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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. They are hoping to imply that, while it is possible for violence to erupt during a particular event in some particular sport, and it is not characteristic of the sport to contain violence as a matter of course, and it may not be obvious for a long time that the sport contains a remote potential of violence, it would be wise and best to conservatively assume that IF violence EVER does erupt in ANY specific given sport, it should be *characterized as violent. Same goes for dangerous. Under this rubric, Watchtower can gesture toward hockey, basketball, baseball, etc. The rule set of the sport ideally channels all the competitive spirit into and through the game. But, sometimes competition gets out of hand, or a bad call is made, etc. Watchtower designs that every single thing that can be constructive and upbuilding in a physical health way also have a drawback that dominates and overshadows the benefit.

    The following is the maliciously intelligent construction which, among many other instances of such, guides my own thinking that Watchtower is lead by maliciously intelligent leaders, and not by the GB, who are merely the public face that is as close an approximation to a kindly beneficent god-face as we're going to get.

    "elder, who asked Christoph to think about certain dangers before making a decision, such as the risk of getting infected"

    By associating "danger" with "elder", "risk" and "infection" in the same sentence, Watchtower tinges or taints or biases or colors the word "danger" for the foreseeable textual future. Then when Watchtower next uses the word "danger" the unconscious recollection of the tinge, taint, bias, color of the prior use helps to add a designed layer beneath the obvious. The final ostensible reading, for non-JWs and JWs reading at the superficial level, is that Christoph discovered that the sport was "dangerous" to the body. The final intended realization, for JWs that know how to interpret celestial chariot semaphore, holy spirit Morse code, theocratic dog whistle, and Walkill smoke signal, is that Christoph discovered that the sport was dangerous to his spiritual health.

    Therefore any sport that contains the potential of violence, which is to say, any sport that contains the spirit of competition and therefore the 'risk of infection' of the spirit of competition, is dangerous. Therefore all sport that is competitive is dangerous. Allow me to quickly google "sport":

    "sportspôrt/nounnoun: sport; plural noun: sports


      1. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment."team sports such as baseball and soccer"synonyms:(competitive) game(s), physical recreation, physical activity, physical exercise, athletics; pastime "we did a lot of sports""

    Sport is defined as containing competition. Therefore sport is dangerous to spiritual health. Therefore all sport should be avoided. (Go out in service and dispose of your youthful physical vigor pounding pavement.) QED.

     - Barsoomva

  2. This week's WT-study:

    The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"

    Paragraph 16:

    Humility moved Christoph to accept good advice. Shortly after he got baptized, he began training regularly at a fitness center. Other young people at the center urged him to join their sports club. He spoke about the matter to an elder, who asked Christoph to think about certain dangers before making a decision, such as the risk of getting infected by the spirit of competition. Christoph joined the club anyway. In time, however, he discovered that the sport was violent, even dangerous.

    One does simply not join a sports club without any knowledge of what kind of sport it is!

    "Hey newfound friend. Would you like to join our sports club?"

    "Yeah.. Of course.. What is it all about?"

    "It's no big deal."

    "Is it soccer?"


    "Curling? Dart? Diving?"

    "Join the club, and you'll find out.."

    "Is it golf? Oh man.. I love golf.."

    "Just sign here.."

    [Few weeks later..]

    "Oh.. It was MMA. I'm happy no one brought golf clubs, then.."

    With that disability to critical thinking, before signing up to anything, I wouldn't consider "Christoph's" baptism as a true sign of "strong faith"..

  3. Disaster relief for who, Dubs exclusively?

    Who payed for the stuff being auctioned off, and where will the money go?

    Did they pay full price for the items with contribution money, and are they now auctioning them off for pennies on the dollar?

    How many homes do they fix with free labor, only to get fat checks from insurance companies for full value later?

    Answer these questions and then I’ll give my opinion on how “charitable” this is.

  4. They are not raising money FOR disaster relief. They are selling off stuff THEY SAY was used for Hurricane Harvey relief... well, go to the FB page and take a look at some of the stuff being auctioned off. I've seen some of these pictures before from the RBC liquidation they had in Texas last year... looks like they didn't sell it all off (I did hear they held back some of the stuff to use for Harvey, but never heard from the inside that they did indeed use it since it was in Belton (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=333354840421662&set=pb.100012414456873.-2207520000.1531070431.&type=3&theater )

    I guess all those barber chairs came in handy when repairing peoples homes in Texas... that was a necessity huh?? What about all those computers? Etc etc I don't buy it for a minute... the JW's are still liquidating RBC and other equipment... Seriously, why not keep some of the items since HELLO? Hurricanes happen all the time? Something fishy is up with this... sure it will stink its way to being found out soon enough...

    I am sure that the relief is that of the GB; the idea that there were unliquidated assets doubtless caused them pain in their wallets.

  5. Perhaps the headline should read "Jehovah's Witness Organisation raises money FROM disaster relief"? So... equipment purchased using members' donations, for helping (mainly JWs) after a hurricane is now being auctioned off cheaply; has the GB received communication from Jehovah that there's to be no more natural events of this kind that would need disaster relief, so useful equipment won't be needed in future? Seems a bit short-sighted otherwise, unless they've decided they can't really get decent PR for the 'efforts' and aren't going to get their adherents to volunteer in future?

  6. Paragraph 5:

    The primary reason for setting spiritual goals is to show (the mythical) Jehovah how grateful we are for his (non-existent) love and for what he has done for us (literally nothing).... As a young person, think of all you owe to (the imaginary) Jehovah. Your life (even if your parents did all the work), your faith (your willingness to believe despite a compete lack of evidence), the Bible (which is obviously perfectly accurate), the congregation (and their conditional friendships), and your wonderful hope for the (impossible) future.

  7. They cut the ending off a little prematurely.

    "My decision to pioneer helped me sidestep frustration, straight into manic depression, and have existed there for the past 15 years, and will most likely remain there untiL I die. Not unless I commit suicide to get out the the absolute hell hole ive been in all this time - I can see no way out of.

    I gave up my youth, my education, my family, my career goals to pioneer, to stand now beside a cart.

    If i could talk to myself again, I would tell myself to run...run and never look back.

    If i could tell the young ones reading this article, one thing to learn from my experience.....

    Run, run and never look back. You have time, i dont."

    THE END.

  8. Surely a university didn’t randomly approach her and give her a scholarship? ?

    This week's WT-study:

    The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"


    Watchtower is trying to influence those who might be thinking about a university level education to drop the idea, based on simplistic and anecdotal information

    First, lawyers are usually not talking to bank staff - the lawyer's assistant is.

    Second, what lawyer ever says: "I'm so unhappy," especially to some random person at a bank.

    That doesn't invalidate the reality that just because one person noticed that some of the millions of people who followed the career path are unhappy, does not mean that it is wrong to follow that career path or that anyone who does will be unhappy. Flawed reasoning at its worst. Notice I did not say logic, because there is no logic to their reasoning.

  9. This week's WT-study:

    The Watchtower - April 2018 - "Young People, Are You Focused on Spiritual Goals?"

    18 No one remains young for long. Young people quickly progress to adulthood. Sad to say, as adults, many then regret having followed the wrong goals when they were young or, just as frustrating, having had no goals at all. But youths who today keep focused on theocratic goals will well into adulthood be deeply satisfied with the choices they made. This is the case with Mirjana, who as a teenager was very talented at sports. She was asked to take part in the Winter Olympic Games but chose instead to take up the full-time ministry. Over 30 years later, Mirjana is still in full-time service, together with her husband. She explains: “Fame, honor, power, and riches are transitory and lowly goals in life. Serving God and trying to contribute in some small way to helping people spiritually are truly noble and lasting goals.”

    The Winter Olympics? The f***ing Winter Olympics.

    So you're telling me this lady was one of the best athletes in her nation, good enough to go to the Olympic f***ing Games, a level of skill which already requires incredible dedication to reach. Which she passed on to go be a regular pioneer instead.

    And this was back in the 80s since it's been over 30 years. Well sister, you passed on a rare, once in a lifetime opportunity to do something only a handful of people get a chance to, something which apparently you had already been training to do, in order to do something you could have started the next fucking year.

    But I mean the end was probably so close, wasn't it? I'm sure you'll get extra Paradise for banging on people's doors to annoy them at 9:40am instead of the 15-ish months you'd have spent training doing a thing you apparently love to compete at Lake Placid or wherever.

    The f***ing Olympics, bullshit.

  10. * “It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs.” Golden-Age Jan 16 1924
    (This was a dozen years after medicine had proven bacteria and viruses caused most diseases)

    See more gems on this topic:


  11. “Vaccination never prevented anything and never will and is the most barbarous practice......We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold.........Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination (which) has never prevented smallpox any more then serum injection has prevented typhoid.........”

    The Golden Age October 12, 1921


  12. (Speaking about the resurrection after 1925)

    the writer suggests the following in TWTP pg 228 on how to recruit decorators to redecorate the homes that would now be available.)

    “You will have secured the services of the best decorators you can find. Some of them used to be undertakers; but since there are no more people dying, they have to seek some new occupation. Their experience as undertakers prepared them to become decorators with very little difficulty.”

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