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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. And just in case brainwashing youths from infancy above with the right words to have such a "fake faith"... let's add a little pressure to make sure the youths can never leave... and in many cases they won't even want to after being told this: Yet JW's are "Champions for Freedom of Religion"???  Every heard the saying that "Charity starts at home?"
  2. A message to young people in this weeks Watchtower Study paragraph 12: How to use the website jw.org to guide you answering a peer asking “Why do you believe in god?” The answer to that question can and should not be guided. If the question was about the flood or the end of the world then yes, use a textbook answer that can be “researched” on the website. But a personal question like that shouldn’t need to be guided from any outside source. If you have a real faith or belief in a higher power then you wouldn’t need an outside source to help you explain that.
  3. English https://www.dvhn.nl/groningen/Frank-doorbrak-het-heilige-stilzwijgen-over-seksueel-misbruik-bij-de-Jehovas-Getuigen-23347220.html
  4. Dagblad van het Noorden Today a large article was published in a Dutch newspaper 'Dagblad van het Noorden'. It is about Frank Huiting, the Reclaimed Voices Foundation and the adopted motion in Parliament. The Branch office has given a reaction: According to the organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses, an investigation desired by the entire Parliament into sexual abuse within the church, is disproportionate. "The Reclaimed Voices Foundation says that this is a structural problem within our Church. We do not identify with this at all," says spokesman Michel van Hilten. According to him, the scale of the problem is not larger than elsewhere in society. They therefore refuse to cooperate in such an investigation. "Have you read that motion? The first three paragraphs are rattling assumptions. We are certainly not going to cooperate on the basis of assumptions. There are all kinds of stories about us, that we have a closed structure and that there are many cases of child abuse. But we have a handful of incidents and reports of abuse each year. Reclaimed Voices can only arrive with 301 cases if those issues have been taken out of context, through double counting or if other types of issues are counted as abuse. Jehovah's Witnesses refuse contact with Reclaimed Voices. "No, we are not going to go along with that. They have hired a lawyer, they work through the media, and the phase of constructive consultation has long since ended. The Church sees no reason for internal research either: "We have seriously considered it, though. We are not an apathetic organisation, without any self-reflection. We have set up a very sound protocol for this. Our protocol is a compilation of our efforts to protect children within our community. Because our protocol has been posted on our website, everyone now has access to our working methods. Once again, there are many calls, without any knowledge of the facts. Such an investigation is shooting with a cannon on a mosquito." source in Dutch: Dagblad van het Noorden
  5. English Zahlreiche negative Medienberichte über einen systematisch skandalösen Umgang mit Missbrauchsfällen zwang die Religionsgemeinschaft zu einem umfassenden Gegenschlag auszuholen. Die Vorwürfe auszusitzen war eine jahrelange Taktik, was aber nicht dazu geführt hat, dass die Vorwürfe abnahmen. Nun hat man sich entschieden in den Angriff über zu gehen und pauschal alle Medien, die negative Informationen über Zeugen Jehovas verbreiten, als boshaft, teuflisch und verlogen zu verurteilen, um sie auf diese Weise zu diskreditieren. In der Zeitschrift Wachtturm vom August 2018 (Studienausgabe) unter der Ãœberschrift „Kennst du die Fakten“ werden nun alle Gläubigen darauf eingeschworen wie sich Zeugen Jehovas richtig zu positionieren haben. Dazu einige Auszüge aus dem Artikel: Absatz 1: „der Teufel und seine Welt will unser Denken verdrehen“. Anfänglich wird gezeigt wer die Feinde sind, der Teufef und die gesamte „seine“ Welt. Hier wird der allumfassende Konflikt, in dem die Gläubigen stecken, deutlich. Absatz 3: „Wir müssen vorsichtig sein und dürfen nicht alles glauben, was wir hören“. Ein guter Rat, wenn damit nicht gemeint ist: Absatz 6: „Besonders vorsichtig müssen wir sein, wenn es um Berichte über Gottes Volk geht. Vergessen wir nicht: Der Teufel ist der Ankläger von Gottes treuen Dienern [Zeugen Jehovas]“ dann„überrascht es uns nicht, wenn wir empörende Berichte über Jehovas Zeugen hören“. Hier wird klar: Berichte sind besonders dann falsch, wenn negativ über Zeugen Jehovas berichtet wird. Negativ = falsch. Absatz 15: „Die Bibel warnt davor, sich auf den eigenen Verstand zu verlassen“. Was in jeder fundamentalistischen Sekte den Gläubigen immer wieder eingebläut wird ist, seinen eigenen Verstand nicht zu gebrauchen sondern ausschließlich den Führern der Religionsgemeinschaft zu vertrauen. In einem Kasten wird gezeigt wo die Gläubigen sich informieren sollten: Ausschließlich auf den Internetseiten der Wachtturmgesellschaft können zuverlässige Informationen gefunden werden. Es bleibt ein Rätsel wie diese Religionsgemeinschaft eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts werden konnte, wenn man sich jene manipulativen und gesellschaftsfeindlichen Ansichten durchliest. https://www.jw.org/de/publikationen/zeitschriften/wachtturm-studienausgabe-august-2018/kennst-du-die-fakten/ Deutsch source: https://www.tips.at/news/wien/land-leute/432661-zeugen-jehovas-erklaeren-den-medien-den-krieg
  6. Jehovah's Witnesses declare war on the media By: Richard Wagner Numerous negative media reports about a systematically scandalous handling of abuse cases forced the religious community to make a comprehensive counter-attack. The allegations were a year-long tactics, but this has not led to the allegations decreased. Now they have decided to go over the attack and sweep up all the media that disseminate negative information about Jehovah's Witnesses as malicious, devilish, and hypocritical in order to discredit them in this way. In the magazine Watchtower of August 2018 (study edition) under the heading "Do you know the facts" now all believers are sworn to how to position Jehovah's Witnesses correctly. Here are some excerpts from the article: In a box is shown where the believers should inform themselves: Only on the websites of the Watchtower Society reliable information can be found. It remains a mystery how this religious community could become a public corporation by reading those manipulative and anti-social views. https://www.jw.org/de/publikationen/zeitschriften/wachtturm-studienausgabe-august-2018/kennst-du-die-fakten/ Note: Just take out the "B" in Borg Source in German: https://www.tips.at/news/wien/land-leute/432661-zeugen-jehovas-erklaeren-den-medien-den-krieg Tips is a regional newspaper in Upper Austria (there it appears weekly), Lower Austria (in Amstetten weekly, otherwise partly biweekly, partly monthly) Founded in 1986, the newspaper is part of the Wimmer Medien Group ( Oberösterreichische Nachrichten ). The publisher and owner is Rudolf Andreas Cuturi. In 2017, there will be 30 Tips-Regional editions, 16 of them in Upper Austria and 14 in Lower Austria. According to Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyzes MA 16 - Regional Weekly Papers, Tips has more than 1.1 million readers per issue in Upper and Lower Austria, which corresponds to a coverage of 65.6% in Upper Austria. The newspaper is delivered to all households as a direct mailing.
  7. Watchtower, Study Edition, March 15th, 2015 Loyally Supporting Christ’s Brothers Link: https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015207 This article is a doozy. It has many points of interest that carefully play on words, and emotionally manipulate the reader. It really is something. Pay special attention to paragraphs 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, and 18. These paragraphs clearly highlight anyone who is not an active JW will be judged a goat and be killed. Also, spectacularly, those paragraphs point that if you want to be judged a sheep, meaning to not be killed by God imminently, you need to a)recognize the divine authority of the Governing Body, b) obey the organization unquestioningly, c) preach to recruit new members, and d) give financially to the organization. This article sealed the deal for me. I'm sorry but only a cult would wield the fear of divine destruction to demand divinity status, loyalty, obedience, and money. Some more source material: Gods Kingdom Rules! Chapter 21, Paragraph 17 Link: https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102014263#h=25 Here we are told that the goats, who are comprised of everyone from kings to slaves, will be sent to everlasting cutting off. This material is great for discussing how a God of Love could murder billions: Watchtower, December 1st, 2005 Armageddon - A Happy Beginning Link: https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005881?q=armageddon&p=par This wonderful article is a real gem. It compares the murder of billions of human beings, including children, to a home owner exterminating pests. I kid you not. They use the word pest when describing the destruction of people. Real people.
  8. Dear Brothers: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in May of this year with the objective of harmonizing data protection laws in countries subject to European Union Law. The GDPR, among other things, will introduce new rights for individuals and significantly increase penalties for non-compliance. Consequently, all congregations will need to adjust the way they handle personal data. In preparation for the implementation of the GDPR, please take the following steps: All elders should immediately become familiar with the contents of the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) and Instructions for Use of Personal Data (S-291) forms (attached) and the Use of Personal Data page in the “Privacy Policy” section of jw.org. The S-290 and S-291 forms will be available in the “Forms” section of the “Documents” tab on jw.org. Please follow the direction in the April 2018 Announcements and Reminders (S-147) form about informing the congregation of the GDPR and action to be taken by group overseers and the secretary. In relation to paragraphs 4-6 of the Instructions for Use of Personal Data (S-291) form, please note the following: For data protection purposes, in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland a minor is a person below 13 years of age. Where a person is a minor, the holder of parental responsibility should sign the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form. Usually this will be one or both of the minor’s parents but could include others if, for example, this is specified in a court order. In the United Kingdom only one holder of parental responsibility need give consent. However, in the Republic of Ireland two holders of parental responsibility must sign the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290). Thank you very much for your diligence and good cooperation in implementing this new procedure. Changes in the secular law at times require that we make adjustments to organizational procedures. Such adjustments, however, often result in protecting and bolstering our privacy rights and those of our brothers and sisters. (Dan. 6:4; Rom. 13:1) We take this opportunity to send our warm Christian love and best wishes. Yours brothers, Legal Department INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PERSONAL DATA: S-291-E (March 2018) Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 “Personal data” is data that can identify a person, such as his name, address, phone number, or age, including pictures and videos. “Sensitive personal data” is any personal data that reveals someone’s racial/ethnic origin, religious beliefs, physical/mental health, or sexual life. 2 Data protection regulations require that consent must be provided by a publisher in order for the congregation and branch office to collect and transfer his personal data in a lawful manner. Failure to comply with such regulations could bring reproach on the organization and lead to large fines and/or criminal prosecution of the organization, as well as of individuals.—Rom. 13:1. 3 The Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form should be used so that: (1) the organization can properly inform the publisher of the use of his personal data; (2) the publisher is aware of the information provided on the Use of Personal Data page in the Privacy Policy section on jw.org; and (3) the publisher can consent to the use and transfer of his personal data for certain religious activities. REQUESTING CONSENT 4 A publisher, or the parent or legal guardian of a publisher who is a minor, should be invited by an elder to complete a Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form on the following occasions: (1) When an individual is newly approved to become an unbaptized publisher (2) When a publisher (baptized or unbaptized) moves into the congregation and a signed consent form is not received with the letter of introduction (3) When an individual is reactivated or reinstated as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses regardless of whether the publisher previously signed a consent form or not 5 When inviting an individual to complete the consent form, the elder should explain the purpose of the form and, if needed, provide a printed copy of the Use of Personal Data page that is found in the Privacy Policy section on jw.org. The Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data form is available in a variety of languages. It should be provided to the individual in the language he understands best. The elder should take the time to answer any questions the individual may have. The individual should be given the opportunity to read the complete Use of Personal Data page and to return the signed form within a reasonable period of time. 6 When inviting the parent or legal guardian of a publisher who is a minor to submit the form on behalf of the minor, the minor’s name should be printed on the top portion of the form. However, the minor should not sign or date the form. If local regulations require that both parents provide consent on behalf of a minor, then the second parent’s signature, name, and date should be written below that of the first parent. When the publisher reaches the age at which he is no longer considered a minor, he should be asked to sign and date the consent form already on file for him. 7 Individuals who desire to present student assignments during the Life and Ministry Meeting but who are not yet publishers do not need to sign a Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data form. TRANSFERS TO ANOTHER CONGREGATION 8 When a publisher transfers to another congregation, the signed Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form should be sent to the new congregation with the letter of introduction and Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21) cards. If the publisher refused to sign a consent form, call the Service Department before sending a letter of introduction. CONGREGATION FILE 9 The congregation secretary is responsible for maintaining the signed Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) forms in the congregation file. The secretary should keep the body of elders informed if anyone refuses to complete the form or later revokes his consent. The signed consent form for a publisher should be kept in the congregation file for as long as any records for that individual are retained. REFUSAL TO CONSENT 10 An adult publisher might initially refuse to sign the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form. If this occurs, an elder should take the time to answer any questions the publisher may have. Often, a clear explanation can help the publisher to feel comfortable with providing consent. However, the publisher should not feel pressured to sign the form. If consent for the use of personal data is not provided, the affected individual may remain a publisher (baptized or unbaptized) and the congregation may keep his personal data related to his activity as a publisher, including the information recorded on the Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21) card. However, the individual should be informed that the congregation or branch office may not be able to evaluate his suitability to fill certain roles within the congregation or participate in many congregation activities, such as serving as a regular pioneer, a ministerial servant, or an elder. His name or other personal data should not be posted on the information board, be entered on the jw.org website, or appear in any correspondence sent via jw.org e-mail. However, his limited personal data from the Congregation’s Publisher Record (S-21) card could be used on internal congregation documents. Additionally, if the congregation’s meetings are recorded for the purpose of being uploaded to JW Stream, the publisher could not be recorded in such congregation meetings. 11 A parent or legal guardian might refuse to sign the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data form for a publisher who is a minor. If the minor is an unbaptized publisher, no personal data should be collected for him. Nor should a Congregation’s Publisher Record card be kept for him. The report of field service activity may be collected from the minor as long as his name is not written on the report. The count of the individual and his activity may then be added to the Congregation’s Field Service Report (S-1) that is submitted to the branch office. If the minor is a baptized publisher, two elders should contact the Service Department for direction. 12 If at any time a publisher informs the elders that he wishes to revoke his consent for the congregation to use his personal data, two elders should call the Service Department immediately. The secretary should write the date of revocation on top of the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data form. NOTICE AND CONSENT FOR USE OF PERSONAL DATA: S-290-E (March 2018) Upon becoming a publisher, I acknowledge that the worldwide religious organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, including my congregation, local branch office, and similar cooperating organizations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, lawfully uses my personal data in accordance with its legitimate religious interests. Additionally, I consent to the use of my personal data so that I may participate in some religious activities in connection with my worship and so that I may receive spiritual support. I also agree that my personal data may be sent to any of the cooperating organizations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which may be located in countries whose laws provide different levels of data protection, that are not always equivalent to the level of data protection in the country in which I currently reside. I have been informed about and had the opportunity to read the Use of Personal Data page available in the Privacy Policy section of jw.org and available to me as a hard copy upon request. I consent to the use of my personal data as stated on that page and as it may be amended from time to time. Signature: _____________ Print name: _____________ Date: __________ I, as the parent or legal guardian of the minor named above, consent to the above Notice and Con-sent for Use of Personal Data on behalf of the minor. Signature: _____________ Print name: _____________ Date: __________ edited to update the original links March 31, 2018 - Re: General Data Protection Regulation https://faithleaks.org/wiki/documents/9/98/2018-03-31-Re-_General_Data_Protection_Regulation.pdf S-290-E (March 2018) - Notice and Consent For Use Of Personal Data https://faithleaks.org/wiki/documents/b/b4/2018-03-NOTICE_AND_CONSENT_FOR_USE_OF_PERSONAL_DATA-S-290-E.pdf S-291-E (March 2018) - Instructions For Use Of Personal Data https://faithleaks.org/wiki/documents/2/2c/2018-03-INSTRUCTIONS_FOR_USE_OF_PERSONAL_DATA-S-291-E.pdf
  9. After the actual voting we can now confirm that the Dutch Parliament agrees unanimously on a investigation. source: https://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/stemmingsuitslagen/detail?id=2018P10970
  10. Congregation Record of Processing Activities - Europe GDPR (click image to enlarge)
  11. July 2018 - Announcements and Reminders https://we.tl/K1TH19GMUB SEE ALSO: Congregation Record of Processing Activities - Europe GDPR (click image to enlarge) Britain Branch Relocation – Visitor Centre News – Summer 2018 - Chelmsford UK ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REMINDERS - July 2018 Coordinator of the body of elders: The announcements and reminders for the congregation should be read at the next midweek meeting and thereafter posted on the information board for one month. FOR THE ELDERS ONLY FOR THE CONGREGATION
  12. And just in case you thought he meant it metaphorically or in some other way..... This quote didn't age well.
  13. The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has been talking recently about the possibility of some of them being jailed. Elders in the congregations as well are starting to feel the dread of prison time soon.
  14. She didn't learn the lesson from John the Baptist's Birthday party. This is WHY JW's don't celebrate Birthdays. Too much violence. God hates birthdays.
  15. A slightly more 'robust' newspaper article than the usual, covering PR for a forthcoming Convention.... An article from the major French-language newspaper Le Journal de Québec in Canada on Thursday, June 28, 2018. Le Journal de Québec has the highest circulation for a newspaper in Quebec City, with around 80,000-copies distributed daily. The online version of the same article has the heading: "Death of Eloise Dupuis: Jehovah's Witnesses defend their refusal of a blood transfusion" Blood transfusion Jehovah's Witnesses defend their principles PLEASE NOTE: I understand that Le Journal de Québec is BLOCKING visitors to their website from Europe due to the General Data Protection Regulation (Europe GDPR)
  16. An article in the newspaper Rheinische Post, a major regional newspaper that cover the North Rhine / Westphalia area of Germany. Please note that I understand that the Rheinische Post prints 'localized' version of the newspaper - and this article may not of appeared in other editions of the same issue. Controversy over letter of condolence Controversy over letter of condolence from a Jehovah's Witness Read original language: https://rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/wesel/weseler-familie-empoert-ueber-kondolenzschreiben-von-zeugen-jehovas_aid-23693575 Comfort the Mourning Ones
  17. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20180702/michael-abrahams-why-bible-dangerous-book http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/commentary/20180625/michael-abrahams-cruelty-kingdom-hall
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