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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Would a Hebrew have understood the prohibition on pork as meaning he had to avoid "major" pig fractions (ham, bacon, ribs) but "minor" pig fractions like pickled feet and fried pork rinds were ok?
  2. Jehovah's Witness sexually abused his niece and is sentenced to 10 years in prison Jehovah's Witness Sentenced for Violating Minor Niece
  3. En la jornada de este viernes, se realizó el juicio al testigo de Jehová, Eduardo Ismael Ávila, estaba imputado por haber abusado sexualmente de una de sus sobrinas. Las defensoras oficiales Silvia Gerez y Lisa Vega, que asistieron al acusado, solicitaron la absolución de éste por el beneficio de la duda, y subsidiariamente una pena mínima por abuso sexual simple Mientras que la fiscal Gabriela Gauna había requerido una condena de 13 años de prisión Finalmente, fue condenado por 10 años de prisión. http://www.nuevodiarioweb.com.ar/noticias/2018/06/15/153541-testigo-de-jehova-abuso-sexualmente-de-su-sobrina-y-fue-condenado-a-10-anos-de-prision
  4. Le Point (France), Saturday, June 16, 2018 (via Google Translate)
  5. Deux hommes ont été mis en examen pour tentative de meurtre. L'un d'eux est suspecté d'avoir tenté d'assassiner son épouse dont il ne pouvait pas divorcer. 16/06/2018 à 10:08 Par Stéphane Sellami Les faits se sont produits au mois de juin 2017 du côté de Champs-sur-Marne (Seine-et-Marne). © Patrick Fouque/ Photo12/ Abonnez-vous Il aura fallu près d'un an d'enquête aux policiers de la brigade criminelle de la direction régionale de la police judiciaire de Versailles (Yvelines) pour mettre au jour le glaçant scénario d'une tentative de meurtre sur une témoin de Jéhovah, ce mouvement religieux pré-millénariste qui fédère plus de 8 millions de membres actifs à travers le monde. Selon nos informations, un homme âgé d'une trentaine d'années a été mis en examen pour « tentative d'homicide » à la mi-mai par un juge d'instruction de Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), avant d'être placé en détention provisoire. Un complice, employé comme lui dans le secteur du bâtiment, a suivi le même chemin. Ce dernier a reconnu qu'il avait été recruté par le premier afin de lui prêter main-forte dans l'exécution d'un plan qui se voulait machiavélique. « Mon client était sous la contrainte morale et l'emprise psychologique du mari » estime Me David-Olivier Kaminski. Dans l'impossibilité de divorcer de son épouse – une telle séparation est proscrite chez les témoins de Jéhovah, hormis dans le cas d'infidélité –, ce mari est soupçonné d'avoir tout simplement tenté de la tuer. Un complice recruté pour quelques centaines d'euros Les faits se sont produits au mois de juin 2017 du côté de Champs-sur-Marne (Seine-et-Marne). Au cours de sa garde à vue, Alain* a, dans un premier temps, nié son implication, avant de faire valoir son droit au silence. En revanche, son comparse présumé est, lui, passé aux aveux. Toujours selon nos informations, Arnaud* a indiqué avoir été « recruté » par le mari, bien décidé à se séparer de son épouse pour quelques centaines d'euros. Arnaud s'est ensuite vu exposer le macabre scénario. « Le meurtre devait se dérouler au cours d'un pique-nique en forêt, relate une source judiciaire. Une fois la femme assassinée par son époux à l'aide d'une arme à feu, le comparse devait récupérer l'arme utilisée et les affaires portées par le meurtrier afin de faire disparaître toute trace de résidus de tir. Ensuite, le meurtrier devait faire croire à une agression par des inconnus, avant de se réfugier auprès de la police. » Un scénario glaçant, mais qui s'est finalement grippé. Le jour des faits, Josette* est conviée par son époux à un dîner bucolique en lisière de forêt. Au cours de cette soirée, le mari assure qu'il a une surprise à faire à sa femme : Alain prétexte devoir lui passer un bijou autour du cou afin de se positionner derrière elle. C'est à ce moment-là qu'il se serait saisi de son arme de calibre 22 Long Rifle pour tirer dans le dos de Josette. La victime a survécu à ses blessures Grièvement touchée, quasi à bout portant, l'épouse s'écroule, mais ne succombe pas. Le tout sous les yeux d'Arnaud, resté à bonne distance pour ne pas se faire repérer par la victime. « On comprend alors que le mari s'est retrouvé décontenancé devant le corps de sa femme qui n'était pas morte, poursuit la même source. Son complice est alors entré en scène pour récupérer, comme prévu, une partie de ses vêtements afin de tromper les investigations à venir. L'époux lui a demandé de lui tirer dessus au niveau d'une épaule afin de faire croire à une double tentative de meurtre perpétrée par des inconnus. Son comparse s'est exécuté, avant de disparaître. » L'époux blessé a ensuite alerté les secours, pour ensuite être soigné. Après plusieurs mois de convalescence, sa femme s'est remise sur pied. « C'est une véritable miraculée... » souffle un proche du dossier. Des incohérences dans la narration des faits par le mari ont vite été mises au jour par les enquêteurs de la crim de la PJ de Versailles. « D'importantes investigations en matière de téléphonie ont permis d'établir des contacts entre les deux hommes qui ont fait connaissance peu de temps avant cette tentative de meurtre, poursuit la même source. Ils travaillaient tous les deux dans le bâtiment, avant d'être mis en relation par des connaissances communes. » Après cette tentative de meurtre, les deux hommes se sont montrés particulièrement prudents : ils ne se sont plus jamais recontactés afin de brouiller un peu plus les pistes. Mais les policiers de la PJ de Versailles sont parvenus à établir des contacts entre eux avant le sanglant pique-nique. L'arme du crime, elle, n'a pas été retrouvée. *Les prénoms des auteurs présumés ont été modifiés. http://www.lepoint.fr/faits-divers/exclusif-le-glacant-scenario-d-un-temoin-de-jehovah-pour-tuer-sa-femme-16-06-2018-2227680_2627.php
  6. Convention Overseer Guidlines (63 pages) https://1drv.ms/b/s!AmCrvJcXI6M6gQS1DZKwDGsI41qX Convention Attendant Instructions https://1drv.ms/b/s!AmCrvJcXI6M6gQNn9A3WzUmDI1OV Links work fine and you don't have to sign up for OneDrive. Just press the DOWNLOAD button on the top left menu.
  7. Did You Know? You can openly and publicly question if the President of the United States is fit for office. You can question his policies, his statements, and his character. Your family and friends will not be taken away from you. You can openly and publicly question the policies, fitness for office, statements, and character of governors, senators, congressmen, judges, and various other politicians and leaders in the United States. Your family and friends will not be taken away from you. If you believe in a god, you can pray to your god questioning his authority, ability to rule, his decisions, and his purpose. When you open your eyes, you will find that your family and friends have not and will not be taken away from you. Jesus had his authority questioned many times. (Matt. 21: 23-27) According to the Bible, he would have had the power to punish those questioning him. Yet, he did nothing to them. He harmed no one physically or emotionally. You can confidentially question the ability to lead, the validity, the teachings, the doctrines and policies of the Governing Body to only two family members or close companions. Your family and friends WILL be taken away from you. You will be labeled as dead, evil, and mentally diseased. You can and will likely lose all the social connections and relationships you have developed over a lifetime. Only absolute dictators take away the rights of those they rule if their authority is questioned. Look at the examples of Stalin, Hitler, Bashar al-Assad, and Kim Jong Un. The Governing Body today will attend court hearings in other countries rejoicing when freedoms are granted to their followers. They will organize letter writing campaigns to lobby for religious freedoms of Jehovah's Witnesses. They will take legal arguments to the highest courts to fight for the rights of the organization that they govern. Yet, all it takes for you to lose all of your freedoms to be with your very own family is the admission to enough witnesses that you no longer believe the Governing Body are chosen by God and have authority over you. Did You Know? The Governing Body will fight tooth and nail for their own perceived freedoms, but they have no problems taking away your own freedoms and declaring you dead if you dare to question them.
  8. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chilean police and prosecutors on Wednesday launched separate and unexpected raids on Roman Catholic Church offices to seize documents relating to mounting claims of sexual abuse and cover-up.  Chilean national prosecutor Jorge Abbott (C) arrive at a apostolic nunciature for a meeting with Special Vatican envoys archbishop Charles Scicluna and father Jordi Bertomeu in Santiago, Chile June 13, 2018. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido The raids came just hours before Vatican abuse investigators sent by Pope Francis met the country’s top prosecutor to discuss collaborating on civil and canonical probes. Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta, a special envoy from the Vatican, told reporters that it was “very important” that Church and state work together to protect children alleged to have been abused by priests and clergymen. “The canonical process should in no way impede the right of people to exercise their right to civil justice,” he said at a news conference in the capital Santiago. Special Vatican envoys archbishop Charles Scicluna and father Jordi Bertomeu attend a news conference in Santiago, Chile June 12, 2018. REUTERS/Rodrigo Garrido Hours earlier, police and prosecutors raided the Church’s judicial office in Santiago, surprising Church leaders. Jaime Ortiz de Lazcano, the Archbishop of Santiago’s legal advisor, said he was in a meeting with Scicluna when he was asked to go to a court hearing about the impending seizure of documents relating to an abuse case the Church had investigated in January. “I was very surprised when they told me ‘Father, go to the court because there’s going to be a raid,’” he told reporters. “It’s not common that (prosecutors) solicit information from a canonical investigation, but we are entirely willing to cooperate.” Prosecutor Emiliano Arias told reporters outside the Santiago raid that he was investigating “individuals working for the Catholic Church, not the Catholic Church itself.” “In Chile, everyone is subject to ordinary justice,” Arias said. Prosecutors and police earlier in the day raided the office of the bishop of Rancagua, south of the capital, to seize documents. Rancagua’s bishop suspended 14 priests last month amid allegations of “improper conduct.” Chilean prosecutors have also submitted a formal request to the Vatican for information it has gathered about priests and Church workers accused of sexual abuse, the local El Mercurio newspaper reported on Wednesday. The judicial authorities are at present investigating “at least 40” cases of abuse within the Church from across the country, the paper added. Scicluna and his colleague Father Jordi Bertomeu, a Spanish official from the Vatican, arrived in Chile on Tuesday with orders from Pope Francis to ensure the Church responds to “every case of sexual abuse of minors committed by clergymen.” Their mission follows the surfacing of multiple allegations of sexual abuse and cover-up in the Church dating back decades. Reporting by Aislinn Laing, Dave Sherwood and Antonio de la Jara in Santiago; editing by Caroline Stauffer https://www.reuters.com/article/us-time-warner-m-a-at-t/att-closes-85-billion-deal-for-time-warner-idUSKBN1JA36U?utm_source=reddit.com
  9. So if Adam and Eve had never fallen from grace and been immortal and procreated, that means everyone ever born wouldn't have died....the earth would have been overpopulated long ago to the point where no one would we all go? A recent estimate says that by 2050 113 BILLION people will have ever lived on earth.....
  10. “...’the angel of Jehovah camps all around those fearing Him,’ — so by means of His powerful angels, Jehovah can shield His faithful worshipers from harm, IF IT BE HIS WILL...” — from opening remarks in Watchtower’s Attendant Training Video It appears that it wasn’t/isn’t Jehovah’s will to protect children from being sexually abused within His own congregations. It appears that these powerful angels are shielding no one, if He isn’t protecting these most vulnerable amongst us. Frankly, it appears that it isn’t Jehovah’s will to protect His people in general.
  11. China is not alone in having Security cameras in its cities, but what is special about the Chinese system is that it is linked to a facial recognition system that can identify people in a few seconds. China, again like some other nations, has Personal Identity Cards with a photographic image on it . (Australia has not, but drivers licences do have an image and such licences are used as de facto identity cards). That makes it possible to make that fast identification. At a test a couple of months ago at busy Rail station, police picked up 50 wanted suspects in one morning. But there's an interesting story about the camera that powers China's security network. Invented at Duke University, the inventors failed to interest the US government in the camera, so the inventor moved to China .... This Wall Street Journal Video tells the story: ttps://www.wsj.com/articles/how-a-powerful-spy-camera-invented-at-duke-ended-up-in-chinas-hands-1528714895?aid=190131336&sc_src=email_2264229&sc_llid=4565&sc_lid=152369935&sc_uid=jLHz3FHtZ8&utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=email
  12. Ok folks. Just so you know. You'll see less JW's on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc... and maybe even forums like these due to the new edict from the Governing Body directing all JW's to stay off of the Internet again. I say again because they only recently lifted their Internet ban when they launched jw.org.... Well folks... it's back on! Which websites other than jw.org do you think JW's will still use? I suspect Netflix will still be used.
  13. Video Transcript UPDATE: John Logan Haugh has posted bail since Beccah's initial report. http://www.wgal.com/article/jehovah-s-witnesses/20897421?src=app
  14. TV NEWS REPORT - WGAL News 8 - child sex abuse claims at the.mp4 For context, this congregation is one over from the Red Lion Congregation. Both Congregations were mentioned in the Philadelphia Inquirer article. People go back and forth between the two like the wind. It's absurd that police weren't called on these levels of abuse going on. And that's just (2) incidents that are being covered in the local news.
  15. A full-page Editorial comment from the Norwegian newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad featured on page 4. With a daily circulation of around 40,000 copies - Stavanger Aftenblad is Norway's fifth most circulated newspaper. This must be stopped, Jehovah's Witnesses
  16. An article in Le Soleil, a French-language daily newspaper based in Quebec, Canada - around 70,000 copies are distributed each day. Agnès Maltais calls for commission
  17. This was a year in which they were predicting the end of the world in 1975 still. Look at their magazine from 1971 and the graph on the bottom:
  18. New System School, 250 Tampico Church Road, Rutledge, TN 37861, Rutledge, TN 37861, USA On their website they say they are not sponsored by any "local" congregation of Jehovah Witness. They say they are incorporated in Missouri. The Missouri Business Registrar’s office shows two corporate registrations for New System School. One incorporation was forfeited. The other was dissolved. Will keep looking.
  19. For those who don't know that this exists, here's an email from the new system school where JWs can homeschool their children using their own publications.
  20. An article from the Norwegian newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad, with a front page 'top teaser' headline, a double page photo and an approximately 4,800-word article spread over a further four pages. With a daily circulation of around 40,000 copies - Stavanger Aftenblad is Norway's fifth most circulated newspaper.  Jehovah's Witnesses: Handling gross violence themselves, keeping the Norwegian judicial system outside Judicial Committees in Jehovah's Witnesses (box) Pursuant to Section 139 of the Criminal Code (box) It is hoped that an official full English translation of the article will be provided shortly. READ ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: https://www.aftenbladet.no/innenriks/i/XwLVnb/Medlemmers-grove-lovbrudd-og-sexliv-handteres-i-egne-domsutvalg
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