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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. From the A&E channel. This episode deals with countless cases of child sex abuse within this organization. Hear the experience of a former member as well as a former Jehovah's Witnesses volunteer who worked at the Watchtower corporation headquarters for years until she saw the governing body religious leaders refusal to respond in a supportive manner to thousands of complaints.

  2. Gerrit Losch in Oslo, ending the Convention with an experience

    But in the closing, when he sums up the convention and thanks everyone involved he tells these amazing experiences:

    We have talked to some officials, some police, and one of them, responsible for security said “if all people were like you, I would be without a job!” Another Police officer said: “If everyone acted like you, we would have a brand new world!” Well it’s not far from the truth.

    And people are laughing and clapping

  3. Revealed: How much North East councils make from selling your personal information

    ChronicleLive (UK), Monday, July 9, 2018

    Freedom of Information requests reveal electoral roll transactions for all seven North East councils in the past five years

    North East councils have raked in more than £130,000 by flogging your data to credit rating agencies and political parties, it has been revealed.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses and individuals running for election are among those willing to pay hundreds of pounds a go to access electoral roll information held by councils.

    Local authorities keep a record of registered voters’ names and addresses and are obliged to sell it to outside parties if they are authorised to view it under the law.

    According to the Electoral Commission, only Government departments and credit rating agencies can purchase the full register but various groups and individuals can buy limited amounts of information.

    The amount local authorities charge is directly linked to the size of the electorate, pushing up the price for big council areas.


    See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_roll#United_Kingdom

  4. There is nothing wrong in destroying records, any organisation is perfectly well within in their rights to destroy all records. There are statutory requirements on length of retention of certain records on certain subject matters etc that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but on the whole you can destroy any records in line with your own internal management systems. There should in fact be no records detailing criminality as the organisation and individuals have a mandatory reporting responsibility. The conversation would go roughly like this:

    “Did A report sexual misconduct in X year?” “No” “Why did you destroy those records?” “It was in line with the IMS” “Did you take notes of the conversation you had with x?” “No. And even if X had reported sexual misconduct I would not have needed to take any notes as I have a mandatory reporting responsibility. So when I destroyed the records I was not destroying records of criminality”

    However (and I’ve only seen 43 seconds of a leaked video) there is a caveat to this. You can destroy records to save space; to protect privacy; even to protect commercial in confidence information. What you can’t do, and certainly shouldn’t say at the start of your presentation, is destroy records solely on the basis that those records would be used against you in civil or criminal proceedings. That is showing clear intent to pervert the course of justice, even if no offence has been committed. It’s the same reason why you can’t take your number plates off your car or file down the serial number on your guns.

  5. Watchtower Records Management (57 minutes)

    Why is it that we have 'Records Management' now? We've been functioning as an organization for years.

    Well we know that 'the scene of this world is changing', and we know that Satan is coming after us, and he is going to go for us legally. We can see by the way that things are shaping up.

    So the organization has said - 'We've run into difficulties in the past, because of the records we have' - so the Coordinators Committee said we want to systematically handle records at all Branches...

    In here it mentions that there is a 'Certificate of Destruction', that's the piece that we want to show you next...

    Here is the video being shown worldwide:

    Here is the original full length recording:


  6. I watched the video:

    Highlight shown doesn't indicate what types of records are destroyed. So its not a legal smoking gun, as its standard practice to have a standardized records retention schedule in all companies. For example, the IRS (code section 6001) mandates retention for certain records. They will purposely use that as the excuse, even though few legal challenges would ever attack the borg on the basis of standard business information, and the real excuse is probably child abuse.

    One possible issue from a legal standpoint is what is considered a "personnel file" as the that must be retained indefinitely. If a lawyer could say that any JW, due to the mandatory time sheet reporting is to be considered a personnel of the WT, and thus the records must be kept. Interestingly enough, I wonder if they would consider the new publisher number enough to consider one a qualified personnel of the WT. Worth watching.

  7. wvmn6gi7t3911.png

    Watch: Jehovah's Witnesses official says to destroy records because 'Satan's coming after us'

    The Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania, US), Monday, July 9, 2018

    A Jehovah’s Witnesses official delivered an urgent message to a group of elders at a 2017 seminar in Britain: The time had come to rethink the record-keeping policies of the organization, which has come under fire for its handling of child sex abuse complaints.

    Shawn Bartlett, the WitnessesÂ’ record management overseer, explained that handwritten notes and drafts of internal documents needed to be destroyed because of the potential legal harm they posed to the organization, which has 8 million followers worldwide and more than a dozen congregations in the Philadelphia area.

    “The question is: Why has this come up?” Bartlett said, according to a video recording of the seminar that was leaked online earlier this year by an anonymous insider.

    “Well, we know that the scene of this world is changing, and we know Satan’s coming after us, and he’s going to go for us legally. We can see by the way things are shaping up. So the organization has said, ‘We’ve run into difficulties in the past because of the records we have.'”




  8. 2 Kings 2:23-25 One day Elisha, Elijah's bitch, was walking to Bethel (not the one in New York). Some smart-ass kids decide to jokingly call him bald, which, would stand to reason, he was. So what does a spiritually mature man like Elisha do? He curses the children in the name of Jeholoahbah . Jeholoahbah decides it fitting that these children die, so he blesses Elijah's petty request and has two she-bears "[tear] 42 of the children to pieces". Elisha just sloughs this off and makes on his merry way to Mount Carmel (wasn't he headed to Bethel? Sounds like Elisha has ADD). The moral of the story kids is that you should respect your ELDERS, or Jeholoahbah may murder you for something as trivial as calling someone bald. Thank you oh merciful God Jeholoahbah.


  9. k9wfl1ihus811.png

    From the sports pages of the UK newspaper The Mail on Sunday - the Sunday 'sister' newspaper to the The Daily Mail.

    Over one million copies are distributed every Sunday - making it the second most popular Sunday newspaper in the UK, after The Sun on Sunday.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses get everywhere... even when they are banned

    The Mail on Sunday (UK), Sunday, July 8, 2018 - page 79

    [third section in column]

    Two women, Anastasia and Elena, who approach in the sunshine of Samara's beautiful Volga embankment to say 'you are English?' turn out to be Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They talk about their lives. It transpires that mine is far easier than theirs. Russia and North Korea are the only two countries on earth where Jehovah's Witnesses are outlawed. Human Rights Watch reports that one Russian in their number faces a 10-year jail term, as a member of an 'extremist organisation'.


  10. gfwmvghl5t811.png

    An article in Aftenposten, Norway's largest printed newspaper by circulation.

    18,000 join together at Norway's biggest Bible convention

    Aftenposten (Norway), Monday, July 9, 2018 - front page (via Google Translate)

    Tens of thousands gathered at the Bible meeting in the Telenor Arena

    Aftenposten (Norway), Monday, July 9, 2018 - pages 26 & 27 (via Google Translate)

    PICTURE: It's not every day 18,000 smartly-dressed people vote in the hymn "He's shouting" (??) at the Telenor Arena.

    Never before have so many been gathered for Bible teaching in Baerum, according to the organizer.

    "Why do not we have to give up when we encounter difficulties?" Asks the leader from the small scene in the middle of Telenor Arena.

    From the stand, 18,500 spectators follow the big screens in the hall. One side is set to the English version of the discussion about the Bible.

    "It is the highlight of the summer," says Andreas Hansen from Drammen, who is one of 60,000 who visited Jehovah's Witnesses at Fornebu this weekend.

    Community feeling

    The whole rest of the family has visited Alta to eastern Norway to attend the greatest gathering of Jehovah's Witnesses in Norway.

    "It's a party and a holiday, then you're looking forward to dressing up," said Hansen, who has taken the lead for the occasion.

    "We have become familiar with people from very many countries, it is a very common sense," says wife Kristin L. Hansen.

    In total, nearly 60,000 visitors have been to the Telenor arena just outside Oslo since Friday.

    Overall at Ullevål in 1965

    Jehovah's Witnesses have more than eight million members in 240 countries. In addition, children and others who are not actively involved are coming. In Norway, there are almost 12,000 so-called "active publishers" distributed in 167 congregations.

    "Stevnet is open and free for anyone who wants to participate," says Tom Frisvold, press contact for the event.

    Every summer, the witnesses gather together in Norway, but for the first time since 1965 they have gathered for an international joint event in Oslo.

    At that time, the stadium was Ullevål stadium, the day after a national match. Thus, the witnesses had to spend the entire night clearing up the 7,000 foreign guests, they wrote on their webpages.

    Meeting with packed lunches

    3,500 participants were invited from the United States, the UK, the Netherlands, Nepal, Japan, Australia, Sweden and Finland. For the sake of efficiency, the Norwegians have taken a packed lunch, while the foreign delegates receive food packages.

    "They take good care of us. I get tears in my eyes, there is so much love, "said Erica Brown from Pennsylvania, USA.

    When the congregations were invited to attend the poll in Norway, she submitted an application.

    "I've been waiting for this since October," said Brown.

    The married couple Sadanori and Kayoko Fujito Nakatsu from Kobe in Japan visit Norway for the first time to attend the poll.

    "It's a beautiful country. We are here to meet other witnesses, they say.

    But there will also be some time for sightseeing after the event.

    "We have been to Holmenkollen, and Monday we will go to the museum," says Sadanori Nakatsu.

    BOX: Facts - Jehovah's Witnesses

    Established in the United States in the 1870s, first as a Bible study group, then as a religious community led by Charles Taze Russell.

    View Jehovah (God) as the Bible's true author and Bible as God's infallible word and the only necessary guide in all the questions of life. The most important activity is Bible studies.

    By 2016, Jehovah's Witnesses had 8,340,982 members in 240 countries.

    Those who are counted as members are only those who "actively proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God every month. They may be baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses or not baptized but qualified to participate in the preaching work."

    In Norway there are 11,652 preachers who provide Biblical teaching in 167 congregations. The members gather twice a week in the assembly houses called "Kingdom Hall".

    Read original language online version:

  11. The guy joins a club and only later realize that it’s a violent, even dangerous sport that he’s supposed to be practicing ? Did he join fight club or something ? How could he not be aware of the kind of sport he was going to practice joining this club ?

    Then he had to speak to SEVERAL elders about this to realize that he « should » quit. And they call that humility. The guy would have been reproved after talking to the first elder about his « dangerous » sport and keeping on practicing it.

    I don’t even understand how they can relate this story as realistic, encouraging or being something proving their point...

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