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Jack Ryan

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Everything posted by Jack Ryan

  1. 2018-2-5 Correspondence sent to Branch Office https://we.tl/oinwB6eOHK ---------------------------------------------- 2018-2-5 Branch Departments as Recipients of Correspondence Circuit Overseer Names https://we.tl/z1cD4YbbF7 Thanks @Atlantis4
  2. To have a child is to inflict an extra human being onto the world and also, to inflict the world (with all its problems) onto the child.
  3. @Doreen Dineoana Moteka Mthembu This would be the notable part for most sisters: http://www.jw-archive.org/post/93848932338/current-governing-body-member-samuel-herd-warning
  4. An art gallery in Manchester, England has taken down a painting that features naked women, ostensibly to spark discussion amid the #MeToo movement. Critics say itÂ’s simply censorship.
  5. Are you serious: So am I understanding correctly that the special talk will now be recorded and presented to all congregations who's language is on the list?
  6. What Sam Herd could have thought was “Why Kofi Atta Annan was elected as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1996 when such a thing was not even thought of by GB which was comprised by all white people from its very inception?
  7. The May 2018 Watchtower is now out and thought I would make a few observations. In this article we get a story about GB Sam Herd. The recurring theme throughout is the struggles he has had as a black man. He was born in 1935 in a one roomed log cabin in Liberty Indiana. His mother raised him in the Baptist Church. He served 2 years in the USA Army stationed in Germany. He had grown up, learning to be a macho man. One day, two JW girls, who had given him Watchtower mags before, waved him over as he was driving his red convertible through town. He promised the girls that he would think about attending a book study. He did attend and was impressed how much Bible knowledge the children had and was determined to learn more. His eyes were opened by learning that God's name was Jehovah. He was baptized in 1957 and was happy to have learnt what real manliness was. He learnt Jesus didn't fight and that he needed to be gentle to all. He started pioneering but in 1958 stopped as he married one of those young ladies that invited him to the book study, Gloria. Soon after their marriage in 1959 they applied for Bethel service but were told that they were not taking in married couples at that time. They were assigned to pioneer in Pine Bluff, Arkansas where there was one white and one black congregation, they were assigned to the black one. He states They had applied to be special pioneers and it was a long wait to be accepted. In 1965. He was assigned as a CO. He continued in the travelling work and in 1997 was invited to the US Bethel Service Dept. A year later he was appointed to be a helper on the service committee and in 1999 became a GB member.
  8. Wow, they are explicitly stating they have no liability or responsibility for the cart witnessing. They are shifting all responsibility and liability to the hapless r&f.
  9. -S-148-E https://we.tl/yUOV8a6N7M This one--2018-2-1 Witnessing In Public Places: https://we.tl/bBagvWadIp And--1-31-2018 Special Convention Selection Completed https://we.tl/5qwDbq5Cmq Finally--1-16-2018 Pioneer Service School https://we.tl/W7OWADc8WZ S-80-E Form Public Witnessing Supply Information https://we.tl/PXB0DDL9fe 2018 Special Talk Info. https://we.tl/TYG6JFWRrw 2018 February Reminders. https://we.tl/B3LldCNDwH 2018 OCLAM March 5-26 Answer Sheet https://we.tl/hO2tUgTJLA
  10. In each episode, host LeVar Burton (Reading Rainbow, Star Trek, Roots) hand-picks a different piece of short fiction, and reads it to you. f2c1a7ba-7d4e-4c26-aa73-ca2e3b735e4a.mp3
  11. Jehovah's Witnesses try to retain building by donating it to Spanish fellow believers PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE AIMS TO RETURN REAL ESTATE OF ANGARSK JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES TO STATE Interfax-Religiia, 25 January 2018 The prosecutor of Angarsk sent to the city court a lawsuit with the request to return to state ownership a building and parcel of land previously belonging to a local religious organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses, which are banned in Russia, the prosecutor's office for Irkutsk oblast reported on Thursday. "In 2017, by a decision of the Russian Supreme Court, the religious organization 'Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia' was liquidated along with the local religious organizations belonging to its structure. The property of the liquidated organization reverted to the ownership of the Russian federation on the basis of article 9 of the federal law "On combating extremist activity," the oversight agency recalled. According to information from the prosecutor's office, the Angarsk local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses had transferred the building and land in Angarsk, where worship services were conducted, to the ownership of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, on the basis of a donation agreement, before the adoption of the aforesaid judicial decision. "The donation agreement was concluded not for socially useful purposes, as required by civil legislation, but with the goal of avoiding the loss of this property by reason of its reversion to the ownership of the RF. At the same time, the immovable property has remained in the effective ownership of the Angarsk local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses on the basis of a contract for its use without charge," the report notes. Therefore the prosecutor of Angarsk asks the court to rule the donation agreement to be invalid and to turn over the building and land of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the city to ownership by the Russian federation. (tr. by PDS, posted 30 January 2018) — Russia Religion News. “Monitoring news media reports about religion in Russia and other countries of former USSR. This website is maintained by Emeritus Professor Paul D. Steeves of Stetson University.”
  12. Jack Ryan


    My iPhoto account has erased the last 10 photos out of all of my devices. I think it has something to do with the upgrade I did today. Anybody else have problems with Apple iPhoto? My trust level in the Apple iCloud has now tanked for the 1st time ever.
  13. 2018-01-20--Chelmsford Visitor Centre Update. https://we.tl/WKfHROyDCs 2018 Newsletter. https://we.tl/DDmGqK33di Thank you @Atlantis4
  14. We’ve all been there: you go out for a morning jog and accidentally reveal the location of a top-secret U.S. military base. Especially if you’ve been using the fitness tracking app Strava, which in a matter of days has gone from triathlete-favorite to national security pariah. The backstory: In November, Strava published a global “heat map” showing the running and cycling routes of its impressively toned users. But things went south several days ago, when an Australian student discovered that in certain remote regions—like Afghanistan and Syria—one could figure out sites of sensitive military installations by examining the jogging patterns of soldiers. Sure, the whole situation seems absurd, but to national security officials, Strava’s map is no laughing matter. A military expert tweeted, Strava possesses data “most intelligence entities would literally kill to acquire.” And the app has even caught the attention of the White House, which considers the map a “security risk.” We’ll keep all future exercise to ourselves. - Morning Brew
  15. Wow! I had my doubts, but it looks like Trump is saying enough is enough to the deep state. Nunes is releasing the memo which I think will show how the Russia investigation & wiretapping was based on the FAKE dossier. Liberals are not allowed to put out their own fake memo to control the narrative FBI/DOJ are kicking and screaming to keep the memo hidden from the American people; Trump is responding by launching an investigation of the illoyal DOJ/FBI Wildly disloyal deep-stater McCabe gone Trump is saying no to the ineffective and illegal Russia sanctions thereby indicating he will not have his foreign politics dictated by the deep state & military-industrial complex.
  16. The US military is reviewing its security practices after a fitness app reveals sensitive info
  17. Interesting how they will not let you see below the wheel where all the wires are.
  18. That is because jw.org pays good $ to Google to suppress content not in their favor and to promote their own page for page 1 of search results related to it. Information control is power. Notice the lawyers they have dispatched in Ireland recently as an example.
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