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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. I suspect @James Thomas Rook Jr. made this one... LOL
  2. Debate article today in Metro (Swedish edition) - JW and LBGT My friend got his debate article published today in the Swedish edition of Metro!: LINK TO ARTICLE This is my translation of the article, might be a bit hurried so ask questions in comments for clarification: Debate: My parents applaud when I am compared to pedofiles and murderers Erik Engelv | Metro | Publicised: 02 July 2018 - 09:12 (text under picture with “JESUS”) Are we supposed to offer a platform for this message across the corner from the stairs where I in the summer rain was making out with that young man with such soft lips and such beautiful hair?, writes Erik Engelv. (text under the picture of Erik) Photo: Edward Cisneros/Unsplash, Yurika Palmqvist - I can today when I am outside the Jehovah's Witnesses see the propaganda machine that insinuates that the LGBT-movement is God's enemy. Can I just stand here and watch while my parents approvingly applaud this in the same place where I just a few months ago worked as a married gay man?, writes Erik Engelv. (text in box) This a debate article. The opinions expressed is of the person who wrote the text, not Metro. Metro is a politically neutral paper. - Ever since childhood I was fed with what Jehovah’s witnesses deems to be original christendom in the Bible. You might recognize that they do not accept blood, celebrate birthdays or have sex before marriage. But when you look closer at the ideology you will find, nicely packaged, further ideas that all other religions are false, that those who leave the congregation must be shunned completely and that homosexuals are equal to rapists, pedofiles and murderers. (text by vertical bar) “Is it really acceptable that the city of Stockholm on one hand makes profit from an association with antisocial messages while on the other hand is supposed to be one of the worlds most LGBT-friendly cities?” - I was completely convinced that this was the truth. I remember the feeling of happiness and community when we gathered by the thousands for the yearly convention and was given thorough education in the teachings of the Bible and how I was supposed to live as a true christian. Now that I as an adult stand separate from the sect I see something completely different. I see a propaganda machine that wants to portray the whole LGBT-movements as God’s enemy. I see how they produce and broadcast videos with messages that incites zero-tolerance for same-sex marriages. I am also reminded of Jesus, when he has had enough of the mess on Earth, will arrive on his white horse and cleanse from it all of us who believe that you are allowed to love whomever you want. This is happening publicly. On my own doorstep. We must never forget that everyone has the right to their own beliefs and thank God for freedom of speech! But we must also sharply question and make public what really was said this weekend in Stockholmsmässan (translator's note: the place where the convention was held) where our capital city is a partner/co-owner. Honestly I have a hard time believing that each and all individuals who calls themselves Jehovah’s witnesses will dare to support this. But that is how sects works in practice. They who are the leaders today know that LGBT-issues are sensitive and a fertile ground where they can create a “us versus them”-feeling. The more they see us on the outside reaction and acting, the more they see a reason to become a closed community. Are we to be silent? Can I just stand here and watch while my parents approvingly applaud this in the same place where I just a few months ago worked as a married gay man? Is it really acceptable that the city of Stockholm on one hand makes profit from an association with antisocial messages while on the other hand is supposed to be one of the worlds most LGBT-friendly cities? Are we supposed to offer a platform for this message across the corner from the stairs where I in the summer rain was making out with that young man with such soft lips and such beautiful hair? Ironically enough I am reminded of a verse in the old testament that is commonly used in their religious rhetoric. "Don't be afraid, for there are more on our side than on theirs". You know what? I think there are many more of us that approves of the idea that all people have the same worth and has equal rights. I am convinced that we are going to be much more numerous when we celebrate all the Pride parades all over the country than the religious group was when they gathered at Stockholmsmässan. Love conquers all. That is written. Even i their Bible. Erik Engelv (text in box) About the author Age: 34. Location: Stockholm. Occupation: Head of sales. (text in box) Do you need a listening ear? Hjälpkällan is a religiously and politically neutral organisation that offers support and information to persons who has been, is, or want to leave or join a closed religious community. Read more at: hjalpkallan.se
  3. A major front page headline and two page article in Sweden's Metro newspaper. The Metro newspaper is a free newspaper that distributes 550,000-copies daily with a daily readership of some 1,153,000 people http://www.tmnww.com/metro-network/metro-europe/metro-sweden HBTQ = Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer. Defector: Jehovah's film dangerous to the children Jehovah's Witnesses Show Movies That Disregard Children's HBTQ - Missing permission I'm compared to pedophiles and killers - to the joy of the sect
  4. 20-year-old woman suffers optic neuropathy after heavy period Non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy secondary to menorrhagia in a young healthy woman
  5. @John Houston The first time on global JW Broadcasting as a global teacher. Funny how they can't do it from the platform in a hall or convention site.....but they can to a GLOBAL audience via TV Evangelism. So the scripture should now read... be silent... unless you are looking straight into the camera for TV Evangelism? Or maybe it should say ... just do stand up like a man during TV Evangelism? For that would be wrong. In 30 years JW Broadcasting will be using blonds in tight dresses to read a teleprompter like FOX news and say... "They aren't teaching... they are just reading".....our words. And since they are prettier to look at than Geoffrey Jackson... it helps keep our illiterate viewership tuned in.
  6. Â Item about child sexual abuse within community of Jehovah's Witnesses, RTL News (Netherlands), June 28th, 2018
  7. Can i just ask you to remind the co-ordinator of the following! 1 Cor 14:33-35 For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, 34 women are to be silent inthechurches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 35 If they wish to inquire about something, they are to ask their own husbands at home; for it is dishonorable for a woman to speak in the church.… They shouldn't even be answering up let alone teaching digitally!!!!
  8. Groundbreaking occurrence at this weeks CLAM! Did you catch it?? This video segment on social media safety was, are you ready for this... ... NARRATED BY A WOMAN!!!!! *gasp* correct me if I'm wrong but this may be the first time in WT history that information was disseminated by the voice of a lowly female. Can anyone think of this happening before...? Apparently a women can teach digitally now but not from a platform?
  9. I don't really see the problem with the lawsuit. It's religious discrimination. I'd say the same thing regardless of the faith this person practices. The employer's story differs of course, but knowing how businesses typically treat their employees in the US, I'm not inclined to believe their version of events.
  10. Raley's will pay clerk who said late shift before Thanksgiving was religious discrimination BY SAM STANTON June 28, 2018 Hit with a federal suit claiming Raley’s engaged in religious discrimination when it fired a clerk four years ago, the supermarket chain has agreed to pay the worker $140,000, revise its policies and provide new training to its supervisors. The agreement comes in the form of a consent decree filed Thursday in federal court in Sacramento between the West Sacramento-based chain and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which sued Raley’s last September. Raley’s denied the allegations in the suit, but agreed to settle to avoid “the expense, delay, and burden of further litigation,” court documents say. The case stems from the firing of Jennifer Webb, a courtesy clerk at a Raley’s store in Chico who had been scheduled to work a Wednesday night shift the evening before Thanksgiving 2014. Webb is a Jehovah’s Witness and had told Raley’s supervisors before her hiring in May 2014 that she could not work shifts after 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and before 4 p.m. on Sundays because she had to attend religious meetings at those times, court documents say. Raley’s accommodated her scheduling needs until the day before Thanksgiving when she was scheduled to work from 2 p.m. until 11 p.m. Webb told Raley’s supervisors before that day that she could not work as scheduled because of her beliefs, but was told that because of the busy Thanksgiving holiday “it didn’t matter” and that she needed to report as scheduled, according to the EEOC complaint. Webb showed up at 2 p.m., but when she told a supervisor she could not stay past 5 p.m., she was fired, the complaint says. Raley’s disputed Webb’s claims, saying after the suit was filed that she abruptly left work and failed to respond to subsequent efforts by Raley’s to contact her or schedule new work shifts. In a statement issued Thursday, Raley's spokeswoman Chelsea Minor said the company "has always been committed to providing its employees with a first-class work environment and respecting each of their religious practices; Ms. Webb was no exception." "During the short period of time Ms. Webb worked for Raley’s, the company regularly accommodated her need for time off to accommodate her religious beliefs and child care needs. Indeed, in the EEOC’s allegations against Raley’s, they and Ms. Webb readily admitted that Raley’s regularly accommodated her needs. "The EEOC’s and Ms. Webb’s entire claim was based on Ms. Webb’s allegation that Raley’s provided her with a shift on Wednesday, November 26, 2014, that conflicted with her religious observance. On that day, Ms. Webb abruptly left work. When store management attempted to call her to discuss her departure from work, she refused to respond. "Ultimately, the company separated her employment because Ms. Webb did not report to work for subsequent shifts and did not reply to the company’s attempts to contact her." The consent agreement calls for Raley's to pay Webb $25,000 in back pay and $115,000 in compensatory damages. The supermarket chain also agreed to purge its records of any disciplinary action taken against her, change them to reflect she voluntarily resigned and provide her a “neutral letter of reference,” according to the consent decree signed by U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez. Raley’s also agreed to review and revise written policies on providing religious accommodations and to prohibit retaliation against employees seeking such accommodations. "The revised policy also will make clear to supervisors that upon receiving a request for an accommodation of a sincerely held religious belief under the policy, (Raley's) shall consider the request and engage in an interactive process," the consent decree says, adding that the policy will "clarify that an employer has an obligation to provide reasonable accommodations." The consent decree will be in effect for three years and includes a requirement that a notice about the agreement be posted in the Chico store on an employee bulletin board or other visible locations. Raley's is a privately held company with 123 stores in Northern California and Nevada and employs about 12,000 people. Source http://amp.sacbee.com/news/business/article214014214.html
  11. The return of André From the October 2018 Watchtower: "André" is code for "We're about to make up some shit you shouldn't believe." A.N.D.R.E. is an acronym for: A Nobody who Doesn’t Really Exist Seriously though... why do they even put out these unsubstantiated reports of people's whose names have been changed? Why would a modern reader just eat it up? Sort of like this forum.... Jack Ryan is a newly appointed member of the US Branch commitee who says "the urgency of the times is clearly seen from the evident works of the once mighty RBC's..... blah blah blah..." The world doesn't work like this anymore.
  12. Oct. 2018 W. Study Edition “Speaking the Truth” par.6,7 “Religious leaders who lie are especially guilty because they endanger the future life prospects of those who believe their lies. If an individual accepts a false teaching and practices something that is actually condemned by God, it can cost that person his eternal life. Jesus knew that the religious leaders in his day were guilty of such deception. He told them to their face: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you travel over sea and dry land to make one convert, and when he becomes one, you make him a subject for Gehenna [everlasting destruction] twice as much so as yourselves.” Jesus condemned those false religious leaders in the strongest terms. They truly were ‘from their father the Devil, a murderer.’ Whether called pastors, priests, rabbis, swamis, or by some other title, religious leaders abound in the world today. Like their first-century counterparts, they are “suppressing the truth” from God’s Word and have “exchanged the truth of God for the lie.” They promote such false teachings as “once saved, always saved,” the immortality of the human soul, reincarnation, and the foolish idea that God would condone homosexual lifestyles and same-sex marriages.”
  13. If you start seeing the video at minute 2:51, Lawyer Diego says he has another case of a JW girl, minor, 17 years old also needing a blood transfusion; she's from the countryside, Guanajuato State, México. Diego Fernández de Cevallos is one of Méxicos top 10 best lawyers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diego_Fern%C3%A1ndez_de_Cevallos He opens the TV interview with a talk of the 7 years old Rarámuri ethnic girl in a need of a blood transfusion with J-Dubs fathers https://elmercurio.com.mx/nacional/scjn-atrae-caso-madre-rechazo-transfusion-a-nina-leucemia https://www.elsiglodetorreon.com.mx/noticia/1471928.perfilan-aval-a-transfusion-pese-a-religion.html
  14. It appears that the above charity has been removed however I did find all these Assembly Halls on there now:
  15. Kingdom Ministry, April 2003, page 5: "In some lands baggy, oversized clothing is popular, but this style does not present a fitting appearance for a minister of God."
  16. Doesn't this song sound a LOT like the old "O Walk With God" Kingdom Song? The piano is almost identical @JW Insider
  17. So Brighton is the only outdoor convention in the UK to have a platform in the stadium. At the other outdoor locations the speakers are being videoed in a room inside and then transmitted to screens in the stadium. The reasoning being given is that with so much video content in the programme then it’s not a big deal and that it means that the weather and other things are not an issue however this does raise some questions. Is this being repeated outside of the UK? Is this some kind of trial that may mean the entire programme will be pre-recorded either on a regional or even national basis? Is it perhaps leading to the streaming of the programme to convention locations? Is it perhaps leading to the large venues being retired in favour of repeating a pre-recorded programme at assembly halls, even perhaps to local halls?
  18. An article in The Times, selling around 445,000-copies each day, it is most widely distributed 'quality' print newspaper in the UK. Russia rounds up Jehovah’s Witnesses
  19. 'A cry of desperation' in Russia - The Washington Post Newspaper (US) An opinion piece in the PRINT edition of The Washington Post, a major American daily newspaper with around 350,000-copies distributed everyday. 'A cry of desperation' in Russia
  20. UK Kingdom Hall 'Developer'?? - Elevation One Building Design Ltd described the 'developer' for a Kingdom Hall in Gloucester?? Possibly a JW-owned company?: You can match up the name / location here: https://www.localsurveyorsdirect.co.uk/business/elevation-one-building-design-ltd http://opencharities.org/charities/1067184 The Directors are; Mr Simon Littlewood and of course his wife Mrs Colleen Littlewood The company is registered in 25 Urley Road, Dursley Gloucester themselves....im smelling a rat....im thinking they are JW's but i have no proof. The company website is here; http://www.elevationone.co.uk/ Now none of this is doxing - it is all within the public domain here at HMRC. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/06413004/filing-history Simon Littlewood, the owner of Elevation One Building Design, is also listed as a trustee of the Dursley South congregation.
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