church-run orphanages and mental institutions in Quebec are suing six religious orders for $1.4 billion in damages. Interestingly, though, the aforementioned U.S. attorney, who represents 150 victims of pedophile priests in 23 states, says that he has never yet had a client who was eager to go to court. Each one first tried to seek justice “within the pastoral context of the church.” NCR concludes: “Survivors go to the courts, it appears, not as a first resort, but as a last resort." Awake!—1993 4/8 p. 31
  16. "In one city that I visited, it was thought that 1 Peter 2:17, which says to ‘have love for the whole association of brothers,’ meant that sisters were available to any brother in the congregation. If a sister became pregnant by a brother other than her husband, the husband accepted the child as his own. As in the first century, ‘the untaught and unsteady’ were twisting the Scriptures." - 2004 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kinshasa section
  17. The rest of the world is finding out just how much JW's hate being shunned themselves as a group. (i.e. - Russia) So... what we have learned is that everyone should REVERSE SHUN JW"S to teach them a lesson.
  18. I heard through the grapevine that they are officially changing the official name from "Jehovahs Witnesses" to "Jehovah's Shunners"
  19. Have Witnesses Gone Shun Crazy? So, we start with shunning df'd people. Then, they shun those that drift away or become inactive. Then, they shun those that they think are secretly apostate. Going further, some people may be "marked", so they get shunned, too. Oh but wait! Does it stop there? (nope). When they had the old Theocratic Ministry School, scheduling sisters for talks was ridiculous because you never knew who shunned who. And I recall the idiot elder who said he always approached newcomers to the Hall with caution because they could be Df'd (how's that for welcoming strangers?) And arranging groups for field service? Good luck with that. You don't know who's shunning who. I knew a sister who shunned her dad for some personal offense. Too bad he died of a sudden stroke. Tough luck, sis. Then there was the young sister who shunned the older sister who planned her wedding. Didn't come off like she hoped. No gratitude, I guess. What next? The Netherlands situation is hilarious. The government keeps pushing JW's to meet up with ex-witnesses and this offends their eager shunning. And Russia? Yeah, too bad about that persecution, huh? Too bad all your shunning undercuts your claim that Witnesses aren't "extreme" - especially in shunning family This amazing Shun-Fest is encouraged by WORLDLY THINKING ! How do I know? Because the internet encourages bunching together in groups That Always Agree With Each Other. Others stay away ! Example: Got a relative that said something positive about Trump? OMG ! Shun him ! Or shun liberals! Or Antifa ! Or Anti-Antifa ! Get off my Facebook page ! Or Instagram ! Or Twitter! Welcome to Jehovah's Organization ! Following "the spirit of the world" !
  20. And it's only Jehovah who ever destroys people. No one ever tells the story about King Herod "destroying" all the newborns, or Pharaoh ordering the "destruction" of all the newborn male Israelites.
  21. in Romans 13:4, it is clearly stated, that the superior authorities are the “minister” and “avenger” of god, which makes the impression to me, that they are more or less directly supported by god. As we know, the governments are also a product of Satan’s Wordly System. Soooo to me it seems like, god directly supports something from the wordly system. This is a contradiction to me. I mean Satan shall prove, that the humans can rule by themselves or under his command and god supports an element of this world? Makes no sense to me.
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