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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. OEyxSxCL6o2u1VF4hoHUbMJczEbmhO8Aur0cX9UL7dg.png

    If you "took the truth seriously" then you tend to be an outcast within your own fucking congregation.

    I was a MS at a very young age...didn't smoke/drink/party.

    These same kids who slept around and got drunk every weekend think themselves too good to talk to me in our 30's lolz.

  2. Ectopic pregnancies, when detected, are usually treated by surgically removing them. I always understood that this procedure was ok for Jehovah's Witnesses. But the subject came up during pioneer school. The circuit overseer started explaining that abortions are NEVER acceptable. A human is a human as soon as conception happens. But then he asks if there is ever a reason to break this rule. So I decided to raise my hand and mention the Reasoning book under Abortion where is says it's up to the individuals involved to make a choice if it's during childbirth. I also mentioned ectopic pregnancies. 

    Well, this didn't go over so well with him. Oooh noooo! He said the information I had was incorrect and the it's NEVER acceptable even if it means death for the mother and that such things don't happen anymore with all the medical advancements. 

    I was very surprised. Especially since ectopic pregnacies have risen. If a JW woman refuses the procedure to have it removed she risks major blood loss and loss of life. I was and still am surprised by his response. I spoke to other elders about it and they either had no idea what an ectopic pregnancy was or if they did they told me it's one of those things where it's acceptable.

    I didn't find ANYTHING talking about ectopic pregnancies in the Watchtower articles. 

    Has anyone here had an ectopic pregnancy? What did the elders say?

  3. 2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [1 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [2 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [3 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [4 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [5 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [6 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [7 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [8 of 9]

    2016 Hong Kong Branch Meeting [9 of 9]



  4. Today, I learned that the elders are directing publishers who do cart witnesses to print out the new child abuse policy printout on the website. The instructions are to not say anything, don’t argue, just hand the paper and stay silent.

  5. The uproar needs to get louder on BOTH sides.

    If JW parents want to live in an unloving world of shunning and "holier than thou" judgementalism... then they need to experience the fruitage of thier works.

    There will be more and more conventions of gray haired seniors with no family to take care of them or even grandchildren that will remember them.

    Their fault.

    p.s. - We are already seeing the drying up of Watchtower funds, selling of thier KH's and branches for $ and the lack of baptismal candidates in most of the world.


  6. If your parents shun you.... PLEASE, PLEASE also force a no contact policy between your JW parents and their grandchildren.

    This is the ONLY way for them to understand that disrespecting you is not allowed and so they can also experience how hurtful their behavior is.

    Have any of you already done this?


    I think they often forget the "Stop Judging LEST THEE BE JUDGED" commandment. Especially the latter part.

  7. How do we know this group is against public services and against state employees?

    Here is it in their own words:

    “It makes little sense to promote a pay raise for state employees who are satisfied enough with their jobs that 90% or more of them choose to remain employed by the state.”   
    -- Amber Gunn, Freedom Foundation Staff  “Do State Employees Need a Raise?”
    “Policy makers should delay automatic pay increases for state employees… This also shows that public sector employees are held accountable and don’t brazenly plunder the public purse.”  
    -- Bob Williams,
     Freedom Foundation Founder, ALEC Budget Toolkit.
    “Consumers, workers, and employers are all negatively affected by mandatory paid sick leave policies… Evidence indicates that requiring employers to provide paid sick leave benefits produces few appreciable benefits and even raises costs.”           
    -- Maxford Nelsen, Freedom’Foundation Staff, July 2015 Spectator
  8. Convention in Lowell Mass June 15-17 2018...about 4500 in attendance...11 baptized (0.24%)...believe about 6 of those were kids of current JW's.


    I am sure many remember the days when you had an assembly that big and 100's got baptized.

  9. 15 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    The  DILUVIAN  (Flood)  saved  ALL  HIS  people,  haha xD  

    So at Armageddon Jehovah will  MURDER / KILL / SLAUGHTER / DROWN / BURN / Neutralize / cull... (whatever word you want to select) ALL children who are not of HIS PEOPLE (Jehovah's Witnesses)


    Very "Loving" teachings you hold there. That is literally BILLIONS of children in India and China who have never even heard of JW's.

  10. @Queen Esther  All you had to do was say nothing. Since you yourself admit you do not know.

    Or simply say: "I don't think so"

    Why do you write paragraphs?

    In the end my question still stands. He did in the past and we are told he will do so in the future by the Governing Body.

    You are the only one who "thinks" that he won't because he is "loving"

    Was he "loving" to the baby who drowned in his mother's arms during the Flood of Noah's Day?

  11. The governing body has finally realized that FEAR is the only way to keep the JW's in the organization. I mean seriously standing in a field with soldiers heading your way, guns out... wth? This is like the Bunker video, but worse because now there is a song attached to it... this is way too much. I forget what the song was called, but they had everyone sing it at the end. People were crying. I felt so bad knowing how emotional some people got. Makes me so mad.

     @John Houston  See links below for the videos you are looking for.

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