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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Old Tjikko is a 9,560-year-old Norway Spruce, located on Fulufjället Mountain of Dalarna province in Sweden. Old Tjikko originally gained fame as the "world's oldest tree." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Tjikko
  2. I would rather live in Japan Japanese schoolchildren clean the school. It's totally normal and expected and starts from very early so they just do it automatically and with no fuss. You can see what it teaches them. IeoMPNc.mp4
  3. Convention in Lowell Mass June 15-17 2018...about 4500 in attendance...11 baptized (0.24%)...believe about 6 of those were kids of current JW's. 3 hours ago I am sure many remember the days when you had an assembly that big and 100's got baptized.
  4. So at Armageddon Jehovah will MURDER / KILL / SLAUGHTER / DROWN / BURN / Neutralize / cull... (whatever word you want to select) ALL children who are not of HIS PEOPLE (Jehovah's Witnesses) Wow...... Very "Loving" teachings you hold there. That is literally BILLIONS of children in India and China who have never even heard of JW's.
  5. @Queen Esther All you had to do was say nothing. Since you yourself admit you do not know. Or simply say: "I don't think so" Why do you write paragraphs? In the end my question still stands. He did in the past and we are told he will do so in the future by the Governing Body. You are the only one who "thinks" that he won't because he is "loving" Was he "loving" to the baby who drowned in his mother's arms during the Flood of Noah's Day?
  6. The governing body has finally realized that FEAR is the only way to keep the JW's in the organization. I mean seriously standing in a field with soldiers heading your way, guns out... wth? This is like the Bunker video, but worse because now there is a song attached to it... this is way too much. I forget what the song was called, but they had everyone sing it at the end. People were crying. I felt so bad knowing how emotional some people got. Makes me so mad. @John Houston See links below for the videos you are looking for.
  7. Interesting quote from his book Crisis of Conscience: "Herein lies a paradox. Despite their intense activity in door-to-door witnessing, most people actually know little about Jehovah’s Witnesses aside from their position on certain issues of conscience. They have heard of their uncompromising stand in refusing to accept blood transfusions, their refusal to salute any flag or similar emblem, their firm objection to performance of military service, their opposition to participation in any political activity or function. Those familiar with legal cases know that they have taken some fifty cases to the Supreme Court of the United States in defense of their freedom of conscience, including their right to carry their message to people of other beliefs even in the face of considerable opposition and objections. In lands where constitutional liberties protect them, they are free to exercise such rights without hindrance. In other countries they have experienced severe persecution, arrests, jailing, mobbing, beatings, and official bans prohibiting their literature and preaching. How, then, is it the case that today any person among their members who voices a personal difference of viewpoint as to the teachings of the organization is almost certain to face judicial proceedings and, unless willing to retract, is liable for disfellowshipment?"
  8. @Queen Esther So he killed the babies / children during the flood. Why will he not kill more billions of babies again during Armageddon? Please stick to the question and leave opinion out of it. Thank you.
  9. PEOPLE WHO PARTAKE ARE NOW REFERRED TO AS “PARTAKERS” AND NOT “ANOINTED” There is a scripture that says “not all who partake will enter into the kingdom of heaven” https://blog.jw-archive.org/2018/06/people-who-partake-are-now-referred-to.html
  10. @Elisabeth Dolewka It is not news... it is QUESTION!! @Queen Esther Don't attack the question. Answer it if you can. If you cannot... I understand. I realize some may not like the question. But it is still a question many have asked at the doorstep. How did you answer while preaching?
  11. We always used to say that we would stop preaching sometime just before Armageddon. It has ARRIVED!!!
  12. w69 3/15 p. 166 Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion; We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God’s Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination. It should be the sincere desire of every one of us to learn.........
  13. w74 1/15 p. 35 - When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning?....It would have been far easier to keep silent or say only what people wanted to hear. But faithfulness to God and love of neighbor moved them to speak.
  14. bh chap. 11 pp. 110-112 pars. 12-15 - Imagine that a teacher is telling his students how to solve a difficult problem. A clever....student claims that the teacher’s way of solving the problem is wrong. What should the teacher do?....suppose that the teacher allows the rebel to show the class how he would solve the problem...he knows that allowing them the opportunity to try to prove their point will benefit the whole class. When the rebels fail, all honest students will see that the teacher is the only one qualified to lead the class....consider two things that the teacher in our illustration would not do............he would not stop the rebel student from presenting his case.
  15. sm pp. 17-18 par. 8 - Hence, a wise man will examine the things he has received from his parents, including his religion. He will keep the good things and reject those things that are not good. This is essential if he is to find the truth about religion.
  16. g84 8/22 p. 28 - The Catholic church........occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for....millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.
  17. First off, Witnesses basically believe in an immortal soul, though they would be offended at that statement. They get around the issue by calling it "Jehovah's memory". An instance of this is in the Watchtower (w07 11/1 p. 26 par. 16) where it says: So, for example, let's say that some pioneer elder who has fifteen kids (that he's successfully raised in the 'Truth') dies tragically while doing business territory and helping an old lady cross the street. He's pretty much guaranteed a spot on the ole list, so he gets 'remembered' by Jehovah and his wife and kids. Time passes, Great Tribulation comes and goes, Armageddon happens with lots of screaming and pain and clergymen getting crushed by collapsing steeples. New System arrives. (Geez! Took long enough!) Now it's resurrection time. So Jehovah consults his list and sees our elder's name (we'll call him GA for 'Good Associate' and decides it's time to bring GA back. So what happens? Does Jehovah scrounge around for all of GA's molecules and put them together again? Nope, that part of him is gone (and potentially being used in other humans - Ewwww!!!). The Watchtower explains (w00 7/15 p. 16 par. 2): So Jehovah doesn't need to search for anything - that's great news! He can just sink a shovel in the dirt and get all he needs to build a hunky bod for GA. He gets to work and makes our buddy a body. So now God is standing there with a lifeless assembled corpse in front of him. What's next? Oh, right. We need crank this thing up and get it started. This is where it gets interesting, and complicated... and confusing... The Reasoning book (rs p. 333) says: So GA gets infused with his own personal identity. What is that? I don't know. No, seriously, I don't know. It's not his body, that's already been discussed. Is it his memories? No, because that's just GA's memories, that's not GA, you can download them into anyone or everyone. Is it his personality? That's not GA either, that's just wiring. What the heck is GA?!? To put this into perspective, let's put ourselves in GA's wife's shoes. Here is her resurrected hubby, young and hot, and just like she remembered (she's hot too btw). But how does she know it's him? How does she know it's not just some conglomeration of molecules that was downloaded with GA's memories and wired to act like GA? She doesn't! And GA's no help either, because all he can remember is the good things about being GA. So neither of them know if GA is the real deal. They're both useless! And to really complicate things the Insight book (it-2 p. 786) says: Wait! What?!? Now, to be fair, this sentence is in a paragraph about those with the creepy heavenly calling. But it specifically says that the soul is different than the body - it's the person, apart from the body. In fact, it sounds a lot different than just being in Jehovah's memory. If I take GA's soul and put it back into some body (any body) - that's GA? Apparently, but don't ask me to explain, cuz' I don't get it. To me, it sounds like something survived when GA's body didn't, and when that got implanted in a new body it became new GA. This brings us back to Witnesses believe in an immortal soul. They really really want to believe that their dead loved ones will live again. But they also believe that there isn't anything that actually is the person, just memories in Jehovah's head. In that case, they can never be sure that their resurrected loved ones are who they used to be. This would terrify them if they ever took the time to think about it. But thankfully we can rest assured that Witnesses won't think about this and therefore we won't ever have to talk about GA ever again.
  18. Both English and Spanish congregations are having reorganizations. It is not clear if this will result in Kingdom Hall closures. A special meeting was held in Yuba City last Saturday with a little over a dozen circuit overseers and all elders concerned (some say it was almost a thousand). A Spanish language reorganization was to follow, occurring yesterday. Members of the branch attended. Announcements on the results of this meeting will be announced this midweek meeting. 90% Chance halls will be combined and sold They're not going to go through all the work of 'reorganizing' and not close any Halls. From what I've heard, land is going for crazy prices out there so I'm sure they're motivated to sell some Halls.
  19. 2018 Circuit Overseer Guidelines https://1drv.ms/b/s!AmCrvJcXI6M6gQZStHQDNcA1BvXr
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