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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. The whole world comes to the new market hall in Ulm More applicants than places Offers also from Africa Source in German: Â
  2. English Die Ulmer Innenstadt hat einen neuen gastronomischen Anziehungspunkt: Am Freitag eröffnete die „Ulmer Markthalle“. Im ehemaligen Königreichsaal der Glaubensgemeinschaft der Zeugen Jehovas bieten derzeit elf Stände unter dem Motto „hausgemacht, nachhaltig, regional, saisonal“ täglich von neun bis 21 Uhr Essen an. Initiator des Ganzen und sozusagen Marktleiter ist Dzenis Drinjak, ein in Ulm bekannter Gastronom – etwa als Betreiber der Sucasa-Bar oder Gründer von Damn Burger. Die Idee dahinter: Den frischen Ideen von Gastronomen eine unkomplizierte Realisierungsmöglichkeit zu eröffnen. „Wir brauchen mehr Ausprobier-Mentalität“, sagt Drinjak. Wenn alles immer bis auf das letzte Detail durchdacht werde, bleibe die Kreativität auf der Strecke. Deswegen gehe er mit den Standbetreibern auch nur Mietverhältnisse ein, die monatlich kündbar seien. Wenn ein Konzept nicht laufe, dann solle halt ein Neues ausprobiert werden. Auf zweieinhalb bis drei Jahre ist das Projekt angelegt: Denn es sei klar, dass das Gebäude 2021 abgerissen wird. Mehr Bewerber als Plätze Dem Andrang im Vorfeld habe dieser Pop-up-Ansatz nicht geschadet: Mehr Bewerber als Stände habe es gegeben. Und trotzdem steht einer leer. Der sei bewusst freigelassen worden, um für ständige Abwechslung zu sorgen. Auch tageweise können sich hier Produzenten oder Gastronomen einmieten. Viel Eigenarbeit steckt in der Umwandlung eines Gebetshauses in eine Markthalle. Von morgens bis abends schuftete der Marktleiter in den vergangenen Wochen an den Ständen und der Haustechnik. Drinjak selbst entwickelte für den Markt ein Konzept, das – sozusagen als Franchisenehmer – ein Bekannter führt: Die „NY Cab Food Bar“ bietet im Design der berühmten New Yorker Taxen ein Spezialität aus der Weltstadt mit regionalem Einschlag an: Pastrami-Sandwiches mit Fleisch von Allgäuer Freiland-Rindern. Der kulinarische Bogen, der in der Markthalle gespannt wird, reicht fast um die ganze Welt. Mit einem Bild ihrer peruanischen Oma (Abuelitas’s) im Konterfei bietet Diana Rapp Empanadas an. Die gefüllten Teigtaschen gibt es auf zwei Arten: Gebacken, wie sie in Peru bevorzugt werden. Oder frittiert auf kolumbianische Art. Dazu serviert Rapp etwa Causa, einen Kartoffel-Thunfisch-Auflauf. Denn Espresso danach extrahiert schräg gegenüber ihr Partner im „Kaffenio“ aus einer original Faema-Maschine, die als der Rolls-Royce unter den Siebträgern gilt. Aber am gestrigen Eröffnungstag doch einige Tücken offenbarte, wie am heftigen Schrauben an dem guten, alten Stück zu erkennen war. Nicht nur Nord- und Südamerika sind kulinarisch vertreten, sondern auch Afrika und Asien. Frische vietnamesische Sommerrollen serviert Thuy Duong, die zudem das Restaurant Asia Van in der Ulmer Hoheschulgasse betreibt. Die Vietnamesin will sich in der Markthalle auf „Streetfood“ konzentrieren, wie es in der Heimat ihrer Familie im Norden Vietnams gegessen werde. Angebote auch aus Afrika Außergewöhnlich ist insbesondere das Angebot bei „Eri Soul“. Hier will die eritreisch-stämmige Harnet Brunner-Tesfazghi den Schwaben die Küche Ostafrikas näher bringen. Gastronomische Erfahrungen sammelte sie bereits mit ihrer Partnerin Teben Eyob im Ulmer Café Omar. Und zwar in der Zubereitung von monatlichen eritreischen Buffets. „Die Küche in Eritrea ist sehr würzig“, sagt Brunner-Tesfazghi. Im Zentrum des Essens steht immer Injera, ein Fladenbrot aus Sauerteig. „Natürlich hausgemacht.“ Dazu gibt es etwa Timtimo, ein Linsengericht mit Tomaten, Favabohnen oder Zigni, eine Rindfleisch-Spezialität in einer scharfen Soße. Die europäische Küche vertritt der Italiener Mario Brizzo. Seine Spezialität: Frische Pasta. Frisch sind auch die Wraps bei Fresh-Sub, einer Klein-Kette mit je einer Filiale in Ulm, Stuttgart sowie Karlsruhe. Zudem serviert Annabelle Glaser hier Salate sowie hausgemachte Smoothies. Für das Thema Käse ist in der Markthalle Gerhard Illenberger zuständig. Der Heidenheimer ist ausgebildeter Käse-Sommelier und veranstaltet in seinem Stammbetrieb Käse & Mohr auch Käseseminare. In Ulm bietet der Feinschmecker Käse aus handwerklicher Herstellung sowie andere ausgesuchte Milchprodukte an. Mehr entdecken: Aus dem Ex-Königreich-Saal soll eine Markthalle werden Hinter der Sedelhof-Baustelle am Bahnhof bekommt man ab jetzt in der neuen Markthalle viele Leckereien. Von Asiatisch über Spanisch, Italienisch und Afrikanisch: Von 9 bis 21 Uhr hat die Halle täglich geöffnet. Seine eigene kleine Küche kann man dort auch mieten. https://www.schwaebische.de/landkreis/alb-donau-kreis/ulm_artikel,-die-ganze-welt-kommt-in-die-neue-ulmer-markthalle-_arid,10882506.html
  3. I’ve got hold on the Norwegian annual report for the JW economy, it is in Norwegian but most of it is easy translated, There are some interesting points: (1$ = 8 NOK, all numbers that follow is NOK) Total support from the Norwegian government 2017 was 13 643 065 in 2017 Gifts and contributions went down from 102 553 652 in 2016 to 59 795 802, that’s 41,6% down in ONE year!YAY! Of the total revenue of 74 620 874 in 2017, 57 076 787 NOK was sent abroad to support “other countries” and written in the annual report as expenses. That’s 76,4% of the revenue in Norway, sent out! And notice how they put it in the annual report as expenses, meaning that every year there is a deficit, just like we have learned from the conventions, they transfer money out and put it as expenses, so there is always a deficit. On page 10 they admit that this is just cash transferred abroad, without any documentation on what it is used for. They write in the report on page 5 that this is used for “emergency aid, KH building and other support of the JW organization” Expenses to KH buildings went down from 10 074 043 in 2016 to 5 257 807 in 2017, almost 50% down. They have stopped building stuff. Page 12 is the report of “The Order”, the expenses to members are cut from 6 602 745 to 5 308 486, that’s down 20% in one year. Page 13 shows how the expenses are used, 73,9% is just sent abroad. Page 14 shows the cash they have transferred. In 2016 they transferred 90 000 000 NOK in cash abroad, without any demands. Just cash out. In 2017 this is down to 57 000 000 NOK, they also transferred asset valued to 5 000 000 in 2017, 10 000 000 in 2016.
  4. The NEW downsized UK branch of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Orignally approved for a printery and 14 residential blocks, but downsized to just 5 residence blocks and...no printery.
  5. Then we have another major article, with responses from politicians: https://www.fvn.no/nyheter/i/6n0Ere/Avsloringen-av-Jehovas-vitners-domsutvalg---Jeg-reagerer-med-avsky
  6. Link to the statement (behind paywall) https://www.fvn.no/mening/kommentar/i/OnJM8w/Maktmisbruk-i-Guds-navn Today we have TWO major articles as follow-up. Below is the editors statement:
  7. "Imagine you enrolled in a college class and the teacher gave you an assignment to read a chapter of the textbook before class. Now at class the instructor now picks a someone to slowly read a paragraph from the book out load. Then the teacher asks a very basic question about that paragraph and calls on someone who stumbles through rereading one the sentences. The teacher praises that student for LITERALLY rereading a sentence and then the cycle continues. Would you consider that teacher to be good? Would you consider that absurd or that the class was worth your time? Probably not."
  8. You literally had an answer to say and you said it. I remember my mom underlining things to answer and I'd get passed the microphone and read them. Like the speakers never acknowledged the words you spoke, they'd just say "thank you sister/brother/drone so and so" Nowhere else but like middle school does this happen
  9. Here are some clues to help us find him: McLean previously owned a business restoring and selling old race cars. His specialty was CAN-AM racers from the 1960Â’s and 1970Â’s, especially Lola chassis race cars. McLean was last known to be driving an older blue or green conversion van. McLean was a Jehovah's Witness and found his sexual assault victims through people he met in church. At the time of McLeanÂ’s disappearance, he was known to have at least $100,000 in cash. McLean is knowledgeable/capable of doing home/auto repair, McLean may be working as a mechanic or handyman. In the past, McLean resided near Winchester, California, and may still be in the Southern Riverside/Northern San Diego County area. He is an experienced camper and has frequented the Anza-Borrego desert and the Cuyumaca Mountains. McLean is a white male, 5'11, 170 lbs., with brown hair and hazel eyes. Anyone that has seen or may know Frederick McLean should call Deputy U.S. Marshal Tom Maranda at (619) 557-6620, extension 240. In an emergency situation, call 911. More info at: https://www.usmarshals.gov/investigations/most_wanted/mclean/overview.htm
  10. it seems to be only the number of publishers, both baptized and unbaptized, excluding children and toddlers who are not publishers. You can compare the numbers with the Charity Commission numbers and figures (combining the number of 'Trustees' (ie elders) and 'Volunteers' (ie all other publishers) For the first three congregation in Cheltenham.... Hatherley - leak = 88 / charity = 100 Lansdown - leak = 92 / charity = 92 Pittville - leak = 114 / charity = 118
  11. Total number of publishers in each UK congregation assigned to each convention https://1drv.ms/x/s!AmCrvJcXI6M6gQB-RikxaoHcVQEP
  12. Why is it that in the US most witnesses call each other brother/sister [last name], but in the UK they usually just call everyone by their first names?
  13. Massive article in print tomorrow, a follow up from the excellent "The Elder"-article printed earlier, that was made available for us in English version here. https://www.fvn.no/nyheter/norgeogverden/i/xRWkJp/The-Elder Tomorrow there's a huge follow-up, I will not share the full article now, due to respect of the amazing work that is done by the journalists, but I'm sure we will find a solution if you have som patience. Meanwhile there is a possibility to create an account and read the article in Norwegian here: https://www.fvn.no/nyheter/i/yvrBLJ/Medlemmers-grove-lovbrudd-og-sexliv-handteres-i-egne-domsutvalg I have made a translation of the headline and the intro:
  14. Gavin Andrew Lamont, 46, was jailed for four years today for assaulting two vulnerable teenagers in the early to mid-90s and another boy about 20 years later.Picture: Getty Images. A FORMER Jehovah’s Witness who sexually assaulted three young boys says his homosexual inclinations were repressed by his religion and manifested in his crimes. Gavin Andrew Lamont, 46, was jailed for four years today for assaulting two vulnerable teenagers in the early to mid-90s and another boy about 20 years later. Lamont encouraged the teens to give him massages and suggested he needed help checking for testicular cancer. District Court Judge Linda Petrusa said Lamont, who knew he was homosexual from about age 13, had significant cognitive distortions around sex because of his religious beliefs. She said the victims, who were aged between 14 and 16, were vulnerable because of their youth and lack of sophistication. Judge Petrusa sentenced Lamont to four years behind bars for indecently dealing with a child and four counts of indecent assault. Lamont was kicked out of the Mundaring congregation in 1997 after one of his victims complained to other members, but was reinstated after doing counselling with elders. He was kicked out of the congregation for a second time in 2014 after another victim made a complaint. Lamont’s crimes came to the attention of police last year through the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Defence lawyer Seamus Rafferty described the case as complex, saying Lamont struggled with his sexuality because his religion told him it was a sin. He told the court the church was the essence of Lamont’s being and said his client tried to repress his sexuality and ended up behaving in “naïve, unsophisticated and pathetic ways”. Lamont’s parents and sister are all living with complicated health issues and rely heavily on his help and care. Mr Rafferty asked Judge Petrusa to give Lamont a conditional suspended jail term, saying he was the glue that was holding his family together. “This is a case for the exercise of mercy, its mercy towards them (his family) and nobody else,” he said. Judge Petrusa accepted a prison term would be tough on Lamont’s family but said an immediate jail term was the only appropriate punishment. In a statement to the court, one of the victims said he felt that he was “forever stained” by Lamont’s crime. He said the abuse had made him self-conscious in his dealings with his own child. Lamont will be eligible for parole after spending two years behind bars. https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/crime/former-jehovahs-witness-jailed-for-child-sex-crimes-ng-b88859067z
  15. An article in the PRINT edition of The Daily Telegraph, a respected British national 'quality' newspaper - around 380,000 copies are distributed daily. Man's sex offence was kept quiet after Jehovah's Witness elders persuaded victim's parents not to go to police Jehovah's Witness elders told abused girl's parents not to report sex offender, court told Jehovah’s Witnesses told girl’s parents not to report abuse
  16. Inside the mind of a mass murderer: WAS RELIGION THE REASON? - the Australian Margaret River murder-suicide Inside the mind of a mass murderer Was religion the reason for the shocking way a "wonderful" farmer murdered his family?
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