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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. I just had to post this for those who are easily offended by a word. ?
  2. That’s the thing about sheep and shepherds. The sheep spend their life trusting and following the shepherd, only to be stripped of their coat and devoured by the shepherd in the end. Funny how that reflects the borg perfectly.
  3. @Melinda Mills You are a sister... preaching? LOL.... and that is what Jesus taught.... to not judge. This post is how JW's are taught to view everyone with their propaganda.
  4. I forgot to include JW Celebrities.... Where should I place them? Hmmm
  5. In case any of you were wondering where you "ranked" in the eyes of JW's worldwide.... this is what has been observed as general guidelines from people that have actually lived as a JW in the last few decades: Let's start at the very top classes here on earth of actual PEOPLE or GROUPS: "Faithful and Discreet Slave" - Now only the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses below - Removed Anointed Ones - Removed The Governing Body Watchtower Attorneys (Brothers who are Attorneys or Doctors) (They get invited to live at Bethel at the expense of "the flock") Committee Members "Bethel Elders" District Overseers - Gone.... Circuit Overseers (wives are slightly exalted) Bethelites are in this general area depending on age and job description.... (Bethelite women? That was invented decades ago for them to have wives at Bethel.....then somewhere along the line they allowed some "holier than thou" single sisters in Bethel if they were RN's.... they didn't stay single long though due to a pillow shortage at Bethel one year.) But this oddity has shown up in recent years. Most JW's don't know how to deal with a single female bethelite since she is obviously trying to climb this ranking list. Missionaries (Gilead Graduates) (wives are exalted) Pioneer Elders (no bonus more than the elder's wife bonus) RBC Elder (Now LDC member) (no bonus for wife....she never sees husband LOL) Elders (and ranks among them) Presiding Overseer..... Gone Secretary Watchtower Study Conductor (this title USED to mean something) Theocratic Ministry School Overseer (this old title used to mean something) Service Overseer (used to be the "pioneer elder above" often enough) Non-Pioneer Elder Pioneer Ministerial Servants Ministerial Servants Brothers Unbaptized Male Publishers Regular Pioneer Sisters Auxiliary Pioneer Sisters Sisters (married) Regular Pioneer single sister Auxiliary Pioneer single sister Single sisters Sisters who speak Sisters who try to teach Sisters who are educated with a career Unbaptized Female Publishers JW Children Non-JW Children of JW's -------- Armageddon Survival Line -------- (if you are near this line your survival at Armageddon is in the "gray area") Billions of innocent babies.... (well not innocent... they are baby vipers who should be killed along with the other heathens) Worldly children... ALL MANKIND People with tattoos Homosexuals Male Homosexuals Transsexuals Soldiers (Veterans) Buddhist monks Catholic Priests The Pope Stalin Hitler Younger disfellowshipped people (crime was "immorality" which can be understood by most since they all masturbate and feel guilty afterward) Disfellowshipped (former brothers and sisters) Apostates who don't like the JW ranking system. Olin Moyle Ray Franz Demons Satan Did I miss someone or a rank? ? @TrueTomHarley They should try being inclusive ...no need to track or keep records on people. Instead they have setup an "exclusive" system with ranks even amongst themselves.
  6. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Jehovah’s Witnesses must obtain consent from people before they take down their personal details during door-to-door preaching in order to comply with EU data privacy rules, Europe’s top court ruled on Tuesday. The case arose after Finland in 2013 banned Jehovah’s Witnesses from collecting personal data during door-to-door visits. The U.S.-based Christian denomination, which says it has more than 8 million followers worldwide, challenged the decision, saying that its preaching should be considered a personal religious activity and as such the notes taken down during such visits are also personal. A Finnish court subsequently asked the Luxembourg-based Court of the Justice of the European Union (ECJ) for advice, which said on Tuesday that such religious activity is not covered by exemptions granted to personal activity. “A religious community, such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses, is a controller, jointly with its members who engage in preaching, for the processing of personal data carried out by the latter in the context of door-to-door preaching,” judges said. “The processing of personal data carried out in the context of such activity must respect the rules of EU law on the protection of personal data.” Under EU data protection rules, a controller determines how and why the personal data is processed. Jehovah’s Witnesses differ from mainstream Christianity in a number of their beliefs, including rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity and opposing blood transfusions and military conscription. Additional reporting by Robert-Jan Bartunek; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-data-jehovahwitnesses/eu-court-says-jehovahs-witnesses-must-comply-with-data-privacy-laws-in-door-to-door-preaching-idUSKBN1K01LJ?rpc=401&&utm_source=reddit.com
  7. Vragen van de leden Toorenburg (CDA), Buitenweg (GroenLinks), Van Nispen (SP) en Kuiken (PvdA) aan de minister voor Rechtsbescherming over seksueel misbruik binnen de gemeenschap van Jehova’s Getuigen (ingezonden 4 juli 2018) 1 Is het waar dat tenminste een vijftal slachtoffers aangifte van seksueel geweld binnen de Jehova’s Getuigen heeft gedaan? 1) Zo nee, wat is er dan niet waar? Heeft u een actueel overzicht van het aantal aangiftes? 2 Bieden deze aangiftes aanknopingspunten voor nader onderzoek naar de gemeenschap van Jehova’s Getuigen? Zo ja, in welke fase bevindt het onderzoek zich? Zo nee, waarom niet? 3 Herkent u het beeld dat slachtoffers die aangifte hebben gedaan of overwegen, bij de politie een gebrek aan kennis over de organisatiestructuur van de Jehova’s Getuigen ervaren? Zo ja, wat gaat u doen teneinde er voor te zorgen dat die kennis wel ontstaat? Acht u het bijvoorbeeld wenselijk dat aangiftes gebundeld gaan worden? Zo nee, waarom niet? 4 Worden de aangiften, die slachtoffers van seksueel geweld binnen de Jehova’s Getuigen in verschillende regio’s doen, landelijk geregistreerd? Zo nee, waarom niet? 5 Op welke wijze gaat u er voor zorgen dat de aangiften die zijn gedaan accuraat worden opgepakt, met de juiste kennis van zaken van de bijzondere context, op een wijze die voldoende recht doet aan het mogelijk bredere probleem dan uit individuele aangiftes blijkt? 6 Kent u ook de signalen dat Jehova’sGetuigen zich beroepen op het verschoningsrecht? Zo ja, bent u bereid te onderzoeken welke rol het verschoningsrecht gaat spelen indien het tot een verruiming van de aangifteplicht komt? Kan het ‘verschoningsrecht van de geestelijke’ zo ver reiken dat een heel kerkgenootschap zich kan beroepen op dat verschoningsrecht? 7 Bent u er van op de hoogte dat volgens interne instructies (zie de brief van 1 september 2017 aan alle ouderlingen) informatie over Jehova’s getuigen die van seksueel kindermisbruik beschuldigd zijn (vastgesteld of niet) in een envelop moet worden gedaan met daarop de naam van de persoon en de vermelding ‘niet vernietigen’? Bent u er tevens van op de hoogte dat deze envelop in een vertrouwelijk archief bewaard moet blijven en dat deze informatie ook van personen wordt bijgehouden die geëxcommuniceerd zijn? Zo ja, in hoeverre is hier sprake van het verwerken van persoonsgegevens betreffende strafrechtelijke veroordelingen en strafbare feiten zoals bedoeld in artikel 10 van de AVG? Is het voor Jehova’sGetuigen toegestaan deze gegevens te verwerken? Zo nee, wat gaat u hieraan doen? Dit naar aanleiding van een gesprek op 14 juni jl. tussen kamerleden van CDA, GL, SP en PvdA met vertegenwoordigers van Stichting Reclaimed Voices die er is voor slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik binnen de organisatie van Jehova’s Getuigen bron: document op TweedeKamer.nl
  8. A couple of members of Dutch parliament have asked the government some formal questions regarding JW and abuse, with a small sidestep to GDPR. (translation is mine, and somewhat informal) The government now has 3 weeks to come with a formal reply, which will likely be discussed in the House of Representatives or one of its committees.
  9. From the A&E channel. This episode deals with countless cases of child sex abuse within this organization. Hear the experience of a former member as well as a former Jehovah's Witnesses volunteer who worked at the Watchtower corporation headquarters for years until she saw the governing body religious leaders refusal to respond in a supportive manner to thousands of complaints.
  10. @Bob white That is what the Watchtower Lawyers will hope the Judges says when confronted with the charge of destruction of records with THE INTENT to avoid legal problems. Thanks to this video.... the INTENT doesn't even have to be proven. This video sealed that problem.
  11. Gerrit Losch in Oslo, ending the Convention with an experience But in the closing, when he sums up the convention and thanks everyone involved he tells these amazing experiences: And people are laughing and clapping
  12. Revealed: How much North East councils make from selling your personal information See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_roll#United_Kingdom
  13. There is nothing wrong in destroying records, any organisation is perfectly well within in their rights to destroy all records. There are statutory requirements on length of retention of certain records on certain subject matters etc that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but on the whole you can destroy any records in line with your own internal management systems. There should in fact be no records detailing criminality as the organisation and individuals have a mandatory reporting responsibility. The conversation would go roughly like this: “Did A report sexual misconduct in X year?” “No” “Why did you destroy those records?” “It was in line with the IMS” “Did you take notes of the conversation you had with x?” “No. And even if X had reported sexual misconduct I would not have needed to take any notes as I have a mandatory reporting responsibility. So when I destroyed the records I was not destroying records of criminality” However (and I’ve only seen 43 seconds of a leaked video) there is a caveat to this. You can destroy records to save space; to protect privacy; even to protect commercial in confidence information. What you can’t do, and certainly shouldn’t say at the start of your presentation, is destroy records solely on the basis that those records would be used against you in civil or criminal proceedings. That is showing clear intent to pervert the course of justice, even if no offence has been committed. It’s the same reason why you can’t take your number plates off your car or file down the serial number on your guns.
  14. Watchtower Records Management (57 minutes) Here is the video being shown worldwide: IMG_3013.mov Here is the original full length recording:
  15. I watched the video: Highlight shown doesn't indicate what types of records are destroyed. So its not a legal smoking gun, as its standard practice to have a standardized records retention schedule in all companies. For example, the IRS (code section 6001) mandates retention for certain records. They will purposely use that as the excuse, even though few legal challenges would ever attack the borg on the basis of standard business information, and the real excuse is probably child abuse. One possible issue from a legal standpoint is what is considered a "personnel file" as the that must be retained indefinitely. If a lawyer could say that any JW, due to the mandatory time sheet reporting is to be considered a personnel of the WT, and thus the records must be kept. Interestingly enough, I wonder if they would consider the new publisher number enough to consider one a qualified personnel of the WT. Worth watching.
  16. Cop was having a bad day I guess.... Children can be just as dangerous as adults in reality though. He might have feared for his life. I wouldn't want the job of a policeman nowadays with cameras EVERYWHERE.....
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